Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Welcome to DDO wiki, a collaboratively edited and written information database for any player of the Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO). This website is a comprehensive source of information for everything about this game released on February 23, 2006. Using this wiki allows anyone who is a fan of DDO to contribute and help keep DDO wiki a great resource for the game.

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  • Rise of the Dragon Lord
Dragon Lord (Fighter archetype)
Refresh of Epic Destinies
AoE ranged attacks
Year of the Dragon year-long giveaway
18th Anniversary of DDO
Anniversary Party: February 28 - March 19
  • Paws and Peril
New free quest: Catastrophe
Launch of Hardcore Season 9
Festivult for Winter 2023/2024
  • Chronoscope Rewound
Legendary version of the Chronoscope raid
Coming on Thursday Nov 30, 2023

Fourth DDO Expansion is now live!

Third DDO Expansion is now live!


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Player Characters (edit)

Aasimar • Dragonborn • Drow • Dwarf • Elf • Gnome • Halfling • Half-Elf • Half-Orc • Human • Tabaxi • Tiefling • Warforged
Alchemist • Artificer • Barbarian • Bard • Cleric • Druid • Favored Soul • Fighter • Monk • Paladin • Ranger • Rogue • Sorcerer • Warlock • Wizard • Multiclassing
Iconic Heroes
Aasimar Scourge • Bladeforged • Deep Gnome • Purple Dragon Knight • Shadar-kai • Sun Elf (Morninglord) • Tabaxi Trailblazer • Tiefling Scoundrel
Dragonmarks • Metamagic feats • Past Life Feats • Epic Feats
Spells • Skills • Skill usefulness
Enhancements • Epic Destinies • Reaper enhancements
Character progression
Level • Epic level • Legendary level • Experience points • Favor • Respec • Reincarnation • Character planners

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Everything submitted to DDO wiki is automatically licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 2.5 license (more info).

DDO wiki is not affiliated with Turbine, Inc., Standing Stone Games, Daybreak Games Company, LLC or Enad Global 7 in any way.

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