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Talk:Cannith Crafting

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  • Thanks to all who edit this page! It seems that I missed some effects: Universal Spell Focus (at all), Amplification (on armor), and maybe more. So, I will recheck data from section (Effects by slot by item, Shard cost, Missing enchantments, New collectables, Effects by slot) when non-scalable effect appears, and CC appears on Live. UL (ContribsMessage) 03:03, August 16, 2016 (EDT)
  • Deathblock is now live. Non-scaling - Suffix, and can be slotted into light/medium/heavy armor, clothing docent, and off hand weapon/shield. Bound: level 1, 10 essences 15 amber vials, and 5 vials of pure water; Unbound: level 150, 300 essences, 2 amber vials, 10 vials of pure water, 2 pale creepers, 2 Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 23:13, August 18, 2016 (EDT)

  • Modified the Scaling & Non-Scaling shard tables to, hopefully, be more legible. Previously the bound/unbound information was mixed making it difficult to read clearly. The new organizing principle is that all the bound and unbound information is grouped. Furthermore, the collectible counts and their names are separated because we need a count for bound and unbound individually but the types of collectibles remain constant between bound/unbound. Finally, I will note there were a few instances where the typical unbound value of 30 common collectibles for unbound shards was a 3, I left these as-is since I was unable to confirm them but I believe they should be 30 as well. The data that was previously there should remain unchanged, only the format has changed (I wrote a script to edit it rather than doing it by hand). Sqrlmonger (ContribsMessage)
    • So, this change broke the script for grab data into CC Planer. I need to rewrite it... "difficult to read clearly": As for me, older format were more comfortable to read. "Unbound shards was a 3" - look at the CC level of these shards. Maybe, this will fix in future. You also can look in "Scaling shards" unbound ingredient 1. There are 3 shard with "15" not "30".UL (ContribsMessage) 01:11, August 27, 2016 (EDT)
  • How does the new CC handle augment slotted gear? Is there still an artificial minimum level bump caused by the slot(s)? Should include this in this page --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 12:52, August 24, 2016 (EDT)
    • I disjuncted a piece of equipment with a slotted augment, augment was NOT destroyed. YMMV - and might not be WAI. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 12:52, August 24, 2016 (EDT)
    • Cordovan disjuncted a slotted piece of gear and it became ml:2 (livestream today)--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 12:52, August 24, 2016 (EDT)
      • Cordovan just took an item with a red slot and dissolved it to a blank with a red slot, it showed ml2; then he applied a ml:1 shard to the blank it became ml:1 --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 12:56, August 24, 2016 (EDT)
  • Can exchange existing dissolvers for new dissolver - was in last build. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 12:56, August 24, 2016 (EDT)
  • Remote Item Deconstruction needs to be updated (if still in)
  • Mark of the Silver Flame / Mark of the Yugoloth - are these still used in the updated cannith crafting?
    • Currently, no.
    • They will be used for non-scaling effects.
    • They have been added and this page accurately reflects their use Done --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 16:29, August 31, 2016 (EDT)
  • Smithy Alliance?
  • Maybe need a short section concerning the conversion - [1] - what happens to existing gear / shards / etc.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 14:39, August 25, 2016 (EDT) DDO Forums [[NoWorries] - Vampirism is in.--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 19:52, September 1, 2016 (EDT) DDO Forums NoWorries Extra effects are only for ML10+, this is true of Random Loot and Crafted Loot.--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 19:55, September 1, 2016 (EDT)

Moving all the tables onto main namespace, as its coming live. Im gonna work on putting them together as an article. It will be a bit messy and dont think we can put together a newbie friendly, well-streamlined article yet but thats ok for now. --yoko5000 (ContribsMessage) 05:16, September 13, 2016 (EDT)

Can shattermantle be crafted or is it drop only? (Message • Block • Check) 02:02, August 17, 2019 (EDT)

interesting Details (by Nurizahd)

bound-to-account vs bound-to-character

-craftable base items who are btC can become btA by using bound min-lvl-shards on them. ( a fine option for valuable old items with 2 augment slots or large guild slots)
-the Guardian/Skirmisher/Sage-items from the Wheloon and Stormhorn quest series can be made craftable..they got their unique looks, and (the epic versions) augment slots. they become btA in the process. My best recommendation for creating valuable TRing items!
-another really nice option are the heroes armors. they come as end-reward from the wheloon quest chain. the epic versions made craftable keep their high AC ratings.. thus a btC epic heavy armor with nice looks and not much more to offer, can now become a min lvl 1 armor btA with AC 31! --

Effects and item slots[edit]

Table 1bCannith Crafting/table 1b

Note: It's not possible to add extra to items with min level <=8. For create low level item you need next: 1) apply shard of minimal level 10+ 2) add extra slot 3) deconstruct this item 4) apply low level shard 5) apply extra shard UL (Contribs ? Message) 07:06 August 19 2016 (EDT)
Note about above Note: I believe this has been fixed as of last Lamannia build. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 16:19, August 26, 2016 (EDT)
Note about above Note about above Note: Work in Lamania v2, fix in Lamania v3. Extra effect can be applied to item with minimal level 10+UL (ContribsMessage) 04:53, August 31, 2016 (EDT)

Enhancements I had written a note in this section explaining how Enhancement Bonuses are added automatically and, unlike the original Cannith Crafting, you need not make a shard for them. Habreno moved my note to the Notes section. I agree that my note was probably too long and intrusive, but I think it's important to put it here. I had no idea that we didn't need Enhancement shards anymore, and I read this section to find how how to make them. I think that's going to be the experience of many long-time crafters. I put a short version of the note back in, which is hopefully less intrusive. ShawnVW (ContribsMessage) 22:21, November 13, 2016 (EST)

Recipes for Shards and their costs[edit]

Shard of minimal level[edit]

Table 2aCannith Crafting/table 2a

Applying unbound shard of minimal level:

Min lvl 1-20 21-25 26-30 31-34
Purified cost 0 5 10 15

Non-scaling shards[edit]

Important Some cell represented like x/y. This means: x - ingredient for bound, y - ingredient for unbound. Maybe this will be fix in future. UL (ContribsMessage) 07:08, August 31, 2016 (EDT) Table 2b Cannith Crafting/table 2b

Scaling shards[edit]

Table 2cCannith Crafting/table 2c

Scaling effects[edit]

Maximum scaling[edit]

Table 3aCannith Crafting/table 3a

Effect scaling[edit]

Let's complete this table: [3]

Table 3b (incomplete, copy of the above google document // Let's complete it first -> After, data can be copy with scripts)

Cannith Crafting/table 3b

  • list all scaling effects in one table - is it possible/viable?
  • get the table done first we'll think about format later. also dunnno vertical or horizontal which is better --yoko5000 (ContribsMessage) 05:52, August 23, 2016 (EDT)
    • actually no, vertical wont work for this. we're gonna have to covert Table 2a to horizontal too to match the formatting here maybe. --yoko5000 (ContribsMessage) 08:06, August 26, 2016 (EDT)

Missing enchantments[edit]

  • Hallowed

Non-working Effects[edit]

You can craft these, but you can't use them. All items don't support these shards

  • Riposte - not exist any more
  • Insight Spell focus - not exist any more
  • Bleed - not exist any more
  • Maiming - not exist any more
  • Insight False Life - not exist any more


Fate of this feature unknown at this time. More information when it becomes available. Last known was it was still going to be included. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 20:24, August 19, 2016 (EDT) hmm.. what happens to items with clicky's on them when you disjunct them in the new CC??? Inquiring minds want to know. :P --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 20:16, August 24, 2016 (EDT)


New collectables[edit]

Images with descriptions (missing "Adventuring Oratorio"): [4]

Collectables tiers[edit]

  • Unbound CC Level = Bound CC Level +150 (lvl 1 as lvl 0) UL (ContribsMessage) 05:06, August 16, 2016 (EDT)
  • Some collectable can appear in different tiers. Tier 4 seems useless. Maybe collectable real tier should treat as lowest value. Rarity of collectables is an open question. UL (ContribsMessage) 05:06, August 16, 2016 (EDT)
  • There are only 5 levels (tiers) (1-6?, 7-11?, 12-17?, 18-24?, 25-30+?) of collectibles per
Originally Posted by (former developer) NoWorries Source on July 20, 2016

Collectables will be used in all the crafting recipes. Existing collectables will be used, but to help fill out the range of collectables, new ones will be created that drop in the higher levels and drop in both FR and Eberron. Exactly which collectables and how many per recipe is still being designed.

Purified Ebberon Dragonshards (PED) will still be used as well.

We are creating a scaling treasure system for collectables. The tiers will be broken down into 5 level ranges and the collectable device in a dungeon will automatically check the level of the dungeon and pull from the correct tier. So if you were to run a level 5 quest on normal, you'd get the level 1-5 tier collectables, if you ran it on hard, you'd get the 6-10 tier collectables. And if you were to run those on epic difficulty, you'd get the higher tiers as well. We will be adding collectables to FR as well, with the Eberron related lore ones removed (so no Soarwood for example).

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 14:09, August 17, 2016 (EDT)
  • Unfortunately, tiers in this table connected with CC level. Maybe, some tier in this table must be merged (1 and 2, 4 and 5) .Also, not of existing collectable have farm section. So, it's really hard to sort it by quest level. Or, I don't something. UL (ContribsMessage) 18:01, August 17, 2016 (EDT)
  • am betting that if you merge 4+5 and 6+7 it will be right. Am also hoping that a Dev will post publicly about this. Good news is that it sounds like all collectible dispensers will no longer be limited to a select few based upon quest; rather dispensers will grant collectibles from appropriate level range (with chance at uncommon and rare).

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 03:24, August 18, 2016 (EDT)

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 17:59, August 21, 2016 (EDT)

Table 4aCannith Crafting/table 4a

Collectibles: Collectibles will be used in all crafting recipes. These collectibles can be found throughout the game, and can be traded with friends or purchased through the Auction Houses. The DDO Store also offers the opportunity to get some random collectibles along with the chance to get specific rare collectibles at limited times.

Collectibles come in four different category types: Arcane, Lore, Natural, and Cultural. An Arcane device of a given level range has the chance to drop all items in that range. Backpacks/Rubble piles have the chance to drop all categories of collectibles for a given tier. The tier and the collectible device are the only determination on the collectables received.

Alternate view of the above table:[edit]

Table 4bCannith Crafting/table 4b

See also Crafting Collectables/U32. Also there is some inconsistency between table 4a and 4b (Tier 7, item name etc) whats up with that?

I can only speculate, but original table was based upon what cannith crafting level the collectible is first used rather than what quest CR they are found in.--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 14:03, August 30, 2016 (EDT)

Collectable usage in CC[edit]

Table 4cCannith Crafting/table 4c

  • This will help to add info to collectables pages. UL (ContribsMessage) 09:28, November 20, 2016 (EST)

Other Cannith Crafting Items:[edit]


  • included in this build of Lamannia (DDO Forums). Currently only seeing Arrows and Bolts.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 20:35, August 18, 2016 (EDT)

  • according to +Cocomajobo during live event today - nothing further is planned for ammunition for U32. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 19:46, August 19, 2016 (EDT)
  • This table for arrows/bolts. Ammo craft in Crafting Device - Bound Shards.
  • Each recipe yields 100 arrows or bolts.

Table 5aCannith Crafting/table 5a


included in this build of Lamannia (DDO Forums). Currently looks like no other changes except replacing lesser xxx essences with one new essence. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 15:31, August 18, 2016 (EDT)

Collar Crafting[edit]

included in this build of Lamannia (DDO Forums) --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 15:31, August 18, 2016 (EDT)

  • Collar crafting in lamania v3: craft handwraps (with enchantment) -> transform into collar. ([7] / [8])UL (ContribsMessage) 06:15, August 31, 2016 (EDT)

On live you have to cannith craft some handwraps, THEN convert to a collar, disjuncting said collar results in 'No recipes avail' in the CC machines. Random Loot-gen collars CAN be disjuncted and cannith crafted upon. This is a very old bug on live.


  • included in this build of Lamannia (DDO Forums). Not seeing any new, higher level versions.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 15:31, August 18, 2016 (EDT)

  • *according to +Cocomajobo during live event today - nothing further is planned for runestones for U32. --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 19:47, August 19, 2016 (EDT)
  • Runestone craft in Crafting Device - Bound Shards.

Table 5bCannith Crafting/table 5b


  • I tried used Rune Arm from store with crafting device. Both devices say: "No recipes" (before deconstruct), and "Item must be keyed for crafting at a deconstruction device." after deconstruct.UL (ContribsMessage)
  • Runearms and Cannith Challenge gear are not in this build of Lamannia. Most likely next build. Cannith Crafting - Runearms and Challenge Gear DDO Forums --Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 18:35, August 19, 2016 (EDT)
    • I stand corrected - during dev event today was told Runearms are in: [9]
    • cleans in Cannith Decon machine
    • Didn't remove the MCI??? is this WAI? but MCI not affecting ML--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 19:21, August 19, 2016 (EDT)
    • Used device workstation to exchange for new runearm, then cleansed - borked
    • Used device workstation to exchange for another new version, accepted in device workstation, but no recipes.--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 22:56, August 19, 2016 (EDT)
    • Currently still be treated as a trinket as for what can be crafted onto them. Per Cordovan (Contribs • Message• Cordovan)'s livestream today.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 12:27, August 26, 2016 (EDT)

  • So far (from public thread here DDO Forums by (former developer) NoWorries)
  • "The most straightforward solution would appear to be that the charge tier, the spell itself, the rune arm imbue, the ML, and any very unique effects (such as Coronach) would stay. The rest of the effects would be removed when prepping for crafting and then you could craft on 2 effects (or 3 using the Mark of House Cannith). The list of effects for Runearms is still being worked on.."
  • Currently Runearms (using (former developer) NoWorries spelling that doesn't include the space) are using the 'trinket' model for what can be crafted onto them, so basically anything.
  • This would be a great time to also update the layout and fix the pages to bring them up to current standards.
  • Will not (should not) affect runearms without the ability to craft on them.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 14:25, August 27, 2016 (EDT)

  • It may be true that Runearms use the Trinket model for crafting, but the tooltips on some shards list Runearms as items they can be crafted onto. Are we sure that the ones that say only "trinket" can actually be put on runearms too? ShawnVW (ContribsMessage) 15:29, October 20, 2016 (EDT)

Cannith Challenge Gear[edit]

File:Frozen Tunic 12 tier 1 new.png File:Frozen Tunic 12 tier 2 new.png File:Frozen Tunic 12 tier 3 new.png--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 01:12, August 31, 2016 (EDT)

Store Items[edit]

Store#Cannith Crafting needs updating to go with U32

Augments and Augment Slotted Gear[edit]


  • slots survive through deconstruction into keyed crafting blanks

Adding New[edit]

  • there is currently no way to add or modify augment slots
  • currently no plans to add ways

Minimum level[edit]

  • Artificial minimum level is only on blanks
  • Once minimum level shard is applied, even level 1, the item is that minimum level unless higher level augments are slotted

Mass Deconstruction[edit]

Originally Posted by Cordovan (Contribs • Message• Cordovan) Source on August 24, 2016

Any updates on Mass Deconstruction?

Ah, No.

Something we are working on, but it's going to take some work unfortunately; hopefully will get it done in time, but certainly not in time to crunch down your existing shards.

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 11:27, August 29, 2016 (EDT)

Soul Gems[edit]

  • Dragon - According to multiple Dev's during recent Lamannia events : Psuedodragons in the Stormhorns--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 15:42, August 25, 2016 (EDT)
  • Confirmed imgur link

Soul Gem and Crafting Soul Gems need updating.




  • Old CC craft item can't be dissolved. UL (ContribsMessage) 05:37, September 1, 2016 (EDT)
  • Old random items can't be dissolved. UL (ContribsMessage) 05:47, September 1, 2016 (EDT)
  • New random loot can be dissolved. Need testing! UL (ContribsMessage) 05:37, September 1, 2016 (EDT)
  • New CC items can be dissolve. Must have prefix or suffix or extra. UL (ContribsMessage) 06:03, September 1, 2016 (EDT)
    • Items with non-scaling effect can't be dissolved. Example: [11]. (need testing) UL (ContribsMessage) 06:03, September 1, 2016 (EDT)

Essences and slot count[edit]

  • Dissolve trinket with fire resist (lvl 34): result 27, 34, 27, 25, 26, 28, 38
  • Dissolve trinket with fire resist and fort save (lvl 34): result 29, 26, 39, 27, 27, 32, 29
  • Need more data, but seems count of essence must be equal.

XP required per level[edit]

Originally Posted by (former developer) NoWorries Source
String exceeds 1,000 character limit for automatic parsing of {{BB code}}, passing quote through:
  1. 0
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. 31
  5. 42
  6. 54
  7. 66
  8. 78
  9. 91
  10. 104
  11. 117
  12. 131
  13. 146
  14. 161
  15. 177
  16. 193
  17. 210
  18. 227
  19. 245
  20. 264
  21. 283
  22. 303
  23. 323
  24. 345
  25. 367
  26. 389
  27. 413
  28. 438
  29. 463
  30. 489
  31. 516
  32. 544
  33. 573
  34. 603
  35. 635
  36. 667
  37. 700
  38. 735
  39. 770
  40. 807
  41. 846
  42. 885
  43. 926
  44. 968
  45. 1012
  46. 1058
  47. 1105
  48. 1154
  49. 1204
  50. 1256
  51. 1310
  52. 1365
  53. 1422
  54. 1481
  55. 1541
  56. 1603
  57. 1667
  58. 1734
  59. 1802
  60. 1872
  61. 1944
  62. 2018
  63. 2095
  64. 2174
  65. 2255
  66. 2338
  67. 2425
  68. 2513
  69. 2605
  70. 2699
  71. 2796
  72. 2896
  73. 2999
  74. 3105
  75. 3214
  76. 3326
  77. 3442
  78. 3561
  79. 3684
  80. 3811
  81. 3941
  82. 4075
  83. 4214
  84. 4356
  85. 4503
  86. 4654
  87. 4810
  88. 4970
  89. 5135
  90. 5305
  91. 5480
  92. 5661
  93. 5847
  94. 6038
  95. 6235
  96. 6438
  97. 6647
  98. 6863
  99. 7085
  100. 7313
  101. 7547
  102. 7788
  103. 8034
  104. 8286
  105. 8545
  106. 8810
  107. 9081
  108. 9360
  109. 9645
  110. 9938
  111. 10238
  112. 10545
  113. 10860
  114. 11183
  115. 11514
  116. 11853
  117. 12201
  118. 12558
  119. 12923
  120. 13298
  121. 13682
  122. 14075
  123. 14478
  124. 14892
  125. 15315
  126. 15750
  127. 16195
  128. 16651
  129. 17119
  130. 17598
  131. 18090
  132. 18594
  133. 19110
  134. 19639
  135. 20181
  136. 20737
  137. 21307
  138. 21891
  139. 22490
  140. 23104
  141. 23733
  142. 24378
  143. 25038
  144. 25716
  145. 26410
  146. 27122
  147. 27851
  148. 28599
  149. 29366
  150. 30151
  151. 30952
  152. 31770
  153. 32603
  154. 33454
  155. 34321
  156. 35206
  157. 36108
  158. 37029
  159. 37967
  160. 38925
  161. 39902
  162. 40898
  163. 41914
  164. 42951
  165. 44008
  166. 45087
  167. 46187
  168. 47309
  169. 48453
  170. 49620
  171. 50811
  172. 52026
  173. 53264
  174. 54528
  175. 55817
  176. 57131
  177. 58472
  178. 59840
  179. 61235
  180. 62658
  181. 64109
  182. 65590
  183. 67100
  184. 68640
  185. 70211
  186. 71814
  187. 73448
  188. 75116
  189. 76816
  190. 78551
  191. 80320
  192. 82125
  193. 83966
  194. 85843
  195. 87758
  196. 89712
  197. 91704
  198. 93737
  199. 95810
  200. 97924
  201. 100049
  202. 102185
  203. 104331
  204. 106488
  205. 108656
  206. 110835
  207. 113024
  208. 115225
  209. 117436
  210. 119659
  211. 121893
  212. 124138
  213. 126394
  214. 128661
  215. 130940
  216. 133230
  217. 135531
  218. 137844
  219. 140169
  220. 142505
  221. 144853
  222. 147213
  223. 149584
  224. 151968
  225. 154363
  226. 156770
  227. 159190
  228. 161621
  229. 164064
  230. 166520
  231. 168988
  232. 171469
  233. 173961
  234. 176467
  235. 178984
  236. 181515
  237. 184058
  238. 186613
  239. 189182
  240. 191763
  241. 194357
  242. 196965
  243. 199585
  244. 202218
  245. 204865
  246. 207524
  247. 210197
  248. 212884
  249. 215584
  250. 218297
  251. 221013
  252. 223732
  253. 226453
  254. 229177
  255. 231904
  256. 234634
  257. 237366
  258. 240102
  259. 242839
  260. 245580
  261. 248323
  262. 251069
  263. 253818
  264. 256570
  265. 259324
  266. 262081
  267. 264841
  268. 267604
  269. 270369
  270. 273137
  271. 275908
  272. 278682
  273. 281458
  274. 284237
  275. 287019
  276. 289804
  277. 292592
  278. 295382
  279. 298175
  280. 300971
  281. 303770
  282. 306571
  283. 309375
  284. 312183
  285. 314993
  286. 317805
  287. 320621
  288. 323439
  289. 326260
  290. 329084
  291. 331911
  292. 334741
  293. 337573
  294. 340409
  295. 343247
  296. 346088
  297. 348932
  298. 351778
  299. 354628
  300. 357480
  301. 360334
  302. 363189
  303. 366046
  304. 368904
  305. 371764
  306. 374624
  307. 377487
  308. 380351
  309. 383216
  310. 386083
  311. 388951
  312. 391820
  313. 394691
  314. 397564
  315. 400437
  316. 403313
  317. 406189
  318. 409068
  319. 411947
  320. 414828
  321. 417711
  322. 420595
  323. 423480
  324. 426367
  325. 429255
  326. 432145
  327. 435036
  328. 437928
  329. 440822
  330. 443718
  331. 446615
  332. 449513
  333. 452413
  334. 455314
  335. 458217
  336. 461121
  337. 464027
  338. 466934
  339. 469842
  340. 472752
  341. 475664
  342. 478577
  343. 481491
  344. 484407
  345. 487324
  346. 490243
  347. 493163
  348. 496085
  349. 499008
  350. 501932
  351. 504858
  352. 507786
  353. 510715
  354. 513645
  355. 516577
  356. 519511
  357. 522445
  358. 525382
  359. 528319
  360. 531259
  361. 534199
  362. 537141
  363. 540085
  364. 543030
  365. 545977
  366. 548925
  367. 551874
  368. 554825
  369. 557778
  370. 560732
  371. 563687
  372. 566644
  373. 569603
  374. 572562
  375. 575524
  376. 578487
  377. 581451
  378. 584417
  379. 587384
  380. 590353
  381. 593323
  382. 596295
  383. 599268
  384. 602243
  385. 605219
  386. 608196
  387. 611176
  388. 614156
  389. 617138
  390. 620122
  391. 623107
  392. 626094
  393. 629082
  394. 632071
  395. 635063
  396. 638055
  397. 641049
  398. 644045
  399. 647042
  400. 650040

--Uurlock (ContribsMessage) 15:04, September 8, 2016 (EDT)

Mystical items[edit]

Mystical items from Sorrowdusk (and the like) are not in cannith crafting that I can see from any receipes just thought I would FYI this to all.

Mystical Vessel / Dried Fish/ mystical Urn / ETC... Cheers

Kikku THE Fullmetalchemist (Message • Block • Check) 01:17, November 3, 2016 (EDT)

  • Need update this section because now mystical items used in unbound double effect shards crafting. Ulfo (ContribsMessage) 08:54, August 15, 2022 (EDT)

Suggestion to add farming locations.[edit]

I don't edit entries any more, you all have cured me of that, but I have a possible suggestion for an edit to be done by someone who might think it would be worthwhile. It could be helpful to have a suggestion for farming collectibles for crafting, for instance after about thirty minutes of searching through the quest listings I found that the quest The Enemy Within is a great place to farm tier three collectibles for crafting, especially since I was hunting for glass phials and romantic sonnets for Constitution shards. With 22 collectible locations in this adventure (often in groups of 4 or 5 alchemy tables at one place, increasing the chances for glass phials), it can supply a good amount of collectables for a reasonable outlay of time. Having suggestions such as this might help others who are trying to craft by giving them a one-stop place to look to determine where to quest next. As an alternative, adding this type of information to the individual collectables pages might also be nice, so if one goes looking for, say, glass phials, the glass phial entry will tell the reader to run The Enemy Within (with link to quest page) for a good chance of finding the needed collectable ingredients. Thanks for your time and consideration! MorpheusAlpha (ContribsMessage) 13:10, November 16, 2016 (EST)

  • I'm not entirely sure why you are salty about editing, but your suggestion is certainly worthy. It's information I'd love to see added to the wiki in an appropriate manner. If you would like to discuss it further, might I suggest popping into Discord chat server and mentioning me @ShoeMaker#2561 this is and I'd like to discuss my idea about collectable farm location information on wiki. Thanks! should work well. Then, be patient. I'm usually fairly good about checking Discord at least a couple times a day. It's a free client and you can just lurk in there with no issue. Look forward to hearing from you! ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message) 17:27, November 16, 2016 (EST)

Specific Lore display bug[edit]

I was messing around with some of my level 4 gear and discovered that my crafted fire lore weapon at ML4 is giving 9% instead of 8%. This leads me to think that it may be possible for other effects (or at least other lore types) to be displayed incorrectly. (Message • Block • Check) 15:32, October 22, 2019 (EDT)

Wrong link[edit]

The link towards the enchantment "guard" currently links to an Underdark Drow minion of the same name. Alrik (ContribsMessage)

Found a page called "Guards" which seems to be the correct one. I'm fixing the link therefore with that. Alrik (ContribsMessage) 19:52, April 30, 2020 (EDT)

New effects exclusive to random loot[edit]

The "Exclusive to Random loot" effect list needs to be updated according to the last random loot revamp. Also, I noticed that Guard effect shards are not craftable anymore. MrLizard (ContribsMessage) 10:56, August 10, 2020 (EDT)

Spellcasting Implement Bonus[edit]

I crafted four weapons today with Impulse spellpower. They were a level 13 club, a level 13 quarterstaff, a level 27 club, and a level 27 quarterstaff. All four received a spellcasting implement bonus equal to the minimum level. Earlier this year I crafted a level 8 longsword which received a +8 spellcasting implement bonus. The level 27 weapons had an enhancement bonus of +8.

Spellcasting implement bonuses of +8 and +13 are not multiples of of 3. The spellcasting implement bonus of 27 is not 3 times 8. All of the bonuses are equal to the minimum level of the item.

Based on this I believe that the text about spellcasting implements, "This bonus is equal to 3 times the Enhancement Bonus." is incorrect, and should be replaced with "This bonus is equal to the minimum level of the item." (Message • Block • Check) 23:31, October 29, 2021 (EDT)

  • I think you are right. Go for it and change it. When Spellcasting Implement was originally implemented, it used to be equal to 3x enhancement bonus. Later the devs changed the math to equal to minimum level. -- Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 00:58, October 30, 2021 (EDT)
    • You are partially correct. The new system does it that way. The old system however still has the ×3 multiplier and both versions of items still exist in the game and always will. So, when it is updated/changed, the information needs to indicate there are still items with ×3 in existence and you may be able to find one on the AH.  👟 ShoeMaker ( Talk • Contribs • Patrol • Moves • B • D • I • PP • UM • UR ) 👟 21:30, October 30, 2021 (EDT)
      • The article is about cannith crafting, not old items. Cru121 (ContribsMessage) 06:36, October 31, 2021 (EDT)
        • Old Cannith Crafted items are still Cannith Crafted items. Simply note that you may still find ×3 spellcasting implement items available for trade, in your inventory/bank, or in the AH as a side note for what it does now. People who've been away for a few years will appreciate that.  👟 ShoeMaker ( Talk • Contribs • Patrol • Moves • B • D • I • PP • UM • UR ) 👟 11:00, October 31, 2021 (EDT)