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Update 36 Patch 4 Release Notes

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Here are the Release Notes for Update 36 Patch 4, released on Wednesday, October 25th.

News and Notes[edit]



Epic Destinies[edit]


  • Night Revels
    • Some ingredients now longer incorrectly state that they expire at the end of 2016.
    • Resurrection Chamber
      • Rewards have been adjusted so the challenge now grants all Night Revels ingredients upon completion.
      • Named monsters that grant a star will no longer spawn before their objectives appear.
      • A Rest Shrine has been added at the bottom of the long descent.
      • Improved the waypoint teleportation to enter a room with a Giant Skeleton fight.
      • The second chest in the final room has been lowered to be more easily reachable.

Quests and Adventure Areas[edit]


  • Aasimar
    • Scourge of the Undead's Ghost Touch now works properly.
    • Scourge of the Undead's Destroyer of the Dead now passively grants +4 Melee and Ranged Power in addition to its other bonuses.
    • Greater Scourge Weapons now passively grant +2 Melee and Ranged Power in addition to existing bonuses.
    • The light damage from Aasimar Scourge of the Undead's Divine Purpose now scales with the higher of your Melee or Ranged Power.
    • Aasimar's Racial Enhancement tree now displays its proper icon.
    • Fixed an issue with axe animations on the Aasimar.
    • Fixed the fourth attack animation on the greatsword.
    • Corrected an animation issue with female Aasimar while running backwards and firing a crossbow.
    • Corrected an animation issue while running unarmed and in a combat animation.
    • Fixed a texture issue with female Aasimar lips.
    • Corrected an animation issue with female halfling monks.

Source: Official U36.4.0 release notes on

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