Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Update 16 named items

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Forum threads:

Named Items[edit]


Rest Stop[edit]

A Stay at the Inn[edit]

Lost in the Swamp[edit]

The End of the Road[edit]


  • Item versions and Minimum levels - Epic Casual/Normal (same drops) = 23, Epic Hard = 24, Epic Elite = 25
  • Note Epic Normal displays just "Epic" in the upper right corner. This is a bug, as Epic normal is what the old epic difficulty was copied to for this displays purpose. This bug can also be seen in any public lfm set to Epic normal.
  • Bind status - All items bind to character on equip
  • Items obtained from quest chain reward list are all the Epic Normal version, and carry the same binding (BtCoE). (DDO Forums)

CitW weapon upgrade/PDK vendor changes[edit]

See DDO Forums

Weapons are now 3 tier upgrade, instead of just one.

Cost Benefit
Tier 1 upgrade 3 Commendations of Heroism gains Planar Conflux (set bonus, same as before)
Tier 2 upgrade 5 Commendations of Heroism gains +8 enhancement bonus
Tier 3 upgrade 7 Commendations of Heroism HemorrhagingIcon tooltip.pngHemorrhaging: This weapon is viciously sharp and will do an additional 2 to 16 damage to targets that are vulnerable to bleeding. becomes PhlebotomizingIcon tooltip.pngPhlebotomizing: This weapon is wickedly sharp and will do an additional 3 to 24 damage to targets that are vulnerable to bleeding.
+0.5 weapon dice multiplier
ShriekingIcon tooltip.pngShrieking: Shrieking weapons emit a piercing screech whenever they are used to make a successful attack. This screech deals an additional 2 to 12 sonic damage. becomes WailingIcon tooltip.pngWailing: Shrieking weapons emit a haunting wail whenever they are used to make a successful attack. This wail deals an additional 3 to 18 sonic damage.
gains BanishingIcon tooltip.png Banishing: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Outsiders.
On Vorpal Hit: If an outsider struck by this weapon has fewer than 1000 Hit Points, it is instantly slain. If the outsider has above 1000 Hit Points, it takes 100 damage.
add one + 120 Spell Power of choice (Combustion, Glaciation, Corrosion, Magnetism, Nullification, Devotion, Radiance)
Originally Posted by (former developer) Eladrin Source

In Update 16 the commendation drop rates will be significantly higher than they are currently.

This isn't in the current Lamannia version yet, watch the release notes for this when it goes in:

Quote: Drop rates for Commendations of Heroism in the raid Caught in the Web have been increased. On Epic Elite difficulty, every player in the raid is guaranteed one commendation each in the first and second chest.

Originally Posted by (former developer) Eladrin Source

Commendation drop rates on Normal and Hard were also increased, but not to 100%

New enchantments[edit]

Physical burst suffixes - new weapon suffixes available on named items and random loot. Weapons deal additional slashing/piercing/bludgeoning damage on critical hits. Multiple variants of each enchantment exist, with varying magnitude.

  • Bloodletter - on slashing weapons, deals slashing damage
  • Heartseeker - on piercing and ranged weapons, deals piercing damage
  • Ribcracker - on bludgeoning weapons, deals bludgeoning damage


  • Lesser - 5d6 / 5d8 / 5d10 for weapons with x2 / x3 / x4 critical multiplier
  • (Normal) - 7d6 / 7d8 / 7d10 for weapons with x2 / x3 / x4 critical multiplier
  • Improved - 9d6 / 9d8 / 9d10 for weapons with x2 / x3 / x4 critical multiplier
  • Greater - 11d6 / 11d8 / 11d10 for weapons with x2 / x3 / x4 critical multiplier
  • Superior - 13d6 / 13d8 / 13d10 for weapons with x2 / x3 / x4 critical multiplier

Updated enchantments with modified effect:

Other potentially new blue-level (loot lvl28+ and sets item to have a blue border and be BtC on equip) loot-gen effects:

Also on random loot (unbound):

Armor images[edit]

Whisperchain shown.jpg
Shadowmail shown.jpg
Bastion shown.jpg‎