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Newbie guide

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Welcome to Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO)![edit]

Now that you have built your character and entered the game world, you will want to know everything about the game. This page is a great starting point. It aims to provide support and to help improve your gameplay, helping you determine how things work in general. It includes links to relevant information, so that you can find information quickly for more efficient gameplay time!

The Character sheet is your primary source of information about all of your character's abilities, attributes, statistics and build details:

  • It is the go to place as you progress through acquiring everything in DDO, from Ability tomes through how your saves are calculated
  • Study it and always seek to improve everything you can in it
  • Spells, Feats, Skills and Enhancements can be dragged from the Character Sheet to a shortcut bar for easy access

Essential and helpful information[edit]

Character basics[edit]

  • Characters benefit from their:
    • Class abilities gained as they gain levels in the class
    • Feats which provide fixed benefits, gained at Level 1, 3 and every 3 levels thereafter (some classes and races provide additional feat options)
    • Skills which provide scaling benefits, that can be improved as you level up (points per level vary with class; Intelligence bonus provides additional skill points)
    • Race and Class Enhancement Trees, that they can spend points in as they level up (4 points gained per level) to customise their abilities
    • Some Class abilities, Feats, Skills and Enhancements are Passive (automatically active), while others are Active (activate when used) or Toggles (need to be activated manually but then stay on)
  • In addition:
    • Equipment can be worn to provide and improve defences and abilities/capabilities. Some items have a minimum level, below which they cannot be used
    • Spells, Melee weapons and Ranged weapons can be used to damage opponents; Spell Power, Melee Power and Ranged Power increase the damage in the relevant category and can be improved with equipment, feats, skills and enhancement tree options
    • When a character gets hit by a spell or a weapon they take damage: Magical Resistance Rating or MRR reduces the amount of damage taken from Spells; Physical Resistance Rating or PRR reduces the amount of damage taken from weapons. Equipment, feats and enhancement tree options can improve your MRR and PRR
  • But remember:
    • Bonuses to an ability/capability/power generally do not stack if they have the same bonus type, but do stack if the bonus type is different:
      • e.g. An Enhancement bonus to Charisma stacks with an Insight bonus to Charisma, but two Enhancement bonuses on different items do not stack (only the more powerful effect applies)
    • Bonuses from Enhancements with the same name generally do not stack, but matching bonuses from Enhancements with different names generally do
    • There are exceptions to these rules, but these are normally given in the item/enhancement/bonus descriptions
  • For help with starting a character:
    • The Class and Race Newbie Guide provides basic information about each class and race
    • The specific pages for each class and race provide full details of that class/race's abilities
    • The starting guides for each class explain how things work in practice and useful things to consider when generating/levelling characters in that class
    • Don't worry about making mistakes:
      • Characters can replace feats if they pick one that doesn't work for them – Fred in House Jorasco can help
      • All characters get a free +0 Lesser Heart of Wood that lets them undergo Lesser Reincarnation to change all Ability, Skill and Feat choices
      • It is generally a bad idea to delete and re-roll a character because of minor mistakes or frustration due to dps or survivability concerns. It is preferable to accumulate experience up to level 20/30 and use the Reincarnation process to "fix" mistakes made in past lives. This way, the progress you make with a character is preserved.
      • Enhancement Trees can be reset and reallocated easily. And new and improved gear can be obtained to address dps and survivability issues.
      • You can also use an offline Character planner tool to help design your build

Playing the game[edit]

  • DDO is based on the Pen-and-Paper version of Dungeons & Dragons, but it is not the same:
  • Starting to play:
    • No clue about what to do next in the starter area? Take a look at The Salvation of Korthos flagging guide and quest section
    • Even in Korthos, it can help to join a party. To find and join a party, press O to open the Social panel. Click on the WHO tab first and then the GROUPING tab in order to load the names of the players in the GROUPING tab.
    • The Adventure Compendium lists some of the quests that a character can take part in and links to the Quest Journal which groups quest by game area and provides details. More quests are added to the Adventure Compendium after a character levels up.
  • Want to understand in game currencies?
  • What are gems, collectables and ingredients? Where can a character obtain bags to store them?
  • DDO displays helpful tips for players about how things work on its loading/transition screens
  • Confused about something?
    • If what people saying in general chat, party chat or on the social panel does not make sense, head to the Glossary for common acronyms and slang terminology
    • Not sure how something works or what something means within the game? Take a look at the Game mechanics page
    • Having problems completing a quest, no matter what you try? Check out the individual quest pages for help (although they may contain spoilers for things you haven't yet got to!)
    • Having a problem and want to be able to explain what's up and ask for a advice? Consider taking a Screenshot so you can show others and/or create a post on the official forums

Shopping advice[edit]

  • If you have the patience to wait a bit, always try to take advantage of DDO sales! You can often save from 10–25%, and sometimes more (rarely as much as 75%!) off the listed price!
  1. Expansion packs – Large packs with expansive/multiple Wilderness Adventure Areas and multiple quest chains
  2. Adventure packs – Smaller packs with a few quests and may or may not contain a Wilderness Adventure Area
  3. Shared Bank 1,495 DP – Great for multiple Characters on the same server
  • VIP Membership provides access to all Adventure packs, but Expansion packs still need to be purchased separately

Official Resources[edit]

DDO official manual and game guides[edit]

DDO official forums[edit]

Make sure to visit the official newbie forum. There are plenty of helpful players and lots of advice on hand – be sure to check the stickied threads at the top of the forum!

Cordovan's Weapon Descriptions Guide[edit]

This is a guide posted in 2011 by Cordovan to explain the weapon description window. Cordovan's Weapon Descriptions Guide

DDOwiki newbie guides category[edit]

Here are some other less crunchy articles created or archived by DDOwiki contributors.

See also[edit]