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Item:Raider's Reward Box

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A special gift of appreciation for successful raiders and true champions of Eberron and the Realms. Double-click on this box to pick your rewards!

Raider's Reward Box


Double-click it to open barter UI. You can not use it when it is locked, the UI will open but you cannot claim your reward, simply unlock the item to use.

You can select one of the following rewards:



As a compensation for a prolonged downtime in March 2019, SSG distributed a coupon code for 3 Excellent Experience Elixirs and a Raider’s Reward Box.

Coupon code: REWARD2019 - 1 / Account - available to redeem through April 30th, 2019

DDO Forums


According to the Update 20 Release Notes, this item was intended to be granted to all characters who met at least one of the following conditions;

However it didn't work out the way it was intended. See Raider's Reward Box Delivery Issue forum discussion.

Originally Posted by Launcher Feed Tue, 12 Nov 2013

Raider's Reward Box Delivery Issue

We are aware that some characters did not receive the Raider's Reward Box they expected to receive with the release of Update 20. We continue to investigate the cause, and plan to distribute new boxes to all characters in the next patch. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for raiding!