Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Keep on the Borderlands

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Keep on the Borderlands adpack icon.jpg
995 DP Requires access to adventure pack: Keep on the Borderlands
The Borderlands Wilderness Loading.
Keep on the Borderlands Loading.
Keep on the Borderlands map
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Help the commonfolk trapped within the Keep on the Borderlands in their struggle against the Cult of Evil Chaos.

  • Announced in the Producer letter/March 2019.
  • Keep on the Borderlands will offer a new experience for players adventuring at the lower levels of the game.
  • Released 13th November 2019.
  • Introduced mounts.

To get to the keep, speak to Kregan the Gatekeeper, who is in both Korthos Village (Heroic only) and The Gatekeepers' Grove.

Prior to U46, this NPC was located in the Hall of Heroes


This adventure pack includes The Borderlands, a wilderness adventure area targeted at Levels 1-3.


The Keep on the Borderlands story arc is bestowed by Norworth Koln. After completing all of the quests, he will give an end reward for the entire chain (short list of random-gen ML 20-21 loot).

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
The Bugbear Bandits1/212The Gatekeepers
Watch Your Step1/212The Gatekeepers
Treasure Hunt1/212The Gatekeepers
Caged Beast1/212The Gatekeepers
Obstructing the Orcs1/212The Gatekeepers
The Hobgoblin Horde1/213The Gatekeepers
Total Chaos2/223The Gatekeepers
Violent Delights1/212The Gatekeepers
Total8 Quests18 
 ♣38,665Epic Casual
 ♦66,574Epic Normal
 ♥68,700Epic Hard
 ♠70,829Epic Elite

City zone[edit]

"The Keep on the Borderlands" is the name for the city zone within the wilderness area.

Points of interest[edit]

(Clockwise from east entrance)

Named Items[edit]


PnP gallery[edit]