Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Help! Am I Raid Ready

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This article summarizes the flags, weapons and gear necessary for raids and other quests requiring flagging.

When you join a raid, go with an open mind and listen real well. It needs often times good coordination, timing and communication. A raid can be fun but failing is a huge waste of time, resources and is certainly not fun.

Before you read this article, you should read What should I bring to a raid?. However good you may think your preparation is, you can always improve it.

Good to know as well: Raid loot mechanic.

The Chronoscope (Chrono)[edit]

Tempest's Spine (TS)[edit]

The Vault of Night (VoN)[edit]

The Twilight Forge (Titan)[edit]

Zawabi's Revenge (ADQ2/DQ2)[edit]

The Reaver's Fate (Reaver's/Piker's)[edit]

Accursed Ascension (Abbot)[edit]

The Shroud (a.k.a., "Thirteenth Eclipse")[edit]

A Vision of Destruction (VoD)[edit]

Hound of Xoriat (Hound, HoX)[edit]

The Master Artificer (MA)[edit]

Tower of Despair (ToD)[edit]

The Lord of Blades (LoB)[edit]

Caught in the Web (CitW)[edit]

The Fall of Truth (FoT)[edit]

Defiler of the Just (DoJ)[edit]

Fire on Thunder Peak (FoTP)[edit]

Temple of the Deathwyrm (DW/Deathwyrm)[edit]

Mark of Death (MoD)[edit]

Legendary Hound of Xoriat (LHoX)[edit]

Legendary Tempest Spine (LTS)[edit]

Old Baba's Hut (Baba)[edit]

Riding the Storm Out (RSO)[edit]

The Codex and the Shroud (LShroud/LegShroud)[edit]

The Curse of Strahd (Strahd)[edit]

Killing Time (KT)[edit]

Too Hot to Handle (2h2h or THTH)[edit]

Project Nemesis (PN)[edit]

  • Level: 32+
  • Flagging: None
  • Duration: Long
  • Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
  • General weapons:
  • Bane weapons:
  • Buffs/Gear: Fire Resistance, Fire Shield, Lightning Resistance, Lightning Shield, Deflect Missiles, Remove Curse or Curse Immunity for elite and above
  • Lockout: Yes, after talking to the Magic Mouth
  • Special Note:
    • Multiple Tanks advised, up to 5 bosses will be fought at once, each with at least one dangerous ability:
    • Communication and roles knowledge are important: Laser needs to know boss position and when to fire, constructors need to be killed to prevent puzzle resets/raid failure. On Elite and above, Qaspiel's curse attack needs to be removed quickly or it will start dealing several thousand damage every five seconds.
    • If running on Elite or Reaper, everybody needs access to Remove Curse or Curse Immunity. Qaspiel will regularly apply a powerful curse to all players dealing several thousand points of Bane damage every three seconds. You must be able to remove this curse yourself - do not rely on a healer.

Legendary Vision of Destruction (LVoD)[edit]

Legendary Master Artificer (LMA)[edit]

Legendary Lord of Blades (LLoB)[edit]

The Dryad and the Demigod (Dryad)[edit]

  • Level: 32+
  • Flagging: None
  • Duration: Long
  • Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
  • General weapons:
  • Bane weapons: Giant, Animal, Fey
  • Buffs/Gear: Alignment or Evil Absorption, Sonic Resistance, Sonic Absorption, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection
  • Lockout: Yes, once spoken to Hawthorn and raid started, entry to the quest is not possible
  • Special Note:
    • On Normal and Hard, a character with a high bluff can really speed things up.
    • Make sure someone can reliably kite the unicorns in the centre - if friendly NPC Hawthorne gets hit too often, it's an instant failure.
    • If either phase takes too long, dancing will start - and most likely start killing people.
    • The purple-named boss in this raid, Scath, is actually entirely optional and grants no reward if killed. Don't waste your DPS on him until King Irgroll is at zero health - if your DPS is good enough, you may be able to defeat him during the ending cutscene, but until then just kite him away from the group if targeted.

Hunt or Be Hunted (Hunt)[edit]

Skeletons in the Closet (Skeletons)[edit]

  • Level: 34
  • Flagging: None
  • Duration: Long
  • Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
  • General weapons: Bludgeoning (nearly all trash enemies are Skeletons)
  • Bane weapons: Undead, Aberration
  • Buffs/Gear: Death Ward, Resurrection, Sonic Absorption, Fire Absorption, Evil Absorption if going for the secret ending
  • Lockout: Yes, when the first set of runes is activated (quest door stops allowing access)
  • Special Note:
    • The boss battle of this raid requires strong party cohesion to pull off. Make sure you and your party understand the mechanics of the Dark Secrets and the devastating Roar attack used by Death's Teeth - either can cause a wipe if handled badly. Also, make sure Death's Teeth is moved to the central platform at about 20% HP to avoid the bother of him being healed. If you're just here for the loot, a named chest with all the Attuned Bone items drops after the The Mountain Keeper is slain - you can then recall and reset without activating the timer.
    • If your party leader decides that you are going for the secret "true" ending (generally the default at this point), make sure to go and read the page on Skeletons in the Closet before starting. This ending is long, difficult to obtain, and the boss fight is much harder than the one in the standard ending, so it's important you understand what you're letting yourself in for. (This ending is required if you want to loot the named raid augments for Dinosaur Bone crafting, the named Raptor mount or the non-Dinosaur-Bone named items.)

Fire Over Morgrave (FoM)[edit]

The Chronoscope (Legendary)[edit]

Threats Old and New[edit]

  • Level: 35
  • Flagging: None
  • Duration: Long
  • Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
  • General weapons: Good-aligned, Bludgeoning against Skeletons
  • Bane weapons: Dragon, Humanoid, Undead
  • Buffs/Gear: Fire Absorption is absolutely essential, Magical Resistance Rating
  • Lockout: Yes, after speaking to Phathroi (quest door stops allowing access)
  • Special Note: All three major fights in this raid have one complicated bit you should be wary of - Commander Ophael respawns repeatedly until the Portal Keepers in the rooms behind her are slain, Kathul Sep passively deals bursts of heavy magical damage to any player that strays too close to her, and Karliath has a nasty attack that marks players with a countdown effect that hurts other players nearby them when it expires. Remember to try and pull Bone Guards into Dead Magic Zones before killing them - this will prevent Red Wizards from raising them again and speed things up considerably.