Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit
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Help! Am I Raid Ready
This article summarizes the flags, weapons and gear necessary for raids and other quests requiring flagging.
When you join a raid, go with an open mind and listen real well. It needs often times good coordination, timing and communication. A raid can be fun but failing is a huge waste of time, resources and is certainly not fun.
Before you read this article, you should read What should I bring to a raid?. However good you may think your preparation is, you can always improve it.
Good to know as well: Raid loot mechanic.
The Chronoscope (Chrono)[edit]
- Level: 6-8 (heroic), 21-23 (epic)
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Silver, Holy aligned, Vorpal, Banishing, Anarchic
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider,
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Resist Electricity/Fire/Cold/Acid (No sonic here despite the orthons), Remove Curse spells/potions, Lesser Restoration (and Full restore on higher difficulties), Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Raise Dead
- Lockout: No
- Special Note: None
Tempest's Spine (TS)[edit]
- Level: 10-12 (heroic), for legendary see Legendary Tempest Spine
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: None
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Banishing, Silver, Disruption, Holy aligned, Adamantine
- Bane weapons: Elemental, Evil Outsider, Chaotic Outsider, Elf, Giant, Aberration, Construct, Undead
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Underwater Action, Resist Electricity/Fire/Acid/Sonic, Remove Curse, Restoration (and full restore on higher difficulties), Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Raise Dead
- Lockout: No
- Special Note:
- Certain levers in this quest require at least 25 Strength to pull. One of these is necessary to reach the end fight.
- When the endfight at the mountain top starts, a dimension door will open at the entrance to teleport you back to the top in case you are blown off. The command
works, too, if you haven't moved after you were thrown off. - This raid can be very long, but much of it can be skipped via a shortcut across the mountain face. Make sure to stick with the main group on your first time as it can be difficult to spot where you need to go.
The Vault of Night (VoN)[edit]
- Level: 10-12 (heroic), 22-24 (epic)
- Flagging: Yes
- Duration: Consists of a pre-raid The Vault of Night (Very long) and the final raid Plane of Night (long)
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Disruption, Adamantine
- Bane weapons: Construct, Dwarf, Undead, Dragon, Aberration
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Resist Electricity/Acid, Deathblock, Death Ward, Greater Restoration, Raise Dead for VoN5, Resist Fire/Cold/Electricity
- Lockout: Yes, right before the endfight.
- Special Note:
- You won't be on timer, if you don't complete Plane of Night.
- Not soloable.
- Somebody who knows the raid fairly well should volunteer to take the Voice from Haywire and the Signet Ring from Otto Bloodknuckles - other players should leave these items alone.
- Somebody needs to be able to open a few locked doors in order to progress through the Vault of Night area. DCs for the doors are low, so if no Rogues, Artificers or casters that know Knock are present, a Wand of Knock should do.
The Twilight Forge (Titan)[edit]
- Level: 12-14 (heroic)
- Flagging: Yes
- Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!, Slavers of the Shrieking Mines, optional Hiding in Plain Sight once per character!!!
- If you talk to Ostler Caulstone at The Foothold, he will combine the Shattered Sigil and Broken Sigil pieces into the Sigil of Dal Quor. The Sigil has to be re-repaired after each completion. Done by simply talking to Ostler Caulstone again. It works in following lifes.
- For more detail see The Twilight Forge (story arc).
- Duration: Consists of a pre-raid, The Twilight Forge (Very long) and the final raid The Titan Awakes (long)
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Holy aligned, (Adamantine to bypass raid boss DR), Ranged useful for end fight
- Bane weapons: Construct, Giant, Aberration, Dwarf, Monstrous Humanoid, Evil Outsider, Magical Beast
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Underwater Action, Resist Energy: All types of elemental resistance are useful, Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Raise Dead
- Lockout: One in the Twilight Forge right before the end fight; one barrier right at the start of The Titan Awakes
- Special Note: Both of these raids can easily be made unwinnable, so make sure the entire party understands what they need to do:
- For the Twilight Forge, the Green tile puzzle room can easily be broken, necessitating a reset - it is advisable this puzzle is done first, to save time if a restart is necessary, and that one player gets a guide and follows it very carefully. In addition, make sure the whole party understands that the coloured seals are in finite supply and that your party needs to have at least one of each in total near the end, or you may be confronted with an impassable barrier right at the end of the raid.
- For The Titan Awakes, the end boss can only be defeated by dropping pillars on it and then shooting it with a laser. Since there are eight pillars and six shots need to hit, there is very little room for error. Be certain before starting that all pets, summoned creatures, and AoE damage effects are turned off.
- To reach the entrance to the raid you may use Greater Teleport or you have to travel through a non-raid wilderness (6 man group).
- You won't be on timer, if you don't complete The Titan Awakes.
- Not soloable. Three players, or two players that both have pets, are needed for the underwater puzzle section in the Twilight Forge, and at least three players are needed for The Titan Awakes.
- Special Note: Both of these raids can easily be made unwinnable, so make sure the entire party understands what they need to do:
Zawabi's Revenge (ADQ2/DQ2)[edit]
- Level: 12-14 (heroic), 22-24 (epic)
- Flagging: Yes
- The Chamber of Raiyum, Chains of Flame, An Offering of Blood followed by Against the Demon Queen (DQ/ADQ1)
- Against the Demon Queen now only needs to be done once per life to unlock Zawabi's Revenge for that life
- Duration: Against the Demon Queen is Very long, Zawabi's Revenge is Long.
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Banishing, Cold Iron + Holy aligned, Ranged or Thrown Weapons useful for endfight.
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Undead, Chaotic Outsider, Gnoll, Elemental, Fire Outsider, Vermin, Aberration, Reptilian, Monstrous Humanoid
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Sonic/Fire/Acid/Electricity, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, True Seeing, Shield/Nightshield clicky, Remove Blindness, Break Enchantment, Gust of Wind, Raise Dead
- Lockout: Yes, right before the endfight.
- Special Note: None
The Reaver's Fate (Reaver's/Piker's)[edit]
- Level: 14-16 (heroic)
- Flagging: Yes
- A Cabal for One, The Prison of the Planes, Madstone Crater
- Gianthold Tor (With Update 17 it is no longer necessary to turn in relics or kill the dragons in Gianthold Tor).
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Banishing, Mithral/Metalline for Stormreaver
- Bane weapons: Elemental, Giant
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electricity/Sonic/Acid/Cold, Shield (spell), Tumble (spell), Feather Fall, Deathblock, Death Ward, Raise Dead
- Lockout: Yes, with approaching the Stormreaver.
- Special Note: This raid has a number of oddly-working mechanics that can (without warning) make it impossible to complete. Make sure you and the rest of your party understand how the nine skulls and the puzzle work - it is best to review the page before entering.
Accursed Ascension (Abbot)[edit]
- Level: 17-19 (heroic)
- Flagging: Yes
- Inferno of the Damned, Flesh Maker's Laboratory, Ghosts of Perdition, Desecrated Temple of Vol
- 8 sigil pieces to form a full Sigil: Frame. Talk to Sir Rohine Stiedra for a permanent Completed Sigil: Frame to enter Litany of the Dead. That Sigil will work for Litany flagging in following lifes.
- Right Wing - Temple of Vol
- Left Wing - Flesh Maker's Laboratory
- Right Frame - Inferno of the Damned
- Left Frame - Ghosts of Perdition
- Left Pincer - Random
- Center (or Bottom) Frame - Random
- Eye of the Abbot - Random
- Right Pincer - Random
- Note: As of Update 13, All chests in the Orchard of the Macabre that had a chance to drop Sigil pieces, Tattered Tapestries, Tome of Untold Legends pages, or Shield of Legend fragments now have a chance to drop any of the above. If a chest previously had a specific Sigil piece, Tome page, or Shield fragment associated with it, that chest will remain the best source for that particular item. However, these items can now drop from any of the above chests.
- Complete Litany of the Dead four times:
- kill High Priest of Vol. Take the door out and shatter the four crystals to get credit. Make sure every party member is present on the tower.
- kill Cholthulzz. Take the door out and shatter the four crystals to get credit. Make sure every party member is present on the tower.
- kill Cinnis. Take the door out and shatter the four crystals to get credit. Make sure every party member is present on the tower.
- kill Mentau. Take the door out and shatter the four crystals to get credit. Make sure every party member is present on the tower.
- Duration: Long
- This raid is challenging due to specific roles that need to be fulfilled, teamwork and timing.
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Disruption, Bludgeoning + Magic to bypass raid boss DR), Holy aligned, Coruscating
- Bane weapons: Undead
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electricity/Fire/Acid/Cold, Fire Absorption, Proof Against Poison, Immunity to Fear, Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection, Greater Restoration, Ghostly items and 3-5 free inventory spots. Atonement for divine casters. Spell Absorption Items for all. Gear recommended over buffs here, as the Black Abbot dispels buffs frequently.
- Lockout: Yes, crossing the 1st line of tiles on the center island. The blue energy bridge disappears at the same moment.
- Special Note: Understanding the special attacks of the Black Abbot is critical to success here. One well-placed Inferno attack could wipe the entire party.
The Shroud (a.k.a., "Thirteenth Eclipse")[edit]
- Level: 17-19 (heroic), for epic see The Codex and the Shroud
- Flagging: Yes
- Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Running with the Devils, Ritual Sacrifice, The Coalescence Chamber, Rainbow in the Dark
- You need 40 Twelve favor. Claim your Twelve favor rank from Jeanselme Brucetius or Valairea Satnarine.
- Complete the Eldritch Device Tutorial for Valairea Satnarine
- Combine the five different Sharavath Stones which drop from the five quests into a Sharavath Signet Stone.
- See The Thirteenth Eclipse (story arc) for further quest progression details.
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Anarchic, Silver + Holy aligned to bypass Arraetrikos DR
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider (Primary), Construct + Chaotic, Giant, Lawful Outsider, Orc, Reptilian, Gnoll, Elemental
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Fire/Sonic, Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, resist fire/acid/sonic, Greater Restoration, Remove Curse, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, the portal in the entrance area closes after 3 minutes.
- Special Note: You won't be on timer, if you recall before the altar in Phase 5 is activated.
A Vision of Destruction (VoD)[edit]
- Level: 18-20 (heroic), for legendary see Legendary Vision of Destruction
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Anarchic,Silver + Holy aligned to bypass Suulomades DR
- Bane weapons: Raid itself: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider, Magical Beast. Subterrane (way to the raid): Undead, Reptilian, Ooze, Spider, Native Outsider, Skeleton, Evil Outsider
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Fire/Electricity/Sonic, Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Feather Falling (to get there), Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection, Remove Curse - Potion and spell highly recommended for most/all players due to frequency of curse attacks here.
- Lockout: Yes, the portal in the entrance room closes, when the 1st fight begins.
- Special Note: To reach the entrance you have to travel a long way through the Subterrane.
Hound of Xoriat (Hound, HoX)[edit]
- Level: 18-20 (heroic), for legendary see Legendary Hound of Xoriat
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Disruption, Anarchic, Axiomatic aligned to bypass Xy'zzy DR,
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider, Chaotic Outsider, Aberration. (way to the raid): Undead, Reptilian
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Acid, Proof Against Poison, Death Ward, Deathblock, Resurrection, (for puppies): Augment Summoning, Greater Heroism, Bear's Endurance, Mass, Bull's Strength, Mass, Bardic Music and Globe of Invulnerability can be useful vs. the "Bees", (way to the raid): Feather Falling, Greater Restoration, Death Ward, Deathblock (Beholders), Remove Curse, Raise Dead .
- Lockout: No
- Special Note: To reach the entrance you have to travel a long way through the The Subterrane - East wilderness.
The Master Artificer (MA)[edit]
- Level: 19 (heroic), for legendary see Legendary Master Artificer
- Flagging: Yes
- Blown to Bits, Power Play and Schemes of the Enemy then talk to Channa d'Cannith.
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Ranged or Thrown Weapons are needed.
- Bane weapons: Construct
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electricity, Electricity Absorption, Balance gear (35+ recommended for main tanks/dps), Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection, Greater Restoration
- Lockout: Yes, when you enter the main room a door closes by the shrine near the shrine.
- Special Note: You can now skip the House Cannith Manufactury and Artificer Workshops, as the bestower will teleport you directly to the quest. Given how long these areas take, doing so is heavily advisable.
Tower of Despair (ToD)[edit]
- Level: 20-22 (epic)
- Flagging: Yes
- A New Invasion, Bastion of Power, Genesis Point, Sins of Attrition
- To enter the raid, one must reach the tower cave by running though the wilderness or get teleported there with a Bracelet of Friends. In the cave is a Yugoloth NPC which will give you the ability to port you to and from Amrath and the cave for future visits.
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Holy aligned, Anarchic aligned, Silver + Holy aligned to bypass raid boss' DR and The Judge
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider, Undead, Reptilian
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Energy:All types are useful, Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection, Remove Curse - Potion and spell highly recommended for most/all players due to frequency of curse attacks here. Spell Absorption Items or better Boots of Anchoring/The Banhammer are required for the end fight for all but the most powerful, experienced players
- Lockout: Yes, after you listened in to the prelude conversation a door opens in front of you and a gate closes behind you.
- Special Note: If running at-level, designate your best kiter to deal with the shadows in the Nythirios bossfight or things will become very painful very quickly. Have some way to cancel out Horoth's banishment attack (either Spell Absorption, the Boots of Anchoring or the Banhammer, preferably one of the latter two) - being kicked out of the raid during the final battle really stings.
The Lord of Blades (LoB)[edit]
- Level: 20-22 (epic)
- Flagging: Yes
- Blown to Bits, Power Play, and Schemes of the Enemy then talk to Ceros d'Cannith.
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, (Adamantine + Holy aligned to bypass Lord of Blades DR), High DPS non-elemental weaponry recommended
- Bane weapons: Construct, Aberration
- Buffs/Gear: Electricity, Fire, Proof Against Poison, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Remove Curse, Prismatic Spray (spell or scroll) and/or Prismatic Ray (spell or scroll), Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, actually two. 1st barrier appears close to the entrance of the quest, at the first arch/door, and gets activated with talking to an NPC for an extra chest. The 2nd barrier comes up when you start the endfight. The bridge vanishes and the entrance is blocked by an energy barrier, making it impossible to use the shrine.
- Special Note: You can now skip the House Cannith Manufactury and Research Facility, as the bestower will teleport you directly to the quest. Given how long these areas take, doing so is heavily advisable.
Caught in the Web (CitW)[edit]
- Level: 24
- Flagging: Yes
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Metalline, Cold Iron, Holy aligned, Anarchic aligned,
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Aberration, Elf, Undead
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Resist Electricity/Fire/Cold/Acid, Remove Curse spell point potions or spell point regeneration items, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Ghostly items , Resurrection
- Lockout: No
- Special Note: Lolth has an attack that drains spell points. She will use this a lot in the first fight - usually at random, though if the tank can manage her unusually high Intimidate DC, only on them. Casters should consider bringing spell point regeneration items - Ana can summon a rest shrine, but this takes a lot of her health, which is a bad idea right at the start.
The Fall of Truth (FoT)[edit]
- Level: 25
- Flagging: Yes
- Return to Madstone Crater, Return to Prison of the Planes, Return to Cabal for One and talking to Draznok ar'Athad will flag you for Return to Gianthold Tor by speaking to Phorrus ar'Kerl. Completing Return to Gianthold Tor and speaking again to Draznok will flag you for the raid. It is NOT required to slay the dragons.
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Disruption, Holy aligned, Ranged weapons, Thrown weapons, Coruscating, Metalline for the Stormreaver, Bludgeoning for the Truthful One
- Bane weapons: Dragon, Undead, Giant
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electricity, Eletricity Absorption, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Greater Restoration, Feather Fall, Spell Absorption Items, Spawn Screen (spell], Ghostly items , Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, lockout mechanism at entrance. It gets activated when all players entered the main hall and the NPC dialogue starts.
- Special Note: The quest giver needs some time to spawn after you enter Gianthold.
Defiler of the Just (DoJ)[edit]
- Level: 30+
- Flagging: Yes
- Demon Assault, The Archon's Trial, The Devil's Details and talking to Suniro to advance the chain and be able to talk to the raid giver is Melene. Flagging can be done on heroic.
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Silver and/or Holy aligned, Cold Iron and/or Holy aligned, Anarchic aligned
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Magical Beast for endfight
- Buffs/Gear: High MRR, Resist Fire, Fire Absorption, Fire Shield Cold, Energy Sheath Cold, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Greater Restoration, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, One right after the ambush, when people start to ascend the ramps. The gate doors at endfight shut close, when the wormfight is triggered but open up after finishing.
- Special Note: The party will need to spread out and cover the entire map, calling out locations of falling Archons. Half of the party should be allocated to the North side, half to the South side - do this before starting. Also, be aware any movement at start will instantly trigger nearby hostile mobs.
Fire on Thunder Peak (FoTP)[edit]
- Level: 30+
- Flagging: Yes. Speak to Vaklos Halmar and defeat Dagan in The Ruins of Thunderholme. Speak to Vaklos again to receive the raid.
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Disruption, Bludgeoning, Holy aligned, Axiomatic aligned,
- Bane weapons: Humanoid, Undead, Dragon, Elemental
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electricity/Fire/Acid/Cold, Fire Absorption, Energy Sheath Cold, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, with approaching the Stone Meridian.
- Special Note: It is possible to teleport to the entrance. Speak to Ingrith Icefell for teleport. Warning: If someone (already flagged) in your party teleports to one of the raid entrances, the red named will not spawn (only their locked chest) and you will not flag. Two fairly tanky characters are needed here to separate the two Dragons.
Temple of the Deathwyrm (DW/Deathwyrm)[edit]
- Level: 30+
- Flagging: Yes. Speak to Thela Bonmar and defeat Sarva Bellistrae in The Ruins of Thunderholme. Speak to Thela again to receive the raid.
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Disruption, Banishing, Smiting + Adamantine, Holy aligned, Anarchic aligned, Bludgeoning, Coruscating
- Bane weapons: Undead, Dragon, Aberration, Construct, Evil Outsider, Humanoid, Incorporeal
- Buffs/Gear: Negative Energy Absorption, Jump, Cannith Boots of Propulsion, Ghostly items , Spell Absorption Items, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Freedom of Movement, Spawn Screen (spell], Bigby's Guiding Hand are useful, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, the portal at the beginning will close, if anyone moves in the shrine room beyond spawn point.
- Special Note:
- It is possible to teleport to the entrance. Speak to Ingrith Icefell for teleport. Warning: If someone (already flagged) in your party teleports to one of the raid entrances, the red named will not spawn (only their locked chest) and you will not flag.
Mark of Death (MoD)[edit]
- Level: 30+
- Flagging: Yes
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Disruption, Bludgeoning + Magic to bypass raid boss DR), Holy aligned, Vorpal, Silver, Coruscating
- Bane weapons: Undead, Aberration, Humanoid
- Buffs/Gear: Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Jump, Ghostly items , Greater Restoration, Flesh to Stone, Resist Electricity/Fire/Acid/Cold, Fire Absorption, Shield/Nightshield clicky, Intercession Ward items , Immunity to Fear, Spell Absorption Items, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, crossing the 1st line of tiles on the center island. The blue energy bridge disappears at the same moment.
- Special Note: Again, read up on the Black Abbot's attacks. Make sure some melee DPS is on board - Doomspheres and Quells will hinder both types of spellcasters while on the central platform.
Legendary Hound of Xoriat (LHoX)[edit]
- Level: 32+, for heroic see Hound of Xoriat
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Disruption, Anarchic, Axiomatic aligned to bypass Xy'zzy DR,
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider, Chaotic Outsider, Aberration. (way to the raid): Undead, Reptilian
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Acid, Proof Against Poison, Deathblock, Death Ward, Greater Restoration (for puppies): Augment Summoning, Greater Heroism, Bear's Endurance, Mass, Bull's Strength, Mass, Bardic Music, Resurrection
- Lockout: No
- Special Note: The epic raid is accessible from the Marketplace. It is not necessary to run through the The Subterrane - East wilderness.
Legendary Tempest Spine (LTS)[edit]
- Level: 32+, for heroic see Tempest Spine
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Banishing, Silver, Disruption, Holy aligned, Adamantine to bypass end boss DR
- Bane weapons: Elemental, Evil Outsider, Chaotic Outsider, Elf, Giant, Aberration, Construct, Undead
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Underwater Action, Resist Electricity/Fire/Acid/Sonic, Remove Curse, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection
- Lockout: No
- Special Note:
- Certain levers in this quest require at least 75 Strength to pull. One of these is necessary to reach the end fight.
- When the endfight at the mountain top starts, a dimension door will open at the entrance to teleport you back to the top in case you are blown off. The command /stuck works, too, if you haven't moved after you were tossed off.
- This raid can be very long, but much of it can be skipped via a shortcut across the mountain face. Make sure to stick with the main group on your first time as it can be difficult to spot where you need to go.
Old Baba's Hut (Baba)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Medium
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Banishing, Paralyzing, Holy aligned, Anarchic, Axiomatic, Coruscating
- Bane weapons: Construct, Aberration, Evil Outsider
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electric, Electric Absorption, Resist Cold, Cold Absorption, Hurl through Hell, Mass Frog, Implosion, Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Ray for Grim Totems, Spell Absorption Items, Resurrection, Ghostly items
- Lockout: Yes, when you approach the Hut.
- Special Note: The party will need to split into two smaller teams during the sections inside the hut. Both teams should have at least one character fast enough to kite the scarecrows inside away from the puzzles.
Riding the Storm Out (RSO)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Medium
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Holy aligned, Disruption, Bludgeoning, Banishing
- Bane weapons: Undead, Dragon, Elemental
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electric, Electric Absorption like Energy Sheath, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, when you finished the first two puzzles in the starter room and the portal opens into the main arena.
- Special Note: You will be constantly bombarded by heavy electric damage during this quest. Bring as much absorption as possible.
The Codex and the Shroud (LShroud/LegShroud)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging:
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Anarchic, Silver + Holy aligned to bypass Arraetrikos DR, Pierce + Holy aligned to bypass Ta'ashveth DR, Chaotic to bypass Codex of the Infinite Planes DR
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider (Primary), Construct + Chaotic, Giant, Lawful Outsider, Orc, Reptilian, Gnoll, Elemental
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Fire/Sonic, Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, resist fire/acid/sonic, Greater Restoration, Remove Curse, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, the portal in the entrance area closes after 3 minutes.
- Special Note: Hurl through Hell or high amounts of spike damage are recommended for the crystal in part 2.
The Curse of Strahd (Strahd)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: Yes
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Cold Iron + Holy aligned, Silver + Holy aligned, Bludgeoning, Smiting, Vorpal, Disruption, Adamantine
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Chaotic Outsider, Undead, Construct, Dragon
- Buffs/Gear: Greater Restoration, Remove Curse, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection, Ghostly items , resist fire/acid/sonic/ice
- Lockout: Yes, when you enter the Main Hall.
- Special Note: Bring someone that can disable traps or the staircase section becomes almost impossible. Make sure someone notes down the combination of cards at the beginning - you may want to bring Bigby's Hands to mark positions of cards.
Killing Time (KT)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Adamantine + Chaotic aligned, Cold Iron + Holy aligned, Silver + Holy aligned
- Bane weapons: Construct, Evil Outsider, Dragon
- Buffs/Gear: resist fire/acid/sonic/ice, Electric Absorption, Energy Sheath Electric, Chaos Absorption, Greater Restoration, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, when you start to speak to Sariyan.
- Special Note: Trash for this raid is both insanely durable and constantly respawning. Instakill spells are advisable.
Too Hot to Handle (2h2h or THTH)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: Yes, all of Masterminds of Sharn Part 1 and Part 2: A Sharn Welcome, Red Rain, Best Laid Plans, The Same Old Song, Just Business, No Refunds, House of Pain, Blown Deadline, Reach for the Sky
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons:
- Bane weapons: Undead Bane
- Buffs/Gear: Fire Resistance Gear, Flame Sheathe, Fire Shield (Cold), Otto's Sphere of Dancing for runners, Sunburst for Forgewraiths (Instakills up to medium size on normal)
- Lockout: Yes, after opening the first Barrier.
- Special Note: Always bring at least one caster who can use Sunburst and one who can use Otto's Sphere or you will be overwhelmed by the trash very quickly. Ranged DPS characters should keep an eye out for Forgewraith Doom Skulls, which deal more damage the longer they live and thus need to be eliminated quickly.
Project Nemesis (PN)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons:
- Bane weapons:
- Buffs/Gear: Fire Resistance, Fire Shield, Lightning Resistance, Lightning Shield, Deflect Missiles, Remove Curse or Curse Immunity for elite and above
- Lockout: Yes, after talking to the Magic Mouth
- Special Note:
- Multiple Tanks advised, up to 5 bosses will be fought at once, each with at least one dangerous ability:
- Rudus Jump: Jump when he jumps, timing can be tricky
- Irk Arrow of Slaying: can be deflected via Deflect Arrows
- Zulkis Flesh to Stone: bring petrification immunity via Bracers of the Mountain, Ultimatum or Essence of Ultimatum
- Gish Chains and PRR Reduction: Dedicated high PRR tank
- Qaspiel Cometfall trip: high saves/balance
- Communication and roles knowledge are important: Laser needs to know boss position and when to fire, constructors need to be killed to prevent puzzle resets/raid failure. On Elite and above, Qaspiel's curse attack needs to be removed quickly or it will start dealing several thousand damage every five seconds.
- If running on Elite or Reaper, everybody needs access to Remove Curse or Curse Immunity. Qaspiel will regularly apply a powerful curse to all players dealing several thousand points of Bane damage every three seconds. You must be able to remove this curse yourself - do not rely on a healer.
- Multiple Tanks advised, up to 5 bosses will be fought at once, each with at least one dangerous ability:
Legendary Vision of Destruction (LVoD)[edit]
- Level: 32+, for heroic see A Vision of Destruction
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Very long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Vorpal, Banishing, Anarchic,Silver + Holy aligned to bypass Suulomades DR
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Fire/Electricity/Sonic, Electricity and maybe Fire Absorption, Proof Against Poison, Proof Against Disease, Feather Falling (to get there), Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection, Remove Curse - Potion and spell highly recommended for most/all players due to frequency of curse attacks here.
- Lockout: Yes, the portal in the entrance room closes, when the 1st fight begins.
- Special Note:
- The raid boss regularly places a curse on his melee target or the whole raid which prevents healing. Remove this curse whenever possible.
Legendary Master Artificer (LMA)[edit]
- Level: 32+, for heroic see The Master Artificer
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, Vorpal, Ranged or Thrown Weapons are needed
- Bane weapons: Construct
- Buffs/Gear: Resist Electricity, Electricity Absorption, Balance gear (35+ recommended for main tanks/dps), Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection, Greater Restoration
- Lockout: Yes, when you start talking to the artificer in the room with the optional key the door near the first shrine closes.
- Special Notes:
- Titans get weaker and lose features around 25% HP.
Legendary Lord of Blades (LLoB)[edit]
- Level: 32+, for heroic see The Lord of Blades
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Smiting, (Adamantine + Holy aligned to bypass Lord of Blades DR), High DPS non-elemental weaponry recommended
- Bane weapons: Construct, Aberration
- Buffs/Gear: Electricity and Fire Resistance, Electricity Absorption, Proof Against Poison, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Remove Curse, Prismatic Spray (spell or scroll) and/or Prismatic Ray (spell or scroll), Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, actually two. 1st barrier appears close to the entrance of the quest, at the first arch/door, and gets activated at the first fight. The 2nd barrier comes up when you start the endfight. The bridge vanishes and the entrance is blocked by an energy barrier, making it impossible to use the shrine.
- Special Note:
- The acid water does insane damage, which you can interpret as an instakill. The Lord tends to push you into it, if you are too close to the edge of the island.
- If you go for 3 rounds, leave 4 pillars standing or you run the risk of accidentally destroying the last pillar too early.
The Dryad and the Demigod (Dryad)[edit]
- Level: 32+
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 days and 18 hours after collecting the end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons:
- Bane weapons: Giant, Animal, Fey
- Buffs/Gear: Alignment or Evil Absorption, Sonic Resistance, Sonic Absorption, Greater Restoration, Deathblock, Death Ward, Resurrection
- Lockout: Yes, once spoken to Hawthorn and raid started, entry to the quest is not possible
- Special Note:
- On Normal and Hard, a character with a high bluff can really speed things up.
- Make sure someone can reliably kite the unicorns in the centre - if friendly NPC Hawthorne gets hit too often, it's an instant failure.
- If either phase takes too long, dancing will start - and most likely start killing people.
- The purple-named boss in this raid, Scath, is actually entirely optional and grants no reward if killed. Don't waste your DPS on him until King Irgroll is at zero health - if your DPS is good enough, you may be able to defeat him during the ending cutscene, but until then just kite him away from the group if targeted.
Hunt or Be Hunted (Hunt)[edit]
- Level: 32
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons:
- Bane weapons: Plant, Animal, Fey
- Buffs/Gear: Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Resurrection, Petrification Immunity, Sonic Absorption, Cold Absorption
- Lockout: Yes, after the party gathers in the first room (quest NPC stops allowing access)
- Special Note: Make sure to check the raid page for information on the Souls of the Hunted mechanic. This can be a complicated one and understanding it is vital to quest completion.
Skeletons in the Closet (Skeletons)[edit]
- Level: 34
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Bludgeoning (nearly all trash enemies are Skeletons)
- Bane weapons: Undead, Aberration
- Buffs/Gear: Death Ward, Resurrection, Sonic Absorption, Fire Absorption, Evil Absorption if going for the secret ending
- Lockout: Yes, when the first set of runes is activated (quest door stops allowing access)
- Special Note:
- The boss battle of this raid requires strong party cohesion to pull off. Make sure you and your party understand the mechanics of the Dark Secrets and the devastating Roar attack used by Death's Teeth - either can cause a wipe if handled badly. Also, make sure Death's Teeth is moved to the central platform at about 20% HP to avoid the bother of him being healed. If you're just here for the loot, a named chest with all the Attuned Bone items drops after the The Mountain Keeper is slain - you can then recall and reset without activating the timer.
- If your party leader decides that you are going for the secret "true" ending (generally the default at this point), make sure to go and read the page on Skeletons in the Closet before starting. This ending is long, difficult to obtain, and the boss fight is much harder than the one in the standard ending, so it's important you understand what you're letting yourself in for. (This ending is required if you want to loot the named raid augments for Dinosaur Bone crafting, the named Raptor mount or the non-Dinosaur-Bone named items.)
Fire Over Morgrave (FoM)[edit]
- Level: 34
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Good-aligned
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider
- Buffs/Gear: Death Ward, Resurrection, Evil Absorption, Fire Absorption
- Lockout: Yes, after speaking to the Dean (quest door stops allowing access)
- Special Note: This raid is honestly fairly simple with a good tank. Assign one or two strong melee characters to keep Vrock Doom Dancer numbers down and remember that Risia Ice Orbs should only be broken when Zweilanar is both nearby and currently on fire.
The Chronoscope (Legendary)[edit]
- Level: 32
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Silver, Holy aligned, Vorpal, Banishing, Anarchic
- Bane weapons: Evil Outsider, Lawful Outsider,
- Buffs/Gear: Proof Against Poison, Resist Electricity/Fire/Cold/Acid (No sonic here despite the orthons), Remove Curse spells/potions, Lesser Restoration (and Full restore on higher difficulties), Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Raise Dead
- Lockout: Yes, after unlocking the Steam Tunnels by speaking to Veheer (quest door stops allowing access)
- Special Note: The Legendary version of this raid includes several mechanics not found in the Epic version, such as Abishai regenerating unless taking specific types of damage and the Circles of Great Scorn in Razor Arm's fight, which you should read up on before running it, as they are tricky to work out in the field and can potentially make things much harder. Note also that the difficulty ramps up quickly between difficulties - Normal is much easier than a standard Legendary raid, but on R1 the raid is one of the hardest in the game.
Threats Old and New[edit]
- Level: 35
- Flagging: None
- Duration: Long
- Timer: 2 Days 18 Hours after receiving end reward or use a Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
- General weapons: Good-aligned, Bludgeoning against Skeletons
- Bane weapons: Dragon, Humanoid, Undead
- Buffs/Gear: Fire Absorption is absolutely essential, Magical Resistance Rating
- Lockout: Yes, after speaking to Phathroi (quest door stops allowing access)
- Special Note: All three major fights in this raid have one complicated bit you should be wary of - Commander Ophael respawns repeatedly until the Portal Keepers in the rooms behind her are slain, Kathul Sep passively deals bursts of heavy magical damage to any player that strays too close to her, and Karliath has a nasty attack that marks players with a countdown effect that hurts other players nearby them when it expires. Remember to try and pull Bone Guards into Dead Magic Zones before killing them - this will prevent Red Wizards from raising them again and speed things up considerably.