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The Mask of Deception

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You head north towards the Stonelands. Masked Cult of the Dragon members have been reported in the area.

The Mask of Deception
Heroic level: 16
Epic level: 30
Duration: medium
Heroic XP:  ♣2,425Solo/Casual ♦4,206Normal ♥4,370Hard ♠4,535Elite
Epic XP:  ♣10,845Solo/Casual ♦18,543Normal ♥19,011Hard ♠19,479Elite
Takes place in: Cult Safehouse
Bestowed by: Hamish Graymoor
NPC contact: Hamish Graymoor
Quest acquired in: Eveningstar
Patron: The Harpers
Base favor: 6
Purchase: Free to Play
Extreme Challenge: No
Map The Mask of Deception.png
Loading screen


The Harpers have learned that the White Dragon Mask is being held in a Cult of the Dragon compound to the north.

They've asked you to infiltrate the Cult Safehouse, take the White Dragon Mask, and then escape.

  • In the LFM panel and in the Adventure Compendium this quest is called "Mask of Deception", without the leading "The".

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Get the White Dragon Mask and escape into the woods with your party
  • Gain access to the cult of the Dragon compound
  • Defeat Archwizard Ca'thul
  • (Optional) Neutralize the Cultists in the bar — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣364 ♦631 ♥656 ♠680 ) Legendary( ♣1,627 ♦2,781 ♥2,852 ♠2,922 )
  • (Optional) Disrupt the supplies — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣364 ♦631 ♥656 ♠680 ) Legendary( ♣1,627 ♦2,781 ♥2,852 ♠2,922 )
  • (Optional) Poison the Feast — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣364 ♦631 ♥656 ♠680 ) Legendary( ♣1,627 ♦2,781 ♥2,852 ♠2,922 )

What to Expect

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Blade-type traps on the upper level
  • Dart/Arrow traps on the lower level.
  • The trap control panels for Heroic Elite have a rather high Search value for the level of the quest; Search DC: 52. They are located in the two small supply rooms with breakables (one locked) on the top floor of the main building. The northern locked room has a slightly higher Open Lock DC than the southern room.
    • Traps activate once you grab the mask; however, they can be disabled in advance.

Tips and Misc

  • In the forest there are 2 cultists at the bonfire; they drop wearable cultist masks (Dragon Masks) when killed. Party members with masks on can enter the stronghold without a fight. Masks for the rest of the party can be found in the keep (see below).
  • You can use a Mirror of Glamering on the masks if you like the way they look.

Note: You must WEAR the mask in your head slot when moving around in order to fool the cultists. However, you can take the mask off and equip your own headgear (possibly to meet the skill checks or cast some buff) while staying still.

  • Do not attack anyone but the two first cultists in the woods if you wish to do the Optionals.
    • Be sure to turn off auras, keep pets on passive, and don't summon anything (they may attack NPCs)
  • For the 'Disrupt the supplies' optional you need to tell the Arms Master (in the central building) that attackers are coming. Then follow the Cult of the Dragon Initiate he dispatches after the dialogue; she'll run across the courtyard and open the door to the Supply room. To complete the optional you need to kill the kneeling cultist and then use the key you get for doing so to lock the open chest beside her. Killing the cultists in this room will NOT alert the rest of the compound.
    • This supply room also has a chest with four more masks, which can be looted for other party members to wear.
  • The Arms Master you talk to for the 'Disrupt the supplies' optional also has additional optional dialogues (not mandatory) allowing skills checks (Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate) to convince him to open the doors of the main building. Heroic Normal Diplomacy: 37 failed. Bluff: 54 Failure; 65 worked on Heroic Hard. Heroic Elite DC is 71 for all skills. On Epic Hard, a roll of 102 Failed the Diplomacy check. However, if you have a skills check failure with the optional dialogue; it results in the alarm being raised and causes all the monsters in the quest to become hostile. Failure text; "With as little cunning as a Kobold, you have given yourself away as an imposter".
  • To complete the bar optional just talk to the bartender. You can Haggle to reduce the cost and try the skill check as many times as you wish. On Heroic Normal a roll of 34:Fail; 37:Success. Heroic Hard roll 34:Fail; 43:Success. For Heroic Elite the Haggle needed is 44; Haggle roll of 43:Fail; 44:Success. On Epic Hard a roll of 74:Fail; 76:Success.
    • 20,000 pp is needed on Heroic, reduced to 7,000 pp with a successful haggle; 100,000 pp is needed on Epic.
    • Note that even after you've neutralized them, attacking one will still start a barroom brawl (fight).
  • To get to the basement, go through the secret door in the back/east of the building to the south (the same one where you found the extra masks). Go through the common room, push east and go downstairs.
  • To complete the Poison the Feast optional just click on the ham in the common room.
  • All party members need to enter the basement and gather near the mask in order to progress the quest. However, only one party member needs to stay behind to pick up the mask. The rest of the party members leave after having gathered around the mask, so they can avoid the blade traps if no one is able to disable them.
    • The two doors leading into the common room (where you found the ham) will close and cannot be targeted or opened after the mask is picked up until all of the cultists in the basement are killed. This means a significant fight for whoever did not go beyond this point before the mask is picked up.
  • Archwizard Ca'thul and his goons spawn in the courtyard once the mask is picked up by a party member.
  • There is a Dimensional Anchor effect inside the main building which disallows the usage of Dimension Door. There is a tiny spot where you can cast Dimension Door and escape to the entrance, although you can't finish the quest until the Archwizard is killed.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 30 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣243 ♦421 ♥437 ♠454 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 59 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣364 ♦631 ♥656 ♠680 )
  • Conquest bonus: 88 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣606 ♦1,052 ♥1,093 ♠1,134 )
  • Tamper bonus: 1 or more trap disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣243 ♦421 ♥437 ♠454 )
  • Mischief bonus: 25 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣194 ♦336 ♥350 ♠363 )
  • Vandal bonus: 32 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣243 ♦421 ♥437 ♠454 )
  • Ransack bonus: 40 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣364 ♦631 ♥656 ♠680 )


  • Chests: 1
    • 1 At the end as you approach the exit. Turn around!
  • Collectables: 5
    • Scroll Rack — in the central buildingIcon tooltip.pngBrass CenserPouch of Bone FragmentsVial of Dragon's Blood InkBlessed CandleSilver BowlRitual AthameVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar Orb
    • Rubble — in the North-west corner of the courtyard behind outhousesIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbBlessed CandleRuddy FungusChipped Bone TalismanSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseTear of VulkoorIvory Scorpion IconSilver BowlRitual AthameCryptic MessageSwaying Mushroom ClusterSwaying Mushroom Spore PodPolished OreVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Fungus — in the supply roomIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodSwaying Mushroom ClusterRuddy FungusSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusSwaying Mushroom Spore PodBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering Hellscap
    • Cabinet — (Lore) in the tavernIcon tooltip.pngBrass CenserPouch of Bone FragmentsVial of Dragon's Blood InkBlessed CandleSilver BowlRitual AthameVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbAdventuring OratorioArchaic LogbookAncient TextTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterCryptic MessageTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseScholarly NotesRomantic SonnetSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the Aurum
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the room with the White Dragon MaskIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbBlessed CandleRuddy FungusChipped Bone TalismanSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseTear of VulkoorIvory Scorpion IconSilver BowlRitual AthameCryptic MessageSwaying Mushroom ClusterSwaying Mushroom Spore PodPolished OreVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 28 days
  • BugTime
Blazing Sun
Blazing Sun.png
Orb  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Mask of Deception, End chest
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 28 days
  • BugTime
Epic Blazing Sun
Epic Blazing Sun.png
Orb  26 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Mask of Deception, End chest
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 4 months and 28 days
  • BugTime
Mythic Blazing Sun
Mythic Blazing Sun.png
Orb  26 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Mask of Deception, End chest
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Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Archwizard Ca'thul( view
Archwizard Ca'thul.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♥22Hard ♠26Elite ♦33Epic Normal ♥37Epic Hard ♠41Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Cult of the Dragon Initiate( view
Cult ot Dragon Initiate.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Dragonclaw Archer( view
Dragonclaw Archer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥19Hard ♠23Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Dragonfang Assassin( view
Dragonfang Assassin.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥19Hard ♠23Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Dragonsoul Arms Keeper( view
Dragonsoul Arms Keeper.png
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥20Hard ♠24Elite ♦31Epic Normal ♥35Epic Hard ♠39Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Dragonsoul Warrior( view
Dragonsoul Warrior.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥20Hard ♠24Elite ♦31Epic Normal ♥35Epic Hard ♠39Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Dragonwing Sorcerer( view
Dragonwing Sorcerer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥19Hard ♠23Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Humanoid Human