Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Augment Slot

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Augment Slot is a gem socket on certain named or random items. By adding an augment into a slot, your item gains an additional effect, as long as the augment is slotted. This crafting system introduced in Update 17 replaced the two older augment systems - Epic Augments and Guild Augments. (Epic Augments can still be found on some legacy items, but these have become very rare. Guild Augments are now completely obsolete.)

Augment Slot[edit]

Color types[edit]

Augment Slots appear in one of seven different colors:

Red Augment Blue Augment Yellow Augment Purple Augment Orange Augment Green Augment Colorless Augment Found in:
Colorless Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngColorless Augments Any type of item
Red Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngRed AugmentsColorless Augments Weapons, Shields, or other hand-held items
Blue Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngBlue AugmentsColorless Augments Armor, Robes, Outfits, Shields, or other off-hand items
Yellow Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngYellow AugmentsColorless Augments Accessory items (Ring, Neck, Boots, Belt, Gloves, Goggles, Helmet, Bracers, Cloak, Trinket)
Purple Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngPurple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments Named Weapons, Shields, or other hand-held items
Orange Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngOrange AugmentsYellow AugmentsRed AugmentsColorless Augments Named Weapons, Shields, or other hand-held items
Green Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngGreen AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments Accessory items or named Armor, Robes, or Outfits

Note that certain, special named items can sometimes possess augment slots that would not normally appear on that item type (see, for example, the sword Thirteen, which has one slot of every color, and Minor Artifacts, which all have a Blue, Green and Yellow augment slot regardless of which item slot they fit into.)

Augments tend to be named as follows:

  • Colorless Augments are known as Diamonds.
  • Red, Yellow and Blue Augments are Rubies, Topazes and Sapphires respectively.
  • Green Augments are Emeralds, and Orange Augments are Citrenes.
  • The exact name of Purple Augments is unknown as currently all five existing ones have special names; however, the description for the Essence of the Cobalt Guard indicates they are likely known as Amethysts.
  • Note that these augments are not to be confused with Gems.

NOTE: The on-screen description of Augment slots neglect to mention that Colorless augments can be used anywhere. It's good to mentally add the words "...and Colorless" to the description. For instance, "This item has a Purple Augment Slot. It can be combined with a Blue, Red, or Colorless Augment."

Items with augment slots[edit]

Named items
Most newer named items have at least one augment slot. Raid items and higher-level items usually have two. Minor artifacts have 3.
Random loot

5% of generated items have an augment slot. All types of augment slots can appear on random loot. Items with 2 slots are very rare but possible. On random items, augment slots are a bonus feature in addition to other effects, such as Enhancement Bonus, prefix, or suffix.

Compatibility with Cannith Crafting[edit]

Augments and augment slots are compatible with Cannith Crafting. Augment slots and slotted augments persist through disjunction.

Note: When you prepare a blank item for Cannith Crafting (disjunction), blanks with augment slots have a minimum level higher than one (up to 9 for dual-slotted blue+green blank). However, when you apply a minimum level shard, it can reduce the ML of the blank.


Augments at a glance

Augments are a kind of miscellaneous item, they do what Augment Crystals used to do before and more. Augments can be stored in an Augment Bag (available only from the DDO Store) or in the Crafting Storage of the Shared Bank.

Common augments
  • Unbound augments can be found in treasure chests (5% chance according to the official sneak peak, or less for higher level chests according to a player, needs verification):
    • Level 1-7 chests have a 5% chance per player of containing an augment gem.
    • Level 8-16 chests have a 2% chance per player of containing an augment gem.
    • Level 17-25 chests have a 1% chance per player of containing an augment gem.
  • Various vendors in DDO sell augments; see Purchasable augments
  • Some augments are also sold in the DDO Store (bound to account).
Uncommon and named augments
  • These drop in specific chests of specific quests and often have unique effects.
Crafted augments
  • You have to prepare these in crafting devices for various ingredients.
Unique augments


From the inventory screen, click the 'Augment Item' button at the lower right of the window, this will display a popup-window of the same name. Drag the unlocked item to be augmented to the empty position on the popup-window, this will display filled and empty augment slots on the item. Drag an appropriate augment onto an empty slot of an appropriate color and it will lock into place, applying the effect of that augment to the item. Close the popup-window when you have finished augmenting the item.

At any point, you can replace the augment you have slotted by placing a new one in the same slot. However, new augments overwrite old augments, and you don’t get the old augment back. Alternatively, you can use Jeweler's Tool Kit (DDO Store only or a rare grab in Daily Dice) to unslot an augment and claim the old augment back. (Note that this will not work with items using unique augments - Green Steel and Slave Lords Crafting items cannot have augments removed at all, while Dinosaur Bone Crafting items instead need a Bonepicker.)

Every augment has an associated minimum level requirement to use it. Slotting any augment also increases the slotted item’s minimum level to the level of the slotted augment for as long as that augment is slotted, unless the item's minimum level is already equal or higher.

  • Minor bug: If an item's ML is raised by a higher ML augment, and then that augment is removed or replaced by a lower level augment, the item's ML will not lower until after the character relogs. See: DDO Forums

Update 48[edit]

Update 48 introduced a revamp of the augmentation system, as a result of this augment slots and augment-gems have been upgraded:

  • Any augment-gem that is not slotted into an item when you log in will be upgraded upon login.
  • Any item which has all augment slots empty, will be upgraded upon login.
  • To remove old-style augments from items, a Legacy Augment Unslotter can be purchased from cannith crafting vendors for 00000000022cpIcon tooltip.pngCopper Piece.
    • Simply double click the Legacy Augment Unslotter to open a window, then drag and drop an unlocked augmented-item to the window, augments will be displayed and can be removed.

NOTE: No items or augments currently held in a bank will be upgraded, they must be moved to your inventory and a logout/login cycle completed to cause the upgrade process to trigger.

Standard augments[edit]

This table lists the common augments available in DDO. They are available at minimum levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32. The effect matches Cannith Crafting in power level (with the exception of elemental damage augments, which are typically one dice better than corresponding Cannith Crafting recipes.) For example, an ML8 Strength augment grants +5 Strength, just like an ML8 cannith-crafted strength item would.

Please note the following:

  • Most augment bonuses, unless otherwise specified, are an Enhancement Bonus.
  • Skill augments are a Competence Bonus.
  • Spell Power augments are an Equipment Bonus.
  • Named augments are not on the list below; see this list.
  • This page shows this information in a different arrangement: Augments by Level.

Augment Color Augment Effect ML00 ML04 ML08 ML12 ML16 ML20 ML24 ML28 ML32
Colorless Augments
Diamond of ...
Ability +1 +3 +5 +6 +8 +9 +11 +12 +14
Exceptional Ability - - - - - +1 - - -
Insightful Ability - - - - - - +5 - -
Skill - +5 +10 +13 +15 +17 +18 +19 +20
Yellow Augments
Topaz of ...
Elemental Resistance +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45
Spell Points +19 +60 +96 +129 +162 +195 +228 +261 +294
Spell Penetration +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
Damage (Deadly) +1 +3 +4 +5 +6 +8 +9 +10 +11
Melee Power or Ranged Power - - - +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12
Proof Against Poison or Proof Against Disease - +3 +4 +5 +6 +8 +10 - -
Spell Focus / Greater Spell Focus - - - - +1 - +2 - -
Striding (run speed) or Swiftness (run/attack speed) +10% +20% +30% +30/5% +30/10% +30/15% - - -
Underwater Action - - - - - - - -
Feather Falling - - - - - - - -
Blindness Immunity - - - - - - - -
Fear Immunity - - - - - - - -
Deathblock - - - - - - - -
Blue Augments
Sapphire of ...
Natural Armor +1 +3 +5 +6 +8 +9 +11 +12 +14
Protection +1 +3 +4 +5 +6 +8 +9 +10 +11
Resistance +1 +3 +4 +5 +6 +8 +9 +10 +11
Defense (Shelter) +3 +8 +12 +16 +20 +24 +28 +32 +36
False Life +4 +12 +18 +24 +30 +36 +42 +48 +54
Dodge +1 +3 +5 +6 +8 +9 +11 +12 +14
Accuracy +2 +5 +8 +10 +12 +15 +17 +20 +22
Heal Amp. / Rep. Amp. / Neg. Amp. +3 +11 +18 +24 +31 +37 +44 +50 +57
Stunning (Stun) or Shatter (Sunder) or Vertigo (Trip) +2 +4 +6 +7 +9 +11 +12 +14 +16
Light/Moderate/Heavy Fortification +25% +75% +100% - - - - - -
Arcane Spell Failure - - - -5% -10% -15% - - -
Armor Max Dex Bonus - - - +1 - +2 - - -
Good Luck - - - +1 - +2 - - -
Red Augments
Ruby of ...
Elemental Damage +1d6 +2d6 +3d6 +4d6 +5d6 +6d6 +7d6 +8d6 +9d6
Spell Power +38 +55 +70 +84 +97 +111 +125 +139 +153
Byeshk or Lawful or Chaotic or Evil Damage Flag - - - - - - - -
Good or Adamantine Damage Flag - - - - - - - -
Cold Iron or Alchemical Silver Damage Flag - - - - - - - -

"-" means not available


  • Elemental Damage - Fire, Cold, Acid or Electric.
  • Elemental Resistance - Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric or Sonic.
  • Spell Power - Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, Sonic, Force/Untyped, Light/Alignment, Negative, Positive/Healing or Repair/Rust.
  • (Greater) Spell Focus - Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Abjuration, Enchantment, Transmutation or Conjuration.
    • Note: This is an enhancement bonus, not the regular equipment bonus.
  • Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble but not UMD.

Purchasable augments[edit]

Some augments can be purchased from vendors and collectors in Stormreach and beyond. Some notable vendors are listed below. For a full list, see the Purchasable Augments page.

Named, uncommon, and crafted augments[edit]

In addition to the standard augments listed above, there are a limited number of special augments that can be found in certain quests or created through crafting.

Named and uncommon augments[edit]

The normal Named augments and Uncommon augments can be acquired as chest loot.

Named Augment Color ML Augment effects Augment drop sites Pack needed
Item: The Master's Gift Colorless 01
  • Heroic InspirationIcon tooltip.pngHeroic Inspiration: This item inspires you to acts of great heroism, granting a +5% bonus to experience points granted by completing quests while it is equipped. This stacks with experience boosting effects from elixirs but does not stack with experience boosting effects from other equippable items.
Combine Voice of the Master, Mantle of the Worldshaper, and 5 Greater Tokens of the Twelve at the Altar of Epic Rituals. Delera's Tomb, The Ruins of Threnal, and one of Vault of Night/Demon Sands/Devil Assault
Item: Meteoric Star Ruby Red 01
  • 2% chance On Hit to cause a falling star to strike your target, dealing 3 to 18 Fire Damage and 1 to 6 Bludgeoning Damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies, with a chance to knock them prone.
The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
Item: Ruby Eye of Erosion Red 01
  • 2% Chance On Hit to cause a blast of acid that deals 3 to 18 acid damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies.
Thunderholme raids & The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; end chests The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar/Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Ruby Eye of the Inferno Red 01
  • 2% Chance On Hit to cause a blast of flame that deals 4 to 16 fire damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies.
Thunderholme raids & The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; end chests The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar/Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Ruby Eye of the Glacier Red 01
  • 2% Chance On Hit to cause a burst of glacial frost that deals 7 to 14 cold damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies.
Thunderholme raids & The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; end chests The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar/Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Ruby Eye of the Tempest Red 01
  • 2% Chance On Hit to cause a bolt of lightning to strike your target, dealing 1 to 20 damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies.
Thunderholme raids & The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; end chests The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar/Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Ruby Eye of Righteousness Red 01
  • 2% Chance On Hit to cause a blast of holy energy that deals 3 to 12 damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies.
Thunderholme raids & The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; end chests The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar/Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Ruby Eye of Force Red 01
  • 2% Chance On Hit to cause a burst of magical force that deals 3 to 12 force damage per Minimum Level of the weapon to all nearby enemies.
Thunderholme raids & The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; end chests The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar/Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Ruby of Ghostbane Red 01
  • Ghostbane IIcon tooltip.pngGhostbane I: On Hit: 1 to 6 Bane Damage vs Undead. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
    Passive: Attacks from this weapon bypass the miss chance of incorporeal creatures, such as ghosts, shadows, and wraiths.
The Night Revels, Joe Candymaker trade-in None
Item: Ruby of the Endless Night Red 01 The Night Revels, Joe Candymaker trade-in None
Item: Ruby of the Vampire Slayer Red 01
  • SilverIcon tooltip.pngSilver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires.
    Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable.
    , 1 to 4 Light Damage.
The Night Revels, Joe Candymaker trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2 Colorless 22 The Night Revels, Joe Candymaker trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Festive Constitution +2 Colorless 22 The Night Revels, Joe Candymaker trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Festive Wisdom +2 Colorless 22 The Night Revels, Joe Candymaker trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Festive Strength +2 Colorless 22 Treasure of Crystal Cove, Euphonia's Barter Box trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Festive Charisma +2 Colorless 22 Snowpeaks Festival, Flurry trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Festive Dexterity +2 Colorless 22 Snowpeaks Festival, Flurry trade-in None
Item: Ruby of the Iron Hand Red 01 Snowpeaks Festival, Flurry trade-in None
Item: Ruby of the Snowpeaks Red 04
  • 1 to 8 Cold Damage, attacks occasionally lock targets in frozen ice (see Freezing Ice.)
Snowpeaks Festival, Flurry trade-in None
Item: Sapphire of Snowpeaks Speed Blue 08 Snowpeaks Festival, Flurry trade-in None
Item: Ruby of the Adamantine Blessing Red 01
  • AdamantineIcon tooltip.pngAdamantine: Adamantine weapons may bypass the damage reduction of certain items and creatures. .
Treasure of Crystal Cove, Euphonia's Barter Box trade-in None
Item: Ruby of the Surging Tide Red 01
  • Tidal BurstIcon tooltip.pngTidal Burst: This weapon is sheathed in water. The weapon deals an additional 1 to 4 damage each hit. In addition, critical hits deal an additional 1 to 8 damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 16 for a x3 critical multiplier and 3 to 24 for a x4 multiplier. Creatures with the Fire trait take double this damage instead..
Treasure of Crystal Cove, Euphonia's Barter Box trade-in None
Item: Diamond of Vitality +20 Colorless 11 The Crucible underwater chest; Tattered Tapestries end reward Ruins of Gianthold / Litany of the Dead Part 4
Item: Globe of Imperial Blood Colorless 14
  • +3 Enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Gianthold Tor Ruins of Gianthold
Item: Globe of True Imperial Blood Colorless 25
  • +1 Exceptional Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Return to Gianthold Tor Ruins of Gianthold
Item: Draconic Soul Gem Yellow 25 The Fall of Truth Ruins of Gianthold
Item: Topaz of Anthem Yellow 20
  • AnthemIcon tooltip.pngAnthem: When equipped by a character with Bard levels, this item begins to hum an inspiring tune. Your bard songs regenerate slowly over time..
Precious Cargo Three-Barrel Cove
Item: Ruby of the Crushing Wave Red 20
  • Crushing WaveIcon tooltip.pngCrushing Wave: This weapon stores the unstoppable force of the ocean's fury deep within. When this weapon is used, this power occasionally comes to the surface, crushing enemies beneath a torrent of frigid water..
Ghost of a Chance (epic) Three-Barrel Cove
Item: Sapphire of Crushing Wave Guard Blue 20
  • Crushing Wave GuardIcon tooltip.pngCrushing Wave Guard: This item stores the unstoppable force of the ocean's fury deep within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this power occasionally comes to the surface, crushing enemies beneath a torrent of frigid water..
Old Tomb, New Tenants Three-Barrel Cove
Item: Golem's Heart Blue 28
  • 2% chance on your being hit to heal you for 20 to 120 Hit Points and deal 50 to 300 Electric damage to your surrounding enemies.
A Study in Sable None
Item: Meridian Fragment Orange 28 Fire on Thunder Peak Shadow Under Thunderholme
Item: Deconstructor Red 28 Brothers of the Forge None
Item: Ruby of Fey Bane Red 06
  • Additional 2d8 Bane Damage to Fey creatures on hit.
Wake Me Up Inside Fables of the Feywild
Item: Topaz of Quick Movements Yellow 06 The Feywild, rare encounter chests Fables of the Feywild
Item: Sapphire of Heroism Blue 06 Immortality Lessons Fables of the Feywild
Item: Sapphire of Greater Heroism Blue 28 Immortality Lessons Fables of the Feywild
Item: Scourge of the Outsiders Orange 28
  • BanishingIcon tooltip.png Banishing: On Hit: 4 to 24 Bane damage to Outsiders.
    On Vorpal Hit: If an outsider struck by this weapon has fewer than 1000 Hit Points, it is instantly slain. If the outsider has above 1000 Hit Points, it takes 100 damage.
The Thornwright Fables of the Feywild
Item: Storm's Bulwark Green 28
  • Whirlwind WardIcon tooltip.pngWhirlwind Ward: This effect renders you immune to being knocked down by an Air Elemental's whirlwind. However, it does not prevent you from being knocked back or away from touching the Air Elemental..
The Knight Who Cried Windmill Fables of the Feywild
Item: Topaz of Augmented Summoning Yellow 28
  • Augment SummoningIcon tooltip.png Augment Summoning: This item grants you the Augment Summoning feat, which gives your summoned creatures +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification..
The Feywild, rare encounter chests Fables of the Feywild
Item: Emerald of Bitter Wounds Green 28 The Dryad and the Demigod Fables of the Feywild
Item: Lifetaker Purple 28
  • Slay LivingIcon tooltip.pngSlay Living: This weapon stores a dark and sinister power deep within. When the weapon is used, this power occasionally comes to the surface, attempting to instantly snuff out the life force of the enemy.. (2.5% for a DC 30 Slay Living)
Witch Hunt Fables of the Feywild
Item: Feareater Purple 28 The Dryad and the Demigod Fables of the Feywild
Item: Dismagicka Orange 28
  • Improved ShattermantleIcon tooltip.pngImproved Shattermantle: Transluscent, writhing energy and blue sparks can be seen raging within this weapon. When a shattermantle weapon strikes a foe that has spell resistance, the value of that spell resistance is reduced by 6 for 9 seconds. A foe can only have its SR reduced by one Shattermantle effect at a time..
The Dryad and the Demigod Fables of the Feywild
Item: Ruby of Disintegration Red 28
  • DisintegrationIcon tooltip.pngDisintegration: This weapon has a dark, insidious power deep within. Occasionally, this power lashes out violently at enemies and attempts to disintegrate them.. (2% for 15d20+300 untyped damage)
Wake Me Up Inside Fables of the Feywild
Item: Clearwater Diamond Colorless 01
  • 1 Positive Healing per minute.
Under the Cover of Darkness Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Diamond of the Magi Colorless 28 Under the Cover of Darkness Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Sapphire of Good Luck +1 Blue 04 The Haunting of Saltmarsh Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Sapphire of Good Luck +3 Blue 28 The Haunting of Saltmarsh Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Topaz of Lesser Dragonmarks Yellow 04
  • Grants +1 Lesser Dragonmark charges.
The Final Enemy Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Citrene of Greater Dragonmarks Orange 28
  • Grants +1 Greater Dragonmark charges.
The Final Enemy Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Topaz of Minor Rage Yellow 04
  • Grants +1 Rage charges.
Swim at Your Own Risk Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Emerald of Greater Rage Green 28
  • Grants +3 Rage charges.
Swim at Your Own Risk Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Topaz of Minor Smiting Yellow 04
  • Grants +1 Smite Evil charges.
Danger at Dunwater Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Emerald of Greater Smiting Green 28
  • Grants +3 Smite Evil charges.
Danger at Dunwater Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Item: Emerald of Arcane Empowerment Green 28
  • +1 Enhancement bonus to bonus Imbue Dice.
Hunt or Be Hunted Hunter and Hunted
Item: Emerald of Eldritch Empowerment Green 28
  • +1 Enhancement bonus to bonus Imbue Dice.
Hunt or Be Hunted Hunter and Hunted
Item: Emerald of Vile Empowerment Green 28
  • +1 Enhancement bonus to bonus Imbue Dice.
Hunt or Be Hunted Hunter and Hunted
Item: Crystallized Drop of Tea Yellow 28
  • Drag this augment into a slot to upgrade an item to provide a -4 SP Cost to Empowered Spells. Additionally, once every three seconds when you take physical damage, you get +8 Psionic Bonus to Universal Spell Power. This can stack up to three times and each stack lasts for 20 seconds.
Through the Tulgey Wood Hunter and Hunted
Item: Crystallized Unicorn Tear Blue 28
  • Drag this augment into a slot to upgrade an item to provide a 5% chance to gain 150 Temporary Hitpoints when you are hit. This can only proc once every 10 seconds. These Temporary Hitpoints last for 10 minutes or until used up, whichever is first.
One Dame Thing After Another Hunter and Hunted
Item: Arrowbound Topaz Yellow 08 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Brightbane Emerald Green 08 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Coalescent Ruby Red 08 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Demonheart Emerald Green 08 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Silvertongue Sapphire Blue 08
  • Linguistics 10%Icon tooltip.pngLinguistics: This item reduced the cooldowns of your Social skills (Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate) by 10%. This does not stack with the Negotiator ability..
The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Swordcrossed Topaz Yellow 08 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Undying Sapphire Blue 08 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Wraithborn Emerald Green 08
  • EtherealIcon tooltip.pngEthereal: Equipping this item causes your hands and weapons to become partially incorporeal. Your melee attacks do not roll a miss chance for Incorporeal targets..
The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Abjuration Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Conjured Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Enchanted Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Evocation Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Illusory Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Necromantic Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Topaz of Transmuted Power Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Arrowbound Topaz Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Brightbane Emerald Green 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Coalescent Ruby Red 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Demonheart Emerald Green 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Silvertongue Sapphire Blue 30
  • Linguistics 15%Icon tooltip.pngLinguistics: This item reduced the cooldowns of your Social skills (Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate) by 15%. This does not stack with the Negotiator ability..
The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Swordcrossed Topaz Yellow 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Undying Sapphire Blue 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Legendary Wraithborn Emerald Green 30 The Isle of Dread, any chest The Isle of Dread
Item: Ruby of Acid Blast Red 08
  • Acid BlastIcon tooltip.pngAcid Blast: An acid blast weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more acid damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Flaming Blast Red 08
  • Flaming BlastIcon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast: A flaming blast weapon is sheathed in fire. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more fire damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Icy Blast Red 08
  • Icy BlastIcon tooltip.pngIcy Blast: An icy blast weapon is sheathed in icy cold. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more cold damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Shocking Blast Red 08
  • Shocking BlastIcon tooltip.pngShocking Blast: A shocking blast weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 4 to 24 more electric damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Implement's Acid Red 08 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Implement's Flame Red 08 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Implement's Frost Red 08 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Implement's Wind Red 08 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Ruby of Maiming Red 08
  • MaimingIcon tooltip.pngMaiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Sapphire of Riposte Blue 08 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Acid Blast Red 30
  • Greater Acid BlastIcon tooltip.pngGreater Acid Blast: An acid blast weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more acid damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Flaming Blast Red 30
  • Greater Flaming BlastIcon tooltip.pngGreater Flaming Blast: A flaming blast weapon is sheathed in fire. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more fire damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Icy Blast Red 30
  • Greater Icy BlastIcon tooltip.pngGreater Icy Blast: An icy blast weapon is sheathed in icy cold. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 cold damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more cold damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Shocking Blast Red 30
  • Greater Shocking BlastIcon tooltip.pngGreater Shocking Blast: A shocking blast weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. Critical hits with this weapon deal an additional 4 to 40 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 6 to 60 for a x3 critical multiplier, and 8 to 80 for a x4 multiplier. Additionally, if you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the weapon blasts your target, doing 6 to 36 more electric damage..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Implement's Acid Red 30 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Implement's Flame Red 30 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Implement's Frost Red 30 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Implement's Wind Red 30 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Ruby of Maiming Red 30
  • Greater MaimingIcon tooltip.pngGreater Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 8 to 48, x3 - 12 to 72, x4 - 16 to 96..
ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: Legendary Sapphire of Riposte Blue 30 ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple, ToEE: Lower Temple Complex & ToEE: Depths of the Temple, rare encounter chests The Temple of Elemental Evil
Item: The Eye of Daanvi Red 30
  • This weapon becomes Lawfully aligned, and on each hit, deals 10d6 extra Law damage to all non-Lawful enemies.
Order in the Court!, end chest Grip of the Hidden Hand
Item: The Eye of Dolurrh Red 30
  • This weapon gains Ghost Touch, and on each hit, deals 10d6 Evil damage.
The Hand and the Eyes, end chest Grip of the Hidden Hand
Item: The Eye of Lamannia Red 30
  • This weapon becomes an Implement. +146 Equipment bonus to Positive and Force Spellpower.
Growing Pains, end chest Grip of the Hidden Hand
Item: The Eye of Mabar Red 30
  • This weapon becomes Evil aligned. You heal 5d2 damage per strike, and when you slay an enemy, you gain 15 Temporary HP. If you are Undead, this healing becomes Negative.
Army of Eternal Night, end chest Grip of the Hidden Hand
Item: The Eye of Shavarath Red 30
  • You are immune to Fear. On a Critical Hit, this weapon applies the Shaken debuff.
Three Paths to Battle, end chest Grip of the Hidden Hand
Item: A History of Draconic Interference Red 18
  • Dragon Bane 4Icon tooltip.pngDragon Bane 4: This weapon is attuned specifically to disrupt those with draconic blood, dealing an additional 4d10 bane damage vs. Dragons..
Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Bestiary of the Planes Red 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Encyclopedia of the Dead, Vol. 1 Red 18
  • Undead Bane 4Icon tooltip.pngUndead Bane 4: Those that have died must return, and this weapon is attuned specifically to lay them to rest. This weapon deals an additional 4d10 bane damage vs. Undead., Ghost TouchIcon tooltip.pngGhost Touch: An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons..
Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Guide to Animal Handling Yellow 18
  • Grants +1 to Wild Empathy charges.
Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: How To Cast Fast Blue 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Moment to Moment Yellow 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Ravil's Book of Recipes Colorless 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Art of Persuasion, Vol. 1 Yellow 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Art of Sabotage, Vol. 1 Yellow 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Book of Defense: Fortitude Blue 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Book of Defense: Reflexes Blue 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Book of Defense: Willpower Blue 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Finite Limits of Construction Red 18 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: A Legendary History of Draconic Interference Red 32
  • Dragon Bane 6Icon tooltip.pngDragon Bane 6: This weapon is attuned specifically to disrupt those with draconic blood, dealing an additional 6d10 bane damage vs. Dragons..
Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Legendary Bestiary of the Planes Red 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Encyclopedia of the Dead, Vol. 3 Red 32
  • Undead Bane 6Icon tooltip.pngUndead Bane 6: Those that have died must return, and this weapon is attuned specifically to lay them to rest. This weapon deals an additional 6d10 bane damage vs. Undead., Ghost TouchIcon tooltip.pngGhost Touch: An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons..
Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Legendary Guide to Animal Handling Yellow 32
  • Grants +3 to Wild Empathy charges.
Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: How To Cast Faster Blue 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Legendary Moment to Legendary Moment Yellow 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: Ravil's Book of Legendary Recipes Colorless 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Art of Persuasion, Vol. 3 Yellow 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Art of Sabotage, Vol. 3 Yellow 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Legendary Book of Defense: Fortitude Blue 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Legendary Book of Defense: Reflexes Blue 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Legendary Book of Defense: Willpower Blue 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Infinite Limits of Construction Red 32 Vecna Unleashed, any chest Vecna Unleashed
Item: A Treatise on Battle Orange 32 Fire Over Morgrave Vecna Unleashed
Item: The Blackstone Liturgy Purple 32 Fire Over Morgrave Vecna Unleashed
Item: Weaverwisp Melody Green 32 Fire Over Morgrave Vecna Unleashed
Item: Facet of Coalesced Impacts Purple 32 Illithid Invasion, any end chest None
Item: Facet of Condensed Power Green 32
  • Power StoreIcon tooltip.pngPower Store: This item collects and stores magical energy. Any spellcaster can use this energy to partially power their spells. All spells cast while using this item receive an enhancement bonus of -10% to their spell point costs..
Illithid Invasion, any end chest None
Item: Facet of Psionic Intrusion Orange 32 Illithid Invasion, any end chest None
Item: Globe of Cursed Blood Colorless 30
  • +8 Enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Illithid Invasion, any end chest None

Essence augments[edit]

Transform a Raid Item into a Bound to AccountIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account level 30 Augment bearing an enchantment specific, and typically unique, to that item. These Essence augments can be crafted in the Soulforge altar in the Hall of Heroes (lower level, first room, SW corner).

Essence Augment Color ML Items to Consume Essence bonus effect Item drop sites
Essence of the Cloak of Strahd Yellow 30 This topaz carries the soul of the Cloak of Strahd.
Slotted Effect: Invisibility GuardIcon tooltip.pngInvisibility Guard: This item has a chance of granting you temporary invisibility when you are hit by foes. The invisibility will not be removed when you attack or take damage, but it will wear off after 10 seconds.
Old Baba's Hut
Essence of the Nullscale Armor Yellow 30 This topaz carries the soul of the Nullscale Armor.
Slotted Effect: Nullmagic GuardIcon tooltip.pngNullmagic Guard: On being hit with a spell: There is a small chance that you explode in arcane energies. Foes hit are subject to a silencing effect, preventing their spellcasts and dampening their magical protections for 10 seconds.
Killing Time
Essence of the Epic Litany of the Dead Colorless 30 This diamond carries the soul of the Epic Litany of the Dead.
Slotted Effect: Litany of the Dead II - Ability BonusIcon tooltip.pngLitany of the Dead II - Ability Bonus: The Litany of the Dead enhances the physical and mental abilities of its owner. Grants a +2 Profane bonus to all Abilities.
Mark of Death
Essence of Constellation, Broken and Reforged Orange 30 This citrene carries the soul of Constellation, in its whole yet broken form.
Slotted Effect: Improved DestructionIcon tooltip.pngImproved Destruction: On Hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second Duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every second.
Too Hot to Handle
Essence of The Masque Blue 30 This sapphire carries the soul of The Masque.
Slotted Effect: SoundproofIcon tooltip.pngSoundproof: Protects against stunning, dazing and disorientation from sound-based spells such as Soundburst and Greater Shout.
The Curse of Strahd
Essence of the Cobalt Guard Purple 30 This amethyst carries the soul of the Cobalt Guard.
Slotted Effect: Improved Quelling StrikesIcon tooltip.pngImproved Quelling Strikes: On Vorpal Melee: applies a Quell effect to target enemy for six seconds, rendering them unable to cast divine spells. This has a 50% chance of preventing the target from casting all spells for three seconds (12 second cooldown).
Riding the Storm Out
Essence of the Cracked Core Yellow 30 This topaz carries the soul of the Cracked Core.
Slotted Effect: Alchemical ConservationIcon tooltip.pngAlchemical Conservation: This item modifies the user's energy expenditure in such a way that many abilities can be used more frequently than normal. You will gain +1 ki on every successful attack, and you will increase the number of Action Boosts, Turn Undead attempts, and Bard Songs you can use per rest by 1 each.
These additional uses will only take effect after you rest.
Project Nemesis
Essence of Dark Diversion Yellow 30 This topaz carries the soul of Dark Diversion.
Slotted Effect: OccultationIcon tooltip.pngOccultation: 20% Enhancement bonus to Decreased threat generated from all damage.
Temple of the Deathwyrm
Essence of the Spear of the Mournlands Orange 30 This citrene carries the soul of the Spear of the Mournlands.
Slotted Effect: Touch of the MournlandsIcon tooltip.pngTouch of the Mournlands: This staff, once wielded by the Lord of Blades himself, taints each wound with the power of the Mournlands. Prolonged exposure will make the target more and more difficult to heal and repair, cutting their Healing and Repair Amplification, and also interferes with their ability to use magic by occasionally Quelling enemies on a Vorpal strike.
Legendary Lord of Blades
Essence of the Champion of the Twins Blue 30 This sapphire carries the soul of the Champion of the Twins.
Slotted Effect: Healers BountyIcon tooltip.pngHealers Bounty: This shield has a small percentage chance to cast a Heal spell on you when you take damage.
Legendary Vision of Destruction
Essence of Ultimatum Green 30 This emerald carries the soul of Ultimatum.
Slotted Effect: Petrification ImmunityIcon tooltip.pngPetrification Immunity: This items gives immunity to Petrification.
Defiler of the Just
Essence of the Dethek Runestone Green 30 This emerald carries the soul of the Dethek Runestone.
Slotted Effect: Runic RevitalizationIcon tooltip.pngRunic Revitalization: On Positive Energy Spell Cast: You have a 10% chance to gain 100 Temporary Hit Points and 50 Temporary Spell Points for 60 seconds. This effect can trigger once per 120 seconds.
Fire on Thunder Peak
Essence of Pomura's Memento Green 30 This emerald carries the soul of Pomura's Memento.
Slotted Effect: Insightful Spell Lore VIcon tooltip.pngInsightful Spell Lore V: Passive: All of your spells gain a 5% Insightful bonus to their chance to critical hit.
Hunt or Be Hunted

Set augments[edit]

These level 30 Set augments can be slotted in any augment color slot. The item into which they are slotted becomes part of a unique three-piece item set. They can be crafted in the Hut from Beyond (lower north harbor) in the Cauldron of Cadence. Be aware that slotting a Set Augment into an item with any existing sets will suppress those sets while the Set Augment is slotted, so you should avoid slotting set augments into items that are part of sets you intend to complete.

Set Augment Color ML Items to Consume Set bonus effect Item drop sites
Set Augment: Alluring Elocution Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact Bonus to Charisma Too Hot to Handle
Set Augment: Arcane Barrier Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +30 Magical Resistance Rating Cap The Curse of Strahd
Set Augment: Arcane Guardian Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +30 Artifact bonus to MRR Too Hot to Handle
Set Augment: Bold Tactician Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Tactical DCs Fire Over Morgrave
Set Augment: Brutal Blows Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Strength Killing Time
Set Augment: Cruel Cut Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +15% Artifact bonus to damage vs the Helpless Project Nemesis
Set Augment: Cunning Impact Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Dexterity Defiler of the Just
Set Augment: Dusk Raider Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +15 Artifact Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power The Curse of Strahd
Set Augment: Esoterica Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact Bonus to all Spell DCs Killing Time
Set Augment: Imbued Infusion Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to bonus Imbue Dice Skeletons in the Closet
Set Augment: Legendary Bulwark Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +10% Legendary bonus to Maximum Hit Points Hunt or Be Hunted
Set Augment: Paragon Guard Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +15% Artifact Bonus to Armor Class The Curse of Strahd
Set Augment: Perfect Silence Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact Bonus to Sneak Attack Dice Old Baba's Hut
Set Augment: Piercing Mind Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Intelligence Project Nemesis
Set Augment: Quickblade Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +15% Artifact bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot Riding the Storm Out
Set Augment: Subtle Blade Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Assassinate DCs Fire Over Morgrave
Set Augment: Touch of Power Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +25 Artifact bonus to Universal Spell Power Project Nemesis
Set Augment: Tough Shields Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +30 Artifact bonus to Physical Resistance Rating Temple of the Deathwyrm
Set Augment: Truthful Blow Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +15% Artifact bonus to Fortification Bypass Project Nemesis
Set Augment: Visions of the Beyond Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Wisdom Too Hot to Handle
Set Augment: Wild Fortitude Colorless 30 3 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Constitution Legendary Lord of Blades

Special augment slots[edit]

Certain crafting systems use variants of Augment Slots to allow players to add one of a fixed selection of different effects onto a pre-existing item. While these systems are all accessed via the standard Augment window, typically, these augment slots will not interact with standard colored augments (nor vice versa) and unslotting an augment requires a unique item.

External links[edit]