Year of the Dragon: Through 24th September, claim one free Draconic Raiders Reward Box per server! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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The coin system uses a simple 10:1 rule between denominations.
- 1 platinum piece (pp) = 10 gold pieces (gp) = 100 silver pieces (sp) = 1,000 copper pieces (cp)
By convention, the game displays item values and transaction totals only in terms of gp and lower, though it conducts transactions using all coin types in ways that minimize your final total coin count. When you sell items, the game converts your incoming gp to pp as much as possible. (If you sell something listed worth 500 gold, you actually receive 50 platinum.) When you buy items, the game spends your smallest coins first. (If you have 10 gp and 1,009 cp, and you buy something that costs 10 gp, the game takes 1,000 of your cp.) The game also makes change when necessary.
There is no way to directly exchange coins of one type for another. Fortunately, coins are weightless, so there is little need for that service. If you really feel the need to convert your coins to higher denominations, you can sell something valuable to the general vendor, then buy it back.
Money cap[edit]
The game limits the amount of money a character can own.
- For VIP and Premium players, it is limited to just under 4.3 million pp. ( 4,294,967ppPlatinum Piece 2gpGold Piece 9spSilver Piece 5cpCopper Piece to be exact, the limit of a 32-bit unsigned integer in cp).
- For Free to Play players, it depends on your character level. At level 1, it is 1,250 pp. This limit doubles for each level gained until at level 13 it reaches the same limit as VIP & Premium players.
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 + |
Currency Cap | 1,250 | 2,500 | 5,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 | 40,000 | 80,000 | 160,000 | 320,000 | 640,000 | 1,280,000 | 2,560,000 | 4,294,967 |
- Error messages, such as from attempting to trade more money than a F2P character can hold, are shown in Gold Pieces, so 10× the value listed above for platinum.
- By in-game mail, you are allowed to send a maximum of 9,999 pp, 9,999 gp, 9,999 sp, and 9,999 cp, or just over 11,100† platinum per message sent. This cap is currency only, and does not include the value of any item attached to the message.
- († 11,108pp, 8gp, 8sp, 9cp, to be exact)
Important notes:
- If you are 9,000 pp from cap and sell 10,000 pp worth of goods, the items will be sold, but your character will gain zero platinum in the transaction.
- If you roll Daily Dice and the pp obtained would put you over your cap, you do not receive the pp from your dice roll.
- If you are low level and sell an item on the Auction House you may have more currency on the mail than you can detach (the entire value of the mail needs to be detached at once, if this would go over your cap the currency will refuse to detach) and will need to reduce your currency and/or level up to increase the cap.
- If you True Reincarnate a Free to Play character without transferring their currency off first, you will be level 1 with a currency cap of 1,250pp and current platinum more than that. In this 'over cap' state, trying to send mail or buy items will fail and the currency will be lost (the mail is not sent/items not purchased but currency removed). F2P characters should always be empty of currency before True Reincarnation to avoid this.
Other types of currencies used in DDO[edit]
In the past, certain rare unbound crafting ingredients were used as a currency; most notably Flawless Red Dragon Scales (Reds), Large Devil Scales (LDS, Green Steel), and some epic scrolls (Epic Crafting). Many of these were made obsolete with Menace of the Underdark expansion, more powerful loot and increased level cap. Multiple waves of item duplication further reduced the price of these once rare ingredients.