Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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Cauldron of Sora Katra
The Cauldron of Sora Katra is the Crafting device for items with the Fusible, Malleable, Fragmented or Battle-Scarred attributes. These items come from quests found in Lordsmarch Plaza. The Cauldron is located in the southwest corner of Lordsmarch Plaza, to the south of the palace entrance.
Crafting Window[edit]
The Crafting window presents a list of all available recipes. If an item is dragged into the lower left field, this list will be reduced to the recipes using that item. Also a Keyword search can be used to find the crafting recipe one desires.
Recipes require Droaam Marks as crafting ingredients. The Marks can drop from chests in the quests in the Attack on Stormreach pack, as well as in the end reward list from Commander Darmon Kosh for completing the whole Attack on Stormreach Quest Chain.
Droaam Marks:
Fusible Item Upgrades[edit]
A Fusible Item from Update 7 plus a Malleable Item from Update 8 and a Mark as listed results in the Fusible Item gaining an effect from the Malleable Item. The Blade of Fury can be combined with a Malleable Item and 2 Marks as listed to add the effect of the Malleable Item and also split the Blade of Fury into 2 shortswords instead of 1 greatsword.
Example: Stonedust Handwraps + Hooked Blade + Mark of Tzaryan Rrac = Stonedust Handwraps of Maiming
- Fusible Item + Malleable Item + Mark of Fusible Item List = Fusible Item with new Effect from the Malleable Item
- Fusible Item + Gnollish War Bow + Mark of Fusible Item List = adds Crippling
Crippling: A crippling weapon is infused with binding power so that when a target is critically hit their movement is slowed by half.
Note: Real slowdown is only 25% - Fusible Item + Ogrish War Axe + Mark of Fusible Item List = adds Vengeful
Vengeful: When its wielder is hit in battle, this item has a 10% chance to cause him or her to become full of anger and go into a Rage.
- Fusible Item + Staff of the Shadow + Mark of Fusible Item List = adds Lesser Vampirism
Lesser Vampirism: This weapon drains a tiny portion of the target's life force whenever it does damage.
Note: provides 1 hp of healing per hit. - Fusible Item + Hooked Blade + Mark of Fusible Item List = adds Maiming
Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1 to 6, x3 - 2 to 12, x4 - 3 to 18.
Fusible Item List:
- Blade of Fury ~ Mark of Sheshka for greatsword result, or 2 marks for shortswords (see list)
- Bloody Cleaver ~ Mark of Bal Molesh
- Rocksplitter ~ Mark of Rhesh Turakbar
- Stonedust Handwraps ~ Mark of Tzaryan Rrac
- NOTE: Some of the items are not bound and can be found in the Auction House.
- See also Fusible & Malleable Sceptres, below
Malleable Item Upgrades[edit]
A Malleable Item from Update 8 plus a Fusible Item from Update 7 and a Mark as listed results in the Malleable Item gaining an effect from the Fusible Item.
- Malleable Item + Fusible Item + Mark = Malleable Item with new Effect from Fusible Item
Example: Hooked Blade + Bloody Cleaver + Mark of Rhesh Turkbar = Bodyfeeder Hooked Blade
- Malleable Item + Bloody Cleaver + Mark of Rhesh Turakbar = adds Bloody (Bodyfeeder
Bodyfeeder: Whenever a bodyfeeder weapon you wield scores a critical hit, you gain 15 temporary hit points that last for up to 1 minute. on melee, Life Shield
Life Shield: Every time you are hit while wearing a Life Shield item there is a 10% chance you gain 15 temporary hitpoints that last for up to 1 minute. on ranged)
- Malleable Item + Blade of Fury + Mark of Bal Molesh = adds Infectious (Demon Fever
Demon Fever: This weapon is infected with a night hag's Demon Fever disease. On critical hits it will transfer the disease to enemies, dealing 1d8 Constitution damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 22) negates this effect.)
- Malleable Item + Rocksplitter + Mark of Tzaryan Rrac = adds Destructive (Destruction
Destruction: On Hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second Duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every three seconds.)
- Malleable Item + Stonedust Handwraps + Mark of Sheshka = adds Petrifying (Stone Prison
Stone Prison: This weapon is invested with the power of the earth. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit it will attempt to turn the target to stone, as the Flesh to Stone spell. A successful Fortitude save (DC 27) negates this effect.)
- Malleable Item + Bloody Cleaver + Mark of Rhesh Turakbar = adds Bloody (Bodyfeeder
Malleable Item List:
- See also Fusible & Malleable Sceptres, next
Fusible & Malleable Sceptres[edit]
A fusible sceptre and a malleable sceptre can be combined to form a quarterstaff. That quarterstaff will have the same total enchantments as if the enchantments of the two sceptres had been "combined"*, with the following changes:
- one of the two Red Augment Slot
Red Augments
- Named: Category:Red augments
- DR bypass: Alignment, Material
- Elemental damage: +1d6 to +9d6
- Spell Power (Enhancement bonus): +38 to +153
- Named: Category:Colorless augments
- Ability (Enhancement bonus): +1 to +14
- Ability (Exceptional bonus): +1
- Ability (Insight bonus): +5
- Skills, except UMD (Competence bonus): +5 to +20
Orange Augments
- Named: Category:Orange augments
- Named: Category:Yellow augments
- Deathblock
- Elemental Resistance: +5 to +45
- Immunity: Fear, Blindness
- Movement: Feather Falling, Striding: +10% to +30%, Swiftness +5% to +15%, Underwater Action
- Proof Against Disease, Poison: +2 to +10
- Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus (Enhancement bonus)
- Spell points (Enhancement bonus): +19 to +294
- Damage: +1 to +11
- Spell penetration: +1 to +9
- Named: Category:Red augments
- DR bypass: Alignment, Material
- Elemental damage: +1d6 to +9d6
- Spell Power (Enhancement bonus): +38 to +153
- Named: Category:Colorless augments
- Ability (Enhancement bonus): +1 to +14
- Ability (Exceptional bonus): +1
- Ability (Insight bonus): +5
- Skills, except UMD (Competence bonus): +5 to +20
- the Heroic (ML 12) version of the quarterstaff gains Magical Efficiency 5%
Magical Efficiency 5%: You take a 5% Enhancement discount to the Spell Point cost of your spells.; the Epic (ML 29) version gains Magical Efficiency 10%
Magical Efficiency 10%: You take a 10% Enhancement discount to the Spell Point cost of your spells.
- one of the two Red Augment Slot
- (* non-stacking enchantments, such as the Enhancement Bonus and the Spellcasting Implement bonus, are not additive, but nor are they as 2 separate sceptres.)
Fusible and malleable sceptres each have 5 different possible spellpowers. Any fusible sceptre can be combined with any malleable sceptre:
- Combustion (Fire)
- Corrosion (Acid)
- Glaciation (Cold)
- Impulse (Force/Untyped)
- Magnetism (Electric)
- Devotion (Positive/Healing)
- Nullification (Negative/Poison)
- Radiance (Light/Alignment)
- Reconstruction (Repair/Rust)
- Resonation (Sonic)
See Recipe Table, below, for examples and specifics.
Fragmented Item Upgrades[edit]
The new Scepter of the Ogre Magi can be combined with the Scepter of the Fleshweaver and a Mark of Tzaryan Rrac to make the new Master Transmuter's Staff.
Battle-Scarred Item Upgrades[edit]
The Wrath of Sora Kell set items from Update 7 (and their Update 59 Legendary variants) start out with the Battle-Scarred attribute. Combining one item with 2 Marks as listed will recreate the item to a more powerful version.