Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Stormreaver Monument

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  • Introduced in Update 12, it is now possible to upgrade named treasure from The Reaver's Fate raid.
  • Gather Seals of the Stormreaver from playing hard or elite difficulty.
  • Place the seals and the named items in the Monument to upgrade the named item to a more powerful form.
  • You can preview the available upgrades by visiting the Monument and clicking the list interface.

Update 12 Patch 3, all raid items from Reaver or Abbot raids obtained before U12 can now be 'unlocked' to add the upgrade option to the item. Of special note:

  • The process requires 5 giant, elven or dragon relics. Type depends on which item you are adding the upgrade to.
  • Dreamspitter retains its Suppressed or Unsuppressed status after being unlocked.
    • Old versions that have neither status do not acquire the suppressed power nor do they change in binding status.
  • Stone of Change rituals also persist after being unlocked.

Update 17, added The Fall of Truth treasure upgrades.

Update 18, added the ability to trade dragon scales for Seal of the Stormreaver.

Stormreaver Monument

Used to upgrade items obtain from The Reaver's Fate, by combining them with a Seal of the Stormreaver.

  • Location: Gianthold in the south west corner of camp, west of the mailbox.

Stormreaver Monument Upgrades[edit]

The Reaver's Fate[edit]

Mark of the Keeper icon.png

Seal of the Stormreaver

Item Cost
Seal of the Stormreaver 20 Black Dragon Scales 20 Blue Dragon Scales 20 White Dragon Scales
Upgradable Item Upgraded Item
Item Type Enchantments Effects Lost Effects Gained
Amulet of the Stormreaver Necklace Protection +4Icon tooltip.pngProtection +4: Passive: +4 Deflection bonus to Armor Class., Electric Resistance +30Icon tooltip.pngElectric Resistance +30: Passive: +30 Enhancement bonus to your Electric Resistance., Chain LightningIcon tooltip.pngChain Lightning
Caster level: 12
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3)
Protection +4Icon tooltip.pngProtection +4: Passive: +4 Deflection bonus to Armor Class.,
Electric Resistance +30Icon tooltip.pngElectric Resistance +30: Passive: +30 Enhancement bonus to your Electric Resistance.
Protection +5Icon tooltip.pngProtection +5: Passive: +5 Deflection bonus to Armor Class.,
Electric Resistance +40Icon tooltip.pngElectric Resistance +40: Passive: +40 Enhancement bonus to your Electric Resistance.
Cloudburst Greatsword Shocking BurstIcon tooltip.pngShocking Burst: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity, and deals 1 to 6 electric damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier., CloudburstIcon tooltip.pngCloudburst: On Vorpal, this weapon triggers a Cloudburst, striking its target with lightning and dealing sonic damage to surrounding enemies through a powerful thunderclap. Lightning StrikeIcon tooltip.png Lightning Strike: This weapon stores the power of a volatile thunderstorm deep within. Occasionally, this dynamic power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with a massive lightning strike.
Dreamspitter Quarterstaff Greater Evil Outsider BaneIcon tooltip.pngGreater Evil Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Evil Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 3 to 18 points of damage against the foe., Enchantment Focus +2Icon tooltip.png Enchantment Focus +2: +2 Equipment bonus to the DC of Enchantment spells., Life Stealing, Suppressed Power HolyIcon tooltip.pngHoly: A holy weapon is imbued with holy power. This power makes the weapon good-aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon suffer a negative level. The weapon deals an extra 2 to 12 damage against all targets of evil alignment. Force BurstIcon tooltip.pngForce Burst: This weapon is humming with magical force, and does 1 to 6 force damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 force damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
Gauntlets of Eternity Gloves Heal +13Icon tooltip.pngHeal +13: Passive: +13 Competence bonus to the Heal skill., Repair +13Icon tooltip.pngRepair +13: Passive: +13 Competence bonus to the Repair skill., Devotion +60Icon tooltip.pngDevotion +60: Passive: +60 Equipment bonus to Positive (Healing) Spell Power., Healing Lore VIcon tooltip.pngHealing Lore V: Passive: Your Positive Energy spells gain a 15% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Eternal Faith Heal +13Icon tooltip.pngHeal +13: Passive: +13 Competence bonus to the Heal skill.,
Repair +13Icon tooltip.pngRepair +13: Passive: +13 Competence bonus to the Repair skill.,
Devotion +60Icon tooltip.pngDevotion +60: Passive: +60 Equipment bonus to Positive (Healing) Spell Power.
Heal +15Icon tooltip.pngHeal +15: Passive: +15 Competence bonus to the Heal skill.,
Repair +15Icon tooltip.pngRepair +15: Passive: +15 Competence bonus to the Repair skill.,
Devotion +72Icon tooltip.pngDevotion +72: Passive: +72 Equipment bonus to Positive (Healing) Spell Power.
Head of Good Fortune Trinket Good Luck +2Icon tooltip.pngGood Luck +2: This item gives a +2 Luck bonus to all saves and skill checks., Fortification +75%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +75%: This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer much more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a 75% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. Fortification +75%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +75%: This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer much more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a 75% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. Fortification +100%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +100%: This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer much more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a 100% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.,
Dodge +4%Icon tooltip.png Dodge +4%: +4% Enhancement bonus to Dodge.
Madstone Boots Boots Dexterity +4Icon tooltip.png Dexterity +4: This item makes the wearer more nimble and dexterous, granting a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity., Potency +48Icon tooltip.pngPotency +48: Passive: +48 Equipment bonus to each Spell Power., Striding +20%Icon tooltip.pngStriding +20%: Makes the wearer more fleet of foot, giving a 20% bonus to run speed., Madstone RageIcon tooltip.pngMadstone Rage
Charges: 1 (1/day)
1 Charges (Recharged/Day:1), unlisted Madstone Reaction
Dexterity +4Icon tooltip.png Dexterity +4: This item makes the wearer more nimble and dexterous, granting a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity.,
Potency +48Icon tooltip.pngPotency +48: Passive: +48 Equipment bonus to each Spell Power.,
Striding +20%Icon tooltip.pngStriding +20%: Makes the wearer more fleet of foot, giving a 20% bonus to run speed.
Dexterity +6Icon tooltip.png Dexterity +6: This item makes the wearer more nimble and dexterous, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity.,
Potency +52Icon tooltip.pngPotency +52: Passive: +52 Equipment bonus to each Spell Power.,
Striding +30%Icon tooltip.pngStriding +30%: Makes the wearer more fleet of foot, giving a 30% bonus to run speed.
Madstone Shield Tower shield Shield Proficiency: Tower Shields Improved BashingIcon tooltip.pngImproved Bashing: This shield does an additional 2 to 12 damage when used to shield bash.,
Shield Bashing - 10%
Ring of Lies Ring Charisma +6Icon tooltip.png Charisma +6: This item makes the wearer have more flair, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma., Diplomacy +10Icon tooltip.pngDiplomacy +10: Passive: +10 Competence bonus to the Diplomacy skill., Bluff +10Icon tooltip.pngBluff +10: Passive: +10 Competence bonus to the Bluff skill., Haggle +10Icon tooltip.pngHaggle +10: Passive: +10 Competence bonus to the Haggle skill., Perform +10Icon tooltip.pngPerform +10: Passive: +10 Competence bonus to the Perform skill., DeceptionIcon tooltip.pngDeception: This weapon is hard to focus upon and thus provides a +3 enhancement bonus to Bluff checks. In addition, Deception weapons have a small chance to envelop the target in darkness, making them vulnerable to sneak attacks for a short time., Hidden Effect: Increases all threat by 15% DeceptionIcon tooltip.pngDeception: This weapon is hard to focus upon and thus provides a +3 enhancement bonus to Bluff checks. In addition, Deception weapons have a small chance to envelop the target in darkness, making them vulnerable to sneak attacks for a short time. Improved DeceptionIcon tooltip.pngImproved Deception: This item makes your weapons hard to focus upon and thus provides a +5 enhancement bonus to Bluff checks. In addition, while using this item your weapons have a chance to envelop the target in darkness, making them vulnerable to sneak attacks for a short time.,
Exceptional Charisma Skills +2
Stormreaver's Napkin Cloak Intelligence +6Icon tooltip.png Intelligence +6: This item focuses the power of the wearer's mind, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence., Spell Focus Mastery +1 Spell Penetration IIIcon tooltip.png Spell Penetration II: Passive: +2 Equipment bonus to Spell Penetration checks.
Tenderizer Morningstar Increased base dice: 1d10, AdamantineIcon tooltip.pngAdamantine: Adamantine weapons may bypass the damage reduction of certain items and creatures. , Impact, Stunning +10Icon tooltip.png Stunning +10: +10 Enhancement bonus to the DC of character's Stunning Blow and Stunning Fist attempts., BleedIcon tooltip.pngBleed: This weapon is cruelly sharp and will do an additional 1 to 8 damage to targets that are vulnerable to bleeding., Maladroit SpikesIcon tooltip.pngSpikes: The sharp spikes on this item deal an additional 1 to 6 Piercing damage when used to strike an enemy.,
Bone Breaking
Treason Shortsword Expanded Threat Range: 18-20 / x2, Sneak Attack Bonus +3Icon tooltip.pngSneak Attack Bonus +3: Provides a +3 to attack bonus and a +5 to damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue., {DeceptionIcon tooltip.pngDeception: This weapon is hard to focus upon and thus provides a +3 enhancement bonus to Bluff checks. In addition, Deception weapons have a small chance to envelop the target in darkness, making them vulnerable to sneak attacks for a short time., Treason, Armor-Piercing-10% (Bypasses 10% of target's Fortification), uses Dex mod or Str mod for Attack and Damage, whichever is highest Sneak Attack Bonus +3Icon tooltip.pngSneak Attack Bonus +3: Provides a +3 to attack bonus and a +5 to damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue.,
Armor-Piercing - 10%
Sneak Attack Bonus +4Icon tooltip.pngSneak Attack Bonus +4: Provides a +4 to attack bonus and a +6 to damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue.,
Armor-Piercing - 15%
Ventilated Bracers Bracers Armor Bonus +6Icon tooltip.pngArmor Bonus +6: This item surrounds the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting +6 armor bonus to AC, just as though he were wearing armor., Enhanced Disable Device +3Icon tooltip.pngEnhanced Disable Device +3: Passive: +3 Enhancement bonus to the Disable Device skill., Enhanced Open Lock +3Icon tooltip.pngEnhanced Open Lock +3: Passive: +3 Enhancement bonus to the Open Lock skill., Air GuardIcon tooltip.pngAir Guard: This Weapon stores the incredible, dynamic power of the air deep within. When the user of this weapon is successfully attacked in melee, this power occasionally comes to the surface, knocking enemies over or speeding up the wearer with rushing winds. Armor Bonus +6Icon tooltip.pngArmor Bonus +6: This item surrounds the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting +6 armor bonus to AC, just as though he were wearing armor.,
Enhanced Disable Device +3Icon tooltip.pngEnhanced Disable Device +3: Passive: +3 Enhancement bonus to the Disable Device skill.,
Enhanced Open Lock +3Icon tooltip.pngEnhanced Open Lock +3: Passive: +3 Enhancement bonus to the Open Lock skill.
Armor Bonus +7Icon tooltip.pngArmor Bonus +7: This item surrounds the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting +7 armor bonus to AC, just as though he were wearing armor.,
Enhanced Disable Device +5Icon tooltip.pngEnhanced Disable Device +5: Passive: +5 Enhancement bonus to the Disable Device skill.,
Enhanced Open Lock +5Icon tooltip.pngEnhanced Open Lock +5: Passive: +5 Enhancement bonus to the Open Lock skill.

The Fall of Truth[edit]

Tier Cost Item Effect
Attuned by Heroism: Tier 1 5 Commendations of Heroism

6 Restored Giant Relics
6 Restored Elven Relics
6 Restored Dragon Relics


Skybreaker, Hand of the Stormreaver

Gauntlets of Immortality
Halcyon Boots
Idol of Fortune
Pendant of the Stormreaver
Ring of Deceit
Stormreaver's Tablecloth
Ventilated Armbands

Madstone Aegis

  • Shield Bonus: +20 becomes Shield Bonus: +21
  • DR 15/- becomes DR 16/-
  • +7 Enhancement Bonus becomes +8 Enhancement Bonus
Attuned by Heroism: Tier 2 7 Commendations of Heroism

9 Restored Giant Relics.
9 Restored Elven Relics
9 Restored Dragon Relics

  • BlazingIcon tooltip.pngBlazing: This weapon is sheathed in fierce flame. A blazing weapon deals an extra 2 to 12 points of fire damage on a successful hit. becomes ConflagratingIcon tooltip.pngConflagrating: This weapon is sheathed in furious flame. A conflagrating weapon deals an extra 3 to 18 points of fire damage on a successful hit.
  • Greater GoodIcon tooltip.pngGreater Good: This weapon is infused with the ultimate power of Good. It does an additional 2 to 12 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters. becomes Supreme GoodIcon tooltip.pngSupreme Good: This weapon is infused with the supreme Power of Good. It does an additional 3 to 18 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters.

Gauntlets of Immortality
Halcyon Boots
Ring of Deceit

Idol of Fortune
Madstone Aegis
Pendant of the Stormreaver
Skybreaker, Hand of the Stormreaver
Stormreaver's Tablecloth
Ventilated Armbands
  • Adds Immunity to Air Elemental Knockdown