Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Update 45 Release Notes

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Update 45: Age of the Alchemist Release Notes[edit]

Here are the Release Notes for Update 45: Age of the Alchemist, released on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020.

New Class: The Alchemist[edit]

Alchemists mix magical components to create powerful arcane effects and coat their weapons in vile toxins. Alchemists are an arcane caster class that can be used to melee, range, or spellcast effectively. Casting spells of certain Primer color(s) in sequence unlocks powerful Reactions that buff your Alchemist, and link to various benefits in Alchemist enhancement trees. The Alchemist is FREE to VIP and Season Pass holders and available in the DDO Store.

The Anniversary Event Returns[edit]

DDO's anniversary event is back with new rewards and more! Available now through March 8th.

Adventure Pack Updates[edit]

Both Delera's Tomb and The Catacombs have been updated to offer Epic-level versions of these classic adventures! Players who already own these adventure packs, and all VIP and Season Pass holders, automatically have access to these new adventures. The Catacombs is levels 3 and 4 on Heroic, level 23 on Epic difficulty. Delera's Tomb is levels 5 through 8 on Heroic difficulty, and level 27 on Epic.

64-bit Game Client Beta[edit]

The DDO game client can now be optionally run in 64-bit, which can improve game performance. By default, players will continue to run the 32-bit client unless they change the option in the launcher. This selection can be changed again if desired. A separate set of client preferences (userpreferences.ini) for the 64 bit client will be created to allow players to have different graphics settings for the different clients if desired. Players can select the 64-bit client, or switch back to the 32-bit client, by pressing the Options tab in the game launcher, then finding the selector in the General tab.

Problems switching to 64-bit client?

Classes: Alchemist[edit]

  • Based on: Alchemist Savant, Magic of Eberron
  • Flavor: Make Potions and Poisons
  • Base Attack Bonus: +0.75
  • Hit Die: d4
  • Alignment: Any
  • Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, no armor
  • Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence
  • Saving Throws: Good Fortitude and Reflex save progressions, poor Will save progression
  • Class Skills:
  • Level Progression:
    • Level 1:
    • Level 2:
    • Level 3:
    • Level 4:
    • Level 5:
    • Level 6:
      • Feat:Multitude of Missiles
        • For the next 20 seconds, while wielding a Simple Thrown Weapon add 100 to your Doubleshot and 2x your Base Attack Bonus to Ranged Power. Shares a cooldown with Manyshot.
        • This Feat will be generally available to non-Alchemists as well. Since you're being granted it at level-up, you do not need to meet the prerequisites.
    • Level 7:
      • Resistances to Natural Poison
    • Level 8:
    • Level 9:
    • Level 10:
    • Level 11:
    • Level 12:
      • Alchemist Class Feat
    • Level 13:
    • Level 14:
    • Level 15:
    • Level 16:
      • Alchemist Class Feat
    • Level 17:
    • Level 18:
    • Level 19:
    • Level 20:
      • Alchemist Class Feat
  • Alchemist Feat List:
    • Empower Spell
    • Enlarge Spell
    • Eschew Materials
    • Extend Spell
    • Heighten Spell
    • Maximize Spell
    • Mental Toughness
    • Quicken Spell
    • Improved Mental Toughness
    • Precision
    • Precise Shot
    • Quick Draw
    • Rapid Shot
    • Shot on the Run
    • Dodge
    • Mobility
    • Point Blank Shot
    • Simple Thrown Expertise: Requires 13 Dexterity: You are skilled with the use of Simple Thrown Weapons (Throwing Daggers and Darts) and while using one, you gain Doubleshot equal to your Dexterity. (Simple Thrown Expertise will also be available to non-Alchemists as a general/open Feat).
    • Alchemical Studies: Pyrite: +1 Caster level with spells that match either of the two colors in your study. (requires Alchemist 4)
    • Alchemical Studies: Verudite: +1 Caster level with spells that match either of the two colors in your study. (requires Alchemist 4)
    • Alchemical Studies: Orchidium: +1 Caster level with spells that match either of the two colors in your study. (requires Alchemist 4)
    • Battalion Brew: Int to hit and damage with Simple weapons. (requires Alchemist 4)
    • Liquid Courage: You can use INT for Will saves. (requires Alchemist 8)
    • Tough Tincture: You can use INT for Fort saves. (requires Alchemist 8)
    • Toxic Tonic: You are immune to Poison damage and get bonus saves versus poisons. (requires Alchemist 12)
    • Liquid Luck: You gain evasion. (requires Alchemist 12)
    • Alchemical Studies: Pyrite: +1 Max Caster level with spells that match either of the two colors in your study. (requires Alchemist 16 and the relevant Studies feat)
    • Alchemical Studies: Verudite: +1 Max Caster level with spells that match either of the two colors in your study. (requires Alchemist 16 and the relevant Studies feat)
    • Alchemical Studies: Orchidium: +1 Max Caster level with spells that match either of the two colors in your study. (requires Alchemist 16 and the relevant Studies feat)
  • Alchemists have 6 levels of spells, and progress up at the following progression:
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 2 - - - - -
2nd 3 - - - - -
3rd 3 1 - - - -
4th 3 2 - - - -
5th 3 2 - - - -
6th 3 2 1 - - -
7th 4 2 2 - - -
8th 4 3 2 - - -
9th 4 3 3 1 - -
10th 4 3 3 2 - -
11th 5 4 3 3 - -
12th 5 4 3 3 1 -
13th 5 4 4 3 2 -
14th 5 5 4 4 3 -
15th 5 5 4 4 3 2
16th 5 5 5 5 4 3
17th 5 5 5 5 5 4
18th 5 5 5 5 5 5
19th 5 5 5 5 5 5
20th 5 5 5 5 5 5
  • Alchemists prepare and inscribe their spells/recipes like Artificers and Wizards do. They gain a Memorize Recipe feat at level 1. You can use this feat to inscribe Alchemical Recipes (as a Wizard would Scrolls). Alchemical Recipes are essentially identical to Scrolls, but cannot be equipped or cast; only Inscribed. (This does mean that Alchemist's new spells are exclusive to the class).
  • Every Alchemist spell is part of one of three Primer Categories: Crimsonite, Gildleaf, and Cerulite (Red, Yellow, and Blue respectively). Using spells with different Primers in succession causes a Reaction; Verdanite , Orchidium, or Pyrite (Green, Purple, or Orange respectively). The game remembers your current Reaction as well as the Primer of the last spell you cast. Using a Crimsonite spell and then a Gildleaf spell will put you in the Pyrite state (with a sub-state listing of Gildleaf, for the last spell you cast). Casting Crimsonite or Gildleaf spells while in Pyrite will keep you Pyrite (but will change your sub-color to Gildleaf or Crimsonite). If you were to then cast an Ceruleite spell, it would remove you from the Pyrite state and change your Primer to Ceruleite. In short: The last two Alchemist spells you cast determine your Reaction. Each of the Reactions does something to you, and the Enhancement Trees hook into them significantly.
    • Pyrite Reaction: +2 Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Power per Alchemist Level. (+40 at 20 Alchemist)
    • Verdanite Reaction: +2 Positive and Negative Spell Power per Alchemist Level (+40 at 20 Alchemist)
    • Orchidium Reaction: +2 Physical Resistance Rating per Alchemist Level (+40 at 20 Alchemist)
    • When you change reactions, you'll get a large bonus that corresponds to the Reaction you moved to for 12 seconds:
      • Pyrite Reaction: Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spellpower equal to (10 + quadruple your Alchemist level) and a -20% Enhancement Bonus to Spell Point Cost.
      • Verdanite Reaction: Positive and Negative Spellpower equal to (10 + quadruple your Alchemist level) and Transmutation and Conjuration DCs equal to (1 + 1 for every 5 Alchemist Levels).
      • Orchidium Reaction: Physical Resistance Rating and Elemental Resistance equal to (10 + triple your Alchemist level).
      • With some exceptions, the following applies:
        • Crimsonite spells govern Elemental and Poison damage (fire cold acid electric and poison) and melee/ranged imbues.
        • Gildleaf spells govern Positive and negative healing/damage, Crowd Control, and Debuffs.
        • Cerulite spells govern Defensive abilities and mitigation, buffs, and utility spells.
      • All spells have Somatic components, and Alchemist spells do invoke Arcane Spell Failure. Some spells have Material components. Alchemists have their own Material Components.
    • Level 1 Spells
      • Crimsonite Spells
        • Venom Vial (1d6+2 Poison damage per Caster Level to a single target (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial of Flame (1d6+2 Fire damage per Caster Level to a single target (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial of Acid (1d6+2 Acid damage per Caster Level to a single target (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial of Frost (1d6+2 damage per Caster Level to a single target (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial of Sparks (1d6+2 Electric damage per Caster Level to a single target (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Venom Vial Smash: (1d6+2 Poison damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (like burning hands) (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial Smash: Flame (1d6+2 Fire damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (like burning hands) (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial Smash: Acid (1d6+2 Acid damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (like burning hands) (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial Smash: Frost (1d6+2 damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (like burning hands) (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Vial Smash: Sparks (1d6+2 Electric damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (like burning hands) (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
        • Empty Bottle (1d6+2 Bludgeon damage per Caster Level to a single target (MCL 10), 4.5 second cooldown) 2 Spell Points.
      • Gildleaf Spells
        • Rapid Condensation (Solid Fog), 25 Spell Points 10 second cooldown
        • Cure Light Wounds admixture (same as arti for all admixtures - 6 Spell Points and 6 sec cooldown)
        • Inflict Light Wounds admixture (same as arti for all admixtures - 6 Spell Points and 6 sec cooldown)
        • Fine Dust (grease but with dust vfx), 25 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Sleep Powder (sleep PBAoE), 25 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Cure Poison Admixture (10 Spell Points and 6 sec cooldown)
        • Cure Disease Admixture (10 Spell Points and 6 sec cooldown)
        • Flash Powder (single target touch range stun)
      • Ceruleite Spells
        • Stiffen Skin (bonus to AC on self) 5 Spell Points 5s cooldown
        • Elemental Skin (resist one of the four elements, has faint vfx) 5 Spell Points 5s cooldown
        • Gills Extract (water breathing to self) 5 Spell Points 5s cooldown
        • Feathers Extract (feather falling to self) 5 Spell Points 5s cooldown
        • Lesser Restorative Vial (lesser restoration admixture) 10 Spell Points 6s cooldown
        • Lesser Alchemical Evolution (spell selector - pick an animal from the 6 animal stat/types (so bull for str, cat for dex, etc) and gain +1 Alchemical bonus to this stat. You can only have one Alchemical Mutation at a time regardless of tier. Self only spell).
        • Action Boost Bottle: Attack - this is essentially Action Boost: Attack as a spell.
        • Action Boost Bottle: Defense - see above
    • Level 2 Spells
      • Crimsonite Spells
        • Greater Venom Vial (1d6+2 Poison in an AoE) 10 Spell Points, 6s cooldown
        • Lesser Heartseeker Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Fort saves, no stacking
        • Lesser Ice Chill Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Reflex saves, no stacking
        • Lesser Soulshatter Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Will saves, no stacking
        • Lesser Voidmind Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Spell Resistance, no stacking
      • Gildleaf Spells
        • Cure Moderate Wounds Admixture (8 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Inflict Moderate Wounds Admixture (8 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Remove Curse Admixture (10 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Remove Paralysis Admixture (10 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Melt Armor (single target heavy hitter Fire damage, -AC and -PRR) 10 Spell Points, 5 second cooldown
        • Corrode Weapons (single target heavy hitter Acid damage, -melee power and accuracy) 10 Spell Points, 5 second cooldown
        • Cold Spike (single target heavy hitter Cold damage, -movement speed and damage) 10 Spell Points, 5 second cooldown
        • Voltaic Backlash (single target heavy hitter Electric damage, -spell power) 10 Spell Points, 5 second cooldown
      • Ceruleite Spells
        • Liquid Courage (heroism to self) 20 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Augment Armor (bonus to AC/prr to self) 10 Spell Points 5s cooldown
        • Restorative Vial (Restoration Admixture) 10 Spell Points 6s cooldown
        • Salt Crystals (Cone, coat in thin Salt for a Daze-alike - damage breaks free) 20 Spell Points 20s cooldown
        • Glue Solution (throw some sticky mimic stuff, PBAoE) 20 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Alluring Elixir (+4 to all Charisma skills, self only)
        • Action Boost Bottle: Spell Power
    • Level 3 Spells
      • Crimsonite Spells
        • Heartstopper Poison (AoE, Poison DoT, person selected also gets additional damage) 15 Spell Points, 30s cooldown
        • Molotov Cocktail (Firewall but a big circle) (Firewall but a big circle, 15 Spell Points, 30s cooldown)
        • Voltaic Induction (short Damage over time, Electric (nonstacking)) 15 Spell Points, 30s cooldown
        • Bitter Frost Burst (big spike of Cold damage)15 Spell Points, 30s cooldown
        • Caustic Solvent (long Damage over time, Acid (stacking))
        • Elemental Weapons (as per the Artificer spell)
      • Gildleaf Spells
        • Flash Freeze (Frozen in Ice PBAoE) 25 Spell Points, 60 second cooldown
        • Cure Serious Wounds Admixture (12 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Inflict Serious Wounds Admixture (12 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Choking Smog (AoE, enemies are blinded and slowed inside) 30 Spell Points, 30 second cooldown
        • Iron Shavings (AoE, incorporeal enemies inside become corporeal) 20 Spell Points, 30 second cooldown
      • Ceruleite Spells
        • Greater Restorative Vial (Greater Restoration Admixture) 25 Spell Points 6s cooldown
        • Greater Liquid Courage (Greater Heroism to self) 20 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Invisibility Potion (invisibility to self) 20 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Melt Lock (this is knock) 20 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Quicksilver Potion (Haste to self) 20 Spell Points 10s cooldown
        • Alchemical Evolution (spell selector - pick an animal from the 6 animal stat/types (so bull for str, cat for dex, etc) and gain +2 Alchemical bonus to this stat. You can only have one Alchemical Mutation at a time regardless of tier. Self only spell)
        • Action Boost Bottle: Doubleshot/Doublestrike
    • Level 4 Spells
      • Crimsonite Spells
        • Corrosive Dust (2d6+8 Rust damage per caster level to target Construct, MCL 10) 20 Spell Points, 30s cooldown
        • Heartseeker Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Fort saves, 3 stacks, on crit: 1d6 Con damage
        • Ice Chill Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Reflex saves, 3 stacks, on crit: 1d6 dex damage
        • Soulshatter Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Will saves, 3 stacks, on crit: 1d6 wis damage
        • Voidmind Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Spell Resistance, 3 stacks, on crit: 1d6 int damage
      • Gildleaf Spells
        • Cure Critical Wounds Admixture (25 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Inflict Critical Wounds Admixture (25 Spell Points 6 cooldown)
        • Smoke Bomb (PBAoE blind, turn invisible, gain dodge) 30 Spell Points, 90 second cooldown
        • Caustic Overload (PBAoE heavy hitting -AC and -PRR debuff, Acid damage) 30 Spell Points, 15s cooldown
        • Voltaic Burst (Cone silence and Electric damage, -MRR) 30 Spell Points, 15s cooldown
        • Cindersmoke (AoE Blind, -melee power, -AC, Fire damage) 30 Spell Points, 15s cooldown
        • Vein Freeze (AoE Cold damage heavy hitting, chance to freeze, lingering slow) 30 Spell Points, 15s cooldown
      • Ceruleite Spells
        • Hypnotic Combination (more potent Hypnotic Pattern in a small AOE) 25 Spell Points 20s cooldown
        • Flesh to Gold (single target flesh to stone, touch range, glittery vfx)
        • Stoneskin Potion (stoneskin to self)
        • Action Boost Bottle: Melee/Ranged Power
        • Action Boost Bottle: Sprint Boost
    • Level 5 Spells
      • Crimsonite Spells
        • Multivial of Flame (Throw four vials that each deal 1d3+1 damage per Caster Level, MCL 20) 20 Spell Points, 5s Cooldown
        • Multivial of Acid (Throw four vials that each deal 1d3+1 damage per Caster Level, MCL 20) 20 Spell Points, 5s Cooldown
        • Multivial of Bitterchill (Throw four vials that each deal 1d3+1 damage per Caster Level, MCL 20) 20 Spell Points, 5s Cooldown
        • Multivial of Sparks (Throw four vials that each deal 1d3+1 damage per Caster Level, MCL 20) 20 Spell Points, 5s Cooldown
        • Greater Elemental Weapons (3d6 (element) damage on weapon, 20 Spell Points, 2.5sec cooldown
        • * A more powerful version of the Artificer Imbue, Artificer will get this also
        • Poison Breath (breathe poison at people)
      • Gildleaf Spells
        • Flesh to Gold, Mass (flesh to stone PBAoE) 30 Spell Points, 90 second cooldown
        • Flashbang (blinds in an AoE. If they're already blinded, stuns)
      • Ceruleite Spells
        • Greater Stoneskin (stoneskin but 20/adamantine and 20 per caster level instead)
        • Turn to Frog (single target frog, this is a death effect)
        • Greater Alchemical Evolution (spell selector - pick an animal from the 6 animal stat/types (so bull for str, cat for dex, etc) and gain +4 Alchemical bonus to this stat. You can only have one Alchemical Mutation at a time regardless of tier. Self only spell)
        • Action Boost Bottle: Attack Speed
    • Level 6 Spells
      • Crimsonite Spells
        • Elemental Reaction: (does all 4 elements a la Hellball at 1d3+3 per caster level each, MCL 20) 30 SP, 30s cooldown
        • Gold Breath (Fire and Bludgeoning cone that deals 1d4+2 Fire and 1d4+2 Bludgeon Damage per caster level and has a chance to Flesh to Gold enemies hit) 30 SP, 30s cooldown
        • Heartseeker Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Fort saves, 5 stacks, on crit: 1d6 Con damage, on vorpal: 1 stack of vuln
        • Ice Chill Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Reflex saves, 5 stacks, on crit: 1d6 dex damage, on vorpal: paralysis
        • Soulshatter Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Will saves, 5 stacks, on crit: 1d6 wis damage, on vorpal: silence
        • Voidmind Poison Imbue: temporary weapon enchantment, on hit: -1 Spell Resistance, 5 stacks, on crit: 1d6 int damage, on vorpal: shattermantle
      • Gildleaf Spells
        • Heal Admixture - 50 SP 6s cooldown
        • Harm Admixture - 50 SP 6s cooldown
      • Ceruleite Spells
        • Dust of Confusion (Charm Person, Mass) 35 SP, 90 second cooldown
        • Goldskin Potion (Stoneskin but with 30/Adamantine and 30 per caster level, also new shiny VFX)


  • Remove Disease now starts with four charges per rest.
  • Level 1 Paladins now get a ranged version of the Smite Evil feat.
  • Various percentage hit point bonuses are being adjusted as follows:
    • Percentage HP
    • Stalwart and Sacred Defender: remain at 20% Competence.
    • Nature's Protector: remains at 25% Competence.
    • Unyielding Sentinel: remains at 20% Insightful.
    • Aasimar stays typed as Sacred, goes to 5%, down from 10%.
    • Bladeforged gains 5% Quality in a new Tier 4 (2 AP) in their Racial Tree.
    • Paladin 18th core gains 10% Sacred HP (this is also in the above notes for clarity).
    • Enlightened Spirit level 20 capstone stays at 20% Sacred.
    • Warpriest core 4 (level 12) gets 10% Sacred.
    • Occult Slayer tier 5 Bond of Destruction gains 10% Quality.
    • Renegade Mastermaker goes to a 10% Quality bonus, down from its former 20% Racial bonus.
    • Upgraded Zombie in tier 5 Pale Master goes to 10% Profane.
    • Shintao tier 5 gains 10% Quality in Meditation of War earth stance (up from 3% untyped)
    • Falconry tier 3 goes to 5% Quality (already 5% just adds a channel)
    • Dwarf goes from 4% stacking to 5% Quality
    • Rangers may now train Favored Enemy: Vermin whenever they could select a Favored Enemy.


  • Some elements of stealth and sneaking are being adjusted.
    • Stealth Movement Speed
      • All Sneak Speed enhancements are now on the Enhancement channel, and therefore will not stack. We've also fixed the Antirequisite flags on these abilities to more reliably prevent players from taking more than one.
      • Shadow Training II in Shadowdancer now gives a 150% Enhancement bonus to Stealth Movement Speed instead of setting you to the normal base movement.
    • Stealth Mechanics
      • Monster sight detection of stealthed players has been decreased by 28% (was 25 meters, now 18) if their Stealth score exceeds the monster's spot skill. This includes bosses and monsters that can see normally through stealth (All-Seeing).
      • When the player is Stealthed, they now see a visual purple eye VFX over any monster that pierces Stealth (All-Seeing and All-Hearing/Tremorsense).
      • Hearing range on "All-Hearing" monsters (aka monsters with Tremorsense) has been reduced by 10% (from 20 meters down to 18).
  • Some changes are being made to give melee builds the ability to quickly close the gap with their enemies, in the form of charge attacks:
    • The Feat "Spring Attack" has been redesigned to be an active charge attack that causes you to "Leap forward striking a target enemy and all those around them. Requires a visible target and that you are holding a melee weapon."
    • As part of the Knight of the Chalice revamp that enhancement tree now has an active charge attack ability in tier 3 called "Lead the Charge"
    • All "targeted" charge abilities (the fast movement attacks that require you to target a specific enemy to use) will now get you to the enemy faster than previously.
    • All "targeted" charge abilities now handle turning more gracefully.
    • All "targeted" charge abilities now have had their animation smoothed out (the strange hitch when charging should now be gone).
    • All "targeted" charge abilities will more easily handle changes in elevation (charging at enemies up ramps and the like).
  • Strikethrough
    • Glancing Blows game-wide have been replaced with a new mechanic: Strikethrough. While wielding a Two-Handed Weapon, or while wielding a Bastard Sword or Dwarven Axe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or nothing in your offhand, your attacks can Strikethrough. When your attacks can Strikethrough, every attack has a chance ("Strikethrough Chance") to hit an additional target. By default, players have a 20% Strikethrough Chance (which can be improved through feats and enhancements). If your Strikethrough Chance is over 100%, you are guaranteed to hit a second target (if in range) on your attacks, with a chance to hit a third. By default, you can only Strikethrough while standing still.
  • Animations
    • The animation sets for non-Quarterstaff two handed styles have been reworked to address the following issues:
      • The last animation didn’t blend into the first correctly. It now does.
      • For balance and cosmetic reasons all attack animations for these styles should now execute in the same amount of time. Previously animations at the end of the attack chain took longer than those at the start. This encouraged players to animation break to avoid them, which looks repetitive and choppy.
      • Standing attack speed has been slightly buffed, mobile speed should be exactly the same.
  • Combat Style Feats
    • The Two Handed Fighting Feat is now: While Two-Handed Fighting: +60% Strikethrough Chance. You can now Strikethrough while moving. You also gain a +2 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power while Two-Handed Fighting. For the purpose of this feat, you are considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while using a Two-Handed Melee Weapon (not including Handwraps). You are also considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while wielding a Bastard Sword or Dwarven axe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or Nothing in your off-hand. You are not considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while in Wild Shape. While using a Two Handed Weapon (not including Bastard Sword or Dwarven axe), your Ability Score bonus to damage improves to 2x the Ability Score you use for damage.
    • The Improved Two Handed Fighting Feat is now: While Two-Handed Fighting: +30% additional Strikethrough Chance. You also gain a +4 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power while Two-Handed Fighting. While using a Two Handed Weapon (not including Bastard Sword or Dwarven axe), your Ability Score bonus to damage improves to 2.5x the Ability Score you use for damage.
    • The Greater Two Handed Fighting Feat is now: While Two-Handed Fighting: +30% additional Strikethrough Chance. You also gain a +6 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power while Two-Handed Fighting. While using a Two Handed Weapon (not including Bastard Sword or Dwarven axe), your Ability Score bonus to damage improves to 3x the Ability Score you use for damage.
    • The Perfect Two Handed Fighting Feat is now: While Two-Handed Fighting: You gain +30% Strikethrough Chance. You also gain a +10 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power while Two-Handed Fighting.
    • Bears now update their Ability Score Modifier to Damage while using a Two-Handed Weapon to 2.0/2.5/3.0 when they take Natural Weapon Fighting their first, second, and third time respectively.
  • Class Specific Feats
    • Druid's Wild Shape: Bear now allows you to Strikethrough as long as you are not in the Defensive Fighting stance. (This replaces its previous ability to use Glancing Blows). You can Strikethrough while moving in Bear Form.
    • Druid's Wild Shape: Dire Bear now allows you to Strikethrough as long as you are not in the Defensive Fighting stance. It also gains +20% Strikethrough Chance. (This replaces its previous ability to use Glancing Blows). You can Strikethrough while moving in Dire Bear Form.
    • The Natural Fighting Feat now grants 60/30/30% Strikethrough Chance per copy of the Feat (max 3) in addition to its other effects. This replaces its previous Glancing Blow bonus.
    • Cleric Feats: Greater Domain of Destruction now grants +5% Strikethrough Chance (replacing its previous Glancing Blow bonus)
  • Enhancements
    • Artificer Enhancements
      • Each Tier of Hand and a Half Training now grants 5% Strikethrough Chance (replacing the previous Glancing Blow component).
    • Barbarian Enhancements
      • Angry Arms now grants +5/10/20% Strikethrough Chance.
      • Mad Munitions now grants +5/10/20% Strikethrough Chance.
      • Focus Wide's on-Vorpal buff now grants 50% Strikethrough Chance in place of its previous Glancing Blow component.
    • Ranger Enhancements
      • Dance of Death's buff now grants you the ability to Strikethrough with melee attacks regardless of Combat Style for the duration of the buff (10 seconds), and grants +50%/100%/200% Strikethrough Chance for the duration of the buff. These replace the previous component that allowed you to hit multiple targets directly. Cooldown remains at 15 seconds. This buff applies even if the attack is missed.
    • Rogue Enhancements
      • Improved Glancing Blows has been renamed to "Improved Second Strikes", and now grants +5/10/20% Strikethrough Chance.
      • Follow-Through's Tumble buff now grants +50% Strikethrough Chance (replacing its previous ability to hit additional targets)
    • Racial Enhancements
      • All instances of Great Weapon Aptitude are now +5/10/20% Strikethrough Chance.
      • Dwarven Axe Training 1 now grants +5% Strikethrough Chance while wielding a Dwarven Waraxe in addition to its other effects.
      • Dwarven Axe Training 2 now grants +5% Strikethrough Chance while wielding a Dwarven Waraxe in addition to its other effects.
      • Dwarven Axe Training 3 now grants +5% Strikethrough Chance while wielding a Dwarven Waraxe and grants you Dwarven Waraxe as a Favored Weapon in addition to its other effects.
      • Dwarven Axe Training 4 now grants +10% Strikethrough Chance while wielding a Dwarven Waraxe in addition to its other effects.
    • Miscellaneous
      • Fury of the Wild Destiny Enhancements
        • Malicious Weapons now grants +5/10/20% Strikethrough Chance.
        • Wild Weapons now grants +5/10/20% Strikethrough Chance.
        • While Unbridled Fury is active, you gain a +100% bonus to Strikethrough Chance (replacing the previous Glancing Blow component).


  • The One Against Many 3-piece Filigree set now grants +5% Strikethrough Bonus (replacing the previous Chance at Glancing Blows).
  • Characters now play the entire attack animation cycle regardless of BAB for all weapon types. (IE: Character will no longer only play the first couple attack animations and then "pop" back to the first one when at low levels)
  • Ogre death animations now play all the way through.
  • Cleave, Great Cleave, Supreme Cleave, and Whirlwind Attack can now Doublestrike, and other Cleave-like skills now Doublestrike as well.
  • Cleave, Great Cleave, Supreme Cleave, Whirlwind Attack, Knight of the Chalice's Cleave enhancements, Smite Evil, and Exalted Smite is now affected by your Attack Speed.
  • Bastard Sword and Dwarven Waraxe now apply 1.1x your relevant Ability Score Modifier to damage. This stacks with the bonuses from Improved and Greater Single Weapon Fighting.
  • Improved Two Handed Fighting now also improves Bastard Sword and Dwarven Waraxe to 1.35x your relevant Ability Score Modifier to damage.
  • Greater Two Handed Fighting now also improves Bastard Sword and Dwarven Waraxe to 1.6x your relevant Ability Score Modifier to damage.
  • Base animation speed for Shortbow and Longbow attacks have been increased by 13%.
  • Dual Crossbow combat style (from Inquisitive) now only uses 50% of your Doubleshot.


  • The alchemist brings three new class enhancement trees to the game:


Utilizing their Alchemical knowledge to aid their allies, Apothecaries focus on creating potions that heal allies and remove debuffs. Apothecaries primarily take on a Support role, keeping themselves and their party on their feet.

  • Cores:
    • Core 1: Determination: +1 Will Save
    • Core 2: Alchemical Shield: While wearing Light or no armor (or in Mithral Plating), you have a +4 Shield bonus to AC and are protected from Magic Missiles.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, +5 Positive & Negative Spell Power
    • Core 3: Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds AND Inflict Serious Wounds SLAs (Gildleaf spell)
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, +5 Positive & Negative Spell Power. +1 Spell Penetration.
    • Core 4: Spill the Bad Stuff:
      • Gildleaf Offensive SLA: Deals 1d6+4 per Caster Level of a random type of damage to enemies in a short cone. The damage all scales with Positive Spell Power. Affected enemies have a chance to be Blinded, Dazed, Silenced, Tripped, Stunned, or Paralyzed. (Fortitude save negates).
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, +2% Positive & Negative Spell Critical Damage & 5% Magical Efficiency (reduced spell point cost)
    • Core 5: Curative Admixture: Heal AND Curative Admixture: Harm
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, +1 Transmutation DC
    • Core 6: Genius Never Dies!: +4 Intelligence. +20 Concentration. You gain +1000 Unconsciousness Range and the Diehard feat.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, +2 Transmutation DC. +1 Spell Penetration.
  • Tier 1
    • Multiselector
      • Curative Admixture: Cure Light Wounds SLA (Gildleaf spell)
      • Curative Admixture: Inflict Light Wounds SLA (Gildleaf spell)
    • Skills: +1/2/3 Haggle, Concentration, and Heal (3rd Rank: +1 Will Saves)
    • Spell Crit Chance: Positive and Negative 2%
    • Energy of the Scholar: +30/60/90 Spell Points
    • Soothing Poultices: While in Verdanite, casting a friendly spell leaves temp HP equal to 33%/66%/100% of your Int.
  • Tier 2
    • Hale and Hearty: +3/6/10 Positive and Negative Healing Amplification
    • Spell Crit Chance: Positive and Negative 2%
    • Stone of the Scholar: Alchemist's Stone Toggle: While wielding an Orb in your off-hand, you gain +10 Healing Amp, +20 Positive Spell Power. You can only have one Alchemist's Stone Toggle active at a time
    • Salves: You gain both of the following SLAs:
      • Life Salve: Cerulite Spell SLA: Target player, hireling, or pet (but NOT self) takes 100% base healing from Positive spells for the next three minutes, or until the target dies. Has no effect on NPC allies or any creature that already takes 100% base healing from Positive spells. This overrides their innate base healing from Positive spells for the duration. (Cost: 4 spell points. Cooldown: 3 minutes)
      • Death Salve: Cerulite Spell SLA: Target player, hireling, or pet (but NOT self) takes 100% base healing from Negative spells for the next three minutes, or until the target dies. Has no effect on NPC allies or any creature that already takes 100% base healing from Negative spells. This overrides their innate base healing from Negative spells for the duration. (Cost: 4 spell points. Cooldown: 3 minutes, shared with Life Salve)
  • Tier 3
    • Panacea Poultice: (Gildleaf SLA): Target ally at touch range takes the Panacea effect. (6/3/1 spell point, 12/8/6 second cooldown).
    • Safety Goggles: +1/2/3 Armor Class and +2/4/6 Energy Resistance. Rank 3: Blindness Immunity
    • Spell Crit Chance: Positive and Negative 2%
    • Willful Ambition: When your reaction is Verdanite, you gain +1 Will Save, +1 for every 5 Alchemist Levels you have
    • +1 INT/CON
  • Tier 4
    • Insulated Boots: +2/4/6 Magical Resistance Rating, Rank 3: Immunity to Slippery Surfaces
    • Spell Crit Chance: Positive and Negative 2%
    • Run For Your Life!: While your reaction is Verdanite, you have 1% movement speed per Alchemist level
    • +1 INT/CON
  • Tier 5
    • Multiselector
      • Curative Admixture: Cure Critical Wounds SLA (Gildleaf spell)
      • Curative Admixture: Inflict Critical Wounds SLA (Gildleaf spell)
    • Gloves of the Master Apothecary: +15% chance to retain Healing Potions, +5 UMD and +10 Universal Spell Power.
    • Dissolve: Target enemy at touch range that is Fascinated, Sleeping, Dancing, Dazed, Tripped, Mesmerized, Paralyzed, Petrified, or Stunned must make a Fortitude save (d20 + your Heal skill) or die instantly. (20 second cooldown).
    • Master Apothecary: You have no Max Caster Level with Curative Admixtures and any Gildleaf Alchemist Spells. +2 Transmutation DC's. +1 Spell Penetration
    • Sleep or Death: Multiselector
      • Deadly Neurotoxin: Your offensive Gildleaf and Cerulite spells reduce enemies MRR by 1 per stack, max 5
      • Nightshade: SLA. Primer Element: Gildleaf. Target enemy falls asleep for 6 seconds with no save. 10 Spell Points. 30 Second Cooldown.


  • Cores
    • Core 1: Field Expertise: +2 MRR
    • Core 2: Arcane Oil: All equipped weapons are considered Spellcasting Implements.
      • Passive: While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +5 Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Power. (No longer grants +1 Burning Ambition Dice)
    • Core 3: Pick one of the following elements (Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison). You gain +1 Caster Level with spells of that element. (No longer grants +1 Burning Ambition Dice)
      • Passive: While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +5 Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Power. (No longer grants +1 Burning Ambition Dice)
    • Core 4: Pick one of the following elements (Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison). You gain +1 Caster Level with spells of that element.
      • Passive: While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2% Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Critical Damage
    • Core 5: Pick one of the following elements (Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison). You gain +1 Caster Level with spells of that element. You also gain 1 Burning Ambition Dice.
      • Passive: While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +1 Conjuration DC
    • Core 6: Multiselector: SLA for Multivial of (Element)
      • Passive: +4 INT. You also gain +2 Burning Ambition Dice.
      • Passive: While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2 Conjuration DCs.
  • Tier 1:
    • SLA Multiselector: Level 1 Vials: Crimsonite SLA
      • Venom Vial
      • Vial of Flame
      • Vial of Acid
      • Vial of Frost
      • Vial of Sparks
      • Empty Vial
    • Skills: +1/2/3 Spellcraft and Use Magic Device
    • Magical Subtlety: -20/40/60% threat with spells
    • Spell Crit Chance: Elemental & Poison (+1% spell crit Chance with fire, cold, electric, acid, and poison)
    • Wand & Scroll Mastery (as in other trees)
  • Tier 2:
    • Rapid Condensation: Giltleaf SLA
    • Efficient Metamagics: Multiselector
      • Maximize
      • Empower
      • Quicken
    • Stone of the Savant: Alchemist's Stone Toggle: While wielding an Orb in your off-hand, you gain +1 MRR and MRR cap per Alchemist Level. You also gain +5 Elemental Resistance to Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Sonic, plus an additional +5 for every 5 Alchemist levels you have.
    • Spell Crit Chance: Elemental & Poison (as above)
    • Elemental Defenses: When you take Elemental Damage, you gain 10/20/30 Temporary HP.
  • Tier 3:
    • Efficient Metamagics: Same Multiselector as Before)
    • Swift Ambition: When your reaction is Pyrite, you gain +1 Reflex Save, +1 for every 5 Alchemist Levels you have
    • Spell Crit Chance: Elemental & Poison (as above)
    • +1 INT
  • Tier 4:
    • Smoke Bomb: Giltleaf SLA
    • Efficient Metamagics: Heighten
    • Burning Ambition: When your Reaction is Pyrite, your offensive Crimsonite and Gildleaf Alchemist spells will ignite your enemies with magic, dealing additional damage. This damage determines its element based on the element of the spell cast. This ability begins at 1d4 damage, adding another 1d4 for each Burning Ambition die you get from other abilities. This damage scales with Spell Power.
    • Spell Crit Chance: Elemental & Poison (as above)
    • +1 INT
  • Tier 5:
    • Elemental Obliteration: Crimsonite SLA Multiselector: Deals 1d6+3 (Chosen Element) damage per Caster Level to all enemies in an AOE. (MCL: 10) (Activation Cost: 12/8/6 Spell Points. Cooldown: 20/14/8 seconds.)
      • Fire
      • Cold
      • Electric
      • Acid
      • Poison
    • Augmentation: Passive: +2 caster levels with Crimsonite or Gildleaf.
    • Inferno of Creation: When your Reaction is Pyrite, you gain +1 Burning Ambition die, and your harmful Crimsonite spells apply vulnerability to enemies that have at least 3 different elements of Burning Ambition.
    • Conjuration Focus: +2 Conjuration DC's (1 AP)
    • Weakening Mixture: Multiselector: Pick a damage type (Fire Cold Acid Lightning Poison). When you damage an enemy with a Crimsonite or Gildleaf spell of that element. When cast on a creature that is immune to that Element, it makes them vulnerable to that element for a short period of time.

Vile Chemist[edit]

  • Imbuing their concoctions and Simple weapons with potent poisons, Vile Chemists are versatile combatants. Between striking foes with poison-coated weapons and tossing Spellvials filled with toxins, Vile Chemists take a hybrid weapon/casting offensive role, dealing with individual targets effectively.
  • Cores
    • Core 1: +2 to Saving Throws vs. Poisons, +2 to Saving Throws vs. Diseases. Poison Spells you cast leave an enemy Contaminated.
    • Core 2: Poisoned Coating
      • Exclusive with Eldritch Knight Toggles.
      • Toggle: While active, deal an additional 1d6 Poison damage on hit. You gain an additional 1d6 every 3 Alchemist levels (at 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18). This damage scales with Spell Power.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Orchidium, +5 Physical Resistance Rating.
    • Core 3: +3% Doublestrike.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Orchidium, +5 Physical Resistance Rating.
    • Core 4: +10 Universal Spell Power, +5% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. Your Poisoned Coating dice are now d8s (instead of the original d6s). If you have Simple Thrown Expertise, you now use the higher of your Dexterity and Intelligence to determine how much doubleshot you gain from that feat.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Orchidium, +5% Dodge and full Base Attack Bonus.
    • Core 5: Brushed Aside: You gain the Defensive Roll feat (When below 20% HP, there's a chance equal to your Reflex save that attacks do half damage and have their effects negated). Your Poisoned Coating Dice are now d10s (Replacing previous d8s). Your Simple Weapons gain +1 Competence bonus to their Critical Damage Multiplier.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Orchidium, +5% Dodge Cap and +5 Physical Resistance Rating.
    • Core 6: +4 Intelligence. Your Poisoned Coating die size is now d12.
      • Passive: While your Reaction is Orchidium, +10 PRR and +5% Dodge Cap.
  • Tier 1
    • Stiffen Skin: Cerulite SLA.
    • Deadly Poison: +2 to hit and +1 to damage with Simple Weapons.
    • Alchemical Accuracy: +1/2/3 to attack
    • Martial Subtlety: -20/30/40% threat generation with melee and ranged attacks.
    • Skills: +1/2/3 to Hide, Move Silently, and Bluff. Rank 3: +1 Reflex Saves.Tier 2
  • Tier 2
    • Deadly Poison: +2 to hit and +1 to damage with Simple Weapons.
    • Poisoned Shot: Multiselector: Melee/Ranged attack: +1/2/3[w]: On successful damage: struck enemies are Contaminated. (6 second cooldown).
    • Venom Affinity: +3/6/10 Poison Spell Power, Rank 3: +1 Reflex saving throws.
    • Stone of the Subliminal: Alchemist's Stone Toggle: While wielding an Orb in your off-hand, you gain +5% Doublestrike, +5% Doubleshot, and are Blurry. You can only have one Alchemist's Stone Toggle active at a time.
  • Tier 3
    • Wave of Poison: Cerulite SLA:
      • You infect enemies in a short cone with a deadly poison that eats away at them. After 6 seconds, target creatures take 1d6+4 Poison damage per Caster Level. (MCL:10). (6 second cooldown). Affected Enemies are Contaminated for 20 seconds.
    • Deadly Poison: +2 to hit and +1 to damage with Simple Weapons.
    • Toxic Augmentation: Striking an enemy that is Contaminated with a melee or ranged attack reduces their Fort Saves by 1, stacks 6 times.
    • Firm Ambition: When your reaction is Orchidium, you gain +1 Fortitude Save, +1 for every 5 Alchemist Levels you have.
    • +1 DEX or INT
  • Tier 4
    • Deadly Poison: +2 to hit and +2 to damage with Simple Weapons.
    • Envenom the Heart: While your Poisoned Coating is active, hitting enemies that are immune to Poisons or Poison Damage makes them vulnerable to Poisons and Poison Damage for 12 seconds. Creatures you hit that are not immune to Poisons take 15% more Poison damage for a while. Does not work on bosses.
    • Unbreakable Ambition: While your Reaction is Orchidium, +8 Physical Resistance Rating.
    • +1 DEX or INT
  • Tier 5
    • Greater Wave of Poison: Cerulite SLA:
      • You infect enemies in a short cone with a deadly poison that eats away at them. After 6 seconds, target creatures take 1d6+8 Poison damage per Caster Level. This will Contaminate enemies. (MCL:20).
    • Fatal Poison: +2 to hit and +2 to damage with Simple Weapons. +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Range with Simple Weapons. For Darts, this Range bonus is +2 instead.
    • Toxic Augmentation: Striking Contaminated enemies will apply stacks of Vulnerable.
    • Sapping Ambition: While your Reaction is Orchidium, attacking with Simple Weapons gives a 10% chance to gain 10 temporary Spell Points +1 per Alchemist level.
    • Chemical Weapon: Passive: Your Simple Weapons gain +1[w]. Your simple ranged thrown weapons attack 15% faster.


  • Diving Attack's cooldown has been reduced to 12 seconds from 20 seconds.
  • Coordinated Strike's cooldown has been reduced to 25 seconds from 60 seconds.

Knight of the Chalice[edit]

  • Cores:
    • Light Damage in the Cores now scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power, in addition to other changes below.
    • Core 1: Unchanged.
    • Core 2: Unchanged.
    • Core 3: In addition to what this already does, you also gain +3 Remove Disease Charges and your Remove Disease now applies Greater Restoration to your target.
    • Core 4: In addition to what this already does: Sealed Life: Immunity to Energy Drain.
    • Core 5: Unchanged.
    • Core 6: In addition to what this already does: Your Aura of Courage now grants allies a +3% Sacred Bonus to melee and ranged damage. Blessed Purpose now stacks up to 25 times. +10 Ranged Power.
  • Tier 1:
    • Extra Turning: Removed, added to Tier 4.
      • Replaced With: Holy Combatant: +1 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons.
    • Extra Smite: Now offers a third rank, for a total of 6 additional smites.
    • NEW: Shieldbreaker: +1/2/3 to Sunder DCs. (Sunder DCs are now used in Holy Retribution).
    • Extra Remove Disease: Removed, Added to Core 3.
      • Replaced With: Knight's Authority: Multiselector: Active that debuffs Will, Fortitude, or Reflex. (This is a copy of Swash's Insults with different flavor, multiselector that lets them debuff enemy saves.
    • Attack Boost: Removed, made multiselector with Power Boost in Tier 2. Replaced With: Improved Second Strikes: +5/10/20% Strikethrough
  • Tier 2:
    • Improved Turning: Removed, added to Tier 4.
      • Replaced With: Adept Combatant: +1 to hit and damage with all weapons. Longswords, Battle Axes, Heavy Maces, Morningstars, and War Hammers are considered as favored Weapons regardless of your religion.
    • Divine Might: Now costs 1AP per rank and no longer costs Turn Undead charges; it now charges Spell Points similar to this ability in other trees. Damage component now provides an actual Insight bonus to Damage (as its tooltip claims it does), meaning they provide damage to both Melee and Ranged attacks and do not stack with other Insight bonuses to Damage.
    • Rally: replaced with Critical Mastery +1/2/3
    • Exalted Cleave: Reduced to 1 rank at 2AP (with third rank's effects)
      • NEW: Multiselector: Ranged attack version.
      • Melee/Ranged Power Boost: Unchanged
      • MOVED: Multiselector: AB Attack
  • Tier 3:
    • Improved Restoration: Removed, added to Core 3.
      • Replaced With: Holy Combatant: +2 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons. Greatswords are considered as favored Weapons regardless of your religion.
    • Divine Sacrifice: Add +2[W], add in Passion's effects (upgraded): On damage: gain +15 Temporary SP and +10 Melee and Ranged Power for 10 seconds if you strike an Undead or Evil Outsider with this attack.
    • NEW: Multiselector: Ranged attack version.
    • Vigor of Life: REMOVED, rolled into T4 and T5.
      • Replaced With: Lead the Charge: +2/3/5[W], sprint forward toward your target and deliver a single-target blow. 6 second cooldown. (1 AP per rank). This works like Vanguard's Shield Charge, but it's single-target and works with any Melee weapon. Exalted Smite: Rolls in Empowered Smite: Your Smite Evil and Exalted Smite abilities increases Melee Power by 5 for 10 seconds.
    • NEW: Multiselector: Ranged attack version.
    • Ability Score: Unchanged
  • Tier 4:
    • Passion: Removed, added to Divine Sacrifice.
      • Replaced With: Knight's Training: +1 to hit and damage with all weapons and +1 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons. You gain the Knight's Training feat.
    • Censure Demons: Unchanged (shifts right in the tree)
    • Vigor of Life: Now +30 Positive Healing Amp and -30 Negative Healing Amp.
      • NOTE: Vigor of Life now actually reduces Negative Healing Amp, as opposed to reducing Negative Vulnerability as it was doing before.
    • Empowered Smite: Removed, rolled into Exalted Smite
      • Replaced With: Improved Turning: You gain +1/2/3 use of Turn Undead per rest. You also count as 1/2/3 level higher when turning undead and add 2/4/6 to the number of hit dice turned. Finally, your Turn Undead ability now also deals 6d6/12d6/18d6 light damage to nearby undead. Scales with 200% Melee Power.
    • Ability Score: Unchanged
  • Tier 5:
    • Sealed Life: Removed, added to Core 4.
      • Replaced With: Ascendency: +2 to hit and damage with all weapons. An additional +2 to hit and damage with Favored Weapons. You gain 15% Fortification Bypass. Whenever you attack an undead or evil outsider with a Favored Weapon, you gain a stack of Blessed Purpose: +3 Sacred Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power that lasts for 6 seconds. You can acquire up to 15 stacks by continuing to attack Undead or Evil Outsiders. Switching to a non-Favored Weapon will reset your stacks.
    • Censure Outsiders: Bonus changes to +10 Melee and Ranged Power. Also adds "All other Evil creatures are instead Dazed for six seconds". Shifts right in the tree.
    • Vigor of Life: Now +30/-30, as the previous tier.
    • Avenging Cleave: Reduced to 1 rank at 2 AP (with third rank's effects).
      • NEW: Multiselector: Ranged attack version.
    • Holy Retribution: Holy Retribution: No longer takes Turn Undead charges. Now only 1 Rank. "Melee Channel Divinity: Executes a powerful holy cleave against nearby targets that deals +5[W] damage, 100 extra holy damage that scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power, -6 to all ability scores for ten seconds, and recharges one Smite Evil charge to you. On Damage: Evil creatures may be forced to make a Will save (DC 10 + Paladin Level + Charisma Mod + Sunder Bonuses) or be destroyed. Evil creatures under 1000 HP must always make this save or die. Evil creatures between 5000 and 1000 HP have a 50% chance to be forced to make this save or die. Evil creatures with more than 5000 HP have a 33% chance to be forced to make this save or die." 30 second cooldown.
    • NEW: Multiselector: Ranged version

Sacred Defender[edit]

  • Glorious Stand (Core 18): No longer an active. Now passively adds +10% Sacred Bonus to Max HP, +25 Healing Amp, +3 Lay on Hands charges.
  • Eternal Defender (Core 20): 250 Unconsciousness Range instead of 40.
  • Commanding Presence (Replaces saves boost in tier 1) +2/4/6 PRR and +50/100/150% threat.
  • Faith Shield (Fills empty T5 Slot): +10% Exceptional bonus to Armor Class, you are considered Shielded versus magic missiles, and have +12 Spell Resistance.
  • Reprisal: replaced with: Divine Revelation (Tier 5): Improves your Aura of Courage. +4 Additional Spell Resistance, +3 additional AC, +2 Additional Saves. You also gain +100 HP.
  • Eternal Defender Now grants +100% Threat Generation in addition to it's other benefits.
  • The Cores now properly increase your maximum hit points by 1 point per AP spent.

Stalwart Defense[edit]

  • Stand Fast (Core 12): Instead of an Action Boost that ends Fear and Knockdown, this is now a passive Fear and Knockdown immunity.
  • Defensive Sweep (Core 18): No longer an active. Now passively adds +15% Exceptional bonus to Armor Class , +50% Threat, and +25 PRR.
  • Against All Odds (Fills empty T5 Slot): +5 AC, taking damage adds a stacking +2 AC, stacks 10 times.
  • Reprisal: replaced with: The Thick of Battle (Tier 5): Striking enemies adds +10% Melee Threat. Max 10 stacks, 10 second timer, all stacks fade when timer runs out.


  • All instances of Divine Might (Cleric, Favored Soul, and Paladin) are now: Battle Trance: You gain an Insight bonus to Attack, Damage, and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Charisma modifier for 30/60/120 seconds.
  • War Soul's Divine Will is now: Battle Trance: You gain an Insight bonus to Attack, Damage, and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Wisdom modifier for 30/60/120 seconds.

Divine Might, Divine Will, Harper's Know the Angles, and Falconry's Deadly Instinct's Damage components now provide an actual Insight bonus to Damage (as their tooltips claim they do), meaning:

    • They all provide Damage to both Melee and Ranged attacks.
    • They do not stack with other Insight bonuses to Damage.
    • The ones that provide Attack do not stack with other Insight bonuses to Attack.
  • Ear Smash/Knockout
    • The Sleep component no longer works on enemies who should be immune to Sleep.
    • The Sleep effect now ends on damage, as Sleep effects are supposed to.
  • The Stun effect no longer works on enemies who should be immune to Stun.
  • Skaldic Rage in the Warchanter tree now scales its duration based on your Bard levels.
  • Dance of Death applies its Strikethrough buff even if the attack misses.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery has had its description corrected.
  • Endless Fusillade (Artificer Battle Engineer) and No Holds Barred (Inquisitive) now require a Crossbow to be equipped in order to activate.
  • Endless Fusillade (Artificer Battle Engineer) and No Holds Barred (Inquisitive) now play a Reload animation on activation before the effect starts. (This is shorter than the previous activation animation this skill had, though it now plays consistently).

Deepwood Stalker[edit]

  • Deepwood Stalker's Heavy Draw no longer reduces Attack by 5 when toggled on, and now also grants a +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Multiplier to Longbows and Shortbows while toggled on.
  • Deepwood Stalker's Improved Archer's Focus now also adds 10% Insight Bonus to Ranged Alacrity with Longbows and Shortbows when you have Archer's Focus active.


  • Inquisitive Law Dice now scale with 150% Ranged Power (was 200%)
  • "Improved Law" and "Greater Law" in Inquisitive now grant +1 Law Die (previously +2).
  • Artificer Battle Engineer Weapon Training now only gives +1 damage to crossbows while firing Dual Crossbows (effectively treating them as repeaters).
  • Rogue Mechanic likewise treats dual crossbows like repeaters for purposes of damage bonuses

Epic Destinies[edit]

  • Draconic Incarnation
    • Dragon Breath now has a 60 second cooldown.
    • Draconic Fury now has a 90 second cooldown.
  • Primal Avatar core abilities have had typos corrected in their tooltips.
  • Fixed some typos in Shiradi's Thrown Attack Speed tooltip.
  • Leap of Faith from Exalted Angel no longer holds you in place after activation.


  • New Feat: Simple Thrown Weapon Expertise: Requires 13 Dexterity: You are skilled with the use of Simple Thrown Weapons (Throwing Daggers and Darts) and while using one, you gain Doubleshot equal to your Dexterity.
  • New Feat: Multitude of Missiles: Requires Point Blank Shot and +6 Base Attack Bonus: For the next 20 seconds, while wielding a Simple Thrown Weapon add 100 to your Doubleshot and 2x your Base Attack Bonus to Ranged Power. Shares a cooldown with Manyshot.
  • New Metamagic Feat: "Accelerate Spell" which has the following effect "While this Metamagic feat is active, the projectiles of spells affected by Accelerate Spell fly faster and with less of an arc, but consume 5 additional spell points." It requires either 8 Alchemist or 8 Artificer levels to access.
  • The existing Deity Feat structure is being adjusted to bring alternate Favored Weapons up in relation to traditional choices, and to make respeccing into a new Deity easier. The overall expectation with these changes is to have a largely negligible change in attack and damage.
  • "Follower" Deity feats now designate your Deity's weapon as a "Favored Weapon", grant proficiency with that weapon, and grant +1 to Attack with all Favored Weapons.
  • "Child of" Deity Feats (the level 3 Deity Feats) have been replaced with a single new Feat, "Child of Faith: Your connection to your Deity strengthens. You gain bonuses to Attack and Damage rolls with all Favored Weapons you wield. Simple and Martial Favored Weapons gain +2 to Attack and Damage. Exotic Favored Weapons gain +1 to Attack and Damage." Players with existing "Child of" Feats have had them replaced with this Feat. This feat is gained by the same methods and has the same prerequisites as the old "Child of" Feats.
  • "Beloved of" Deity Feats (the level 12 Deity Feats) have been replaced with a single new Feat, "Beloved of the Divine: Your connection to your Deity strengthens. You gain bonuses to Attack and Damage rolls with all Favored Weapons you wield: Simple Favored Weapons gain +3 to Attack and Damage. Martial Favored Weapons gain +2 to Attack and Damage. Exotic Favored Weapons gain +1 to Attack and Damage." Players with existing "Beloved of" Feats have had them replaced with this Feat. This feat is gained by the same methods and has the same prerequisites as the old "Beloved of" Feats.
  • Characters with at least 6 Divine levels can now take a new feat in place of the Active feat related to their Deity: "Search the Soul: You are seeking guidance to new paths of Faith. Passive: You gain +3 to the Concentration skill. As this Feat has no particular required Deity, while you have this feat (and assuming you meet all other requirements), you can exchange your Deity with a Feat Exchange (using normal Feat Exchange rules and costs).
  • Scion of the Ethereal Plane is now: You have Lesser Displacement and Ghost Touch, along with +6d6 Sneak Attack Dice, +5 Melee and Ranged Power, +4 to all Skills, and a permanent Invisible Guard as per the effect.
  • Sunder has been changed to: Tactical Melee Attack: Using this attack, you may reduce the target's Armor Class by 10% and Fortification by 25% for six seconds. Some creatures may be immune to the Sunder effect. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates this effect. (DC 10 + STR mod + Sunder bonuses). Cooldown: 10 seconds.
  • Improved Sunder is now: Tactical Melee Attack: Using this attack, you may reduce the target's Armor Class by 10% and Fortification by 25% for 12 seconds. Some creatures may be immune to the sunder effect. (DC 10 + STR Mod + Sunder Bonuses). Regardless of saving throw result, enemies will suffer the Trauma effect, which is a -3 penalty to Fortitude saving throws. Stacks 5 times. Lasts 24 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. This feat replaces your Sunder feat.
  • Epic Mage Armor has had its duration added to the description.
  • Artificer Knowledge: Potions no longer grants Caster Level bonuses to certain spells.
  • Halflings and Tieflings now display bloody eyes correctly.
  • Improved Precise Shot now reduces Ranged Damage by 20% while active.
  • Archer's Focus has had it's range power boost increased from 3 to 5 per stack.
  • The Feat "Shot on the Run" now grants a 10% Alacrity bonus to Shortbows and Longbows
  • Rapid Reload now increases the reload speed of Great Crossbows, Dual Light Crossbows, and Dual Light Crossbows by less than before.


  • Airship Cargo Hold stat buff and resistance amenities are no longer sold. Convenience amenities remain available.


  • The Rough Docent now has an enhancement bonus of +2.
  • Ratcatcher now has a critical profile of 18-20/x3 (down from 17-20/x3).
  • Items with new Ghostbane effects now deal their bane damage to all undead, not just Incorporeal enemies.
  • The Boarding Pass to Sharn now uses the same induction time that other Teleport items use, such as the Bottle of Mist and Stormreach d12.
  • Legendary Greensteel and Ravenloft Throwing Daggers now properly strike enemies while Improved Precise Shot is active.
  • Items that teleport you to specific places have had their cooldowns significantly reduced.
  • The base hardness of heroic Greensteel items has been doubled.
  • Nightforge Spike is now 18-20/x3, down from 16-20/x3.


  • Verisgante once again summons his ally Dannato in House Jorasco.
  • The ranger trainer in Sharn has had its animation adjusted.
  • Mortality, the Hardcore League Vendor, has been replaced with Arraetrikos. He can still grant Season 1 rewards to those that have earned them and can be talked to about Season 2 rewards, though those will not be obtainable until Hardcore Season 2 opens.
  • Hardcore Season rewards will no longer automatically appear in the inventory of newly created characters in order to remove new character inventory bloat. Characters must speak to the Hardcore League Vendor on each character that they want to get the rewards they have unlocked.

Quests and Adventure Areas[edit]

  • The Cerulean Hills wilderness area has had a polish pass makeover
  • A new public area has been added with entrances in both the Harbor and Cerulean Hills called the Gatekeeper's Grove. There is currently just one Gatekeeper there admiring the accomplishment, but soon others will likely move there.
  • Some Harbor NPCs have had their animations adjusted.
  • Fixed several minor typos in the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
  • The public space near the Catacombs and House Cannith in the Marketplace has been adjusted slightly.
  • The Reagent Vendors in Feather's Fall Apothecary now have different shops for each class or combination of classes that use particular sets of Spell Components.
  • The shrine in Sunrise now grants significantly less HP/PRR/MRR
  • Mounts are now suppressed instead of dispelled while in a tavern. Certain exterior taverns, such as the tavern areas within the Lower Necropolis, The Twelve and Meridia, will not suppress your mount and allow you to move while mounted normally. While suppressed, you move at normal speed and are not visually mounted, but when you leave a suppression area you will automatically remount with no delay. While suppressed, you will still be able to dispel your mount (default left shift) at any time.


  • Aasimar's Healing Hands is now capped at twenty character levels.
  • Aasimar's with Stoneskin active will no longer have their faces displaying incorrectly.


  • New Paladin Spell: Righteous Command - +1 Morale Bonus to Melee and ranged Power per Caster Level, maximum caster level 15.
  • Bless now scales with Caster Level (per 5 levels).
  • Angelskin now grants a +1 Sacred Bonus to Armor Class and a +1 Racial Bonus to Physical Resistance Rating per Caster Level, maximum caster level 20.
  • Prayer now scales with Caster Level (per 5 levels).
  • Zeal now has 10% Doubleshot added to it.
  • Stalwart Pact now grants five temporary hit points per level instead of every two levels, and a +2 Luck Bonus to Armor Class instead of DR 5/magic.
  • Evard's Black Tentacles has had its targeting adjusted for better ease of use and accuracy while casting.


  • Henshin Mystic focus no longer spams the combat log.
  • Heighten Magic's tooltip now clarifies its cost.
  • Feats
    • If you are ineligible to take a Feat due to an antirequisite, the tooltip of the feat will now display this information.
    • Class Level Requirements for feats that required class levels in one of many different classes, such as the Spell Penetration feat, now display their class level requirements in a more concise and clear manner that better illustrates if you've met any of the requirements.
    • Feat Categories should no longer erroneously require character level 21
  • Shared Bank
    • There is now a Sorting Dropdown panel in the Shared Account Bank to allow the items in the account bank to be sorted in based on any of the following ways
      • Most Recently Added
      • Oldest First
      • Item Name (A-Z)
      • Item Name (Z-A)
      • Minimum Level (1-30)
      • Minimum Level (30-1)
    • There is now a text field in the Shared Account bank in order to filter by minimum level range
    • There is now a dropdown panel in the Shared Account Bank to allow filtering based on Item Slot. You can isolate any of the following item slots
      • All
      • Weapon
      • Shield
      • Runearm
      • Armor
      • Eyes
      • Head
      • Neck
      • Trinket
      • Cloak
      • Waist
      • Rings
      • Hands
      • Feet
      • Wrists
      • Quiver
      • Cosmetic Weapon
      • Cosmetic Armor
      • Cosmetic Headwear
      • Cosmetic Cloak
  • Icons:
    • Fixed the border on one of the Vistani Knife Fighter tree icons
    • Fixed the Falconry Tree Icon so it didn't poke out the edges in the Universal Tree window.
    • Tiefling and Tiefling Scoundrel racial enhancement tree icons are now unique and no longer display the Elf racial icon.
    • Harper Agent now has more accurate icons for the ability score selectors
    • Know the Angles in the Harper tree now has its proper icon
    • Scion of the Ethereal Plane should no longer flicker on your buff bar a lot.


  • Spells and abilities that hide your weapons now do so more reliably.

Known Issues:[edit]

  • Some Alchemist enhancement tree icons are incorrect.
  • The filtering for Shared Account Bank does not work.
  • The Righteous Command spell uses level 4 spell ingredients but is a level 2 spell.
  • The Righteous Command spell displays the wrong calculated duration in the tooltip.
  • The Angelskin spell displays the wrong calculated duration in the tooltip.
  • The Stalwart Pact spell is now Self target only. (is this intended or a bug?)
  • The Stalwart Pact spell, when on the buff bar, has the tooltip of 'Righteous Indignation'.

Source: Official U45.0.0 release notes on

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