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For the Shield spell, see Shield (spell).

List of all shields in the game. See also Orbs.

The following table lists the basic shields in the game. Note that random-gen Bound to Account shields from chain end rewards (or quest end rewards in The Sharn Syndicate quests) use an older algorithm and do not match these stats.

Table: Basic Shields
Name Cost Absolute
Damage*1 Shield bonus
to AC
Added blocking
Damage reduction
Dexterity bonus
to AC
Armor check
spell failure


Buckler 15 gp 1 [1d4] 1 1 0 0% 5 lb.
Buckler, Darkwood 15 gp 4 [1d4] 1 2 0 0% 5 lb.
Buckler, Densewood 15 gp 10 [1d6] 2 3 0 0% 5 lb.
Buckler, Spiritcraft 15 gp 16 [1d6] 3 4 0 0% 5 lb.
Buckler, Celestial 15 gp 22 [1d8] 3 5 0 0% 5 lb.
Light Shield 3 gp 1 [1d4] 2 2 -1 10% 5 lb.
Light Darkwood Shield 3 gp 4 [1d4] 3 3 -1 10% 5 lb.
Light Densewood Shield 3 gp 10 [1d6] 4 4 -1 10% 5 lb.
Light Spiritcraft Shield 3 gp 16 [1d6] 5 5 -1 10% 5 lb.
Light Celestial Shield 3 gp 22 [1d8] 5 6 -1 10% 5 lb.
Heavy Shield 7 gp 1 [1d6] 3 3 -2 15% 10 lb.
Heavy Darkwood Shield 7 gp 4 [1d6] 4 4 -2 15% 10 lb.
Heavy Densewood Shield 7 gp 10 [1d8] 5 5 -2 15% 10 lb.
Heavy Spiritcraft Shield 7 gp 16 [1d8] 7 6 -2 15% 10 lb.
Heavy Celestial Shield 7 gp 22 [1d10] 9 7 -2 15% 10 lb.
Tower Shield*3 30 gp 1 [1d8] 4 4 2 -10 50% 45 lb.
Battle Shield*3 30 gp 4 [1d8] 6 5 2 -10 50% 50 lb.
Magecraft Shield*3 30 gp 10 [1d10] 8 6 2 -10 50% 50 lb.
Mountain Shield*3 30 gp 16 [1d10] 10 7 2 -10 50% 50 lb.
Planeforged Tower Shield*3 30 gp 22 [2d6] 12 8 2 -10 50% 50 lb.

Enhancing Shields[edit]

See Shield bashing for more information on attacking with shields.


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.






  • Orbs(31 C, 100 P)



Pages in category "Shields"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.