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House Deneith

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House Deneith
House Deneith map
View from the top of the tower in House Deneith

The military might of Stormreach pales before that of the larger cities in Eberron but is handled nonetheless by the mercenary forces of House Deneith. As a result, their ward in Stormreach is heavily fortified and utilitarian in nature. Hobgoblins and elves are known to wear the crest of Deneith but the majority of Deneith’s soldiers are humans.

House Deneith is one of the dragonmarked houses, carrying the Mark of Sentinel.

Points of Interest[edit]

Once a character has completed the quest The Scoundrel's Run, in Three-Barrel Cove, they receive a discount from vendors and taverns in House Deneith, and also at the Salty Wench Tavern in 3BC.


Name Location Description
Alciana d'Deneith Anvilfire Inn She is always looking for groups of able-bodied adventurers to help with the ongoing attacks at Stormcleave Outpost.
Brysen d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave <Intelligence Officer>
Keane d'Deneith Hammersmith's Inn
Giggs Elorreathi Hammersmith's Inn
Loghan d'Deneith The Marketplace Carberent's Lieutenant
Commander Tesara Gladewatch Outpost Defense
Darren d'Deneith Lordsmarch Plaza
Lille d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave <Sergeant>
Sal Danek Ruins of Threnal
Vargus d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave
Taggart d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave <Captain>
Tyn d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave <Transport Officer>
Galton d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave <Lieutenant>
Greigur d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave Greigur d'Deneith is a Sentinel Marshal.
Norbert Visbane The Tide Turns <Unraveling Enchantment Expert>
Tobras Jorn The Tide Turns Tobras is responsible for guarding the backdoor of the Deneith Tower.
Captain Lucan d'Deneith Storm the Beaches
Archmage Orlan Fenn Storm the Beaches
Spy Master Romul Ziegvard Storm the Beaches
Liria d'Deneith Meridia
Oleg d'Deneith House Deneith House Deneith patron representative
Tarvin d'Deneith House Deneith Sells quivers, ammunition and projectiles to characters that have sufficient favor with House Deneith.
Thalandain d'Deneith House Deneith <Auctioneer>
Leima d'Deneith House Deneith <Fighter Trainer>
Bereschel d'Deneith House Deneith Bereschel greets players when they enter House Deneith from the Marketplace and tells them about House Deneith: mainly Quests and points of interest.
Hadley d'Deneith House Deneith Mercenary
Soroth d'Deneith House Deneith Mercenary sergeant
Firi d'Deneith House Deneith Archery range supervisor
Jacobi Alluance The Marketplace <Weapon Broker>
Karl Arklan Fare Trades <Quality Weapon Broker>
Sarah d'Deneith Fare Trades <Magical Weapon Broker>
Brom Grimbound Anvilfire Inn <Barkeep>
Naloran Deathsong Anvilfire Inn <Barkeep>
Goenther Hammersmith Hammersmith's Inn <Barkeep>
Admiral Storm Anvilfire Inn
Tabitha d'Deneith Anvilfire Inn
Vaylin d'Deneith Anvilfire Inn
Lieutenant Novak Anvilfire Inn
Lieutenant Greenberyl Anvilfire Inn
Captain Uru Anvilfire Inn
Captain Rhaynes Anvilfire Inn
Silva l'Orian Anvilfire Inn
Vyra d'Deneith House Deneith Enclave

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Oleg d'Deneith

  • 0 Favor: Neutral
    No reward
  • 75 Favor: Noted
    + 2 to Intimidate and Search skills

    Access to Tarvin d'Deneith's shop. He offers normal repair services at 10%-off, and sells projectiles, ammunition and quivers. All this ammunition is Bound to Character on purchase, and price may be influenced by Haggle skill.

    • 20 +3 Darts, Shuriken, Throwing Axes, Throwing Daggers or Throwing Hammers - 4.8 pp
    • 100 Cold Iron Arrows or Bolts - 12 pp
    • 100 +3 Arrows or Bolts - 24 pp
    • 100 Silver Arrows or Bolts - 36 pp
    • 100 Byeshk Arrows or Bolts - 36.12 pp
    • 100 Adamantine Arrows or Bolts - 72 pp
    • Large Wide Quiver (10 types x 250 each) - 9,000 pp
  • 150 Favor: Commended
    +5 HP

    Tarvin d'Deneith offers "sturdy" (75% returning) missile weapon ammunition.

    • 20 Sturdy Darts, Shuriken, Throwing Axes, Throwing Daggers or Throwing Hammers - 4.8 pp
    • 20 +3 Sturdy Darts, Shuriken, Throwing Axes, Throwing Daggers or Throwing Hammers - 9.6 pp
    • 100 Sturdy Arrows or Bolts - 24 pp
    • 100 +3 Sturdy Arrows or Bolts - 48 pp
    • Large Thin Quiver (3 types x 1,000 each) - 9,000 pp
  • 400 Favor: Honored
    Currently unreachable
Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Oleg d'Deneith

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Noted

Your presence is required in House Deneith to discuss your status with our members. Please don't tarry.

Oleg d'Deneith of House Deneith,

(By completing quests that benefit House Deneith, you have caught their notice and have gained access to a vendor who sells their special military ammunition and a new type of quiver. Speak with Oleg d'Deneith in the House Deneith enclave for details.)

Originally Posted by Oleg d'Deneith

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Commended

Please meet with me at your earliest convenience. We have matters of importance to discuss that pertain to the operation of House Deneith, as well as your own edification and bearing in the city of Stormreach.

Oleg d'Deneith of House Deneith,

(You have attained enough favor with House Deneith for them to grant you access to special, long-lasting ammunition and another new type of quiver. Speak with Oleg d'Deneith in the House Deneith enclave for details.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
1 6 Free Korthos Village Baldar the Bold ♣132 ♦220 ♥232 ♠244
4 9 Free Hammersmith's Inn Giggs Elorreathi ♣448 ♦802 ♥856 ♠910
4 9 Free Hammersmith's Inn Neville Stormhammer ♣362 ♦645 ♥687 ♠729
5 9 Free Hammersmith's Inn Scholes of Vedykar ♣481 ♦856 ♥910 ♠964
5 9 Free Hammersmith's Inn Keane d'Deneith ♣434 ♦772 ♥820 ♠868
6 15 Free Anvilfire Inn Kirstana of Fairhaven ♣732 ♦1,300 ♥1,380 ♠1,460
6 12 Free The Marketplace Loghan d'Deneith ♣916 ♦1,630 ♥1,732 ♠1,834
6 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Bruku ♣496 ♦880 ♥932 ♠984
6 9 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Bruku ♣295 ♦520 ♥548 ♠576
7 27 Free House Deneith Vargus d'Deneith ♣4,380 ♦7,780 ♥8,260 ♠8,740
7 20 12 Sentinels of Stormreach House Deneith Lille d'Deneith ♣1,003
7 20 15 Sentinels of Stormreach House Deneith Greigur d'Deneith ♣1,498
7 20 12 Sentinels of Stormreach House Deneith Tyn d'Deneith ♣1,279
7 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Bruku ♣690 ♦1,220 ♥1,290 ♠1,360
7 20 12 Sentinels of Stormreach House Deneith Galton d'Deneith ♣1,215
7 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Bruku ♣780 ♦1,380 ♥1,460 ♠1,540
8 18 Free Anvilfire Inn Alciana d'Deneith ♣2,056 ♦3,636 ♥3,844 ♠4,052
8 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Lord Hragg of Grey Moon ♣981 ♦1,732 ♥1,828 ♠1,924
8 21 15 Sentinels of Stormreach House Deneith Brysen d'Deneith ♣3,708
8 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Bruku ♣808 ♦1,426 ♥1,504 ♠1,582
9 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Lord Hragg of Grey Moon ♣1,161 ♦2,044 ♥2,152 ♠2,260
9 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Lord Hragg of Grey Moon ♣1,100 ♦1,936 ♥2,038 ♠2,140
10 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Lord Hragg of Grey Moon ♣1,161 ♦2,038 ♥2,140 ♠2,242
10 12 Sorrowdusk Isle Sorrowdusk Isle Lord Hragg of Grey Moon ♣1,161 ♦2,038 ♥2,140 ♠2,242
12 21 Free Temple of the Sovereign Host Sir Kinze MacDunnam ♣3,260 ♦5,699 ♥5,966 ♠6,233
15 31 18 The Vale of Twilight Meridia Liria d'Deneith ♣3,648
Total 26
Total favor