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(For a chart of skills by class, see Class skill)

During creation and during level-up a character will receive a specific amount of skill points, that can be spent to increase his or her current skill ranks. The amount you receive depends on your race, class and your base intelligence modifier. The minimum amount you can ever receive is 1 and there is technically no upper limit, although increasing your intelligence is limited, which puts a limit on the amount of skill points you can receive.

Enhancements or effects that modify your intelligence will not modify your number of available skill points. So, equipping a Clever Item or bestowing a temporary effects (such as a Fox's Cunning spell/potion) will have no effect on your current skill points, nor during the actual level-up process.

Only your base score is taken into account to determine the modifier. The only exception is a Tome of Clear Thought, which will grant additional skill points during your next level-up if its effect at your current level increases your intelligence modifier. However, tomes do not work retroactively.

When creating a new character, he or she will receive 4 times the amount of skill points at level one. For this reason it is recommended to select the one class of your planned build that receives the most skill points at first level, as this can significantly alter your available skill points. It is as well recommended to set your intelligence to the planned final value on level one instead of increasing it during the attributes selection at later level-ups, as skill points are not granted retroactively.

For further optimizations, see also: Skill usefulness

Racial modifiers[edit]

Class modifiers[edit]

Each class will receive its (fixed) amount of base skill points + intelligence modifier during level-up. Only the class you are currently in the progress of leveling will have an effect on the amount of skill points you can spend. The base skill points for each class are as follows:

Class Artificer Alchemist Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Favored Soul Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warlock Wizard
Base skill points 4 4 4 6 2 4 2 2 4 2 6 8 2 2 2

List of Skills[edit]

Not all Pen & Paper skills are included in DDO, and some traditional skills have been modified to fit DDO. This table describes all the skills present in DDO.

Icon Skill Ability Type Affix Description
Skill balance.png Balance Dexterity Passive Balance Increases the speed with which you get up after being knocked down.
Skill bluff.png Bluff Charisma Active Bluff Allows you to bluff certain NPCs, draw monsters away from their group, or make an individual monster vulnerable to sneak attack for six seconds. You also gain a decrease in threat generation for a short period of time after successfully using this ability. (15 second cooldown, Shares cooldown with Diplomacy, cannot be used while raged)
Skill concentration.png Concentration Constitution Passive Inner Focus Allows you a chance to continue casting a spell after being damaged or otherwise interrupted. Allows monks to retain Ki.
Diplomacy icon.png Diplomacy Charisma Active Eloquence Allows you to negotiate more effectively with certain NPCs and to encourage monsters to find targets other than yourself. Any accumulated threat you have with enemies that you successfully diplomacize is reduced. (15 second cooldown, Shares cooldown with Bluff, cannot be used when Raged)
Skill disable device.png Disable Device Intelligence Active Disable Device Can be used to disarm traps in dungeons. Requires that the control box of the trap has been located by a successful Search check. If the Disable Device check succeeds, you disable the trap. If it fails by 4 or less, you have failed but can try again. If you fail by 5 or more the control box explodes (causing some damage to those in an area around the box) and can't be used again (the trap will remain dangerous, of course!). Using this skill consumes one thieves' tool.
Skill haggle.png Haggle Charisma Passive Haggle, Bartered Allows you to negotiate better prices with vendors.
Skill heal.png Heal Wisdom Passive/Active Sustenance Allows you to revive unconscious and bleeding companions to 1 hit point (each attempt requires one healing kit). Also, the character with the highest Heal skill is used when using Rest shrines to dictate how much health is recovered. Does not affect Warforged characters. Each point of skill adds 1 point to Positive and Negative Spell Power. (1 second cooldown)
Skill hide.png Hide Dexterity Passive Hiding Allows you to sneak past monsters, avoiding their sight. Hide ties directly into the feat Sneak.
Skill intimidate.png Intimidate Charisma Active Intimidating Allows you to intimidate certain NPCs and to draw the attention of monsters while in battle. You will suffer a -4 penalty to your intimidate skill for every size category you are smaller than the creature your are trying to intimidate, or +4 for every size category your are larger. Halflings suffer a -4 penalty to Intimidate due to their small size. (15 second cooldown)
Skill jump.png Jump Strength Passive Jump|Springing Allows you to jump higher. This skill has a maximum cap of 40. 9th level and higher casters can cast +30 Jump (spell)
Skill listen.png Listen Wisdom Passive Listening Allows you to hear approaching enemies. You will be notified by red pulses (footsteps) as they approach. There are certain quests that utilize the listen check for floor-crumbling traps (i.e. The Chamber of Raiyum).
Skill move silently.png Move Silently Dexterity Passive Silencing Allows you to sneak past monsters, avoiding their hearing. It ties directly into the feat Sneak.
Skill open lock.png Open Lock Dexterity Active Escape Allows you to attempt to open locked doors, chests, and other objects. Using the skill consumes one thieves’ tool.
Skill perform.png Perform Charisma Passive Performing Allows you to use and improve your musical ability to inspire and fascinate others. This skill is required for bards to be able to use their Bardic Music. Each point of skill adds 1 point to Sonic Spell Power.
Skill repair.png Repair Intelligence Passive/Active Repairing Allows you to restore a disabled warforged character to 1 hit point (each attempt requires one repair kit). Also, the character with the highest Repair skill is used when using Rest shrines to dictate how much health is recovered. Only affects Warforged characters. Each point of skill adds 1 point to Repair and Rust Spell Power. (1 second cooldown)
Skill search.png Search Intelligence Active Minute Seeing, Inspected Allows you to find hidden doors, traps, and objects when activated. Note that (like Spot) there is no die roll involved. If your score is high enough you will always succeed and if it's too low you'll never find something. (1 second cooldown)
Skill spellcraft.png Spellcraft Intelligence Passive Spellsight Adds 1 point of Spell Power per point of skill with following damage types: Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Force and Light.
Skill spot.png Spot Wisdom Passive Eagle Allows you to sense nearby hidden doors, traps, objects, and stealthed enemies. Except for the enemies, the exact locations will be unknown until a search check is successfully made.
Skill swim.png Swim Strength Passive Swimming Allows you to swim faster and for a longer period of time underwater.
Skill tumble.png Tumble Dexterity Passive Tumbling Allows you to tumble and roll away from attacking enemies. Tumbling can be accomplished by blocking and using a movement key. A skill rating higher than 30 allows you to dive to the side and do back flips instead of rolling. Skill also reduces falling damage.
Skill use magic device.png Use Magic Device (UMD) Charisma Passive Use Magic Device (UMD) Grants you the ability to use magic devices which you could not normally use. This also allows you to bypass racial and alignment restrictions upon items.

Feats providing skill bonuses[edit]

Skill scores can also be boosted by training specific feats available:

See also[edit]