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Sorcerer / Wizard spells
Main Classes | ||||||||
Alchemist |
Artificer |
Bard |
Cleric / Favored Soul | Druid |
Paladin |
Ranger |
Sorcerer / Wizard | Warlock |
Archetypes | ||||||||
Blightcaster |
Dark Hunter |
Sacred Fist |
Stormsinger |
Wild Mage |
Warning: numerical effects may not coincide with DDO's exact implementation.
See here for details.
Sorcerer / Wizard Spells List[edit]
Sorcerers and Wizards cast arcane spells.
Consult the table below to know the number of Sorcerer / Wizard spells available per spell level, and per spell school.
Abjuration | Conjuration | Divination | Enchantment | Evocation | Illusion | Necromancy | Transmutation | Total | |
Level 1 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 33 |
Level 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 7 | 9 | 35 |
Level 3 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 24 |
Level 4 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 25 |
Level 5 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 19 |
Level 6 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 12 | 28 |
Level 7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 16 |
Level 8 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 14 |
Level 9 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 12 |
Total | 19 | 31 | 4 | 30 | 43 | 8 | 36 | 35 | 206 |
Check here if you're looking for a list of spells affected by the elemental savant prestige enhancements.
See also[edit]
Level 1[edit]
Sorcerer level 1 / Wizard level 1
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Nightshield | Abjuration | Grants a +1 resistance bonus to saves (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th level), and protection from Magic Missiles for 1 minute per caster level. Minimum duration 5 minutes. | ||||||||||||
Protection from Evil | Abjuration | Creates a magical barrier that wards a target from attacks by Evil creatures. It grants a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class, and a +2 resistance bonus to saves versus attacks from Evil creatures. The target is also warded from Evil magical controls and compulsions. | ||||||||||||
Shield | Abjuration | Grants a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class, and protection from Magic Missile for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Grease | Conjuration | Covers the ground with a 10 ft. square layer of slippery grease, forcing targets to make a Reflex save or fall. (Affects party members.) Sometimes it deals 2d6 fire damage per 2 caster levels to all enemies of the caster in the grease every few seconds, as well as the caster of the Grease spell. A successful Reflex save will reduce this damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Mage Armor | Conjuration | An invisible, but tangible field of force surrounds an ally, providing a +4 armor bonus to Armor Class for 5 minutes plus 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Niac's Cold Ray | Conjuration (Cold) |
Shoots a ray of ice inflicting 1d5+5 cold damage per caster level (Maximum damage 5d5+25.) to a single target. A successful Reflex save negates damage. | ||||||||||||
Obscuring Mist | Conjuration | A misty vapor arises around the caster obscuring all sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment. (Attackers have 20% miss chance.) Obscuring Mist can be burned away with fire spells that hit the area of the mist. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster I | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Brown Spider, Celestial Dog, Giant Rat to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Detect Secret Doors | Divination | Reveals secret and hidden doors. | ||||||||||||
Master's Touch | Divination | Enchants the items currently equipped in the target's right and left hands to grant their wielder proficiency if the items are simple or martial weapons, or shields, and lasts until the target rests. | ||||||||||||
Charm Person | Enchantment | Charms an enemy humanoid, which will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed humanoids get an additional saving throw every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except for warforged, and more creatures | ||||||||||||
Hypnotism | Enchantment | Gestures and droning incantation fascinate nearby enemies, causing them to stop and stare blankly until damaged. A successful Will save negates this effect. Hypnotism confers a -3 Will Save on all targets for 15 seconds, even if the targets make their save. | ||||||||||||
Sleep | Enchantment | Induces a magical slumber, rendering creatures Helpless until attacked. Ineffective on Undead, Constructs, or Oozes. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC = spell's save DC - creature's HD + your caster level) | ||||||||||||
Acid Spray | Evocation (Acid) |
A cone of burning acid shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the spray for 1d6+1 acid damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 5d6+5 damage at caster level 5). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Burning Hands | Evocation (Fire) |
A harmful cone of searing flame shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the flames for 1d6+1 fire damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 5d6+5.) A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Caustic Bolt | Evocation (Acid) |
Fires a small orb of acid at a target, doing 1d6+2 acid damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10). | ||||||||||||
Flaming Bolt | Evocation (Fire) |
Fires a small orb of fire at a target, doing 1d6+2 fire damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10). | ||||||||||||
Freezing Bolt | Evocation (Cold) |
Fires a small orb of frost at a target, doing 1d6+2 cold damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10). | ||||||||||||
Magic Missile | Evocation (Force) |
A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to a maximum of 5 missiles at 9th level and higher. | ||||||||||||
Shocking Bolt | Evocation (Electricity) |
Fires a small orb of electricity at a target, doing 1d6+2 electric damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10). | ||||||||||||
Shocking Grasp | Evocation (Electricity) | Delivers a jolt of 1d6+2 electricity damage per caster level (Maximum damage 5d6+10.) to any enemy you touch. | ||||||||||||
Sonic Blast | Evocation (Sonic) |
Blasts an enemy with loud high-pitched sounds, dealing 1d6+1 sonic damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 8d6+8.) The target must make a successful Will save to avoid be Dazed for a short period of time, or until they take damage. | ||||||||||||
Color Spray | Illusion | Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect. | ||||||||||||
Cause Fear | Necromancy | If the target fails a Will save it becomes Frightened, otherwise it becomes Shaken. Targets are slowed, which stacks with the Slow spell and with Exhaustion. | ||||||||||||
Chill Touch | Necromancy (Negative) | Makes a touch echo with the chill of death causing 1d6+2 per caster level (Maximum damage 5d6+10.) of negative damage and one point of Strength damage to 1 living creature. A successful Fortitude save negates the Strength damage. Chill Touch causes Undead to become Panicked instead of taking damage. Undead who make a successful Will save negate this Panicked condition. | ||||||||||||
Disrupt Undead | Necromancy | This ray deals 2d3+6 positive energy damage plus an additional 1d3+3 damage per two caster levels to an enemy undead. This spell has nearly unlimited range. | ||||||||||||
Ray of Enfeeblement | Necromancy | A coruscating ray springs towards the target, inflicting a 1d6 Strength penalty plus 1 additional per 2 caster levels. (Maximum Strength penalty 1d6+5.) | ||||||||||||
Expeditious Retreat | Transmutation | Increases base run speed by 25% for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Feather Fall | Transmutation | Causes an ally to fall slowly, although faster than feathers typically do. | ||||||||||||
Jump | Transmutation | Gives an allied creature a +10 enhancement bonus to Jump skill for 1 minute per caster level. This bonus increases to +20 at 5th level, and +30 at 9th level. However creatures will see no improvement after obtaining a Jump skill of 40. | ||||||||||||
Merfolk's Blessing | Transmutation | Gives an ally a +10 enhancement bonus on Swim plus 1 for every 2 caster levels beyond 1st. | ||||||||||||
Repair Light Damage | Transmutation (Repair) | Transmutes the structure of a living Construct ally to repair 1d6+2 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 5.) | ||||||||||||
Tumble | Transmutation | Gives an ally a +10 enhancement bonus to the Skill Tumble. |
Level 2[edit]
Sorcerer level 4 / Wizard level 3
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Resist Energy | Abjuration | Gives an ally limited resistance from one chosen energy type, reducing damage or attack by 10. (20 at caster level 7th, 30 at 11th.) Energy types available are: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. | ||||||||||||
Fog Cloud | Conjuration | A bank of fog billows out, obscuring the sight of all targets within its effect and giving all creatures in the fog concealment (Attackers have 20% miss chance.), similar to a targetable ranged version of Obscuring Mist. Affects party members. | ||||||||||||
Glitterdust | Conjuration | A cloud of golden particles covers everything in an area, causing targets to become Blinded and outlining Invisible creatures. (-40 to Hide checks, and visually affects party members.) A successful Will save negates Blinded. | ||||||||||||
Melf's Acid Arrow | Conjuration (Acid) |
Deals 1d6 per caster level of acid damage to a target for 12 seconds (max 10d6). | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster II | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Black Widow, Fiendish Bat, Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Web | Conjuration | Creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands that entangle targets within them. A successful Reflex save negates this effect. Entangled creatures may attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to escape. Area of effect fire spells will destroy these webs and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures, oozes, and spiders are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures are immune because they burn through the webs. The duration is a fixed 30 seconds. | ||||||||||||
See Invisibility | Divination | Reveals Invisible creatures, or objects. | ||||||||||||
Daze Monster | Enchantment | Clouds the mind of an enemy so that it takes no actions for 6 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. It weakens the will save for a brief period of time even in a successful save. | ||||||||||||
Touch of Idiocy | Enchantment | Target takes 1d6 points of Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom damage. | ||||||||||||
Otto's Resistible Dance | Enchantment | At your touch forces one Foe to dance, preventing it from doing anything else. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Electric Loop | Evocation (Electricity) |
Zap one or more targets for 1d3+3 electrical damage per two caster levels (Maximum damage 5d3+15.), then may leap erratically about to other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar shock. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. On a failed Reflex save, the target must make a successful Will save to avoid be Dazed for a short period of time or until takes damage. | ||||||||||||
Flaming Sphere | Evocation (Fire) |
Creates a rolling ball of fire, dealing 2d6 fire damage. A successful Reflex save negates the damage. | ||||||||||||
Gust of Wind | Evocation | This spell creates a severe blast of air that originates from you, and passes through all enemies in its path. Small or smaller enemies must make a Strength check or Dexterity check to negate be knocked prone, and medium or smaller enemies are slowed by the winds unless they make a Reflex save equal to 12+your casting Ability's modifier, but large or larger enemies are unaffected. The spell also clears away all lingering effects in its path, such as clouds and Wall of Fire, even those cast by your party. | ||||||||||||
Scorch | Evocation (Fire) |
A jet of roaring flame bursts from your outstretched hand, dealing 1d6+2 fire damage per caster level (max 10d6+20) to targets in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Scorching Ray | Evocation (Fire) |
Blasts a target with fiery rays, each doing 4d3+12 fire damage on impact. You may fire 1 ray, plus 1 additional ray for every 4 caster levels beyond 3rd. (Maximum rays 3.) | ||||||||||||
Snowball Swarm | Evocation (Cold) |
A flurry of magical snowballs erupt near your target, dealing 1d6+2 cold damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 10d6+20.) A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Blur | Illusion | An ally's outline becomes slightly blurred, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks against the ally. | ||||||||||||
Hypnotic Pattern | Illusion | A twisting pattern of subtle, shifting colors weaves through the air, fascinating targets within it. A successful will save negates this effect. It weakens the will save by 3 for a brief period of time even in a successful save. The spell's duration is 30 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Invisibility | Illusion | This spell renders a creature Invisible for 1 minute per caster level. Attacking a target, or using an object (door, lever, etc.) removes this condition. | ||||||||||||
Blindness | Necromancy | Renders an enemy blinded. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Command Undead | Necromancy | Control is granted over the enemy Undead, forcing it to fight for you. Mindless undead are controlled for 1 to 4 minutes, while other Undead can be controlled for a maximum of 10 minutes but get an additional Will saving throw every 20 seconds. | ||||||||||||
False Life | Necromancy | Harnesses the power of unlife granting to the caster 10 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 10, for a total of 20.) temporary hit points. | ||||||||||||
Ghoul Touch | Necromancy | This spell imbues your hand with negative energy, allowing you to paralyze 1 living Humanoid that you touch. A successful Fortitude save negates. Humanoids include Kobolds, Goblinoids, player Races except for Warforged, Troglodytes, and more. | ||||||||||||
Lesser Death Aura | Necromancy | Envelops the caster in a sickly aura of negative energy. Living enemies stepping inside the aura take 1d4 negative damage every 2 seconds as long as they remain within it. Undead are instead healed by the aura. | ||||||||||||
Scare | Necromancy | This spell functions like Cause Fear on multiple targets. Affected enemies become Frightened. A successful Will save causes the target to become Shaken instead. Targets are slowed. The slow stacks with the Slow spell and with Exhausted. | ||||||||||||
Spawn Screen | Necromancy | Prevents 1 ally per caster level from rising as Undead. Certain rare, extremely powerful Undead can circumvent this protection. | ||||||||||||
Bear's Endurance | Transmutation | An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Bull's Strength | Transmutation | An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Cat's Grace | Transmutation | An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Eagle's Splendor | Transmutation | An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Fox's Cunning | Transmutation | An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Knock | Transmutation | Unlocks locked doors and chests as if a Rogue with a Open Lock skill of caster level+casting ability modifier (Intelligence for Wizards, and Charisma for Sorcerers) was attempting to pick the lock. | ||||||||||||
Ooze Puppet | Transmutation | Telekinetically controls the actions of an enemy Ooze, forcing it to change sides. The target is slowed by this spell, but gains additional Fortitude saves every 60 seconds to break free. While under the effect of this spell, the Ooze can't split. | ||||||||||||
Owl's Wisdom | Transmutation | An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Repair Moderate Damage | Transmutation (Repair) | Transmutes the structure of a living Construct ally to repair 2d6+4 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 10.) |
Level 3[edit]
Sorcerer level 6 / Wizard level 5
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Dispel Magic | Abjuration | Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target, on a successful caster level check 1d20+caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) of DC 11+spell's caster level. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner. | ||||||||||||
Magic Circle Against Evil | Abjuration (Good) |
Casts Protection from Evil on multiple targets for 1 minute per caster level, granting a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class, and a +2 resistance bonus to saves against attacks from Evil creatures. Targets are also warded from magical mental control and compulsions. | ||||||||||||
Protection from Energy | Abjuration | Protection from Energy grants temporary immunity to one chosen type of energy you specify when you cast it, or until 12 points of energy per caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) from the chosen kind of energy type has been absorbed. Energy types available are: acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. | ||||||||||||
Acid Blast | Conjuration (Acid) |
Creates a gout of acid that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6+3 acid damage per caster level (Maximum damage 10d6+30.) acid damage, in a 20 feet radius. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Sleet Storm | Conjuration (Cold) |
Driving sleet blocks all sight (Attackers are Blinded.), and causes the ground around the target to become icy, slowing targets within it by 50%. This spell affects party members too. | ||||||||||||
Stinking Cloud | Conjuration | Creates a bank of fog that nauseates living targets and obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment. (Attackers have 20% miss chance.) A successful Fortitude save negates the condition Nauseated. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster III | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Winter Wolf, Air Mephit, Hellhound to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Deep Slumber | Enchantment | This area of effect spell functions like Sleep (spell), inducing a magical slumber, sending a group of enemies to sleep (which renders them helpless) until attacked or for a duration of 20 + 2 seconds per caster level (no maximum). Ineffective on Undead, Constructs, Elves and other creatures immune to sleep. A successful will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Heroism | Enchantment | This spell imbues a single ally creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. | ||||||||||||
Hold Person | Enchantment | The enemy humanoid becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Humanoids include Kobolds, Goblinoids, player races except for Warforged, and more creatures. Attacks against a held opponent are treated as if the opponent is helpless. | ||||||||||||
Rage | Enchantment | This area of effect spell grants to targets +2 morale bonus to Strength and to Constitution, +1 morale bonus on will saves, and a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The spell's duration is 60 + 6 seconds per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Suggestion | Enchantment | Influences the actions of an enemy, allowing you to suggest it to fight as your ally for 30+2 seconds per caster level. A successful will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Chain Missiles | Evocation (Force) |
A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles (at level 19). After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target. | ||||||||||||
Fireball | Evocation (Fire) |
Creates a ball of fire dealing 1d6+3 per caster level (Maximum damage 10d6+30.) fire damage, to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Flame Arrow | Evocation (Fire) |
Creates 500 flaming ammo within the caster's inventory, each ammo deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. This spell requires and consumes 1 normal ammo of that type. Ammo drops when you log out. | ||||||||||||
Frost Lance | Evocation (Cold) |
Freezing lances strike a target for 4d5+20 cold damage per lance. (A Fortitude save reduces the damage by half.) 1st lance at 3rd level, a 2nd lance at 7th level, and a 3rd lance at 11th. | ||||||||||||
Lightning Bolt | Evocation (Electricity) | Deals 1d6+3 per caster level (Maximum damage 10d6+30.) electricity damage to each target in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Has a 50% chance to fork, hitting affected targets a second time with another reflex save allowed to halve the damage from the second bolt. | ||||||||||||
Displacement | Illusion | An ally creature's outline becomes blurred, giving enemies a 50% miss chance when attacking. | ||||||||||||
Halt Undead | Necromancy | Immobilizes Undead targets in range immobile for 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. Non-intelligent Undead do not get a Will save. | ||||||||||||
Ray of Exhaustion | Necromancy | A ray causes 1 target become exhausted. Exhausted creatures take a -6 penalty on Strength and Dexterity, and move at 50% speed. A successful Fortitude save means the creature is only fatigued. | ||||||||||||
Haste | Transmutation | Quickens allies (32% enhancement bonus to run speed), causing them to attack 15% faster than normal (15% enhancement bonus to attack speed). In addition the recipient gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls, plus a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. | ||||||||||||
Repair Serious Damage | Transmutation (Repair) |
Transmutes the structure of a living Construct ally to repair 3d6+6 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 15.) | ||||||||||||
Slow | Transmutation | Creatures in the affected area of effect are slowed. Slowed creatures move at 50% speed, a 30% penalty to attack speed, a -1 penalty to Attack rolls, Armor Class, and Reflex saves. A successful will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Water Breathing | Transmutation | Grants the ability to breathe water to you and your allies. |
Level 4[edit]
Sorcerer level 8 / Wizard level 7
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Fire Trap | Abjuration (Fire) |
Creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy triggers the spell by entering the area, a fiery explosion does 1d3 + 3 fire damage per caster level. (Maximum caster level 20.) A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability | Abjuration | An immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere surrounds you and excludes all spell effects of level 3 and lower. Such spells fail to target anyone located within the globe, but any type of spell can be cast through or out of the magical globe. | ||||||||||||
Remove Curse | Abjuration | Removes all curses on an ally. Counters and dispels Bestow Curse. | ||||||||||||
Stoneskin | Abjuration | The warded creature gains resistance to base melee damage granting Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points damage per caster level it is discharged. Otherwise it lasts 1 minute per caster level. (Special material component: Granite and Diamond Dust.) | ||||||||||||
Acid Rain | Conjuration (Acid) |
You create a storm that sends down a single torrent of caustic rain. Creatures that are hit by the rain take 1d4 acid damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 15 to 60 damage at caster level 15) every 2 seconds for a duration of 8 seconds. Creatures first entering the rain are allowed a reflex save for half damage but any creatures remaining in the rain will take damage with no saving throw. | ||||||||||||
Dimension Door | Conjuration | Creates a door of magical energy in a dungeon or adventure area. Any member of your party may use the door to return to the inside entrance of the area. The magical door disappears once the caster passes through it. | ||||||||||||
Solid Fog | Conjuration | Obscures vision like Fog Cloud (20% concealment miss chance to all creatures within it.), but additionally slows movement, gives -2 penalty on melee Attack rolls and Damage rolls. Enemies in the cloud suffers a -5 penalty to their reflex save. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster IV | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Greater Ice Mephit, Lantern Archon to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Charm Monster | Enchantment | An enemy monster is charmed and will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Crushing Despair | Enchantment | An invisible cone of despair gives the targets -2 penalties to attack, saving throws, skill checks and weapon damage. A successful Will save negates this effect. This spell also applies a Weaken Will effect on all targets (-5 to will save for 15 seconds) whether they succeed or fail their saving throw. | ||||||||||||
Fire Shield | Evocation (Fire,Cold) |
Wreaths the caster in hot or cold flames. Any creature striking you in melee takes 1d3+3 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 15.) damage. The Fire version of this spell deals fire damage and reduces damage the caster takes from cold by half. The cold version of this spell deals cold damage and reduces damage the caster takes from fire by half. The flame from the fire version will burn away any webs that attempt to entangle you. | ||||||||||||
Force Missiles | Evocation (Force) |
A powerful missile of magical force darts from your fingertips and unerringly strikes its target, inflicting 2d3+8 points of force damage. You gain one additional missile for every four caster levels. | ||||||||||||
Ice Storm | Evocation (Cold) |
Hail creates a lingering area of effect for 30 seconds that deals 2d6 of bludgeon damage and 1d6 of cold damage plus 1 per caster level (up to a maximum caster level of 15) every 2 seconds to each creature inside the area. | ||||||||||||
Shout | Evocation (Sonic) |
Emits an ear-splitting yell that does 1d6+3 sonic damage per caster level to a max of 15d6+45 at level 15 to all targets in its path. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Flame | Evocation (Fire) |
You scribe a potent rune of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it dealing 5d3+15 fire damage to that target. A successful Reflex save reduces damage by half. The symbol dissolves 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. | ||||||||||||
Wall of Fire | Evocation (Fire) |
This wall deals 2d6 points of fire damage plus 1 point of fire damage per caster level (Maximum caster level 15) to targets within the wall, and deals an additional 2d6 damage to Undead creatures. The duration is 30 seconds regardless of caster level. | ||||||||||||
Phantasmal Killer | Illusion | A target who fails a Will saving throw followed by a failed Fortitude saving throw dies from fear. A successful Fortitude save still results in 1d3 + 1 damage per caster level. A Will save disbelieves the spell and negates ill effects. | ||||||||||||
Bestow Curse | Necromancy | The target is cursed, giving a -4 penalty to attack rolls, skill rolls and saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Burning Blood | Necromancy (Acid,Fire) |
You taint a living creature's blood with a hot, corrosive infusion, dealing 2d4 points of acid damage + 1 per 2 caster level and 2d4 points of fire damage + 1 per 2 caster level every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Contagion | Necromancy | Infects a living enemy with the chosen disease, which strikes immediately and deals damage every minute to one or more attributes. A successful Fortitude save negates the damage. Affected creatures can only recover if they make two consecutive Fortitude saves. | ||||||||||||
Death Aura | Necromancy | Envelops the caster in a sickly aura of negative energy. Living enemies stepping inside the aura take 2d4 damage plus 1 per caster level every 2 seconds as long as they remain within it. Undead are instead healed by the aura, and friendly Undead don't trigger spell resistance. (Note: Spell actually processes for 2d4 damage plus 1 per 2 caster levels every 3 seconds. ) | ||||||||||||
Enervation | Necromancy | A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting an enemy 1d4 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its Hit Die, it dies. Each negative level gives a creature a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, Skill checks, Ability checks and a -1 to effective level. Negative levels stack. Also applies a Negative Damage Over Time effect. | ||||||||||||
Fear | Necromancy | An area of effect of terror in the shape of a cone causes each living enemy in an area to become frightened. A successful will save causes enemies to become shaken. Creatures that fail their save are also slowed 35% by necrotic energy. | ||||||||||||
Negative Energy Burst | Necromancy | Negative energy expands from the caster, doing 1d6+4 negative damage per caster level (Maximum damage 10d6+40.) to all living enemies caught in the blast. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Undead are instead healed by the attack. | ||||||||||||
Repair Critical Damage | Transmutation (Repair) |
Transmutes the structure of a living Construct ally to repair 4d6+8 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 20.) |
Level 5[edit]
Sorcerer level 10 / Wizard level 9
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Break Enchantment | Abjuration | Affected allies in an area are freed from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Enemies have beneficial effects removed. Must succeed on a check of 1d20+your caster level (Maximum caster level 15.) versus 11+the spell's caster level to remove an effect. | ||||||||||||
Dismissal | Abjuration | Instantly forces an extraplanar enemy back to its proper plane of existence. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC=spell's save DC-creature's Hit Die+your caster level). | ||||||||||||
Protection from Elements | Abjuration | Grants temporary immunity to all forms of energy for 1 minute per caster level, or until 12 points of energy per caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) for each energy type has been absorbed. | ||||||||||||
Cloudkill | Conjuration (Acid) |
Slow moving poisonous cloud dealing 2d6 acid damage plus 1 damage per caster level (Maximum damage 2d6+20.), and slays creatures with 3 or less Hit Dice, creatures with Hit Dice between 4 and 6 must succeed on a Fortitude save or die, creatures with 6 or over Hit Dice take 1d4 Constitution damage. Constitution damage and Acid damage is halved on a successful Fortitude save. This fog obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment. (Attackers have 20% miss chance.) Creatures immune to poison are undamaged by this spell. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster V | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Bearded Devil, Medium Earth Elemental, Umbral Worg to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Teleport | Conjuration | Lets you pick from several destinations (In town only.) useful to Wizards and Sorcerers. (The marketplace, your class trainers, etc.) | ||||||||||||
Dominate Person | Enchantment | You can control the actions of any humanoid creature that fails its Will save through a telepathic link that you establish with the subject’s mind. Dominate acts like Charm Person, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creature will follow you throughout the dungeon. | ||||||||||||
Feeblemind | Enchantment | Creature’s Intelligence and Charisma drops to 1. A successful Will saving throw negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Hold Monster | Enchantment | This spell functions like Hold Person, except that it affects any living creature that fails its Will save. The enemy is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Mind Fog | Enchantment | Produces a bank of thin mist that weakens the mental resistance of those caught in it, giving a -10 competence penalty to Will saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Ball Lightning | Evocation (Electricity) |
Launches one 3 feet sphere of lightning, dealing 1d6+5 electrical damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 15d6+75.) A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Cone of Cold | Evocation (Cold) |
Creates an area of extreme cold, originating at your hand and extending outward in a cone. It drains heat, dealing 1d6+5 points of cold damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 15d6+75.) A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Cyclonic Blast | Evocation | You send a twisting torrent of wind toward your enemies that deals 1d3+3 damage per caster level (Maximum damage 80 to 120 at caster level 20) to targets in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. If the target fails its Reflex save, it must make a Strength check or Dexterity check to negate be knocked Prone. The spell also clears away all lingering effects in its path, such as clouds and Wall of Fire cast by both friends and foes. | ||||||||||||
Eladar's Electric Surge | Evocation (Electricity) |
The target's body is wracked with powerful electric shocks, dealing 1 to 6 electric damage + 1 per caster level every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 3 times, increasing the damage with each stack. | ||||||||||||
Niac's Biting Cold | Evocation (Cold) |
A deep and chilling cold settles into the target's body, dealing 1 to 6 cold damage + 1 per caster level every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 3 times, increasing the damage with each stack. | ||||||||||||
Prismatic Ray | Evocation (Acid, Electricity, Fire) |
A shining ray of multicolored light blinds creatures with 8 Hit Die or less for 12 to 48 seconds, and does 1 of 7 harmful effects at random to one target, with a 12.5% of inflicting a second different effect from that 7. For Complete Description | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Pain | Necromancy (Evil) |
You create a reddish symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it inflicting severe pain on all nearby enemies. The pain causes -4 penalty on Attack rolls, Saving throws, and Skill checks, lasts 30 seconds plus 12 seconds per caster level. Each enemy can make a Fortitude save to negate the effect. The symbol dissolves 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. | ||||||||||||
Waves of Fatigue | Necromancy | Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures to become Fatigued. Fatigued creatures take a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. | ||||||||||||
Repair Light Damage, Mass | Transmutation (Repair) |
Transmutes the structure of living Construct allies to repair 1d6+2 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 25.) |
Level 6[edit]
Sorcerer level 12 / Wizard level 11
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Globe of Invulnerability | Abjuration | As Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, but spells of level 4 and under fail to target anyone located within the globe, meanwhile any type of spell can be cast through or out of the magical globe. | ||||||||||||
Greater Dispel Magic | Abjuration | Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20+your caster level (Maximum caster level 20.) of DC 11+spell's caster level to remove an effect. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner.
If cast on a spell ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1 to 4 (1d4 levels). If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. |
Acid Fog | Conjuration (Acid) |
A billowing mass of misty vapors slows movement, obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (Attackers have 20% miss chance.), and causes 2d6 acid damage every 2 seconds to targets within the cloud. Creature entering the cloud also suffers a -4 penalty to their Armor Class. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster VI | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Eladrin Bralani, Fiendish Troll, Large Water Elemental to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
True Seeing | Divination | You confer on the ally the ability to see things as they actually are. This allows the target to notice secret doors hidden by magic, see the exact location of creatures hidden by Blur or Displacement effects, and see Invisible creatures or objects normally. | ||||||||||||
Greater Heroism | Enchantment | This spell imbues a single ally creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. The target also receives temporary hit points equal to the caster level and immunity to fear. | ||||||||||||
Suggestion, Mass | Enchantment | Casts Suggestion on multiple enemies. The actions of affected enemies are influenced by you, allowing you to suggest that they fight as your allies for 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Persuasion | Enchantment | You create a pinkish symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it, applying a charm effect to all nearby targets for 6 seconds per caster level or until the symbol expires. Each target can make a Will save to negate the effect. The symbol dissipates 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. | ||||||||||||
Chain Lightning | Evocation (Electricity) |
An electrical discharge strikes a primary target for 1d6+6 electrical damage per caster level (maximum damage 20d6+120 at caster level 20), then arcs to other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar lightning bolt. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere | Evocation (Cold) |
A frigid globe of cold energy streaks towards a target. On impact it explodes, causing 1d6+6 cold damage per caster level (Maximum damage 20d6+120 at caster level 20) to targets in the area. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Shadow Walk | Illusion | Transports you to the edge of the Material Plane where it borders the Plane of Shadow. While this spell is active, you move 50% faster than normal, and your outline appears faint and you are harder to hit. Attacking another creature, or otherwise interacting with objects shunts you back to the Material Plane. | ||||||||||||
Circle of Death | Necromancy | Snuffs out the life force of living creatures in the area. Creatures can avoid this effect by making a successful Reflex save. Creatures that fail the Reflex save make another Fortitude save. They are killed immediately if the Fortitude save is failed or suffer 1d4 negative levels if they succeed on the second saving throw. | ||||||||||||
Create Undead | Necromancy | Create undead minions to do your bidding. | ||||||||||||
Necrotic Ray | Necromancy | A negative energy ray that does 1d6+12 negative damage per caster level to a living enemy. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. The ray also suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting it 1 negative level. | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Fear | Necromancy | You create a purple symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it. It applies the condition Cowering to all nearby opponents for 6 seconds per caster level or until the symbol expires. Each enemy can make a Will save to negate this condition. The symbol dissipates in 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. | ||||||||||||
Undeath to Death | Necromancy | Destroys undead creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Bear's Endurance, Mass | Transmutation | Casts Bear's Endurance on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution to each of them for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Bull's Strength, Mass | Transmutation | Casts Bull's Strength on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength to each of them for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Cat's Grace, Mass | Transmutation | Casts Cat's Grace on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity to each of them for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Disintegrate | Transmutation | A sickly green ray emanates forth, doing 2d3+6 damage per caster level to the target. (Maximum damage 40d3+120.) Anything reduced to 0 hit points is disintegrated. A successful Fortitude save reduces this damage to 6d3+12. | ||||||||||||
Eagle's Splendor, Mass | Transmutation | Casts Eagle's Splendor on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma to each of them for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Flesh to Stone | Transmutation | Turns a single fleshy target into a mindless, inert statue in a Petrified condition. In stone form, creatures are much more difficult to damage (Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine.), but are Helpless. Only creatures made of flesh are affected by this spell. This effect lasts 60 seconds plus 10 seconds per caster level, but the target has a chance to remake its Fortitude save every 24 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Fox's Cunning, Mass | Transmutation | Casts Fox's Cunning on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence to each of them for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Owl's Wisdom, Mass | Transmutation | Casts Owl's Wisdom on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom to each of them for 1 minute per caster level. | ||||||||||||
Reconstruct | Transmutation (Repair) |
Repairs the ally Construct, restoring 10 Hit Points per caster level (Maximum caster level 15.), while simultaneously granting the Construct an increase in attack speed for a short time. | ||||||||||||
Repair Moderate Damage, Mass | Transmutation (Repair) |
Transmutes the structure of living Construct allies to repair 2d6+4 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 30.) | ||||||||||||
Stone to Flesh | Transmutation | Restores a Petrified creature, such as one affected by the Flesh to Stone spell to its normal state. | ||||||||||||
Tenser's Transformation | Transmutation | Causes the caster to become a virtual fighting machine becoming stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat. You gain a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, a +6 alchemical bonus to Armor Class, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus equals your character level. Your spellcasting ability is reduced, resulting in a -2 penalty to all spell DCs, -2 to your rolls to bypass enemy Spell Resistance, and doubling the cooldown of your spells. |
Level 7[edit]
Sorcerer level 14 / Wizard level 13
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Banishment | Abjuration | Allows casting a more powerful version of the Dismissal spell on multiple targets. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC=spell's save DC-creature's Hit Die+caster level.) | ||||||||||||
Protection from Elements, Mass | Abjuration | Casts Protection from Elements on multiple targets, granting targets temporary immunity to all forms of energy for 1 minute per caster level, or until 12 points of energy per caster level (Maximum caster level 10) for each energy type has been absorbed. | ||||||||||||
Greater Teleport | Conjuration | Confers to the Player Characters in the area of effect the option to be transported to 1 of a variety of locations. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster VII | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Djinn, Efreet, Huge Earth Elemental to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Hold Person, Mass | Enchantment | Casts Hold Person on multiple targets. Affected enemies that fail his Will save become paralyzed and can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. All attacks against a held opponent follow the rules of helpless opponents. | ||||||||||||
Otto's Sphere of Dancing | Enchantment | A magical sphere that compels all enemies who enter it to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Power Word: Blind | Enchantment | A single word of power is uttered, causing your target to become Blinded. Creatures are Blinded for at least 6+6d4 seconds, and players are Blinded for at least 4+1d6 seconds. Creatures with more than 100,000 Hit Points are unaffected by Power Word: Blind. | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Stunning | Enchantment | You create a symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by a target approaching. All targets entering the area of effect are Stunned for 6d6 seconds or until the symbol expires. A successful Will save negates this condition. The symbol dissolves 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. | ||||||||||||
Delayed Blast Fireball | Evocation (Fire) |
Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of flame that does 1d6+7 fire damage per caster level (Maximum damage 20d6+140.) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Prismatic Spray | Evocation (Acid, Electricity, Fire) |
Prismatic Spray is a conical version of Prismatic Ray so area of effect and able to strike multiple targets. A shining blast of multicolored light blinds creatures with 8 Hit Die or less for 12 to 48 seconds, and does 1 of 7 harmful effects at random to one target, with a 12.5% of inflicting a second different effect from that 7. For Complete Description | ||||||||||||
Invisibility, Mass | Illusion | Casts Invisibility on multiple allied creatures, rendering the creatures Invisible for 1 minute per caster level. Attacking a target, or using an object (Door, lever, etc.) removes this condition. | ||||||||||||
Control Undead | Necromancy | You bring a single undead under your control for a long time. A Will save negates this effect. Controlled undead gets an additional Will save every 2 minutes. | ||||||||||||
Finger of Death | Necromancy | Slays one living enemy. Those that succeed on a Fortitude save instead are dealt 8 to 12 negative energy damage per caster level (Maximum caster level 25.). | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Weakness | Necromancy | You create a greenish symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it, weakening all nearby enemies by inflicting a 3d6 penalty to Strength. Each enemy can make a Fortitude save to negate the effect. The symbol dissolves 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. | ||||||||||||
Waves of Exhaustion | Necromancy | Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures to become Exhausted. Exhausted creatures take a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, and move at 50% speed. | ||||||||||||
Repair Serious Damage, Mass | Transmutation (Repair) |
Transmutes the structure of living Construct allies to repair 3d6+6 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 35.) |
Level 8[edit]
Sorcerer level 16 / Wizard level 15
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Black Dragon Bolt | Conjuration (Acid) |
Deals 1d10 acid damage per caster level (Maximum 25d10 at caster level 25) every 2 seconds for 6 seconds to an enemy with a powerful bolt of corrosive acid. This spell has double range. | ||||||||||||
Incendiary Cloud | Conjuration (Fire) |
A cloud of roiling smoke and white-hot embers, obscuring the sight of all targets within its effect and dealing 2d4 + 1 per caster level of fire damage every 2 seconds. Creatures entering the cloud must save vs reflex or become blinded until they leave the cloud. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster VIII | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Bezekira, Greater Air Elemental, Orthon to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Trap the Soul | Conjuration | Forces a creature's life force and its material body into a gem on a failed Will save. Although this essentially 'kills' the target, it is not a Death effect and functions on creatures such as Undead. (But not most Constructs.) This spell requires a Khyber Dragonshard as a special material component. | ||||||||||||
Charm Monster, Mass | Enchantment | A group of enemy monsters are charmed and will fight as trusted friends and allies. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. | ||||||||||||
Otto's Irresistible Dance | Enchantment | This spell makes it impossible for the enemy to do anything other than caper and prance in place. | ||||||||||||
Power Word: Stun | Enchantment | Stuns a target, according to its Hit Points. Creatures with 150 or fewer current Hit Points are stunned for 4 to 32 seconds, creatures with 151 to 300 Hit Points are stunned for 2 to 16 seconds, and creatures with more than 301 hp are stunned for 8 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Arcane Tempest | Evocation (Force) |
You create a storm of arcane energy that rains shards of force energy upon your foes. Any creatures caught within the storm take 7 to 12 (1d6+6, maximum 15d6+75) per caster level in Force damage every every two seconds for a duration of 8 seconds. Targets first entering the storm may make a Reflex save for half, but remaining in the storm they take damage with no saving throw. Damage |
| |||||||||||
Greater Shout | Evocation (Sonic) |
Emits an ear-splitting yell that deafens and deals 1d6+3 sonic damage per caster level to a max of 20d6+60 at level 20 and dazes the targets in its path for 6 seconds. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the Daze effect. | ||||||||||||
Polar Ray | Evocation (Cold) |
Strikes a creature for 1d6+8 cold damage per caster level. (Maximum caster level 25.) | ||||||||||||
Sunburst | Evocation (Light) |
Sunburst causes a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from a point you select dealing to all creatures 1d6+4 points of light damage per caster level (Maximum caster level 25) in addition to blinding them. Oozes and Undead take double damage. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half and negates the condition Blinded. Light-fearing Undead* may be instantly destroyed by this spell if it fails its save. | ||||||||||||
Horrid Wilting | Necromancy | This spell evaporates moisture from the body of each subject living creature, dealing 1d3+3 points of damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 20d3+60.) This spell is especially devastating to water type outsiders like Water Elementals, and to Plants which instead take 1d4+4 points of damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 20d4+80.) | ||||||||||||
Symbol of Death | Necromancy | You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all targets inside the symbol will suffer a single negative level. You can cause your enemies to run out and back in the symbol several times to stack up consecutive negative levels upon them, they will suffer one additional one each time they run through. A symbol will persist for around 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered a symbol's powere begin to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. | ||||||||||||
Repair Critical Damage, Mass | Transmutation (Repair) | Transmutes the structure of living Construct allies to repair 4d6+8 Hit Points plus 1 per caster level. (Maximum caster level 40.) |
Level 9[edit]
Sorcerer level 18 / Wizard level 17
Icon | Name | School | Description | S.C. | Metamagic Feats | |||||||||
Mordenkainen's Disjunction | Abjuration | A powerful force disrupts magical effects on the target, removing ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20+your caster level (No maximum.) versus 11+the spell's caster level to remove a spell effect, and your target must make a Will save for each equipped item or all magical properties on them are temporarily disabled. Very slow cast time. | ||||||||||||
Acid Well | Conjuration (Acid) | A huge geyser of Acid erupt near your target, dealing 19 to 24 acid damage per caster level (max 380 to 480). A successful fortitude save reduces damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Summon Monster IX | Conjuration | Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Eladrin Ghaele, Elder Fire Elemental, Hezrou to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane. | ||||||||||||
Dominate Monster | Enchantment | Telepathically controls the actions of a living enemy that fails its Will save, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like Charm Monster, but the target only gains an additional Will saving throw every 15 to 30 seconds. The creature has less chance to break free and will follow you throughout the dungeon. | ||||||||||||
Hold Monster, Mass | Enchantment | As Hold Monster, but for multiple targets. Enemies that fail its Will save become paralyzed and can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Power Word: Kill | Enchantment (Death) | A single word causes the death of a single enemy with no saving throw allowed. Cooldown timer of 210 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Iceberg | Evocation (Cold) | Drops a gigantic shard of glacial ice on your target, which deals 28 to 33 Cold damage for every caster level up to 20. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Meteor Swarm | Evocation (Fire + Force) |
Chunks of flaming stone crush and burn your enemies causing 4 spheres of 2 ft. diameter explode on impact, each meteor deals 1d3+1 Fire damage per Caster Level (a successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half) and 1d2+1 Bludgeoning damage per Caster Level (no save) to targets in the area. This spell has double range. Max. caster level 20 | ||||||||||||
Thunderstroke | Evocation (Electricity) | Calls forth a tremendous bolt of lightning and thunder, which strikes your chosen target for 28 to 33 damage for every caster level up to 20. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half. | ||||||||||||
Energy Drain | Necromancy | A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting an enemy 2d4 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its Hit Die, it dies. Each negative level gives a creature -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, Skill checks, Ability checks and -1 to effective level. Negative levels stack. | ||||||||||||
Wail of the Banshee | Necromancy | You emit a terrible scream, creating a deadly area around yourself for 6 seconds. Every 2 seconds, two nearby enemies must make a fortitude save or die. On a successful fortitude save, the target takes 1 to 4 negative levels. You are free to perform other actions while Wail of the Banshee is active. | ||||||||||||
Rend the Soul | Necromancy | Twists unholy energies around a single foe, causing it significant negative damage over time. Deals 5 to 10 damage every two seconds for 10 seconds for every caster level up to 20. A successful fortitude save reduces the damage by half. |