Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Update 58 Patch 1 Release Notes

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Here are the release notes for Update 58.1, released on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023.

News and Notes:[edit]

Bug Fixes:[edit]

  • Certain Isle of Dread dinosaurs are no longer referred to as "Party Dinosaurs".
  • The Contagion spell has been adjusted to its three primary elements for all classes to match Druid.
  • Contagion's Cackling Fever now does Wisdom damage again.
  • Blightcaster
    • Fixed an issue with Blight Wolf and Thorn Knight that made them erroneously Repairable.
    • "Defiled Ground" will no longer heal hostile undead.
    • "Grasping Thorns" damage effect description no longer refers to itself as "Spike Growth".
    • "Grasping Thorns" now supports the enhancements "Vile Thorns" and "Poisonous Thorns".
    • "Veil of the Elements" now works properly in Hive forms.
    • Hive master now grants Evasion with Improved Evasion.
    • "Swift Hunter" now grants its proper effectiveness to Plague Wolves and Blighted Wolves. The description has also been corrected.
    • Various issues with Plague and Blighted Wolves while mounted have been corrected.
    • Blighted Wolf Attack Speed bonus is now 20%.
    • Tier 5 enhancements now require level 12 as they should.
  • Dark Hunter
    • Smoke grenades now have their proper visuals.
    • Bleed imbue is now properly exclusive with other imbues.
  • Acolyte of the Skin
    • Several general animation issues for Acolyte of the Skin have been corrected.
    • Corrected some Wood Elf Demon Form animations.
  • SLAs no longer report Arcane Spell Failure incorrectly.
  • Corrected some Shifter male animations.
  • Tier 1 of Shintao's "Iron Skin" now provides its proper Physical Resistance Rating.
  • Certain bows have had their Dexterity to Damage restored.
  • Elemental Weapons and Greater Elemental Weapons spells now have a three second cooldown.
  • Shadow Dragon Breath from Draconic Incarnation is no longer improperly offset.
  • A missing Vistani Knife Fighter running backwards animation for Elf males has been corrected.
  • Players can no longer return to the Ethereal Court after completing the trial in "Order In the Court".
  • The optional reward chest for finding all nine pieces of evidence in "Order In The Court" now spawns correctly.
  • Quest Objective text in "The Endless Revels" has been corrected.
  • The True Fiend Pact now has the correct pact dice in its tooltip.
  • Cordovan has updated dialogue in the anniversary quest.
  • The Master of the Hunt has joined his fellow Hardcore League NPCs in the anniversary quest.

Gameplay Changes:[edit]

  • While on a Wilderness Area, selecting a quest from your quest journal now points an arrow on your minimap towards that quest.

Source: Official U58.1.0 release notes on

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