Last Edited
- Update 69.1
- 5 months and 11 days
- Magrok
Legendary Sword of Shadow (edit)
Cosmetic Great Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Sword of Shadow
Legendary Corroded Iron Lenses (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Danger at Dunwater, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Corroded Iron Lenses
Legendary Cinderfingers (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
What Sleeps Below, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Cinderfingers
Legendary Lizardfolk Tooth Necklace (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Danger at Dunwater, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Lizardfolk Tooth Necklace
Legendary Belt of Myriad Pockets (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Swim at Your Own Risk, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Belt of Myriad Pockets
Legendary Snakeskin Belt (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Danger at Dunwater, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Snakeskin Belt
Legendary Driftwood Bracers (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Rest for the Night, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Driftwood Bracers
Legendary Crocodile Tooth (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Swim at Your Own Risk, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Crocodile Tooth
Legendary Silver Pocketwatch (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Down You Go, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Silver Pocketwatch
Legendary Anchorchain (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Rest for the Night, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Anchorchain
Legendary Luminous Truth (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Luminous Truth
Legendary Marshreed Cloak (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Hijacked Haul, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Marshreed Cloak
Legendary Skullduggery Cap (edit)
- Death Ward, Mass
Death Ward, Mass Caster level: 30 Charges: 3 (3/day) — 3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3)
- Wisdom +13
Wisdom +13: This item makes the wearer more in tune with her surroundings, granting a +13 enhancement bonus to Wisdom.
- Necromancy Focus +6
Necromancy Focus +6: +6 Equipment bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells.
- Insightful Nullification +73
Insightful Nullification +73: Passive: +73 Insight bonus to Negative (Necrotic) and Poison Spell Power.
- Trap the Soul Guard
Trap the Soul Guard: This item stores an overwhelming, merciless power deep within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this power occasionally comes to the surface, sucking out the life force of an enemy and imprisoning the essence of their body and soul in a gem.
- Legendary Nightmare Guard
Legendary Nightmare Guard: On being hit or missed, this item has a chance to attempt to fear your enemy, ripping the life from them as if they were struck with a Phantasmal Killer spell. Enemies must make a DC 100 Will save versus the Fear or a DC 100 Fortitude save versus Death or be slain. Even if they make their save versus Death, they may still be feared.
- Green Augment Slot
Green AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Yellow Augment Slot
Yellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer
Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer: 5 Pieces Equipped: +30 Artifact bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating +15 Artifact bonus to Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power +3 Artifact bonus to all Ability Scores +30 Artifact Bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Amplification
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Final Enemy, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Skullduggery Cap
Legendary Smuggler's Cap (edit)
- Charisma +13
Charisma +13: This item makes the wearer have more flair, granting a +13 enhancement bonus to Charisma.
- Quality Alluring Skills Bonus +5
Quality Alluring Skills Bonus: +5 Quality bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Haggle, Intimidate, and Perform.
- Deception +11
Deception +11: +11 Enhancement bonus to hit and +17 to damage for any hit that would qualify as a sneak attack.
- Seeker +13
Seeker +13: Provides a +13 Enhancement bonus to confirm critical hits, and a +13 Enhancement bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied).
- Green Augment Slot
Green AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Yellow Augment Slot
Yellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer
Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer: 5 Pieces Equipped: +30 Artifact bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating +15 Artifact bonus to Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power +3 Artifact bonus to all Ability Scores +30 Artifact Bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Amplification
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Haunting of Saltmarsh, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Smuggler's Cap
Legendary Duelist's Epee (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Haunting of Saltmarsh, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Duelist's Epee
Legendary Scalegouger (edit)
Heavy Pick
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Danger at Dunwater, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Scalegouger
Legendary Salt-Pearl Ring (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Saltmarsh, rare encounter chests, or Legendary version of Epic Salt-Pearl Ring
Legendary Gloves of the Tinkerer (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Saltmarsh, rare encounter chests, or Legendary version of Epic Gloves of the Tinkerer
- Update 52.1.1
- 2 years, 11 months, and 25 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Cruel Nobility (edit)
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Axiomatic Burst 6
Axiomatic Burst 6: This weapon is an implement of law, dealing 6d6 Law damage on a successful hit to Chaotic enemies, and 14d6 Law damage on a critical hit to Chaotic enemies. This effect makes the weapon lawfully aligned. Chaotic characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Evil Blast 6
Evil Blast 6: This weapon is a sinister implement of evil deeds, dealing 6d6 Evil damage on a successful hit, and an additional 6d6 Evil damage on a critical hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Bleeding 6
Bleeding 6: This weapon is wickedly curved, with spines and hooks meant to cause damage to those with flesh. This weapon does 6d8 bleeding damage to those that are vulnerable to it.
- Utter Disintegration
Utter Disintegration: This weapon has a dark, insidious power deep within. Occasionally, this power lashes out violently at enemies and attempts to disintegrate them. This disintegrate is incredibly powerful, and will utterly destroy weaker foes.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Cruel Nobility
- Update 52.1.1
- 2 years, 11 months, and 25 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Doublecross Bow (edit)
Repeating Light Crossbow
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Doublecross Bow
Legendary Ring of Spell Storing (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire, Exclusive Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Ring of Spell Storing
Legendary Kundarak Warding Bracers (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers
- Update 53
- 2 years, 11 months, and 14 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Bullywug Priestess' Staff (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Final Enemy, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Bullywug Priestess' Staff
- Update 53.0.1
- 2 years, 11 months, and 13 days
- Cru121
Legendary Immaculate Globe (edit)
- +15 Orb Bonus
+15 Orb Bonus: While this orb is equipped and you are actively blocking, you gain a +15 orb bonus to all saving throws, as well as Acid, Cold, Fire, Electric, and Sonic resistances.
- Permanent Efficacy
Permanent Efficacy: Passive: +20 Alchemical bonus to each Spell Power.
- Superior Stability
Superior Stability: This armor grants a + 6 deflection bonus to AC and a + 6 resistance bonus to saves for characters of True Neutral alignment.
- Elemental Resistance +45
Elemental Resistance +45: Passive: +45 Enhancement bonus to your Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire Resistances.
- Spell Penetration +9
Spell Penetration +9: Passive: +9 Equipment bonus to Spell Penetration checks.
- Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer
Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer: 5 Pieces Equipped: +30 Artifact bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating +15 Artifact bonus to Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power +3 Artifact bonus to all Ability Scores +30 Artifact Bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Amplification
- Purple Augment Slot
Purple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Down You Go, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Immaculate Globe
- Update 53.0.1
- 2 years, 11 months, and 12 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Ring of Venom (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Ring of Venom
Legendary Bow of the Silver Flame (edit)
Long Bow
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Holy Burst 6
Holy Burst 6: This weapon sings of virtue, dealing 6d6 Good damage on a successful hit to Evil enemies, and 14d6 Good damage on a critical hit to Evil enemies. This effect makes the weapon good aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Undead Bane 6
Undead Bane 6: Those that have died must return, and this weapon is attuned specifically to lay them to rest. This weapon deals an additional 6d10 bane damage vs. Undead.
- Weaken Undead
Weaken Undead: While wearing this item, your attacks cause undead creatures to lose 20% of their Fortification for the next 20 seconds. This effect does not stack with itself.
- Blunted Ammunition
Blunted Ammunition: The ammunition fired by this weapon deals blunt damage in addition to its other damage types.
- Silver
Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires. Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable. , Alchemical
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Bow of the Silver Flame
Legendary Bracers of the Claw (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Bracers of the Claw
Legendary Crocodile Maw (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Swim at Your Own Risk, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Crocodile Maw
Legendary Fury of the Flame (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Fury of the Flame
Legendary Garos' Malice (edit)
Short Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Garos' Malice
Legendary Sting (edit)
Short Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Sting
Legendary Templar's Retribution (edit)
Bastard Sword
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Holy Burst 6
Holy Burst 6: This weapon sings of virtue, dealing 6d6 Good damage on a successful hit to Evil enemies, and 14d6 Good damage on a critical hit to Evil enemies. This effect makes the weapon good aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Good Blast 6
Good Blast 6: This weapon sings of virtue, dealing 6d6 Good damage on a successful hit, and an additional 6d6 Good damage on a critical hit. This effect makes the weapon good aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
- Coruscating 6
Coruscating 6: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to coruscate, dealing 6d6 Light damage on each hit.
- Godly Wrath
Godly Wrath: This weapon is filled with the power of a wrathful deity. Occasionally, this holy power is unleashed, applying a lasting effect that deals 2 to 8 light damage every two seconds for six seconds. If the effect is reapplied before it wears off, the effect will stack and the duration will reset. The effect can be stacked up to 3 times.
- Cold Iron
Cold Iron: This iron mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. When combined with Good damage types, Cold Iron weapons are able to overcome the damage reduction of most Demons like Fire Reavers or Flesh Renders. See Monster DR and weaknesses for specifics.
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Templar's Retribution
Legendary Thornlord (edit)
Long Bow
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Thornlord
Legendary Tinder (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Tinder
Legendary Unkor's Cleaver (edit)
Battle Axe
- Jerky
Jerky Caster level: 10 Charges: 3 (3/day) — 3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3)
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Keen
Keen: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. This does not stack with Improved Critical feat. Vorpal Strikes by this weapon also bypass all Fortification.
- Sovereign Vorpal
Sovereign Vorpal: Passive: +0.5[W] damage dice. On Vorpal Hit: If your target has fewer than 3000 Hit Points, they are instantly slain. If your target has above 3000 Hit Points, they take 300 damage.
- Bleeding 6
Bleeding 6: This weapon is wickedly curved, with spines and hooks meant to cause damage to those with flesh. This weapon does 6d8 bleeding damage to those that are vulnerable to it.
- Fracturing 6
Fracturing 6: This weapon is ideal for breaking bones and does 6d8 damage to targets that have skeletons or are made of bone.
- Limb Chopper
Limb Chopper: This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to sever the limbs of those it strikes. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit, the weapon severs an opponent's limb from its body. Some creatures, including many aberrations and all oozes, have no limbs. Others, such as golems and undead creatures, are not affected by the loss of their limbs. Most other creatures, however, have their movement slowed 75% and attacks slowed by 50% when a limb is cut off.
- Legendary Windlasher's Ferocity
Legendary Windlasher's Ferocity: 2 Pieces Equipped: +15% Artifact bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot +15 Artifact bonus to Melee and Ranged Power
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Unkor's Cleaver
Legendary Zephyr (edit)
Short Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Zephyr
Legendary Golden Guile (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Golden Guile
Legendary Collapsible Shortbow (edit)
Short Bow
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Collapsible Shortbow
- Update 53.0.2
- 2 years, 11 months, and 7 days
- Cru121
Legendary Splintermast (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Under the Cover of Darkness, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Splintermast
- Update 53.0.2
- 2 years, 11 months, and 7 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Envenomed Blade (edit)
Short Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Envenomed Blade
- Update 53.0.2
- 2 years, 10 months, and 12 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Bloodstone (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Bloodstone
- Update 53.0.2
- 2 years, 10 months, and 9 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Kundarak Delving Goggles (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Kundarak Delving Goggles
- Update 53.0.2
- 2 years, 10 months, and 5 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Elyd Edge (edit)
- Spellcasting Implement +30
Spellcasting Implement +30: Passive: +30 Implement bonus to Universal Spell Power.
- +15 Enhancement Bonus
+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Charisma +13
Charisma +13: This item makes the wearer have more flair, granting a +13 enhancement bonus to Charisma.
- Cacophony
Cacophony: This weapon stores the power of a hundred blasts of sound within. Occasionally, this resonating power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive sonic damage.
- Inspiring Echoes
Inspiring Echoes: When a bard wields this item, Anthem abilities that restore Bard songs over time restore them 40% faster (for example, an ability that restores a Song every 5 minutes would restore one song per 3 minutes instead).
- Sonic Blast 6
Sonic Blast 6: This weapon rings with the power of sound, dealing 6d6 Sonic damage on a successful hit, and an additional 6d6 Sonic damage on a critical hit.
- Healing Lore +21%
Healing Lore +21: Passive: Your Positive Energy spells gain a 21% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit.
- Devotion +146
Devotion +146: Passive: +146 Equipment bonus to Positive (Healing) Spell Power.
- Anthem
Anthem: When equipped by a character with Bard levels, this item begins to hum an inspiring tune. Your bard songs regenerate slowly over time.
- Silver
Silver: A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as devils and vampires. Silver weapons have 2 points lower hardness then equivalent steel weapons, and as such aren't quite as durable. , Alchemical
- Red Augment Slot
Red AugmentsColorless Augments
- Orange Augment Slot
Orange AugmentsYellow AugmentsRed AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Elyd Edge
- Update 53.0.2
- 2 years, 10 months, and 5 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Midnight Greetings (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Midnight Greetings
- Update 53.1
- 2 years, 10 months, and 3 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Dynastic Falcata (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Dynastic Falcata
- Update 53.1
- 2 years, 10 months, and 3 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Whirlwind (edit)
Great Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Whirlwind
- Update 53.1
- 2 years, 10 months, and 3 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Phiarlan Spy Dagger (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Phiarlan Spy Dagger
- Update 53.1
- 2 years, 10 months, and 3 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Sacred Band (edit)
- Wisdom +13
Wisdom +13: This item makes the wearer more in tune with her surroundings, granting a +13 enhancement bonus to Wisdom.
- Silver Flame Lore +21%
Silver Flame Lore +21: Passive: Your Positive, Light, and Alignment spells gain a 21% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit.
- Power of the Silver Flame +146
Power of the Silver Flame +146: Passive: +146 Equipment bonus to Positive, Light, and Alignment Spell Power.
- Greater Turning
Greater Turning: Increases total number of Turn Undead uses by 4, once wielder rests. If you unequip the item you will lose these turns.
- Heal +20
Heal +20: Passive: +20 Competence bonus to the Heal skill.
- Yellow Augment Slot
Yellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Colorless Augment Slot
Colorless Augments
- Legendary Divine Blessing
Legendary Divine Blessing: 2 Pieces Equipped: +6% Artifact bonus to Light, Alignment, and Positive Spellcrit Chance +30 Artifact bonus to Light, Alignment, and Positive Spellpower
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Sacred Band
- Update 54
- 2 years, 9 months, and 7 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Staff of Inner Sight (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Staff of Inner Sight
- Update 54
- 2 years, 9 months, and 7 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Sirocco (edit)
Long Sword
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Sirocco
- Update 54
- 2 years, 9 months, and 7 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Green Blade (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Green Blade
Legendary Flameward (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Flameward
Legendary Sparksoles (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Down You Go, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Sparksoles
Legendary Crocodile Skin Boots (edit)
- Constitution +13
Constitution +13: This item gives the wearer improved health, granting a +13 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
- Acid Absorption +35%
Acid Absorption +35%: Passive: 35% Enhancement Bonus to Acid Absorption. (Absorption reduces damage from an element by a percentage, after resistance have been taken into account.)
- Cold Absorption +35%
Cold Absorption +35%: Passive: 35% Enhancement Bonus to Cold Absorption. (Absorption reduces damage from an element by a percentage, after resistance have been taken into account.)
- Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Movement: This item grants its wearer the ability to move and attack normally while under the influence of magic that impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow and web.
- Acidic Reaping
Acidic Reaping: While this item is equipped, any killing blows you strike against enemies grants you 40 Acid resistance for 30 seconds. Slaying weaker opponents has a reduced chance of producing this effect.
- Green Augment Slot
Green AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Yellow Augment Slot
Yellow AugmentsColorless Augments
- Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer
Legendary Saltmarsh Explorer: 5 Pieces Equipped: +30 Artifact bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating +15 Artifact bonus to Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power +3 Artifact bonus to all Ability Scores +30 Artifact Bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Amplification
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Swim at Your Own Risk, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Crocodile Skin Boots
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 22 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Spectacles of Spirit Sight (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 19 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Mirage (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Mirage
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 9 days
- Mercureal
Legendary Shard of Vollun (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Shard of Vollun
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 5 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Chaosblade (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Chaosblade
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 4 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Ring of Baphomet (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Ring of Baphomet
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 4 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Seal of the Earth (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Seal of the Earth
- Update 54.0.2
- 2 years, 8 months, and 2 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Shatterbow (edit)
Long Bow
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Shatterbow
- Update 55.1
- 2 years, 7 months, and 3 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Souleater (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Souleater
- Update 56.0.1
- 2 years, 5 months, and 7 days
- Cru121
Legendary Saltiron Plate (edit)
Heavy Armor
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
The Hijacked Haul, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Saltiron Plate
Legendary Staff of Arcane Power (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Staff of Arcane Power
Legendary Ring of the Silver Concord (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Ring of the Silver Concord
- Update 57.1
- 2 years, 1 month, and 27 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Bow of the Elements (Air) (edit)
Long Bow
Bound to Account on Acquire, Exclusive Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Bow of the Elements (Air)
- Update 57.1
- 2 years, 1 month, and 27 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Flint (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Flint
- Update 57.2
- 2 years and 4 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Crimson Necklace of Prophecy (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Crimson Necklace of Prophecy
- Update 57.2
- 2 years and 4 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Dragon's Eye (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire, Exclusive Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Dragon's Eye
- Update 57.2
- 2 years and 4 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Hammer of Life (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire, Exclusive Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Hammer of Life
- Update 57.2
- 1 year, 11 months, and 23 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Siren's Charm (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Siren's Charm
- Update 57.2
- 1 year, 11 months, and 23 days
- Ulfo
Legendary Shaman's Beads (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Shaman's Beads
Legendary Kundarak Warding Shield (edit)
Large shield
Bound to Character on Acquire Bound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Kundarak Warding Shield
Legendary Twisted Talisman (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire, Exclusive Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Twisted Talisman
- Update 59
- 1 year, 9 months, and 14 days
- Cru121
Legendary Saltiron Bracer (edit)
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
What Sleeps Below, end chest, or Legendary version of Epic Saltiron Bracer
Legendary Noxious Fang (edit)
Throwing Dagger
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Noxious Fang
- Update 59
- 1 year, 9 months, and 13 days
- Cru121
Legendary Jidz-Tet'ka (edit)
- Armor Bonus +13
Armor Bonus +13: This item surrounds the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting +13 armor bonus to AC, just as though he were wearing armor.
- Exceptional Wisdom +1
Exceptional Wisdom +1: This item makes the wearer more in tune with her surroundings, granting a +1 exceptional bonus to Wisdom.
- Will Save +12
Will Save +12: This item gives a +12 Resistance bonus to your Will saves.
- Physical Sheltering +34
Physical Sheltering +34: +34 Enhancement bonus to Physical Resistance Rating
- Legendary Tet-zik, The Enlightened Change
While you are centered, this item grants you a bonus depending on your current monk stance.
- Kos-zik, The Air-Change
+20 Insight Bonus to Jump and Tumble, +5 Insight Bonus to Sneak Attack and Damage
- Riik-zik, The Fire-Change
Grants Superior Reinforced Fists
- Thok-zik, The Earth-Change
+10 PRR, +5 to critical confirmation rolls
- Sed-zik, The Water-Change
+10 MRR cap, +5 Luck bonus to Attacks and Saves
- Colorless Augment Slot
Colorless Augments
- Yellow Augment Slot
Yellow AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Account on Acquire Bound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Legendary version of Epic Jidz-Tet'ka
- Update 59
- 1 year, 9 months, and 13 days
- Cru121
Legendary Bracers of the Hunter (edit)