Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Class Summary[edit]

Alignment: Lawful Good Hit die: d10

Class Skills

Skill points at 1st level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x4
Skill points at each additional level: 2 + Intelligence modifier
Skill concentration.png Concentration (Constitution)
Skill diplomacy.png Diplomacy (Charisma)
Skill heal (skill).png Heal (Wisdom)
Skill intimidate.png Intimidate (Charisma)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies[edit]

Feat simpleweaponproficiency.png Simple weapons
Feat martialweaponproficiency.png Martial weapons
Feat armorproficiency light.png Light armor
Feat armorproficiency medium.png Medium armor
Feat armorproficiency heavy.png Heavy armor
Feat shieldproficiency general.png Shields (except tower shields).

Past Lives[edit]

File:nopic.jpg Past Life: Soldier of the Faith You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself 3 times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3, maximum +3 luck bonus. About 2 minutes per use.)
File:nopic.jpg Past Life: Paladin You were a Paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10% more healing when affected by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to 3 times.

Past Life: Paladin is a Free Feat, which means it is permanently added to the character that unlocks it and you won't need to choose it, neither at new life nor at level up.


  • The Mighty Protector
  • The Flame of Justice
  • The Truthbringer


Advancement table[edit]

Table: The Paladin Preparable Spells
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spell points 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +1/+1/+6 +2 +0 +0 Aura of good, Smite evil (1/rest), Follower of (your faith) 0 - - - -
2nd +2/+2/+7 +3 +0 +0 Divine grace, Lay on Hands (1/rest) 0 - - - -
3rd +3/+3/+8 +3 +1 +1 Aura of courage, Divine health, Fear Immunity 0 - - - -
4th +4/+4/+9 +4 +1 +1 Turn undead 20 1 - - -
5th +5/+5/+10/+15 +4 +1 +1 Smite evil (2/rest) 35 1 - - -
6th +6/+6/+11/+16 +5 +2 +2 Remove disease (4/rest), Deity-based feat 50 2 - - -
7th +7/+7/+12/+17 +5 +2 +2 ' 65 2 - - -
8th +8/+8/+13/+18 +6 +2 +2 ' 80 2 1 - -
9th +9/+9/+14/+19 +6 +3 +3 Remove disease (5/rest) 95 2 1 - -
10th +10/+10/+15/+20 +7 +3 +3 Smite evil (3/rest) 110 2 2 - -
11th +11/+11/+16/+21 +7 +3 +3 - 125 2 2 1 -
12th +12/+12/+17/+22 +8 +4 +4 Remove disease (6/rest) 140 2 2 2 -
13th +13/+13/+18/+23 +8 +4 +4 - 155 2 2 2 -
14th +14/+14/+19/+24 +9 +4 +4 - 170 3 2 2 1
15th +15/+15/+20/+25 +9 +5 +5 Remove disease (7/rest), Smite evil (4/rest) 185 3 2 2 2
16th +16/+16/+21/+26 +10 +5 +5 - 200 3 3 2 2
17th +17/+17/+22/+27 +10 +5 +5 - 215 3 3 2 2
18th +18/+18/+23/+28 +11 +6 +6 Remove disease (8/rest) 230 4 3 2 2
19th +19/+19/+24/+29 +11 +6 +6 - 245 4 4 4 3
20th +20/+20/+25/+30 +12 +6 +6 Smite evil (5/rest) 260 4 4 4 4

Class feats[edit]

Level 1[edit]

  • Aura of Good (passive): Grants +1 bonus to AC and +1 bonus to saving throws to all characters within range.
  • Religious Lore (passive): This feat grants represents your knowledge of religion. This feat is received once for every paladin level.
  • Smite Evil (active): When activated, this feat triggers a special melee attack against Evil creatures. The Paladin adds his/her Charisma modifier x 2 (if any) to his/her attack roll and deals extra damage based on his/her paladin level. The extra damage done is 7+3*level. For instance, a 6th level paladin does 7+(3*6) (or 25) extra damage on a successful smite. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, or is not in range, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up. Paladins get one base use of this ability at level one, plus one more at level five and every five levels after 5th (at 10th, 15th and 20th, for a maximum of 5 uses). Smite Evil recharges at a rate of 1 every 90 seconds, and all uses return after any rest period.

Deity Based Feats[edit]

Starting World Religion Favored weapon Level 1 feat°* Level 3 feat° Level 6 feat°* Level 12 feat° Level 20 feat°†
Fav Weapon: Proficiency & +1 To Hit Fav Weapon:
+1 Attack & Damage (exotic);
+2 Attack & Damage (simple/martial)
Unique Active Ability Fav Weapon:
+1 Attack & Damage (exotic);
+2 Attack & Damage (martial);
+3 Attack & Damage (simple)
Damage Reduction 10, bypassed by named material
Eberron Aureon
(excluding Bladeforged)
Quarterstaff Follower of Aureon Child of Faith Aureon's Instruction Beloved of Aureon Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
Blood of Vol
(excluding Bladeforged)
Dagger Follower of the Blood of Vol Child of Faith The Blood is The Life Beloved of the Blood of Vol Damage Reduction: Good
Lord of Blades
(Bladeforged, Warforged only)
Greatsword Follower of the Lord of Blades Child of Faith Bladesworn Transformation Beloved of the Lord of Blades Damage Reduction: Adamantine
(excluding Bladeforged)
Sickle Follower of Olladra Child of Faith Luck of Olladra Beloved of Olladra Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
(excluding Bladeforged)
Warhammer Follower of Onatar Child of Faith Onatar's Forge Beloved of Onatar Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
Silver Flame
(excluding Bladeforged)
Longbow Follower of the Silver Flame Child of Faith Silver Flame Exorcism Beloved of the Silver Flame Damage Reduction: Silver
Sovereign Host
(excluding Bladeforged)
Longsword Follower of the Sovereign Host Child of Faith Unyielding Sovereignty Beloved of the Sovereign Host Damage Reduction: Cold Iron, Silver
Undying Court
(Elf, Half-Elf, Wood Elf, Eladrin only)
Scimitar Follower of the Undying Court Child of Faith Undying Call Beloved of the Undying Court Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
(Drow only)
Shortsword Follower of Vulkoor Child of Faith Vulkoor's Avatar Beloved of Vulkoor Damage Reduction: Good
Forgotten Realms Amaunator Heavy Mace Favored by Amaunator Child of Faith Amaunator's Brilliance Beloved of Amaunator Damage Reduction: Silver
(excluding Morninglord)
Bastard Sword Favored by Helm Child of Faith Ever Watchful Beloved of Helm Damage Reduction: Adamantine
(excluding Morninglord)
Maul Favored by Silvanus Child of Faith Blessing of Silvanus Beloved of Silvanus Damage Reduction: Silver

Level 2[edit]

Level 3[edit]

Level 4[edit]

  • Gain the ability to cast Paladin spells. Your effective caster level is equal to your Paladin level, contrary to PnP (thus, the starting duration for a Bless spell is 4 minutes).
  • Turn Undead (active and passive): This feat allows the character to turn or at higher levels destroy undead creatures. The character can do this (3 + their charisma modifier) times per day. While turning undead is an active skill, this feat is passive as it adds to the total amount of turns per day. While enhancements from both Cleric and Paladin stack, as far as number and power of turns, the base number of turns do not stack with each other.

Level 5[edit]

  • Smite evil (active): Paladins can use this ability one additional time per rest period. You can now Smite evil 2 times per rest. Smite evil also recharges at a rate of 1 every 90 seconds.

Level 6[edit]

  • Remove Disease (active): At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per rest period. It can use this ability one additional time per rest period for every three levels after 6th (twice per rest at 9th level).

Level 9[edit]

Level 10[edit]

  • Smite evil (active): Paladins can use this ability one additional time per rest period. You can now Smite evil 3 times per rest. Smite evil also recharges at a rate of 1 every 90 seconds.

Level 12[edit]

Level 15[edit]

  • Remove Disease (active): Paladins can use this ability one additional time per rest period. You can now Remove Disease 4 times per rest.
  • Smite evil (active): Paladins can use this ability one additional time per rest period. You can now Smite evil 4 times per rest. Smite evil also recharges at a rate of 1 every 90 seconds.

Level 18[edit]

Level 20[edit]

  • Smite evil (active): Paladins can use this ability one additional time per rest period. You can now Smite evil 5 times per rest. Smite evil also recharges at a rate of 1 every 90 seconds.


See also: Paladin spells
  • Paladins cast divine spells.
  • A Paladin casts spells from the Paladin spell list.
  • Paladins get bonus spell points based on their Wisdom scores. The minimum Wisdom score needed to cast a Paladin spell is 10 + the spell’s level.
  • See also spell usefulness.