Delera's Tomb is a graveyard, city zone accessible from House Jorasco, containing various quests and a story arc within. This adventure pack does not have a Wilderness adventure area; although, the public area has been used in a similar fashion during The Night Revels event and its predecessor Mabar Endless Night Festival.
Delera's Tomb story arc[edit]
This story arc and its first quest are bestowed by Derek Grospic, who stands outside of the gate to Delera's Graveyard. You must complete the first three quests of Delera's Tomb in order to begin the followup story arc Return to Delera's Tomb. After speaking to Derek Grospic to receive a reward and officially complete the story arc, the chain advances to "Return to Delera's Tomb", which is bestowed by Hargo Kimmare within the graveyard.
- The Mystery of Delera's Tomb (Level 5/27)
- The Missing Party (Level 7/27)
- Free Delera (Level 7/27)
- Return to Delera's Tomb (story arc):
- Return to Delera's Tomb (Level 6/27)
- Thrall of the Necromancer (Level 8/27)
Because Thrall of the Necromancer is a base Level 8 quest, a character must be minimum Level 5 to enter (and thus finish the story arc for end-reward).
Other quests located within the zone[edit]
As of Update 7, Delera's Graveyard has become a public area where Free to Play characters can visit or play without charge. The change allowed all players access to the Mabar Endless Night Festival live event.
However, Free to Play players who have not purchased the Delera's Tomb adventure pack cannot play the quests that reside in the graveyard.
Update 7's adjustment to a public area re-oriented the tomb entrance and NPC of the final quest, Thrall of the Necromancer.
This whole adventure pack awards a total of 129 Favor points: 117 Favor points for House Jorasco and 12 Favor points for House Phiarlan.
During the quest there is a low-power named weapon that you can accept from Colam Mersein, the Club of the Holy Flame.
Listed below are possible Named end rewards after finishing Thrall of the Necromancer, which you can claim when you return to Delera (same quest location as Free Delera, back up the hill, on the right). The list can also include medium-level clickies and older (read: "weaker") random-generated items. It should be noted that both versions of Voice of the Master appear in the reward lists of both heroic and epic completion.
Last Edited
- Update 68.0.1
- 2 months and 13 days
- BugTime
Voice of the Master (edit)
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Delera's Tomb, End reward
- Update 68.0.1
- 2 months and 16 days
- BugTime
Epic Voice of the Master (edit)
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Delera's Tomb, End reward
NOTE: Named items that can appear on this quest arc's end reward list will have a 100% chance of appearing on every third completion of the story arc.