Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Update 7 Patch 1 Release Notes

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Welcome to the Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These release notes were posted Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.

News & Notes[edit]

Of Special Note[edit]

Event Improvements[edit]

The following changes have been made to the Mabar Festival of Endless Night and related festival items:

  • Level 15 players now properly enter Summoning Chamber C (with the level 16 through 19 players) rather than Summoning Chamber B.
  • Item:Draught of Midnight Item
    • Mote drop rates are now based on a comparison between your total level and the undead's challenge rating, instead of just the undead's challenge rating. Low level characters fighting creatures close to or above their level benefit the most from this change.
    • Extremely low level undead can now drop motes, even if their CR is below 2.
    • You now should always receive feedback when the Draught grants motes.
    • The Draught now persists through death.
  • Item descriptions were updated to indicate the appropriate collector.
  • Vampire Fangs are no longer 100% drops in the Endless Night Festival.
  • Broadcasts when the Summoning Chamber opens are now visible from House Jorasco and inside the Open Palm Inn.
  • Fixed a typo in Perky Piotr's conversation.
  • Siberys Spirit Cakes are now usable in Delera's Graveyard and the Summoning Chamber for the Halloween event.
  • The maximum stack size of Motes of Night and winter have been increased to 10000.
  • The spectral dragon will no longer occasionally go braindead, and will now always die at 0 hitpoints.
  • There is now a DM voice over in the Summoning Chamber.
  • Players will no longer be put into instances that already have the maximum number of players in them.

UI Improvements[edit]

General Changes[edit]
  • The action bar for Half-Elven Social Graces: Bluff now disappears properly.
  • Added text for the Lock Item tooltip.

Path Updates[edit]

  • The half-elf sorcerer Dynamic Hand 32 pt path no longer has to pick a feat at level 12.

Guild Updates[edit]

Guild Renown[edit]

  • The bonus renown drop rates for named monsters now decays if you repeatedly farm the same monsters.


General Changes[edit]
  • Cleric and favored soul hirelings have smartened up a bit and now know well enough to remove curses from themselves.
  • Hireling control bars will now lock and unlock along with shortcut bars.
  • The main hireling hotbar will now retain its location, like the undocked bars do.
  • Hirelings will no longer be usable in live events.
  • The description on Hireling contracts has been updated to indicate they pause in public spaces.


  • The weapon effect Tendon Slice and the spell Ray of Fatigue will no longer effect red name or raid boss movement speeds.
  • Experience bonus elixirs will no longer run out in public spaces.
  • Epic Robe of Dissonance now has a minimum level of 20, as it was intended to be.
  • The Snakeskin Vest is now considered leather armor, and thus is light armor.
  • The Wrath of Sora Kell set attack/damage bonuses will now apply as expected when the full set is equipped.
  • The 'Dampened' item effect now displays the correct informational text.
  • The Docent of Shadow now has Nightshield clickies at lower levels.
  • Repeating crossbows of all types should be much more reliable in producing all three shots per load.

Quest & Adventure Area Changes[edit]

Deception in Stormreach[edit]

Diplomatic Impunity[edit]
  • The population of jungle Panthers is on the rise!
  • Corrected the misspelling in the dialog of Henritta and Hrolk.
  • The exit should now correctly identify its destination as The Twelve.
  • Zharig's conversation isn't as circular anymore.
Frame Work[edit]
  • The title is now consistently two words.
  • Fixed some stuck spots.
  • The Minotaur Boss will no longer charge into walls.
Eyes of Stone[edit]
  • Guards that have been turned to stone now have action text.
  • Tollis is more specific about when he will meet with you.

Devils of Shavarath[edit]

Devil Assault[edit]
  • On Epic the DM text now refers to the correct boss.
The Chronoscope[edit]
  • Fixed an issue where speaking to Veheer before the Sliver of Time was destroyed confused him.
  • One of the attack animations on the Abiashi Titan which wasn't doing damage, now will.
  • The Abiashi Devastator will now terminate it's dragon form shortly after death if it's in mid attack.
  • Time travel no longer bends the laws of grammar.
  • Flying Abiashi will no longer rotate after death, though their immortal souls still burn with a desire for revenge somewhere in the outer planes...
  • On Epic , certain seals and shards were dropping too often. These drops are now equalized across all items.

Phiarlan Carnival[edit]

  • It is now possible to detect the illusionary Mark of Shadow with Truesight, even if Video Post-processing is turned off.

The Sharn Syndicate[edit]

Stormreaver Fresco[edit]
  • Burgundy Tir is no longer such a cheapskate when compensating you for being trapped in the bank vault.

Vale of Twilight[edit]

The Shroud[edit]
  • Divine Intervention will no longer prevent the death gate in the shroud from sending them to the final phase of the raid.

Skills, Feats, and Abilities[edit]


General Changes[edit]
  • Whirling Steel Strike now allows Half-Elf Dilettante as a source of longsword proficiency.
  • Half-Orcs
    • Half-orcs will no longer stab themselves in the head when in combat idle or blocking with an off hand weapon while not holding a main hand weapon.
    • The Cleave animation is smoother.
  • Half-Elf Dilettant feats can now be swapped out using Fred.


New Spells[edit]

General Spell Changes[edit]

  • The Fear spell is now functioning as an AOE spell again.
  • Wizard Archmage
    • The dismissal ability now has the correct icon.
    • Arcane Blast/Bolt now show how the DCs are determined.
  • Summon Monster
    • Umbral Worgs will not not raise enemies as hostile shadows.
    • Eladrin attack appropriately.
    • Mephits will not summon other hostile mephits.


New Racial Enhancements[edit]

General Enhancement Changes[edit]

  • Added duration into the description for the Bard Song of Capering.
  • Paladins
    • Divine Righteousness now clarifies that it grants a Sacred bonus to melee and spell threat generation.
    • Defensive Stance effects and enhancements no longer claim to have different speed modifiers.
    • Melee threat multipliers for the various Defensive Stance enhancements are now functional.
    • All enhancement based threat multipliers are now ""typed"" appropriately. The boosts from these defensive stances have been lowered to better work with our combat systems, but are still substantial and stack with treasure effects:
      • Stalwart Defender Defensive Stances:
        • Defensive Stance
          • You are a bastion of defense, gaining a +2 Competence bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 Competence bonus on all saves, and a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. While in this stance, you move at one quarter speed, and gain a 25% Competence bonus to melee threat generation.
        • Improved Defensive Stance
          • You are a bastion of defense, gaining a +3 Competence bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Competence bonus on all saves, and a +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. While in this stance, you move at one third speed, and gain a 33% Competence bonus to melee threat generation.
        • Superior Defensive Stance
          • You are a bastion of defense, gaining a +4 Competence bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +3 Competence bonus on all saves, and a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. While in this stance, you move at half speed, and gain a 50% Competence bonus to melee threat generation.
      • Defender of Siberys Defensive Stances:
        • Defensive Stance
          • You are a bastion of defense, gaining a +2 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 Sacred bonus on all saves, and a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. While in this stance, you move at one quarter speed, and gain a 25% Sacred bonus to melee threat generation.
        • Improved Defensive Stance
          • You are a bastion of defense, gaining a +3 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Sacred bonus on all saves, and a +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. While in this stance, you move at one third speed, and gain a 33% Sacred bonus to melee threat generation.
        • Superior Defensive Stance
          • You are a bastion of defense, gaining a +4 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +3 Sacred bonus on all saves, and a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. While in this stance, you move at half speed, and gain a 50% Sacred bonus to melee threat generation.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U7.1.0 release notes on

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