Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit
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Quests by update
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Adventure packs | Challenge quests | Epic quests | Free to Play quests | Pay to Play quests | Raids | Wilderness adventure areas | Sagas |
This page allows you to quickly view quests by when they were introduced to the game (and in special cases, when they were significantly overhauled.)
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach[edit]
- A Man Named Baudry Cartamon
- A Matter of Protection (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Archbishop's Daughter
- Archer Point Defense
- Assault on Splinterskull
- First Strike
- The Hobgoblins' Captives
- Yarkuch's War-plans
- Whisperdoom's Spawn
- The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key
- The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul
- Doom of the Witch-doctor: The Way to Zulkash
- Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe
- The Last Move: The Way to Yarkuch
- The Last Move: Yarkuch's Last Stand
- Bringing the Light
- Buy a New Weapon (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Caged Trolls
- Caverns of Korromar
- The Chamber of Insanity
- Cult of the Six
- Dead Girl's Spellbook (Quest Renamed Valak's Mausoleum)
- Dead Predators
- Defend Haverdasher (later renamed to Haverdasher)
- Delera's Tomb
- The Depths of Darkness
- The Depths of Despair
- The Depths of Discord
- The Depths of Doom
- Durk's Got A Secret
- Earn the Harbor Master's Seal
- Euphonia's Mission (Quest Retired Module 8)
- The Fire Caves
- The Forgotten Caverns
- Freshen the Air
- Garl's Tomb
- Garrison's Missing Pack
- The Giant Lieutenants (Does not appear in Quest Log)
- The Giants' Lair (Does not appear in the Quest Log)
- The Giants' Supplies (Does not appear in the Quest Log)
- Gladewatch Outpost (Quest renamed Gladewatch Outpost Defense)
- Gone Missing (Quest chain renamed The Lost Seekers - often referred to as "The Waterworks")
- Grey Moon Waning
- Guard Duty (Quest originally named "Ambush at Sea" during Beta Release)
- Gwylan's Stand
- Haunted Library
- Information is Key
- Irestone Inlet
- The Lair of Summoning
- Kobold Assault
- Kobold Island ( Quest Retired Module 1)
- The Kobolds' New Ringleader
- Making Your Presence Known (Quest Retired Module 8)
- The Miller's Debt
- Mirra's Sleepless Nights
- Missing in Action
- Old Sully's Grog
- Purge the Heretics
- Quest for the Ancient Daggers (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Recovering the Lost Tome
- Redfang the Unruled
- Redwillow's Ruins
- Rest for the Restless
- Ruined Halls
- Ruins of Threnal
- Western Excavation: In Need of Supplies
- Western Excavation: The Rescue
- Western Excavation: Secure the Area
- Eastern Excavation: The Library of Threnal
- Eastern Excavation: Escort the Expedition
- Eastern Excavation: Hold for Reinforcements
- Abandoned Excavation: The Missing Expedition
- Abandoned Excavation: Entering the Gate Chamber
- Abandoned Excavation: The Gate Chamber
- The Sacred Helm
- The Scoundrel's Run
- The Seal of Shan-To-Kor
- Search for the Rare Scrolls (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Sewer Rescue (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Smuggler's Rest
- The Smuggler's Warehouse
- Steal the Healing Elixir (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Stealthy Repossession
- Stormcleave Outpost
- The Sunken Sewer
- Survive the Low Road (Quest Retired Module 8)
- The Swiped Signet
- Talk to the Tavernkeep (Quest Retired Module 8)
- Taming the Flames
- The Threnal Arena (Does not appear in Quest Log)
- Tempest's Spine (Raid)
- Walk the Butcher's Path
Module 1: Dragon's Vault[edit]
- Tharashk Arena
- The Prisoner
- Gateway to Khyber
- Jungles of Khyber
- Haywire Foundry
- Vault of Night (Raid)
- Plane of Night (Raid)
- The Bounty Hunter
- The Graverobber
- The Tear of Dhakaan
- Stromvauld's Mine
- The Path to Madness
- The Xorian Cipher
- The Church and the Cult
Module 1 Patch 3: The Harbor[edit]
Module 2: Twilight Forge[edit]
- Hiding in Plain Sight
- Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!
- Slavers of the Shrieking Mines
- The Twilight Forge (Raid)
- The Titan Awakes (Raid)
Module 2 Patch 1: Litany of the Dead Part 1: The Necropolis[edit]
- Tomb of the Burning Heart
- Tomb of the Crimson Heart
- Tomb of the Immortal Heart
- Tomb of the Sanguine Heart
- The Bloody Crypt
Module 2 Patch 2: Stormreach Under Siege![edit]
Module 3: Demon Sands[edit]
- Desert Caravan
- Purge the Fallen Shrine
- The Chamber of Kourush
- The Chamber of Rahmat
- Raid the Vulkoorim
- Maraud the Mines
- An Offering of Blood
- Chains of Flame
- The Chamber of Raiyum
- Against the Demon Queen
- Zawabi's Revenge (Raid)
Module 3 Patch 2: Evil Resurgent[edit]
- And the Dead Shall Rise...
- Dreams of Insanity
- From Beyond The Grave
- Made to Order
- The Enemy Within
- The Spawn of Whisperdoom
Module 3 Patch 3: Litany of the Dead Part 2[edit]
- Tomb of the Shadow Guard
- Tomb of the Shadow King
- Tomb of the Shadow Knight
- Tomb of the Shadow Lord
- The Shadow Crypt
Module 4: Reaver's Bane[edit]
- A Cabal for One
- A Cry for Help
- Feast or Famine
- Foundation of Discord
- The Maze of Madness
- Trial by Fire
- Madstone Crater
- The Crucible
- The Prison of the Planes
- Gianthold Tor
- The Reaver's Fate (Raid)
- The Cerulean Hills (Wilderness adventure area)
- Ruins of Gianthold (Wilderness adventure area)
Module 4 Patch 3: Mark of the Dragon[edit]
- Hall of the Mark
- Sykros' Jewel
- Reclamation
- Ataraxia's Haven (Wilderness adventure area)
- Tangleroot Gorge (Revamped as Wilderness adventure area)
- Sorrowdusk Isle (Revamped as Wilderness adventure area)
Module 4 Patch 4: Searing Heights[edit]
- Proof is in the Poison
- Searing Heights (Wilderness adventure area)
- The Waterworks (Revamped as Wilderness adventure area)
- Sands of Menechtarun (Revamped as Wilderness adventure area)
Module 5: Accursed Ascension[edit]
- Tomb of the Blighted
- Tomb of the Forbidden
- Tomb of the Tormented
- Tomb of the Unhallowed
- The Cursed Crypt
- Desecrated Temple of Vol
- Flesh Maker's Laboratory
- Ghosts of Perdition
- Inferno of the Damned
- Litany of the Dead
- Ascension Chamber (Raid)
- Orchard of the Macabre (Wilderness adventure area)
Module 6: The Thirteenth Eclipse[edit]
- Let Sleeping Dust Lie
- Rainbow in the Dark
- Ritual Sacrifice
- Running with the Devils
- The Coalescence Chamber
- The Shroud (Raid)
- The Vale of Twilight (Wilderness adventure area)
Module 6 Patch 2: Second Anniversary[edit]
Module 7: The Way of the Monk[edit]
- Prove Your Worth
- Ghost of a Chance
- Legend of Two-Toed Tobias
- Three-Barrel Cove (Revamped as Wilderness adventure area)
- The Subterrane - Central (Wilderness adventure area, Raid)
- The Subterrane - East (Wilderness adventure area, Raid)
- A Vision of Destruction (Raid)
- Hound of Xoriat (Raid)
- Bounty system aka once a day quests (system removed Module 9)
Module 8: Prisoners of Prophecy[edit]
- Shipwreck Shore (Introduction)
- The Grotto (Tutorial)
- Heyton's Rest (Revamp of Quest for the Ancient Daggers)
- The Storehouse's Secret (Revamp of Search for the Rare Scrolls)
- Korthos Hall (revamp of A Matter of Protection; later renamed to The Cannith Crystal)
- The Collaborator (Revamp of Old Sully's Grog series)
- Korthos Island (Wilderness adventure area)
- Sacrifices (Revamp of Sewer Rescue)
- Redemption (Revamp of Steal the Healing Elixir)
- Necromancer's Doom (Revamp of The Missing Ward)
- Stopping the Sahuagin (Revamp of Survive the Low Road)
- Misery's Peak
- Mount Reysalon (Wilderness adventure area)
- Enter the Kobold
- Aussircaex's Valley (Wilderness adventure area)
- Prey on the Hunter
- Soami Gardens (Wilderness adventure area)
- Monastery of the Scorpion
- Eerie Forest (Wilderness adventure area)
- Stealer of Souls
Eberron Unlimited Release (AKA Module 9: The Plane of Battle)[edit]
- The Captives
- Where There's Smoke...
- Stand Your Ground
- Dirty Laundry
- The Bookbinder Rescue
- The Stormreaver Fresco
- Repossession
- Come Out and Slay
- The Restless Isles (Revamped as Wilderness adventure area)
- Devil Battlefield (Wilderness adventure area)
- A New Invasion
- Bastion of Power
- Genesis Point
- Sins of Attrition
- The Weapons Shipment
- Wrath of the Flame
- Tower of Despair (Raid)
Update 1 (AKA: Module 10/The Path of Inspiration)[edit]
This update introduced Epic difficulty for level 20 characters. The first quests modified are part of the storyline in Sands of Menechtarun
Update 2 (AKA: Module 10/The Dreaming Dark)[edit]
- Eye of the Titan
- Reclaiming Memories
- Raiding the Giants' Vault
- Mining for Ancient Secrets
- The Dreaming Dark
Update 3: Free Quests and Casual Difficulty[edit]
Update 4: Sentinels of Stormreach[edit]
Update 5: Phiarlan Carnival[edit]
Update 6: The Red Fens[edit]
- The Red Fens (Wilderness adventure area)
- Fathom the Depths
- Into the Deep
- The Claw of Vulkoor
- The Last Stand
Update 7: Half-Bloods[edit]
- Diplomatic Impunity
- Eyes of Stone
- Frame Work
- The Chronoscope (Raid)
- Devil Assault (epic)
- Summoning Chamber (instance of Mabar Endless Night Festival)
Update 8: Attack on Stormreach[edit]
- Assault on Summerfield
- Blockade Buster
- Undermine
- Siegebreaker
- Smuggler's Rest (Wilderness adventure area of Treasure of Crystal Cove)
- Crystal Cove (challenge of Treasure of Crystal Cove)
Update 9: Harbinger of Madness[edit]
Update 10: Reign of Madness[edit]
Update 11: Secrets of the Artificers[edit]
- Blown to Bits
- Power Play
- Schemes of the Enemy
- The Lord of Blades (Raid)
- The Master Artificer (Raid)
- House Cannith Manufactury (Wilderness adventure area)
- Artificer Workshops (Wilderness adventure area) (Raid)
- Research Facility (Wilderness adventure area) (Raid)
Update 12: Vaults of the Artificers[edit]
This update introduced the Challenge system with 4 different dungeons as part of the Vaults of the Artificers adventure pack. These dungeons have 3 separate challenge variants associated each (12 total). 9 of them have a maximum difficulty of "Epic" available.
- Dr. Rushmore's Mansion
- Extraplanar Palace
- Kobold Island (Big update to an old map)
- Lava Caves
Update 13: Web of Chaos[edit]
Update 14: Menace of the Underdark[edit]
This update introduced a new level cap (from 20 to 25). Following that many new mechanisms have been implemented for levels 20+, now called Epic. Levels less than 20 are now called Heroic.
Quests which had an epic mode before got epic difficulties with this update.
- Beyond the Rift
- Murder by Night
- The Riddle
- Impossible Demands
- The Lost Thread
- The Unquiet Graves
- The King's Forest (Wilderness adventure area)
- The Underdark (Wilderness adventure area)
- The Battle for Eveningstar
- Don't Drink the Water
- The House of Death Undone
- The House of Rusted Blades
- The House of Broken Chains
- The Portal Opens
- Sschindylryn (Wilderness adventure area)
- In the Belly of the Beast
- The Deal and the Demon
- Reclaiming the Rift
- Trial by Fury
- The Demonweb (Wilderness adventure area)
- Caught in the Web (Raid)
Challenges (Eveningstar Challenge Pack):
- Underdark Arena: Ring of Fire
- Underdark Arena: Fight to the Finish
- Ruined Keep: The Daybreak Ritual
- Dryad Grove: The Great Tree
- Dryad Grove: Defenseless
Update 15: The Druid's Deep[edit]
- Outbreak
- Overgrowth
- Thorn and Paw
- The Druid's Curse
- Eveningstar Challenge Pack: Ruined Keep: The Sunset Ritual
Update 16: High Road of Shadows (Epic only)[edit]
- A Stay at the Inn
- Detour
- The End of the Road
- Rest Stop
- Lost in the Swamp
- The High Road (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 17: Return to Gianthold[edit]
All Gianthold quests were given epic difficulties except for The Reaver's Fate raid. Instead The Fall of Truth raid was added.
- A Cry for Help
- Return to Cabal for One
- Feast or Famine
- Foundation of Discord
- The Maze of Madness
- Trial by Fire
- The Crucible
- Return to Madstone Crater
- Return to Prison of the Planes
- Return to Gianthold Tor
- The Fall of Truth (Raid)
- Ruins of Gianthold (Epic) (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 18: Disciples of Shadow[edit]
- Disciples of Shar
- Escape Plan
- Shadow of a Doubt (Requires Shadowfell Conspiracy expansion)
Update 19: Shadowfell Conspiracy[edit]
- A Lesson in Deception
- Army of Shadow
- Friends in Low Places
- The Thrill of the Hunt
- Through a Mirror Darkly
- Wheloon Prison (Wilderness adventure area)
- A Break in the Ice
- Breaking the Ranks
- Lines of Supply
- The Tracker's Trap
- What Goes Up
- The Storm Horns (Wilderness adventure area)
- The High Road quests and Wilderness adventure area are accessible in Heroic difficulty.
- Refugee Toll (a simple skill check worth 500xp)
Update 20: Critical Return[edit]
Update 21: The Legendary Halls[edit]
- The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
- Fire on Thunder Peak (Raid)
- Temple of the Deathwyrm (Raid)
- The Ruins of Thunderholme (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 22: Pirates of the Thunder Sea[edit]
Adventure pack Three Barrel Cove has been reworked with epic difficulty
- Three-Barrel Cove (epic) (Wilderness adventure area)
- Prove Your Worth (epic)
- A Legend Revisited
- Ghost of a Chance (epic)
- Old Tomb, New Tenants
- Precious Cargo
- Storm the Beaches (epic)
Update 23: The Mark of Death[edit]
Litany of the Dead Part 4 has been updated with epic difficulty
- Desecrated Temple of Vol (epic)
- Flesh Maker's Laboratory (epic)
- Ghosts of Perdition (epic)
- Inferno of the Damned (epic)
- The Mark of Death aka Epic Abbot (raid)
- Orchard of the Macabre (epic) (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 24: Heart of Madness[edit]
Update 25: Reign of Elemental Evil[edit]
- The Temple of Elemental Evil: Part One (Quest Retired Update 56)
- The Temple of Elemental Evil: Part Two (Quest Retired Update 56)
Update 27: Trials of the Archons[edit]
Update 28: The Devil's Gambit[edit]
The following are challenges of The Night Revels
Update 29: The Codex War[edit]
- Creeping Death
- To Curse the Sky
- The Codex and the Shroud aka Legendary Shroud (raid)
- Legendary Hound of Xoriat (raid)
- Legendary Tempest Spine (raid)
- Anniversary Party (challenge of the yearly anniversary event, has been reintroduced with slight updates in every subsequent year)
Update 31: Gnomework[edit]
Update 32: Against the Slave Lords[edit]
- Slave Pits of the Undercity
- Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
- Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
- Fabricators Guild Tutorial (solo)
Update 33: Return of the Night Revels[edit]
- Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace (challenge of The Night Revels)
- Hayweird Foundry (challenge of The Night Revels)
Update 34: Death or Glory[edit]
Update 35: Dawn of the Dragonborn[edit]
Update 36: The Mines of Tethyamar[edit]
- Third Time's a Charm
- Graveyard Shift
- Records of the Past
- Strike Back
- Desire in the Dark
- Resurrection Chamber (challenge of The Night Revels)
Update 37: Mists of Ravenloft[edit]
- A Raven at the Door
- An Invitation to Dinner
- Death House
- Fresh Baked Dreams
- Into the Mists
- Mad Tea Party
- Oath of Vengeance
- Old Baba's Hut (raid)
- Ravens' Bane
- Sealed in Amber
- Sunrise
- The Curse of Strahd (raid)
- The Final Vintage
- Wrath of the Earth
- The Land of Barovia (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 38: Disciples of Rage[edit]
Update 39: White Plume Mountain and Other Tales[edit]
Update 40: Cloaked in Darkness[edit]
- Eternity Unleashed (challenge of The Night Revels)
- Grave Work (challenge of The Night Revels)
- Killing Time (raid)
Update 41: The Khorvaire Shipment[edit]
Update 42: Masterminds of Sharn[edit]
- A Sharn Welcome
- Best Laid Plans
- Blown Deadline
- House of Pain
- Just Business
- The Magma Must Flow
- No Refunds
- Project Nemesis (raid)
- Reach for the Sky
- Red Rain
- Roll Call
- Ruinous Schemes
- The Same Old Song
- Scavenger Hunt
- Security Detail
- Smash and Burn
- Thralls of the Fungus Lord
- Too Hot to Handle (raid)
- The Wraithcallers
- The Cogs (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 43: The Soul Splitter[edit]
- The Offshore Account
- Soul Survivor
- Safety in Numbers
- The Underlane Assignment
- Members Only
- Finding Dorris
- Smashing Pumpkins (challenge of The Night Revels)
Update 44: Keep on the Borderlands[edit]
- The Bugbear Bandits
- The Hobgoblin Horde
- Treasure Hunt
- Caged Beast
- Obstructing the Orcs
- Violent Delights
- Watch Your Step
- Total Chaos
- The Borderlands (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 45: Age of the Alchemist[edit]
The Catacombs and Delera's Tomb have been reworked with epic difficulty
- The Mystery of Delera's Tomb
- The Missing Party
- Free Delera
- Return to Delera's Tomb
- Thrall of the Necromancer
- The Friar's Niece
- Return to the Sanctuary
- The Old Archives
- The Crypt of Gerard Dryden
- Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral
- Setting the Wards: The Patriarchs' Crypt
- Endgame: Marguerite
- Endgame: The Archbishop's Fate
Update 46: The Lost Gatekeepers[edit]
Update 47: The Promise of Fire[edit]
- The Promise of Fire
- Legendary The Lord of Blades (raid)
- Legendary The Master Artificer (raid)
- Legendary A Vision of Destruction (raid)
Update 48: Fables of the Feywild[edit]
- The Endless Revels
- Witch Hunt
- Make Believe
- A Frosty Reception
- Wake Me Up Inside
- The Icemount Curse
- The Thornwright
- Needle in a Fey Stack
- Quid Pro Quo
- Immortality Lessons
- Combatting Corruption
- The Legend of the Lost Locket
- The Knight Who Cried Windmill
- The Feywild (Wilderness adventure area)
- The Dryad and the Demigod
- The Snowpeaks (challenge of Snowpeaks Festival)
Update 49: Peril of the Planar Eyes[edit]
Update 50: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh[edit]
- The Haunting of Saltmarsh
- Under the Cover of Darkness
- Danger at Dunwater
- The Final Enemy
- Swim at Your Own Risk
- Back to Basics
- What Sleeps Below
- The Hijacked Haul
- Rest for the Night
- Down You Go
- Saltmarsh (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 52: Portent of Dread[edit]
- Dread Sea Scrolls
- Too Cold to Continue (Snowpeaks Festival challenge)
Update 53: Hunter and Hunted[edit]
Update 55: Isle of Dread[edit]
- All Hail the King
- Bullywugs and Booby Traps
- Captive of the Hidden God
- Fall of the Forbidden Temple
- Plundering Pirates' Point
- Skeletons in the Closet (Raid)
- Spiders and Flies
- The Curse and the Captive Crustacean
- The Stone Crypt Chronicle
- The Trouble with Tar Pits
- Trials of the Triceratops
- Whispers of Return
- Wild Thing
- Isle of Dread (Wilderness adventure area)
Update 56: Archetypes and Archvillains[edit]
- ToEE: First Level and Earth Temple
- ToEE: Lower Temple Complex
- ToEE: Air Node
- ToEE: Earth Node
- ToEE: Fire Node
- ToEE: Water Node
- ToEE: Depths of the Temple
Update 57: Grip of the Hidden Hand[edit]
Update 58: Unlikely Heroes[edit]
Update 61: Vecna Unleashed[edit]
- The Bark and the Blade
- The Devils to Pay
- Enemy of My Enemy
- The Evil We Know
- Grand Theft Aureon
- Law and Order
- Paper Trail
- Party 101
- Taken in Hand
- Turn the Page
- Vecna Denied
- Vecna Unleashed
- What Dreams May Come
- Fire Over Morgrave
Update 63: Illithid Invasion[edit]
Update 64: Chronoscope Rewound[edit]
Update 65: Paws and Peril[edit]
Update 66: Rise of the Dragon Lord[edit]
No new quests were released this update, but An Explosive Situation was almost completely reworked (The Sunken Sewer and Missing in Action also changed quest level.)
Update 67: Slice of Life[edit]
Update 69: Magic of Myth Drannor[edit]
- Book Burning
- Death Hosts This Banquet
- Ettercap Incursion
- Oghma's Song
- Portal to Below
- Ruins of Myth Drannor (wilderness adventure area)
- Secrets of the Red Wizards
- Seeds of Decay
- The House of Gems
- The Key to the Mythal
- The Safehold
- The Zulkir's Plan
- Times Long Past
- Threats Old and New
- Shop 'til You Drop (challenge of The Night Revels)
Update 70: Lanterns in the Mists[edit]
- The Curse of the Five Fangs (temporary Cormyr-only intro quest to the Lanterns in the Mists event)