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Deep Gnome

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Also called deep gnomes, svirfneblin are said to dwell in great cities deep underground. A svirfneblin has wiry, rock-colored skin usually medium brown to brownish gray. Only males are bald; females have stringy gray hair. The average svirfneblin lifespan is 250 years.


"An arcane illusionist with affinity for the fathomless darks of the earth."

  • Deep Gnome is available from the DDO Store for 1,295 DP or - as the only Iconic - also free during VIP subscription.
  • As all Iconic Heroes, Deep Gnomes start at level 15 (1,050,000XP).
  • Deep Gnome first level is Wizard. Then, they can either take a predefined path, or customize their Wizard levels, or reject training and leave the starting area with enough experience to train to level 15.

Racial traits[edit]


Further information: Deity feats


Racial Feats[edit]

Iconic past life feats[edit]


Deep Gnome enhancement tree

Core abilities[edit]

Icon Enhancement Wariness.png
AP Cost: 1 Level: 1 Progression: 0 No requirements
Wisdom: Select one:
  • IntelligenceColored.png +1 Intelligence
  • WisdomColored.png +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2 Level: 2 Progression: 1 Requires: Wariness
Icon Enhancement Wariness 2.png
AP Cost: 1 Level: 4 Progression: 3 Requires: Wisdom
Wisdom: Select one:
  • IntelligenceColored.png +1 Intelligence
  • WisdomColored.png +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2 Level: 8 Progression: 4 Requires: Wariness
Icon Enhancement Scroll Retain Essence.png
Scrolls: Retain Essence: You gain a 15% racial bonus to your odds of retaining a copy of a Scroll when using it.
+2 Dodge, +2 Magical Resistance Rating
AP Cost: 1 Level: 16 Progression: 6 Requires: Wisdom

Tier One[edit]

Requires Wariness

Icon Enhancement Illusory Escape.png
Illusory Escape: When you tumble, you will phase out of reality briefly, passing through enemies as you do so.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Gnome Wand and Scroll Mastery.png
Wand and Scroll Mastery: +25%/+50%/+75% effectiveness from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +1/+2/+3 to the save DC of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Underdark Experience.png
Underdark Experience: +1/+2/+3 to all saves.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Awareness.png
Stealth or Awareness: Choose one:
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training.png
Gnomish Weapon Training: +1 to hit and damage with light hammers, light maces, light picks, shortswords, shortbows, light crossbows, and light repeating crossbows.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires 5 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Conjure Stone.png
Conjure Stone: Conjure a boulder and hurl it at an enemy, dealing 6d4/12d4/20d4 bludgeoning damage and knocking down enemy on failed reflex save DC 10/15/20 + INT modifier. Activation Cost: 25/15/5 Spell points. Cooldown: 10/8/6 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Hardy Nature.png
Hardy Nature: +2/+4/+6 Bonus to Armor Class and +1/+2/+3 Physical Resistance Rating.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Color Spray.png
Greater Color Spray: Activation Cost: 10/5/2 Spell Points. Cooldown: 8 seconds.

Metamagic: Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge, Embolden. Spell Resistance: No

Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect. DC: Character Level + Intelligence Modifier + Illusion DC bonus. *3.19.2023 Note - Current testing shows the actual DC = 15 + INT + Illusion
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Blur.png
Permanent Blur: You gain a permanent Blur effect.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training 2.png
Gnomish Weapon Training: +1 to hit and damage with light hammers, light maces, light picks, shortswords, shortbows, light crossbows, and light repeating crossbows.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Gnomish Weapon Training (Tier 1)

Tier Three[edit]

Requires 10 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Spellcraft.png
Spellcraft: +5/+10/+20 Spellcraft
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Nimble Reaction.png
Nimble Reaction: +1/+2/+3 Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus and Maximum Dodge Bonus.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Stoneskin.png
Stoneskin: You get Stoneskin as an SLA. Activation Cost: 10 Spell Points. Cooldown: 20/15/10 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Gnome Spell Focus Illusion.png
Racial Spell Focus: Illusion: +1/+2/+3 to Illusion DCs
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training 3.png
Gnomish Weapon Training: +2 to hit and damage with light hammers, light maces, light picks, shortswords, shortbows, light crossbows, and light repeating crossbows.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Gnomish Weapon Training (Tier 2)

Tier Four[edit]

Requires 15 APs spent in tree

Phantasmal Killer: You gain Phantasmal Killer as an SLA. Activation Cost: 25/15/5 Spell Points. Cooldown: 16 seconds. DC is Character level + Intelligence modifier + Illusion DC bonus.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon Feat Favored Enemy Reptilian.png
Gnomish Favored Enemy: Gnomes have a history of racial enmity with several kinds of creatures. Choose a Favored Enemy feat for one of these: Goblinoid or Reptilian
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training 4.png
Gnomish Weapon Training: +2 to hit and damage with light hammers, light maces, light picks, shortswords, shortbows, light crossbows, and light repeating crossbows.
+1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range with the same weapons.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 Requires: Gnomish Weapon Training (Tier 3)

Starter equipment[edit]

Upon reaching level 15, you receive a container item called Deep Gnome Equipment. Double click in your inventory to open it and receive the following Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire, minimum level 15, and Race Absolutely Required: Deep Gnome items:

(Total Ability Modifiers = Dex +4, Con +6, Int +7)
Item Race Type Enhancements
Beast-leather Belt
Beast-leather Belt.png
Deep Gnome Belt 
Stone-steady Boots
Stone-steady Boots.png
Deep Gnome Boots 
Forged Armlets
Forged Armlets.png
Deep Gnome Bracers 
Mantle of the Deep
Mantle of the Deep.png
Deep Gnome Cloak 
Gloves of the Miner
Gloves of the Miner.png
Deep Gnome Gloves 
Intricate Lenses
Intricate Lenses.png
Deep Gnome Goggles 
Delver's Helm
Delver's Helm.png
Deep Gnome Helm 
Illusionist's Focus
Illusionist's Focus.png
Deep Gnome Light Hammer 
Implement of Stone Magic
Implement of Stone Magic.png
Deep Gnome Light Hammer 
Re-forged Hammer
Re-forged Hammer.png
Deep Gnome Light Hammer 
Stoneworker's Hammer
Stoneworker's Hammer.png
Deep Gnome Light Hammer 
Mysterious Pendant
Mysterious Pendant.png
Deep Gnome Necklace 
Dusty Adventuring Garb
Dusty Adventuring Garb.png
Deep Gnome Outfit 
Copper Band
Copper Band.png
Deep Gnome Ring 
Iron Band
Iron Band.png
Deep Gnome Ring 
  • Fortification +100%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +100%: This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer much more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a 100% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
  • Constitution +5Icon tooltip.png Constitution +5: This item gives the wearer improved health, granting a +5 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
Climbing Hook
Climbing Hook.png
Deep Gnome Trinket 
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