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Web of Chaos

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Web of Chaos is a free level 16 quest chain available to all characters featuring mostly Drow, Spiders, Undead and Demons.

The first three quests originally introduced in Update 13 serve as a prequel and pre-release teaser to DDO's expansion, Menace of the Underdark, which added the 4th and final quest, Beyond the Rift, which eventually takes characters to Eveningstar. (Beyond the Rift is also treated as the first quest of Menace of the Underdark, but can be played without ownership of the expansion.)

Note: These four quests are required to be completed (and turned in), in order, by any character wanting free travel to the Forgotten Realms (unless they have access to a Hall of Heroes Passport, available to all Iconic characters and/or purchasable from the DDO Store).

Note: Completion of Beyond the Rift is required to grant access to the rest of Menace of the Underdark (story arc).


  • The Lords of Dust: The Silver Flame must now contend with an uprising cult! Controlled by the Rakshasas, the cult of the Lords of Dust have one priority, to free the ancient demons trapped in Khyber.
  • Servants of the Overlord: Venture deep down into Khyber and fight resistance as you attempt to thwart the Rakshasas from freeing the imprisoned “Spinner of Shadows”!
  • The Spinner of Shadows: Engage in an ambitious battle as you fight to hold off the release of the Spinner of Shadows! Though beware of thinking your task is over, for a menacing journey awaits....
  • Beyond the Rift: The Gatekeeper Tavnar Kronnak has asked you to investigate the Rift that has appeared inside the Spinner's Prison. Go inside the Rift Between Worlds and report back on what you find.
Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
The Lords of Dust16/217The Silver Flame
The Spinner of Shadows16/217The Silver Flame
Servants of the Overlord16/217The Silver Flame
Beyond the Rift16/217The Silver Flame
Total4 Quests28 
 ♣49,248Epic Casual
 ♦84,873Epic Normal
 ♥87,663Epic Hard
 ♠90,454Epic Elite

Epic integration[edit]

When this chain was introduced with Update 13, all quests immediately had an Epic difficulty. So the quests were included into the Eberron Epic mechanism, which includes Tokens of the Twelve in the end chests and upgradeable Named items.

With the replacement of the shard/seal/scroll system in Update 50 Epic chests only drop Crystallized Spiderweb, which will allow updating of Heroic items using the Altar of Epic Rituals.

Note: In this context Beyond the Rift is considered a Forgotten Realms quests and does NOT drop Tokens of the Twelve or upgradeable Named items.

See also[edit]