Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Quests by location

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This page allows you to quickly view quests by quest giver's location. Please note that, categorizing here might be slightly different from the way in-game quest journal does it, as here on DDOwiki we use more specific locations.

Amrath quests • Ataraxia's Haven quests • Catacombs quests • Court of the Wild Hunt quests • Delera's Graveyard quests • Eveningstar quests • Gianthold quests • House Cannith Manufactury quests • House Cannith quests • House Deneith quests • House Jorasco quests • House Kundarak quests • House Phiarlan quests • Isle of Forgotten Dreams quests • Keep on the Borderlands quests • Korthos Island quests • Korthos Village quests • Lordsmarch Palace quests • Lordsmarch Plaza quests • Morgrave University - Lower Quad quests • Morgrave University - Upper Commons quests • Reaver's Refuge quests • Restless Isles quests • Ruins of Threnal quests • Saltmarsh quests • Searing Heights quests • Sharn quests • Smuggler's Rest (historic) • Sorrowdusk Isle quests • Tangleroot Gorge quests • Temple Grounds quests • Tethyamar Mining Outpost quests • The Cerulean Hills quests • The Feywild quests • The Gatekeepers' Grove quests • The Harbor quests • The Hut from Beyond quests • The Inspired Quarter quests • The Land of Barovia quests • The Marketplace quests • The Necropolis quests • The Red Fens quests • The Snapping Line Inn quests • The Spinner's Prison quests • The Temple of Elemental Evil quests • The Thunder Peaks quests • The Twelve quests • The Vale of Twilight quests • Three-Barrel Cove quests • Village of Tanaroa quests • Wheloon Docks quests • Wylkes Manor quests • Wynwood Hall quests • Zawabi's Refuge quests