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Legendary levels

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Since Update 55, characters can further progress their characters beyond level 30. These are the legendary levels. In many ways, these are a continuation of epic levels; many abilities that progress with epic level continue progressing with legendary.


When you hit level 30, your character starts accruing legendary XP. When you accumulate enough experience, take your legendary levels by talking to a Fatespinner.

Quest XP
  • Only base level 30 and higher quests and/or slayer areas grant legendary XP.
  • Lower-level quests, even if the difficulty-modified effective level exceeds 29, do not grant legendary XP. Also, they grant 0 Reaper experience.
Non-quest XP
  • Generally speaking, non-quest sources of XP that don't specifically say they work only for a specific kind of XP, such as the XP stones you get from Sagas or Daily Dice, also grant Legendary XP provided you're level 30 or higher. DDO Forums

Epic Tome of Learning does not apply to legendary XP.

Legendary Levels and Reincarnation[edit]

Unlike Heroic and Epic XP, Legendary XP is currently not lost on reincarnation. Instead, any character that resets to a level below 30 (via True, Iconic or Epic Reincarnation) retains all Legendary XP currently accrued, and, when they reach level 30, can immediately take all legendary levels they have already earned.

Should the level cap ever reach its intended cap of 40, it is probable that some form of Legendary Reincarnation will be included that resets Legendary characters to level 30, but this is not yet possible.

Granted stuff[edit]

Level HP Feats Misc XP needed
31 +10 Epic Destiny feat - 1,600,000
32 +10 - Ability increase, ED core 4 3,600,000
33 +10 Epic Feat - 5,700,000
34 +10 Epic Destiny feat - 7,900,000