Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Update 20 Patch 1 Release Notes

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News & Notes[edit]

Of Special Note[edit]

Winter Festival[edit]

The Festivult season is upon us!

  • Jack Frostbite and the Jester of Festivult coin turn-ins now use a barter interface.
  • We have added a couple of new Cookies:
    • Owlbear Cookie
      • Available from both the Jester of Festivult (for 1 Gold Coin) and Jolias Leftfield (Eveningstar Midwinter Festival Barter) (for 280 Motes of Winter).
      • “This cookie will bestow the strength and hardiness of 100 angry owlbears. Eating this cookie will grant a +4 Rage Bonus to both Strength and Constitution.”
    • Shadow Cookie
      • Available from both the Jester of Festivult (for 1 Gold Coin) and Jolias Leftfield (Eveningstar Midwinter Festival Barter) (for 280 Motes of Winter).
      • “This cookie is so bad that consuming it feels akin to death, temporarily stripping away your physical form and leaving you a shadow of your former self. Eating this cookie will grant Shadow Form, making you insubstantial, giving you 25% incorporeality, letting you float as if affected by featherfall, providing bonuses to hide, move silently and tumble, as well as letting you deal strength damage on melee and ranged critical hits.”
    • Shar, Mistress of the Night Cookie
      • Available from Jolias Leftfield (Eveningstar Midwinter Festival Barter) (for 120 Motes of Winter).
      • “This cookie allows you to bring darkness down upon nearby enemies. Eating this cookie will blind nearby enemies for a short time.”
  • The planes of Eberron have shifted, and the powers of several festive treats have changed as various planes move closer and further away:
    • Dolurrh Jelly Cake -Death Ward now has Caster Level: 15
    • Fernia Jelly Cake -Fire Shield (fire version) now has Caster Level: 15
    • Irian Jelly Cake - Sunburst now has Caster Level 8
    • Kythri Jelly Cake - Now Casts Prismatic Spray at Caster Level 10
    • Lamannia Jelly Cake - Now Casts Greater Vigor at Caster Level 12
    • Mabar Jelly Cake - Now Casts Finger of Death at Caster Level 15
    • Risia Jelly Cake - Ice Storm now has Caster Level 8
    • Shavarath Jelly Cake - Enchant Armor now has Caster Level 20
    • Thelanis Jelly Cake - Now Casts Faerie Fire at Caster Level 15
    • Warforged Titan Cookie - Now Casts Tactical Detonation at Caster Level 15
  • Costs of the following Cookies and Cakes have also been adjusted:
    • Kythri Jelly Cake - Now available for 3 Copper Festival Coins
    • Warforged Titan Cookie - Now available for 3 Copper Festival Coins
    • Mabar Jelly Cake - Now available for 2 Silver Festival Coins
    • Fernia Jelly Cake - Now available for 2 Silver Festival Coins
    • Lamannia Jelly Cake - Now available for 2 Silver Festival Coins
    • Dolurrh Jelly Cake - Now available for 1 Gold Festival Coin

Weapon Effect Changes[edit]

We have started our changes to Randomly Generated items, starting with adding (some new and some old) prefixes and suffixes for Randomly Generated Weapons. Please note that the changes are not final, and we are still working towards providing loot variety without too much redundancy.

  • Randomly Generated Weapons: The following changes and additions have been made to the Randomly Generated Weapons system. (Note that there will be further adjustments to treasure and drop rates in the future.)
    • Old Mutations that have been Restored:
      • Prefixes
        • Thundering
        • True Law
        • True Chaos
        • Seeker +2
        • Shocking Burst
        • Flaming Burst
        • Icy Burst
        • Acid Burst
        • Seeker +4
        • Seeker +6
        • Holy Burst
        • Seeker +8
        • Improved Roaring
        • Seeker +10
        • Dynamo (Lightning Strike)
        • Incinerating
        • Nightmare
        • Frozen
        • Magma
        • Cacophonic
        • Annihilating
        • Toxic
        • Erosive - Greater Stone Prison and Disintegration
        • Tumultuous (This will likely be renamed in the future. Previously known as Tempestuous) - Voltaic, Lightning Strike, and Slicing Winds
        • Corrosive - Caustic, Corrosive Salt, and Acid Torrent
        • Volcanic (Previously known as Meteoric) - Greater Incineration, Blazing, and Flaming Blast
      • Suffix
        • Righteousness
        • Shattermantle
        • Slowburst
        • Everbright
        • Improved Shattermantle
      • The following are also now available as Prefixes:
        • Icy Depths - Tidal and Icy Blast
        • Mauling - Hemorrhaging and (Greater Heartseeker or Greater Ribcracker or Greater Bloodletter)
        • Debilitating - Weakening, Enfeebling, and (Stunning +10 or Vertigo +10 or Shatter +10 or Tendon Slice 10%)
        • Mangling - Phlebotomizing and (Superior Heartseeker or Superior Ribcracker or Superior Bloodletter)
        • Fiery Detonation
          • This weapon is imbued with a fiery wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this burning power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 fire damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
        • Freezing Gale
          • This weapon is imbued with a frigid wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this freezing power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 cold damage. A successful Will save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
        • Acid Torrent
          • This weapon is imbued with a vitriolic wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this acidic power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 acid damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
        • Electric Storm
          • This weapon is imbued with an electrifying wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this shocking power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 electric damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 39) reduces this by half.
        • Radiance
          • This weapon is imbued with a brilliant, radiant power that deals an additional 4 to 24 points of light damage and blinds the target on a successful critical hit.
        • Steam
          • This weapon is constantly building a magical steam within. When the weapon is used, this pressure can be violently discharged, periodically damaging enemies with an additional 2 to 16 plus 8 points of untyped damage on a successful hit.
        • Greater Sunburst
          • This weapon blazes with the eternal fury at the heart of a sun. Occasionally, this power comes to the surface, unleashing a nova of light which will blind the struck enemy, dealing severe light damage to it and any other nearby foes.
        • Arcane Detonation
          • This weapon is imbued with unfathomable arcane energies. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this energy will be released, inflicting 15d6 force damage to the target and all other enemies near it. A successful Reflex save (DC 39) reduces this damage by half.
      • The following are also now available as Suffixes:
        • Aligned Transmutation (Aligned)
          • This weapon transmutes into a form that is able to bypass any alignment based Damage Reduction. (Chaotic, Good, Evil, Lawful)
        • Metaline Transmutation (Metalline)
          • This weapon transmutes into a form that is able to bypass any metal based Damage Reduction. (Adamantine, Alchemical Silver, Byeshk, Cold Iron, or Mithril)
      • New Prefixes:
        • Poison:
          • Poison - On Hit: 1 to 4 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
          • Poison II - On Hit: 2 to 6 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
          • Poison III - On Hit: 3 to 9 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
          • Poison IV - On Hit: 4 to 12 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
          • Poison V - On Hit: 5 to 15 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
          • Poison VI - On Hit: 6 to 18 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
          • Poison VII - On Hit: 7 to 21 Poison Damage. On Critical Hit: 1d4 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Damage.
        • Sun’s Fury - Solar II and Flaming Blast
        • Obscenity - Negative Energy Gash (5d6 Negative Energy Damage) and Life Stealing
      • New Suffixes:
        • Humanoid Bane
          • Humanoid Bane: On Hit: 1 to 6 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Humanoid Bane II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Humanoid Bane III: On Hit: 3 to 12 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Humanoid Bane IV: On Hit: 4 to 16 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Humanoid Bane V: On Hit: 5 to 20 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Humanoid Bane VI: On Hit: 6 to 24 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Humanoid Bane VII: On Hit: 7 to 28 Bane Damage vs Humanoids and Giants. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
        • Natural Bane
          • Natural Bane: On Hit: 1 to 6 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Natural Bane II: On Hit: 2 to 8 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Natural Bane III: On Hit: 3 to 12 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Natural Bane IV: On Hit: 4 to 16 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Natural Bane V: On Hit: 5 to 20 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Natural Bane VI: On Hit: 6 to 24 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
          • Natural Bane VII: On Hit: 7 to 28 Bane Damage vs Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants, and Fey. (Bane damage cannot be resisted.)
        • Feeding
          • Feeding: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +5 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
          • Feeding II: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +10 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
          • Feeding III: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +15 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
          • Feeding IV: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +20 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
          • Feeding V: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +25 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
          • Feeding VI: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +30 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
          • Feeding VII: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +35 Temporary Hit Points. (These Temporary Hit Points last for one minute, or until used to negate incoming damage.)
        • Draining
          • Draining: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +2 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
          • Draining II: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +4 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
          • Draining III: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +6 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
          • Draining IV: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +8 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
          • Draining V: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +10 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
          • Draining VI: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +12 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
          • Draining VII: On Vorpal Hit: Your target incurs one Negative level, and you gain +14 Temporary Spell Points. (These Temporary Spell Points last for one minute, or until used to reduce the cost of your next spell.)
    • The following are now available as Suffixes (previously were Prefixes):
      • Anarchic Burst
      • Axiomatic Burst


  • In the quest "A Study in Sable," Alyk Glenweir no longer talks in his sleep.
  • Brothers of the Forge
    • Scorpions in Brothers of the Forge will no longer burrow.
    • The final boss in the Brothers of the Forge quest now shoots his rune arm properly. His melee attacks are also now imbued with a small amount of force damage from his runearm.
    • Spotter Drones should no longer target you without line of sight.
    • Cleaned up several grammar issues in NPC text.
  • Fixed an issue with Spies in the House that could cause the quest to be unable to be completed.


  • Heart Seeds are now available. These ingredients can currently only be obtained by turning in 100 Commendations of Valor, using the existing barter shop accessed by the Commendations of Valor themselves. Heart Seeds are Bound to Account and fit inside Ingredient Bags. You can turn in 42 Heart Seeds for either an Iconic True Heart of Wood or an Epic Heart of Wood.
  • +0 Lesser Reincarnations no longer have the 3 day Reincarnation Timer.
  • Players can no longer select Epic Past Life feats during Epic Reincarnation if taking the feat will not give them any benefit. They may still re-incarnate with any sphere without choosing a feat if none are available to them from their selected sphere.
  • Iconics need to clear their reincarnation cache when reincarnating, just like everyone else.
  • The Lifeshaper should no longer get confused about whether or not you're an Iconic character.
  • Corrected a display issue where it looked as though Epic XP was being granted during a Heroic reincarnation.
  • Cleaned up UI issues in a few spots of the Reincarnation flow.


  • The platinum cost to reset enhancements goes up with each reset but recovers and goes back down slowly over time. The "recovery" rate of the platinum cost to reset enhancements has been more than doubled, meaning you don't have to wait as long to reset for the same cost. Previously, about one week had to pass for your platinum cost (to reset a given number of enhancements) to recover from one reset. Now this happens in three days instead of one week.
  • Players can no longer lose access to a tree if they took Arcane Archer racial enhancement, moved another tree into the last slot and then reset the racial tree.
  • The description of Wand & Scroll Mastery is less vague.
  • The Great Weapon Aptitude enhancement in the Human, Purple Dragon Knight, Warforged, Bladeforged, and Half-orc trees no longer requires any additional feats past Two Handed Fighting.
  • Bard Spellsinger:
    • Musical Studies and Advanced Musical Studies will now properly increase your Bard Songs per rest
    • Spell Song Vigor now only affects a single target (as per its description)
    • Most Bard songs granted by Spellsinger enhancements now have shorter singing times.
  • Bard Warchanter:
    • Poetic Edda now only requires 1 Bard level (matching its place on the Enhancement tree).
    • Song of Heroism now works on all nearby allies, as intended.
    • Song of Heroism now scales its duration at the rate listed in its tooltip.
    • Ironskin Chant no longer triggers when using Inspire Courage
    • All ranks of Inspire Recklessness now give their listed amounts of Doublestrike
    • Words of Encouragement's hitpoint effect is no longer listed as "Rallying Cry"
    • Victory Song is now a toggled ability that grants full Base Attack Bonus when activated
    • The buff from Howl of the North now persists through death, rest, and zoning.
    • Most Bard songs granted by Warchanter enhancements now have shorter singing times.
  • Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance:
    • The tier 1 ability Angelic Resistance no longer has the tier 1 ability Inquisition as a prerequisite.
    • Crown of Retribution now properly requires Shield of Condemnation as a prerequisite.
  • Fighter Kensei:
    • The fourth tier versions of the Fighter Kensei Weapon Specialization enhancements have always required the feat Greater Weapon Focus. That feat requires level 8, meaning you could never take the enhancements earlier than level 8, even though they had a prerequisite of Fighter level 4. To make this clearer, the Kensei Weapon Specialization enhancements now require Fighter level 8 as well (instead of level 4) to be consistent with the feat prerequisite.
  • Ranger Arcane Archer:
    • Master of Imbuement should now function properly in all circumstances.
  • Elf Arcane Archer:
    • Ranks 2 and 3 of Awareness now function.
    • Master of Imbuement should now function properly in all circumstances.
  • Half-Orc
    • Half-Orc Raging Crush now gives the three uses per day it says it does. Note that you may need to reset your Half-Orc enhancements and take the ability again to get the correct number of uses.
  • Purple Dragon Knight
    • Cormyrean Knight Training has had its description corrected to reflect its functionality:
      • "You now use Charisma or Strength, whichever is higher, for attack and damage with shortswords, longswords, bastard swords, and greatswords. In addition, as long as your Charisma remains higher than your Strength and you are wielding one of the above weapons, you receive a bonus to the DCs of your Tactical Feats equal to 1/3 your Charisma modifier."
  • The Drow racial enhancement tree should no longer reset after spending points in an Epic Destiny.

Other Changes[edit]

  • Stunning Fist and Quivering Palm now again properly charge Everything is Nothing.
  • Archer's Focus and Arcane Archer stances are no longer disabled by Rage.
  • Descriptions for the Monk Sun, Wind, Earth, and Water stances have been rewritten for clarity. They now detail the effects of these stances at each level and how they are upgraded.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed player-allied AI to hurt each other with AoE swings, such as Amalgam hurting Lars Heyton and groups of purple dragon knights attacking monsters while standing near each other.
  • Druids should now be able to equip their summoned Flame blades once more.
  • Kobold Ambush Optional is once again completable in the quest: The Cloven Jaw Scourge: Blockade
  • Slayer Count Boost potions will now correctly add the new longer duration of 1 hour if you drink one while already having one active. Since U20, they were giving 1 hour on first use but only 30 minutes if used while already having one active.
  • The Unyielding Sovereignty feat now properly removes Negative Levels and the Death Penalty.
  • Players should no longer become flagged as Iconic when they are not Iconic.
  • Iconic starting armor and shields now properly have a race requirement.
  • The level 22 hireling Sledge is no longer immune to positive energy healing.
  • The tooltip for the "Draconic Fury" buff now properly states that it has a duration of 20 seconds.
  • Waterworks Exit Waypoint is now correctly labeled "Stormreach Harbor"
  • Purple Dragon Knights no longer shrink after Reincarnating.
  • Fixed a case where A Small Problem could not be completed on Epic Elite difficulty.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U20.1.0 release notes on

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