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Tethyamar Mining Outpost

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Map of Tethyamar Mining Outpost
Map of Eveningstar, showing transport to Tethyamar Mining Outpost
Tethyamar Mining Outpost loading screen

On the southern reaches of the vast Tethyamar Mines, a small, secluded outpost opens its doors to adventurers looking to assist them.


Tethyamar Mining Outpost is a public area introduced in the Update 36 adventure pack, The Mines of Tethyamar:

The Tethyamar mining outpost is approximately 350 miles from Eveningstar, to the North-North-East, well beyond the Storm Horns. It is located in the Desertmouth Mountains on the Eastern border of the desert of Anauroch, where the Empire of Netheril has been re-established.
The mines of Tethyamar were once home to one of the greatest dwarven communities in the North. The mines were very deep, following the long vertical veins of ore that lay beneath the Desertsmouth Mountains. Along these descending ore-veins, chains of chambers were constructed making up the housing, forges, tombs and storage areas of the dwarves of Tethyamar. This design resulted in a far more widespread dwarf hold relative to others of its kind.


Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Graveyard Shift15/315The Harpers
Records of the Past15/315The Harpers
Third Time's a Charm15/315The Harpers
Strike Back15/315The Harpers
Desire in the Dark15/315The Harpers
Total5 Quests25 
 ♣73,233Epic Casual
 ♦125,152Epic Normal
 ♥128,245Epic Hard
 ♠131,337Epic Elite


Mines of Tethyamer Quest Arc[edit]

Useful NPCs[edit]

Other Residents of Tethyamar Mining Outpost[edit]