Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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A Guild, within the context of Dungeons and Dragons: Online, is a group of players who may share common interests and objectives. More often than not, a Guild operates on one, designated server.

Note: This page is not intended for Guilds in Dungeons & Dragons Online to promote their guild. It is intended to hold information involving the new Guild System.


You can create a Guild by going to Social tab from your main menu and selecting the Guild tab. Enter in the name of the Guild you wish to create and then click on the Create button. If all goes well and if the name is not already taken you will then become the leader of your very own guild.

VIP players can create a Guild for free, but Premium and Free to Play accounts will need to purchase an Official Guild Charter from the DDO Store for 150 DP, to be able to create a Guild.


All official guild commands listed within the in game help file. All commands are usable by the leader of the guild.

(Admin): usage: /guild < create | disband | recruit | accept | decline | quit | expel | promote | demote | motd | successor | resign | rename | createrank | removerank | changeranklevel | changerankname | ranks >
  • create <name> - Create a guild with yourself as the leader.
  • disband - Disband your guild.
  • recruit <name> - Recruit the target into your guild.
  • accept - Accept your current guild recruitment request.
  • decline - Decline your current guild recruitment request.
  • quit - Voluntarily leave your guild.
  • expel <name> - Expel the guild member from your guild.
  • promote <name> - Promote the guild member to the next higher rank.
  • demote <name> - Demote the guild member to the next lower rank.
  • motd <motd> - Set the message of the day for your guild.
  • successor <name> - Make the guild member the member who will succeed you as leader when you resign.
  • resign - Step down as leader. (This will automatically promote your successor to leader.)
  • rename <name> - Attempt to rename the guild. This command will only work if you guild has been credited for rename.
  • createrank <name>* - Creates a new guild rank.*
  • removerank <name>* - Removes a guild rank.*
  • changeranklevel <name> <level>* - Changes the level of a rank; where this rank falls in the promotion/demotion hierarchy.*
  • changerankname <oldname> <newname>* - Changes the name of a rank.*
  • ranks - Displays all the guilds ranks in order, highest to lowest.
* Bug: "createrank" and related commands have been disabled due to bugs. No plans at present to fix this.


A guild in DDO can include up to 1000 characters. There are three levels of seniority in a guild:

By default, the Leader is the character that initially created the guild, and has all lesser permissions, plus the ability to:

  • Add or remove any Member or Officer from the guild
  • Promote or demote Members/Officers
  • Assign a "Successor" (see below)
  • Resign as guild Leader
  • Rename the guild (see: DDO Guild Rename FAQ)
  • Disband the guild

Officer has all Member permissions, plus the ability to:

  • Add or remove Members (only, cannot affect other Officers)
  • Purchase or upgrade the Guild Airship
  • Add to or change Airship Amenities
  • Change the Message of the Day (aka MotD)


  • Gives you access to the Guild's Airship & all* installed amenities.
  • Gives you access to the Guild chat feature.
  • Lets you invite non-members to the Guild Ship** (invite expires when the non-member leaves the ship)
    * Some Guild Storage is limited to Officers/Leader only - see the "Guild Storage" amenity (Level 19 etc.).
    ** For the ship invite to work, someone in the guild needs to be on the airship.

Successor: This is only a flag, used to designate the successor to the Leader, in case the Leader resigns or becomes absent (see next).

  • Only the Leader can designate a Successor.
  • Either a Member or an Officer can be designated as "Successor".
  • Being designated "Successor" gives no additional permissions/abilities, unless/until the Leader resigns, quits or becomes absent (see next).

Inactive Leadership[edit]

Usurping a guild

This seniority becomes important in the event that the Leader no longer wishes to be Leader, or is no longer actively filling that role.

If the Leader resigns or quits the Guild, the Successor becomes Leader. If no Successor has been designated, any Officer can become Leader - first come, first served.

Also, if the Leader has been inactive for 60 days...

  • The designated Successor can become Guild Leader.
  • If there is no (active) Successor [Successor has been inactive for 60 days], any Officer can choose the "Usurp" option (see image, right) and become Guild Leader (as above). First come, first served.
  • If the previously inactive Leader or designated Successor returns at a later time, there is no recourse except normal social interaction (aka "asking nicely").

If there is neither any (active) Leader, Officers or designated Successor (so only "Members" are active), then there is no way for a Member to become Leader*, and so no way to add new members, promote officers, buy/change amenities, or otherwise "run" the Guild, so the Guild is likely doomed. Any responsible Leader should make sure they designate an (active!) Successor and/or Officer(s), for the sake of all members in their Guild, just in case of the unexpected - life happens.

* And, no, a game admin will not do so, not even if you "ask nicely".

Joining & Recruiting[edit]

Joining a guild is based on that specific guild's requirements, which are decided by its Leader/Officers, the only ones who can do the actual recruiting. Some guilds actively recruit anyone and everyone they can find, while others require prospects to fill out an application (usually on a separate website) to join the guild, or anywhere in between. Whichever method is employed, there is a type of guild for everybody - small, large, social, raiding, casual, role-play light or heavy, permadeath - you name it, it's probably out there, looking for you.

The Guild Tab in the Social Panel

To recruit a new member into a Guild, there are 4 basic options that any officer can use:

  • Select a character that you can see (by right-clicking them), then left click the gear icon, and choose "Invite to Guild".
  • You can also right-click on the character's name in /chat, and select "Guild Invite".
  • Use the Social Panel (o), select the Guild tab, type (or copy/paste) the name of the character in the text window, and click the "Add" button. (Note that the "Invite" button is for inviting current guild members to join your current questing group.)

For any of theses, the character will then receive a pop-up invite which they can either accept or decline. The invite will also auto-cancel if ignored for 30 seconds. Note that if the name selected/typed does not match the spelling of any character currently logged in, the officer will receive the message: "You must specify a target to invite."

  • Once a Guild reaches Level 5, an officer can send a Guild Recruiting Sigil via the in-game mail system; just go to a mailbox, click the "Guild Invite" option, and type in the name of the character you would like to recruit. This is the only way to recruit a character that is currently offline. By default, a message will be included:
"Hi. I'd like to invite you to join my guild, <Guild name>.

Detach the Sigil of Guild Recruitment, open up your inventory, and double-click it to join."
  • The default text can be edited as you wish.
  • If the name does not match any character on that server, the officer will receive a message that "The recipient of this letter does not exist".
  • The recipient then downloads the sigil from the mail into their inventory, then can double-click it to activate the pop-up to accept/decline the invitation, at which point the sigil disappears.

Also, anyone can advertise for guild members in a public area using the General /chat channel, or post information about your Guild on the DDO forums for the server your guild is on.

Leaving a Guild[edit]

To leave your guild, simply open the Social Panel (by either pressing 'O' or Ctrl+'G') and select the GUILD tab at the top of the panel. Next, select "Quit" at the bottom of the panel. You will be prompted with a confirmation dialog asking if you would like to proceed, followed by an option to "Leave on good terms."

  • If you choose to leave on good terms, the guild will lose 10% of the guild renown that your character has acquired during membership of the guild. If you choose to leave on bad terms, the guild will lose 25% of your renown instead. There is no way to prevent this renown loss.
  • You may not "transfer" or "roll-over" your renown to a new guild.
  • The guild may be subject to a Recent Departure penalty.

Guild Level[edit]

There are a maximum of 200 Guild Levels, a guild goes up in level by getting Guild "Renown" (see next). The higher the Renown level the more benefits a Guild has, which includes bigger airships, and a wider selection of amenities for your airship.

You can find a list of benefits unlocked as your Guild progresses on the Guild Level page.

Guild Renown[edit]

Heroic Deeds from Chest Loot
Guild Renown Awarded Message

Guild Renown is the experience point analogue for Guilds. The more Guild Renown your Guild accumulates, the higher a Guild Level it can achieve. Whenever an NPC is killed in a quest you are involved in, there is a chance you will gain some Renown from that kill, whether or not you were the one that made the kill. Renown can also be gained from chest rewards and end quest rewards; the best source, however, is from Saga end rewards.

Note that natural Guild Renown is easier for lower level players to earn. Renown drops in quests are reduced if that quest is being run by a player of a higher level; if the quest is being run on a higher level, however, renown drop increases. Lower level players have access to more quests which they can run under-level for greater Favor rewards. Higher level players, on the other hand, will have access to more Sagas which they can complete for Favor instead.

There is a soft cap on the amount of Guild Renown a guild can earn naturally in a single day; once this cap is passed, guild members' chances of gaining renown for the rest of that day slowly decreases. If the guild ever gains three levels in a single day (unlikely unless a very low-level Guild turns in several Sagas in one day), natural Renown ceases dropping entirely for 24 hours. Saga end rewards are unaffected by this penalty.

  • Guild Renown in chests and end rewards comes in 50 point (Heroic Deeds), 150 point (Tales of Valor), 500 point (Impressive Trophy) and 1,000 point (Legendary Victory) varieties.
  • Guild Renown for slaying enemies comes in 5, 15, 25, 50, and 150 point varieties.

If members leave, some Renown will be lost, and there's a possibility that it will apply a temporary penalty to Renown gains. Guild Renown also starts naturally decays over time when a guild passes level 150, with each subsequent level increasing decay rate; accordingly, it is difficult for large guilds to remain at higher levels without active coordination.

Guild Airships (Guild Housing)[edit]

An Airship

Guild Airships are the DDO version of Guild Housing, an extensive guide to gaining and populating them can be found at the Guild Airships page.

Guild Crafting[edit]

Certain legacy items from the game have "Guild Augment Slots", which give the item the ability for Guild Augment Crystals to be added to it. However, as of Update 17, the only "slots" now created on new randomly generated items (i.e. items looted from chests) are Augment slots. Players who have existing Guild Augment slot items can still keep and use their items and get guild gems from the vendors in House Kundarak. However, no further new items with Guild Augment Slots will drop in-game.

More information can be found at the Guild Crafting page.


  • Turbine Official Update 5 Information
  • Developer Diary Guild Leveling System