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The Secret of the Storm Horns

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DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Shadowfell Conspiracy

The Harpers believe that the latest Orc attacks against Eveningstar are not the usual raids from the tribal monsters in the Storm Horns. They believe that the coordination, training, and equipment that the monster have displayed are part of a pattern pointing to the tribes organizing into an army.

However, the magistrates of Eveningstar are unconvinced of the Harpers' claims. They are unwilling to send any Purple Dragon Knights into the Storm Horns to investigate.

So, the Harpers have recruited you to investigate the monster activities in the Storm Horns.

These five quests are all located within the level 15-24 Heroic/level 27 Epic Wilderness Adventure Area of The Storm Horns. Heroic version (level 19) bestowed by Kara Patwin, Epic version (level 27) bestowed by Lorant Tass, both in North East end of Eveningstar. What Goes Up is the final quest in the chain and requires the other four quests in the chain for flagging.

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
The Tracker's Trap19/276The Harpers
Lines of Supply19/276The Harpers
Breaking the Ranks19/276The Harpers
A Break In the Ice19/277The Harpers
What Goes Up19/277The Harpers
Total5 Quests32 
 ♣86,566Epic Casual
 ♦148,359Epic Normal
 ♥152,440Epic Hard
 ♠156,523Epic Elite

Chain reward[edit]

Upon completing all the above quest, the original chain giver NPC offers you a list of named items that are chest drop within the arc. Items are all Normal version and BtCoE. The list occasionally contains randomly generated loot with Wondrous Craftsmanship enhancement, including compasses.

See also