Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Update 23 Hotfix 1 Release Notes

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Update 23: Hotfix 1[edit]


  • The Mark of Death raid now has a 20th completions list. Players who have run the raid will have their under-20 completions retained, and players who have already exceeded 20 completions will have their progress to the next 20 completions retained.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some players to not be awarded loot from the end chest of The Mark of Death raid.
  • Fixed several issues with armors and other items not creating the proper cosmetic when using the Item:Mirror of Glamering. This fix is not retroactive; players who created a cosmetic armor using the Mirror of Glamering who are not satisfied with the resulting cosmetic item due to a change in the item's look or coloring should contact support, either in-game or through
  • The Item:Key to the City - Eveningstar can once again be used on a guild airship.
  • The Quest Arc reward for the Epic Orchard of the Macabre quest chain now offers better loot.
  • Knight of the Chalice: Exalted Smite's cooldown now decreases with the amount of ranks spent in the enhancement.
  • Two Handed Fighting and Two Weapon Fighting are no longer mutually exclusive.
  • Item:Heart Seeds will now be offered to eligible characters as a reward option when running Epic Orchard of the Macabre quests, Epic Gianthold quests, and Epic Three Barrel Cove quests.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all effects that provide a +2 Insight Bonus to Strength to instead provide a +3 Insight Bonus to Intelligence.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U23.0.1 release notes on

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