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Iconic Past Life Feats

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Icon Class feats.png
Icon General feats.png
Icon Favor feats.png
Inherent Feats icon.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Racial feats.png
Icon Deity feats.png
Epic Past Life
Icon Epic feats.png
Icon Epic Destiny feats.png
Icon Legendary feats.png
Icon Past Life feats.png
Icon Racial Past Life feats.png
Icon Epic Life feats.png
Icon Iconic Past Life feats.png

Iconic Past Life Feats[edit]

Unlike Heroic Past Life Feats but similar to Epic Past Life Feats, there is only one kind of Iconic Past Life Feat, but every Iconic Past Life Feat has both an Active and a Passive component.

  • "Iconic Past Life Stance:" is toggled on or off, with only 1 active Iconic stance allowed.
  • "Passive Bonus:" is active continuously, and stacks up to 3 times with itself, and with similar or same bonuses from other sources, including other Past Life Feats.
  • As well as the Iconic PL rewards listed below, an Iconic True Reincarnation also gives a full Class PL benefit equivalent to one Heroic True Reincarnation, as appropriate to Dominant Class at the time of Reincarnation.

Your Iconic race will determine which Iconic Past Life Feat you receive. For example: If you are a Bladeforged when you Iconic True Reincarnate, you will receive the Bladeforged Past Life Feat.

If you Iconic True Reincarnate a second, third, etc. time, you keep your old Past Life feat(s) from your previous incarnation(s), and add another from your current Iconic race. Each feat can be stacked up to three times.

Note that, unlike Heroic, Racial and Epic Reincarnations, there is no Iconic "Completionist" feat.