Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit
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Terminal Delirium
Monsters from the Plane of Madness have once again returned to the Sleeping Spell Inn.
Terminal Delirium | |
Heroic level: | 18 |
Epic level: | 26 |
Duration: | Long |
Heroic XP: | ♣4,677Solo/Casual ♦8,092Normal ♥8,388Hard ♠8,684Elite |
Epic XP: | ♣17,380Solo/Casual ♦29,810Normal ♥30,654Hard ♠31,498Elite |
Takes place in: | The Sleeping Spell Inn |
Bestowed by: | Verona Jethro |
NPC contact: | Verona Jethro |
Quest acquired in: | The Twelve |
Patron: | The Twelve |
Base favor: | 7 |
Purchase: | Heart of Madness or VIP |
Extreme Challenge: | Yes |
Verona Jethro agreed to reserve the Sleeping Spell Inn for a private party. Now she fears that the "party" may be Xoriat-related, and her employer will dismiss her.
Verona has asked you to investigate. If it is something related to Xoriat, she's asked you to ask them... to leave.
Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!
- Confront the party guests
- Get all the party guests to leave
- Follow the bidding of your Master, the Lord of Stone / Lord of Eyes
- Deliver a mirror to your master
- Deliver a balloon to your master
- Deliver a floor tile to your master
- (Optional) Get power from the Cannith Crystal without damaging it — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣468 ♦809 ♥839 ♠868 ) Epic( ♣1,738 ♦2,981 ♥3,065 ♠3,150 )
- (Optional) Teach Indara's reflection a lesson — no XP
- (Optional) Dance challengers never reached 100% humiliation (Bonus Chest) — no XP
- (Optional) Dance challengers never reached 50% humiliation (Bonus Chest) — no XP
- (Optional) Dance challengers never reached 10% humiliation (Bonus Chest) — no XP
Known Traps
- Blade Control Boxes: 2 locked 'Blade Control' boxes are located through the balloon flying area. They disable the local blade traps.
Tips and Misc
- Go upstairs, kill guests in the bar, pick up the Servants' Key from the bar and head back to servant quarters (at base of stairs), and kill some more.
- Go through the next door (no fighting involved), where the party becomes the servants of either the Lord of Stone or the Lord of Eyes. Each service grants the party (as a whole) a different bonus:
- Lord of Eyes: +25 Spell Power. Also, as a minion of the Lord of Eyes, you have so many eyes that you cannot look away. You cannot resist Medusa's stone gaze.
- Lord of Stone: DR 5 (heroic hard) You also are treated as if you had a permanent Stoneskin Spell.
- Your choice will also determine the monster(s) you "fight" at the end – a pair of medusas (if you choose "Eye") or a beholder (if you choose "Stone").
- Back upstairs to the bar, get your orders from your chosen master; either way, you must return a Mirror, a Balloon, and a Tile to that Lord as main quest objectives.
Mirror room (hallway west from bar, second southern door)
- One of the bedrooms has a "wall-mounted mirror" in it, use chat emotes to mimic your reflection's actions to turn into a mirror. The following emotes are used:
, and/kiss
. - You will then have to "protect" your invulnerable reflection (it doesn't die even if reduced to zero HP) against 4 waves of Mind Flayers, Gargoyles, and Eyes. While in mirror form, you are especially susceptible to melee damage. It is best to either do mass crowd control on the enemies or let them aggro onto the reflection, and then attack just one enemy at a time. You can use the bed in the corner to block line of sight and kite enemies.
- Enemies will not follow you out of the mirror room, but you cannot leave the mirror room if dead. You can return to the mirror room if you release and re-enter but that entire wave of mobs will be spawned and beating on the reflection, which is good distraction. Many enemies will spawn even on Heroic Elite (10+ at a time, i.e. 10 Mind Flayers at once), over 100 mobs on Heroic Elite (60 mobs on Heroic Hard).
- Optional: If you intend to complete the Medusa fight optional (see next) and do not have a rogue, pick up the Silver Key during the fight. The key is randomly hidden on the floor or behind some curtains.
- Once you clear all the enemies you will be quickly teleported back through the mirror to loot the chest, with no way to return back through that mirror.
- You no longer need the mirror because you are a mirror; return to your Lord (in the bar) while in mirror form to complete the Mirror objective.
Optional Medusa fight (hallway west from bar, first door to north)
- One of the bedrooms is locked and can be opened by a Rogue or with the Silver Key (see previous). Inside is a Large wall mirror with the statue of the Medusa Indara staring into it. Activate the mirror then go through it (grabbing a reflection of the collectable!) and follow Indara's Reflection to the Wine Cellar where you will do battle.
- If you are working for the Lord of Stone, her gaze is reversed and turns Stone to Flesh and does extra damage to you. When the Reflection gets low HPs, it runs to the mirror (in the cellar) and kills itself, becoming a flesh statue. You can then go back through the Large mirror to face the real Indara who is now flesh. If you are working for the Lord of Stone you will be immune to her gaze.
- Indara will quickly turn and run outside, opening the other previous locked hallway doors and spawn gargoyles in every room which will then follow her back to the mirror room to eat you. Kill them all for a chest that spawns in her room.
- Other upstairs rooms contain only collectables.
Balloon (ground floor, east hall, turn hard left before first doorway)
- You can become a balloon by using an Air Elemental Canister in the Office room of the servants quarters on the ground floor.
- You immediately float up to the rafters where a large turbine fan blows you across.
- As a balloon (really just an evil eye attached to you), you float through the three-dimensional air maze. You won't be able to dash in this form.
- You will encounter Beholders and Medusa at various intervals. The amount varies per difficulty.
- There are 2 'Green Rafters Keys' floating in the air within the maze (the first key is floating near the ceiling in one area and the other floating near a Beholder). The 'Green Rafters Keys' can be used to unlock either: locked "Breakable Rafters Doors" or locked "Blade Control" panels. The key is consumed when used, so use them wisely.
- You can break the "locked" breakable doors down; or use a 'Green Rafters Key' to fit the door lock (Use the Focus Orb, to Examine the door and interact via the "Use" drop-down menu command, to activate the key), or alternatively a Rogue could try to pick the lock as they are just standard 'Locked Breakable doors' (Lock DC).
- There are: 2 Secret doors within the maze (Bug: No apparent Spot Alert). The first Secret door leading to a chest, is after the first Blade trap; by some barrels, and a crystal ceiling lamp. Not that far away from a dropdown area, and slightly before the area to the first Green Rafters Key.
- The first 'Green Rafters Key' is east of; the barrels, and a crystal ceiling lamp area, so fly down the small dropdown by those barrels, travel east a few feet and look upwards, you should see the first 'Green Rafters Key' floating up by the ceiling, float up and grab it.
- The second Secret door is on the east wall (soon after exiting the first, now unlocked 'Breakable Rafters Door' hatch) in the area where the beholders can be seen guarding the second floating Green Rafters Key; inside the hidden room there is a Fungus collectable node. Look up, and you will see a chest suspended from the ceiling.
- There are some very noisy and deadly double blade traps within the maze. These traps can one shot you on Heroic Hard/Elite,'re a balloon! You will POP!
- The first trap has a searchable Trap Control panel (behind the 'Blade Control' panel), which if disabled will disarm the blade trap. Alternatively you can unlock the locked "Blade Control" panel itself, e.g. Rogues can try pick the lock (or use a 'Green Rafters Key' if you possess one, which is unlikely for the first trap) to allow you to "shutdown" all the first set of blade traps. Once unlocked, you can just click on the 'Blade Control' panel itself to deactivate the trap. If you can neither unlock the 'Blade Control' panel nor disarm the trap; you will have to float, and try to manually dodge the blades, you can attempt to travel to a set of "Reroute Valves" to turn different small sections of the trap blades: off and on, as you progress.
- The second set of blade traps also has a searchable Trap Control panel nearby, just past the second Locked 'Breakable Rafters Door' (Rogues can Search for the Trap Control panel prior to opening the locked door). The Blade trap blades are active very near to the area past the second 'Breakable Rafters Door', the locked 'Blade Control' panel hangs from the ceiling directly above – for a close shave.
- Near the final medusa encounter, which occurs near a crystal ceiling lamp, there's an optional small cobweb filled crawlspace high above the blade traps. Fly up, to the crystal lamp, and turn to face the cobweb crawlspace; in there are some breakable explosive "The Good Stuff" barrels and chest hidden down in a nook, in the floorboards. The nook is north of the barrels; travel to the barrels then turn north in that room, and go forward, you should find the hidden chest.
- At the end you'll find a lever behind the original turbine that blew you. Throw it to return the way you came, or you can continue forward and float down into the eastern shrine room on the ground floor.
- Talking to the Lord while in balloon form completes the Balloon objective. This immediately dispels balloon form from all party members, so members still in the air maze may be stuck there until the quest completes. (One can escape this maze with Dimension Door or the
command; consider finding a Dimension Door clicky or scroll, or bringing hireling Mikayl the Pious, if you cannot cast the spell yourself.)
Tiles (basement)
- From the central (ground floor) shrine room, go through the southern door and through the Kitchen to the door to the Basement.
- First, get "The Power!" by trying to convince the Cannith Crystal to give it to you. This can be done through conversation using social skill Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate for Optional XP. The party can only try each skill check once. If you fail them all you must resort to simply hacking at it.
- Once the Cannith Crystal gives you "The Power!", you then transform into a power tile (cosmetic only, though you can't jump).
- The goal of each successive puzzle is simply to create a chain where every tile has power flowing through it, with you standing at the edge of the puzzle providing the power. At the start of some puzzles a familiar beholder spawns to attack. (It looks undead but it is not.)
- As you complete a puzzle, follow the tiles to the next puzzle/fight.
- Once all the puzzles are complete, return to the power crystal at the start (south-west) of the basement, where you can use a small Lift Button to activate the Lift to return to the main floor.
- Under the Lift is a chest. (Fortunately, even floor tiles can use ladders.)
- Behind the Lift is a Secret door with Blue Meat Locker Key. The Meat Locker (off the kitchen on the ground floor) contains only breakables and one collectable. The door can also be picked.
- Talking to the Lord while in tile form completes the Tile objective.
- The end fight is a dance-off against a Beholder (if serving the Lord of Stone) or a pair of Medusas (if serving the Lord of Eyes). Do your
emote to earn % Score.- During the dance-off, you or a hireling must attempt to stun or reduce your dance opponent 'Hit points' to 0 to prevent them from dancing and gaining score.
- Your "dance partner(s)" will also periodically stop dancing to attack you and knock you out of your dance emote animation if you are winning. So be ready to re-spam the dance emote.
Bonus XP
- Tamper bonus: 1 or more trap disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣468 ♦809 ♥839 ♠868 )
- Mischief bonus: 55 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣374 ♦647 ♥671 ♠695 )
- Vandal bonus: 71 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣468 ♦809 ♥839 ♠868 )
- Ransack bonus: 88 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣702 ♦1,214 ♥1,258 ♠1,303 )
- Chests: 5–10
- 1 in Tiles section, under the lift
- 1 for Mirror section after the fight
- 1 optional for defeating optional Medusa (near Mirror)
- 3 in the balloon section (One Chest behind secret door just after the first trapped area, and one behind a Secret door near the Beholder that guards the Green Key to the second locked Breakable Rafters door, and another above near the last set of Medusas, in a little hole opposite the exploding barrels.)
- 0–3 bonus chests possible for dance challenge (based on how low you keep your humiliation percentage)
- 1st optional chest win the dance off challenge and the opponent can't reach 100% humiliation
- 2nd optional chest win the dance off challenge and the opponent can't reach 50% humiliation
- 3rd optional chest win the dance off challenge and the opponent can't reach 10% humiliation
- 1 end chest
- Collectables: 17
- Fungus — in the room where you first meet the Lords of Stone/Eyes
- Bookshelf — in the room with the balloon crate
- Fungus — behind Secret door in maze (near the beholders with the key)
- Adventurer's Pack — in the balloon maze (near the beholders with the key)
- Adventurer's Pack — in the first bedroom on the left
- Cabinet — in the first bedroom on the left
- Bookshelf — in the last bedroom on the left
- Cabinet — in the locked room with Indara
- Cabinet — in the mirror reflection of that room
- Alchemy Table — in the wine cellar where you fight Indara
- Cabinet — in the other locked bedroom which Indara opens
- Cabinet — in the kitchen
- Bookshelf — in the kitchen
- Fungus — in the kitchen (near the shrines)
- Rubble — near the second tile puzzle
- Rubble — in the same room (only accessible in Xorian Madness mode), hidden within a bunch of crates (you will need to come back for this one after you're no longer in tile form, because otherwise you cannot jump up onto the crates)
- Fungus — in the meat locker
- Fungus — in the room where you first meet the Lords of Stone/Eyes
NPC end rewards
Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.
Named Chest Drop
Last Edited | Item | Type | Enhancements | ML | Bind | Quests |
Stone Wall (edit) | Tower shield |
18 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, Third Dance Bonus Chest |
Four Eyes (edit) | Goggles |
18 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, second dance bonus chest |
Vim and Vigor (edit) | Necklace |
18 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, second bonus dance chest |
Epic Stone Wall (edit) | Tower shield |
26 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, Third Dance Bonus Chest (Epic) |
Epic Four Eyes (edit) | Goggles |
26 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, second dance bonus chest |
Epic Vim and Vigor (edit) | Necklace |
26 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, second bonus dance chest |
Mythic Vim and Vigor (edit) | Necklace |
26 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Terminal Delirium, second dance bonus chest |
Based on [[Category:Terminal Delirium loot]] ( t • e • h )
Name ( picture ) | CR | Type | Race |
Beholder Dancer ( view • edit ) | ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠32Epic Elite | Aberration | Beholder |
Cannith Power Crystal ( view • edit ) | ♦20Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite ●♦28Epic Normal ●♥32Epic Hard ●♠35Epic Elite | Construct | Inanimate Object |
Crazed Eye ( view • edit ) | ♦16Normal ♥16Hard ♠16Elite ●♦24Epic Normal ●♥28Epic Hard ●♠30Epic Elite | Aberration | Evil Eye |
Ghost of Knizzlenak ( view • edit ) | ♦21Normal ♥25Hard ♠31Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Undead | Beholder |
Greater Beholder ( view • edit ) | ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠32Epic Elite | Aberration | Beholder |
Indara's Reflection ( view • edit ) | ♦21Normal ♥25Hard ♠31Elite ●♦29Epic Normal ●♥33Epic Hard ●♠36Epic Elite | Monstrous Humanoid | Medusa |
Indara ( view • edit ) | ♦21Normal ♥25Hard ♠31Elite ●♦29Epic Normal ●♥33Epic Hard ●♠36Epic Elite | Monstrous Humanoid | Medusa |
Medusa Dancer ( view • edit ) | ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠32Epic Elite | Monstrous Humanoid | Medusa |
Xorian Gargoyle ( view • edit ) | ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠32Epic Elite | Monstrous Humanoid | Gargoyle |
Xorian Illithid ( view • edit ) | ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠32Epic Elite | Aberration | Mind Flayer |
Xorian Medusa ( view • edit ) | ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠32Epic Elite | Monstrous Humanoid | Medusa |
Cannith Crystal Skill DCs
Heroic DC table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Epic DC table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Epic quests
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- The Sleeping Spell Inn quests
- The Twelve quests
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- Level 26 quests
- Compendium:Level 18 (26 epic) quests
- Level 18 quests
- Quests with 7 base favor reward
- Heart of Madness quests
- Quests with collectables/17