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Cannith Crafting

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Augment Slot
Level 1+
Cannith Crafting
Level 1+
Event Items
Levels 1+
Stone of Change
Level 1+
Level 4+
Level 4+
Item Upgrading
Level 6+
Nearly Finished
Level 15+
Epic Crafting
Level 20+
Sentient Weapon
Level 20+
Level 22+
Legendary Green Steel items
Level 26
Slave Lords Crafting
Level 8/28
Schism Shard Crafting
Level 20+
Legendary Crafting
Level 30
Dinosaur Bone crafting
Level 31
Lost Purpose
Level 18/32
Esoteric Table
Level 32
Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand
Level 18/32
Deck of Many Curses
Level 32
Ritual Table
Level 33
The House Kundarak Crafting Hall.

Cannith Crafting, introduced in Update 9, allows players to construct completely customized weapons, shields, armor, jewelry, and clothing.


  • This system was introduced in a state of live beta and was changed throughout Updates 9 and 10.
  • The beta tag was removed with Update 11.
  • The system was overhauled in Update 32 to align it with the Update 29 random loot changes.
  • Update 50 reduced the power levels that could be crafted from 34 to 30.
  • Update 55 reintroduced level 31 and 32 minimum level shards + it introduced combined prefix shards


There are three places where you can perform Cannith Crafting activities:


Main article: Cannith Crafting steps
  1. "Disjunct" an item at the Item Deconstruction Device, stripping all effects and leaving the raw item ready to accept crafted effects.
  2. Craft a Minimum Level shard at a shard crafting device, which determines the minimum level of the item. This in turn determines the power level of shards applied onto the item (and also applies the basic level-appropriate bonus if weapon/armor).
    Note: Crafting a Bound shard is significantly cheaper, but creates an item that is Bound to Account; creating an Unbound shard costs significantly more in material, but allows the item to be freely traded/mailed/auctioned/etc. between characters, accounts, players - anywhere. Use a Bound crafting station for Bound shards, or an Unbound station for unbound shards.)
  3. Craft shards (Bound or Unbound) of the effects you want to apply to the item at a shard crafting device.
  4. Craft the shards onto the item at an item crafting device.


  • Dust of Disjunction is used to remove enchantments from random loot, leaving you with a blank item that is keyed for crafting. Material types and Augment Slots are retained on an item after disjunction.
  • Dissolvers are used to turn random loot into essences. The item itself is destroyed in the process, however you often gain some platinum in the process.
    • Cannith Essences are NOT increased on weapons, unlike platinum value, which is doubled on weapons.
    • Only items with an Enchantment Level (a + followed by a number in the upper right corner) will yield platinum when being dissolved. Weapons & Armor always have this; Clothing & Jewelry rarely do. However, Masterwork Craftsmanship, Augment Slots, & Feather Falling will all give Clothing & Jewelry an Enchantment Level. The higher the number, the more platinum you'll receive (generally 60 platinum/level, but not more than one tenth the base value of the original item).
    • Dissolvers need to be in your character inventory or ingredient bag; deconstructing using dissolvers in the Shared Crafting Bank will not produce platinum.
  • Cannith Essences are found in chests and from disjuncting random loot using Dissolvers. Essences obtained prior to Update 32 can be converted to Cannith Essences at the crafting potion vendor.
  • Collectables are used in all crafting recipes that create shards which are used to put effects onto items. These collectables can be found throughout the game and can be traded or purchased through the Auction Houses. Collectables come in four different category types: Arcane, Lore, Natural, and Cultural. An Arcane device of a given level range has the chance to drop all items in that range. Backpacks/rubble piles have the chance to drop all categories of collectables for a given tier. The tier and the collectible device are the only determination on the collectables received.
    • Recipes for arrows and bolts do not create shards and don't require collectibles.
  • Shards are created by using Cannith Essences and collectables. In addition:
  • Bound shards are, and create items that are, Bound to Account, while unbound shards are unbound and create items that are unbound

Base items (blanks)[edit]


All Cannith Crafting recipes that produce effects use collectables. (The exception are those that create ammunition.) There are 113 Cannith Crafting collectables.

Any collectable can be found in an Adventurer's Pack or Rubble. Collectables of each type can be found can be additionally found in:

  • Arcane: Alchemy Table, Cabinet, Crude Altar, Reagents Cabinet, and Scroll rack
  • Cultural: Treasure Bags (dropped by mobs)
  • Lore: Bookshelf, Cabinet
  • Natural: Bones, Crude Altar, Fungus, Fungus Patch, Mold, Moss, and Mushroom:
Rarity Arcane Cultural Lore Natural
1-5 Common Amber Vial icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAmber Vial, Tier 1 Arcane, Common Reagent String of Prayer Beads icon.png Icon tooltip.pngString of Prayer Beads, Tier 1 Cultural, Common Religious Icon Cryptic Message icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPage Torn from a Research Notebook, Tier 1 Lore, Common Document Sweet Whitecap icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSweet Whitecap, Tier 1 Natural, Common Mushroom
Uncommon Vial of Pure Water icon.png Icon tooltip.pngVial of Pure Water, Tier 1 Arcane, Uncommon Reagent Small Wooden Idol icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSmall Wooden Idol, Tier 1 Cultural, Uncommon Religious Icon Khyber Prayer Pamphlet icon.png Icon tooltip.pngKhyber Prayer Pamphlet, Tier 1 Lore, Uncommon Document Deadly Feverblanch icon.png Icon tooltip.pngDeadly Feverblanch, Tier 1 Natural, Uncommon Mushroom
Rare Vial of Contagion icon.png Icon tooltip.pngVial of Contagion, Tier 1 Arcane, Rare Reagent Icon of Khyber icon.png Icon tooltip.pngIcon of Khyber, Tier 1 Cultural, Rare Religious Icon Tome Prophecies of Khyber icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: Prophecies of Khyber, Tier 1 Lore, Rare Document Pale Creeper icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPale Creeper, Tier 1 Natural, Rare Mushroom
6-10 Common Skull Fragment icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSkull Fragment, Tier 2 Arcane, Common Forensics Glittering Dust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngGlittering Dust, Tier 2 Arcane, Common Pigment Blade of the Dark Six icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBlade of the Dark Six, Tier 2 Cultural, Common Primitive Tools Funerary Token icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFunerary Token, Tier 2 Cultural, Common Morbid Curios Khyber Prayer Pamphlet icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCaravan Logbook, Tier 2 Lore, Common Document Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPhoenix Tavern Purchase Order, Tier 2 Lore, Common Financial Records Withered Cryptmoss icon.png Icon tooltip.pngWithered Cryptmoss, Tier 2 Natural, Common Moss Cryptmoss Worm Larva icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCryptmoss Worm Larva, Tier 2 Natural, Common Moth
Uncommon Powdered Blood icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPowdered Blood, Tier 2 Arcane, Uncommon Forensics Sparkling Dust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSparkling Dust, Tier 2 Arcane, Uncommon Pigment Signet of the Devourer icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSignet of the Devourer, Tier 2 Cultural, Uncommon Primitive Tools Mark of the Keeper icon.png Icon tooltip.pngMark of the Keeper, Tier 2 Cultural, Uncommon Morbid Curios Scholarly Notes icon.png Icon tooltip.pngResearch Diary, Tier 2 Lore, Uncommon Document Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest icon.png Icon tooltip.png'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest, Tier 2 Lore, Uncommon Financial Records Cryptmoss icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCryptmoss, Tier 2 Natural, Uncommon Moss Cryptmoss Worm icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCryptmoss Worm, Tier 2 Natural, Uncommon Moth
Rare Intact Fingerbone icon.png Icon tooltip.pngIntact Fingerbone, Tier 2 Arcane, Rare Forensics Luminescent Dust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngLuminescent Dust, Tier 2 Arcane, Rare Pigment Shamanic Totem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngShamanic Totem, Tier 2 Cultural, Rare Primitive Tools Necromantic Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngNecromantic Gem, Tier 2 Cultural, Rare Morbid Curios Tome Myths of Old Xen'drik icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: Myths of Old Xen'drik, Tier 2 Lore, Rare Document Tome Stormreach Imports and Exports 857YK icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YK, Tier 2 Lore, Rare Financial Records Lush Cryptmoss icon.png Icon tooltip.pngLush Cryptmoss, Tier 2 Natural, Rare Moss Cryptmoss Queen icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCryptmoss Queen, Tier 2 Natural, Rare Moth
11-15 Common Ceramic Bowl icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCeramic Bowl, Tier 3 Arcane, Common Apparatus Singed Soarwood icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSinged Soarwood, Tier 3 Arcane, Common Soarwood Lodestone icon.png Icon tooltip.pngLodestone, Tier 3 Arcane, Common Omen Amulet of the Lost Empire icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAmulet of the Lost Empire, Tier 3 Cultural, Common Talisman Small Planar Crystal icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSmall Planar Crystal, Tier 3 Cultural, Common Infernal Essence Runic Parchment icon.png Icon tooltip.pngRunic Parchment, Tier 3 Lore, Common Intelligence House-Sealed Letter icon.png Icon tooltip.pngRomantic Sonnet, Tier 3 Lore, Common Lyric Deadly Feverblanch icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBruised Spore Pod, Tier 3 Natural, Common Medicinal Spore Bloodfeast Fungus icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSour Darkcap, Tier 3 Natural, Common Fungus Duskbrood Trumpeter icon.png Icon tooltip.pngDuskbrood Trumpeter, Tier 3 Natural, Common Beetle
Uncommon Vial of Pure Water icon.png Icon tooltip.pngGlass Phial, Tier 3 Arcane, Uncommon Apparatus Charred Soarwood icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCharred Soarwood, Tier 3 Arcane, Uncommon Soarwood Moonstone icon.png Icon tooltip.pngMoonstone, Tier 3 Arcane, Uncommon Omen Amulet of the Six icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAmulet of the Six, Tier 3 Cultural, Uncommon Talisman Planar Spoor icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPlanar Spoor, Tier 3 Cultural, Uncommon Infernal Essence House-Sealed Letter icon.png Icon tooltip.pngHouse-Sealed Letter, Tier 3 Lore, Uncommon Intelligence Silver Flame Hymnal icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSilver Flame Hymnal, Tier 3 Lore, Uncommon Lyric Scholarly Notes icon.png Icon tooltip.pngScholarly Notes, Tier 3 Lore, Unommon Document Sweet Whitecap icon.png Icon tooltip.pngIntact Spore Pod, Tier 3 Natural, Uncommon Medicinal Spore Crimson Nightshade icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFragrant Drowshood, Tier 3 Natural, Uncommon Fungus Headsman Beetle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngHeadsman Beetle, Tier 3 Natural, Uncommon Beetle
Rare Crystal Decanter icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystal Decanter, Tier 3 Arcane, Rare Apparatus Lightning-Split Soarwood icon.png Icon tooltip.pngLightning-Split Soarwood, Tier 3 Arcane, Rare Soarwood Stellar Orb icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStellar Orb, Tier 3 Arcane, Rare Omen Amulet of the Archbishop icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAmulet of the Archbishop, Tier 3 Cultural, Rare Talisman Elemental Ingot icon.png Icon tooltip.pngElemental Ingot, Tier 3 Cultural, Rare Elemental Essence PlanarTalisman icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPlanar Talisman, Tier 3 Cultural, Rare Infernal Essence Tome Myths of Old Xen'drik icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: History of the Houses, Tier 3 Lore, Rare Intelligence Tome Lost Songs of Cyre icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: Lost Songs of Cyre, Tier 3 Lore, Rare Lyric Tome Codes of the Aurum icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: Codes of the Aurum, Tier 3 Lore, Rare Document Pale Creeper icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFlowering Spore Pod, Tier 3 Natural, Rare Medicinal Spore Deadly Feverblanch icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFlowering Hellscap, Tier 3 Natural, Rare Fungus Executioner Beetle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngExecutioner Beetle, Tier 3 Natural, Rare Beetle
16-20 Common Blessed Candle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBlessed Candle, Tier 4 Arcane, Common Ritual Paraphernalia Blessed Candle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngRitual Candle, Tier 5 Arcane, Common Antiquity Chipped Bone Talisman icon.png Icon tooltip.pngChipped Bone Talisman, Tier 4 Cultural, Common Drow Artifact Cryptic Message icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCryptic Message, Tier 3 Lore, Common Document Ruddy Fungus icon.png Icon tooltip.pngRuddy Fungus, Tier 4 Natural, Common Fungus Pale Creeper icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSwaying Mushroom Cluster, Tier 5 Natural, Common Ingredient
Uncommon Silver Bowl icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSilver Bowl, Tier 4 Arcane, Uncommon Ritual Paraphernalia Vial of Pure Water icon.png Icon tooltip.pngVial of Heavy Water, Tier 5 Arcane, Uncommon Antiquity Ivory Scorpion Icon icon.png Icon tooltip.pngIvory Scorpion Icon, Tier 4 Cultural, Uncommon Drow Artifact Polished Ore icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPolished Ore, Tier 3 Cultural, Uncommon Elemental Essence Silver Flame Hymnal icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAcademic Treatise, Tier 4 Lore, Uncommon Text Bloodfeast Fungus icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBloodfeast Fungus, Tier 4 Natural, Uncommon Fungus Swaying Mushroom Spore Pod icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSwaying Mushroom Spore Pod, Tier 5 Natural, Uncommon Ingredient
Rare Ritual Athame icon.png Icon tooltip.pngRitual Athame, Tier 4 Arcane, Rare Ritual Paraphernalia Tear of Vulkoor icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTear of Vulkoor, Tier 4 Cultural, Rare Drow Artifact Tome Lost Songs of Cyre icon.png Icon tooltip.pngTome: Alchemist's Chapbook, Tier 4 Lore, Rare Text Sanguine Moth icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSanguine Moth, Tier 4 Natural, Rare Fungus
21-25 Common Mortar and Pestle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngMortar and Pestle, Tier 5 Arcane, Common Smoldering Ember icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSmoldering Ember, Tier 3 Cultural, Common Elemental Essence Runic Parchment icon.png Icon tooltip.pngMystical Formula, Tier 5 Lore, Common Text Slime Mold icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSlime Mold, Tier 5 Natural, Common Zygomycota Fungus icon.png Icon tooltip.pngZygomycota Fungus, Tier 5 Natural, Common
Uncommon Fractured Femur icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFractured Femur, Tier 5 Arcane, Uncommon Stone Fetish icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStone Fetish, Tier 5 Cultural, Uncommon Warehouse Ledger icon.png Icon tooltip.pngWarehouse Ledger, Tier 5 Lore, Uncommon Glowmoss Spores icon.png Icon tooltip.pngGlowmoss Spores, Tier 5 Natural, Uncommon Blister Beetle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBlister Beetle, Tier 5 Natural, Uncommon
Rare Prismatic Dust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPrismatic Dust, Tier 5 Arcane, Rare Moonstone icon.png Icon tooltip.pngOceanic Sphere, Tier 5 Arcane, Rare Antiquity Encoded Communique icon.png Icon tooltip.pngEncoded Communique, Tier 5 Lore, Rare Scarlet Cryptmoss icon.png Icon tooltip.pngScarlet Cryptmoss, Tier 5 Natural, Rare Luminescent Dust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngGlowmoss Clump, Tier 5 Natural, Rare Ingredient
26+ Common Brass Censer icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBrass Censer, Tier 6 Arcane, Common Flint Knife icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFlint Knife, Tier 6 Cultural, Common Ancient Text icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAncient Text, Tier 6 Lore, Common Crypt Moth icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCrypt Moth, Tier 6 Natural, Common
Uncommon Pouch of Bone Fragments icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPouch of Bone Fragments, Tier 6 Arcane, Uncommon Ornate Charm icon.png Icon tooltip.pngOrnate Charm, Tier 6 Cultural, Uncommon Archaic Logbook icon.png Icon tooltip.pngArchaic Logbook, Tier 6 Lore, Uncommon Hairy Trumpet Mushroom icon.png Icon tooltip.pngHairy Trumpet, Tier 6 Natural, Uncommon
Rare Vial of Dragon's Blood Ink icon.png Icon tooltip.pngVial of Dragon's Blood Ink, Tier 6 Arcane, Rare Token of the Spider icon.png Icon tooltip.pngToken of the Spider, Tier 6 Cultural, Rare Adventuring Oratorio icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAdventuring Oratorio, Tier 6 Lore, Rare Shimmering Spore Pod icon.png Icon tooltip.pngShimmering Spore Pod, Tier 6 Natural, Rare

Minimum Level shards[edit]

Minimum Level shards have a crafting difficulty of their level x 10 except for ML 1, which has a crafting difficulty of level 1. Unbound Minimum Level shards have a difficulty of their level x 10 + 50.

Minimum Level shard requirements
CC Shard icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Crafting Shard(s), various Shard of Minimum Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Bound Crafting level 1 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340
Cannith Essence icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Essence 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340
Unbound Crafting level 50 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390
Cannith Essence icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Essence 100 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780


Each craftable item has a prefix and a suffix enchantment slot. Where you can place specific shards (prefix vs. suffix) is the same as on randomly-generated loot.

  • A Mark of House Cannith can be used to add a third extra enchantment slot. Extra enchantment slots are not available on items under minimum level 10.
  • The Enhancement bonus on weapons, shields, and armor is applied automatically when the Minimum Level shard is applied. An Implement bonus is applied to a weapon or shield when a prefix or suffix gives the weapon a spellcasting effect (such as Potency). No additional shards are required to add these types of bonus.

Crafting higher level items and more powerful benefits is possible once you've gained enough crafting experience. You can attempt to craft a shard even if you aren't high enough level, but there is a chance for the crafting recipe to fail, costing you the ingredients used to craft. You can craft recipes if you have at least a 1% chance of success.

  • Minimum Level shards simply determine the ML of the item. Bound to AccountIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account ML shards have a crafting difficulty of their level x 10, except for ML 1 which has a crafting difficulty of level 1. Unbound Minimum Level shards have a target Crafting Level of their {level x 10} + 50.
  • There are three main groups of Scaling enchantment shards (plus 2 miscellaneous exceptions). Group 1 has a minimum crafting level of 1, Group 2 has a minimum crafting level of 50, and Group 3 has a minimum crafting level of 100 (see table, below).
    • The two scaling exceptions (which have no "insightful" version) are:
      • CL 150 Spell Lore (critical)
      • CL 175 Natural Armor
  • The majority of Non-Scaling enchantments (such as Keen/Impact, Everbright or Fearsome) are Crafting Level 250, which is moderately advanced. These are unavailable as "insightful", and would be CL 400 if unbound.
However, three of these non-scaling effects are available at CL 1 (CL 150 unbound), which can be made by any beginning crafter. Those three CL 1 effects are:
  • Unbound versions of these shards (scaling and non-scaling) add +150 to their crafting level. For effects which can be Insightful (not all can), add +175 to their crafting level for the Insightful version. Shards that are both unbound plus insightful add +325 (150+175) to the base level.

Scaling Enchantment Groups Table[edit]

Scaling Enchantment groups
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Base (Bound) 1 50 100
+150 Unbound 150 200 250
+175 Insightful 175 225 275
+150 Unbound
+175 Insightful
325 375 425

Update 55 introduced new unbound combined prefix shards. All require crafting level 400, 800 essences, 15 Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments, and 5 mystical ingredients.

Name Effect Mystical cost Slot
Armor Destroying Armor Piercing + Destruction 5 Mystical Band Weapon
Champion's Speed + Combat Mastery 5 Mystical Goblet Trinket
Initiate's Spell Penetration + Wizardry 5 Mystical Bottle Gloves
Sabotaging Seeker + Deception 5 Mystical Urn Goggles
Silver Flame's Turn Undead Level + Turn Undead Dice 5 Mystical Dried Fish Necklace
Warded Curse Resistance + Protection from Evil 5 Mystical Vessel Ring
Watchful Dodge + Heightened Awareness 5 Mystical Plant Belt

Exclusive effects[edit]

Not all effects can be duplicated with Cannith Crafting, and not all Cannith effects can be found on randomly generated items; some are found only via one or the other, although most (if not all) of them can be found on named items. In other words, the following effects may not be strictly exclusive to Cannith Crafting or random loot, but are mutually exclusive between them:

Exclusive to Cannith Crafting Exclusive to Random loot
  • The number of effects in the second column has been significantly increased with the new effects added to randomly generated loot in U46.

Other craftable items[edit]

  • Arrows and bolts can be created with a combination of Cannith Essences and Siberys Dragonshard Fragments. No collectible components are needed.
    • Tip: Ranged weapons use the enhancement bonus of the bow or ammo, whichever is higher. Therefore, +1 crafted ammo (which is cheapest and easiest to make) is just as effective in, for example, a +3 bow as a +3 arrow would be. (However, +4 or +5 arrows would be better.)
  • The Device Workstation can be used to make traps, grenades, and companion collars. Cannith Essences are used in some grenades, traps, and collar recipes.
  • Some Rune Arms can be crafted on. Rune arms can have three enchantments crafted on them, just like random loot. Disjunction does not change the Minimum Level, charge tier, spell, imbue, and unique enchantments of a rune arm, but its other benefits are removed.
    • Note that the Minimum Level cannot be raised after disjunction.
    • BUG: It seems that when you deconstruct a rune arm, the description shows that the "Minimum Level" has become much lower, but in fact it remains the same. (See Rune Arm Crafting Steps)
  • Runestones can be crafted with a combination of Cannith Essences and Siberys Dragonshard Fragments. No collectible components are needed.

Level progression[edit]

Crafting experience
Level Experience
10 104
20 264
30 489
40 807
50 1,256
60 1,872
70 2,699
80 3,811
90 5,305
100 7,313
Level Experience
110 9,938
120 13,298
130 17,598
140 23,104
150 30,151
160 38,925
170 49,620
180 62,658
190 78,551
200 97,924
Level Experience
210 119,659
220 142,505
230 166,520
240 191,763
250 218,297
260 245,580
270 273,137
280 300,971
290 329,084
300 357,480
Level Experience
310 386,083
320 414,828
330 443,718
340 472,752
350 501,932
360 531,259
370 560,732
380 590,353
390 620,122
400 650,040

The maximum crafting level is 400. The amount of experience required to gain a level increases as levels increase. You gain experience by crafting shards and deconstructing items into essences.

Experience gained prior to Update 32 was carried over to the new system.

  • Three schools at level 50 (7,305 * 3 = 21,915) → level 138 in new system
  • Three schools at level 100 (35,230 * 3 = 105,690) → level 203 in new system
  • Three schools at level 150 (81,905 * 3 = 245,715) → level 260 in new system

Leveling tips[edit]

  • You have bound and unbound shard options to gain crafting experience. Go back and forth between both devices, sort by experience and choose your best option.
  • Once you reach 50 House Cannith Favor, Minor Crafting Experience Elixirs (10%, 30 minutes) and +10% Crafting Success Boosters are available for in-game platinum.
  • The Fabricators Guild Tutorial rewards you with either a Greater Crafting Experience Elixirs (75%, 30 minutes, BtA) or 5 25% Crafting Success Boosters, BtA. Since burning through even 50,000 Cannith Essences can be done within 30 minutes time, it is recommended that you have enough essences before starting a 30 minute crafting spree. You can run the tutorial quest with all of your characters every life and either select the Elixir, or the Success Boosters if you already have an elixir ready to go for a crafting spree. Since both the elixir and the crafting boosters are Bound to Account, you can pass them to your crafter via the shared bank. The tutorial quest can be obtained from Maker in the Kundarak Crafting Hall, Felix d'Cannith in the Harbor, or Vertigo in the Marketplace.
  • Major Crafting Experience Elixirs (100%, 30 minutes), from the DDO Store are recommended if you are going for fast leveling. They are cheap, and can be obtained for the equivalent of 200 favor in DDO points.
  • If you use Major Crafting Experience Elixirs, Major Success Boosters, and wait for a DDO Bonus Day for crafting experience, it is possible to level extremely fast by making only a few bound and unbound Minimum-Level-Shards of each level.
  • Roughly after the ability to craft lvl 23 Bound Minimum-Level-Shards, progression slows significantly. Between failures, increased XP needed for each crafting level, and needing increasingly more Essence per higher lvl shard, you might only gain 5 levels, even with the above boosting combo. Getting to max lvl crafting might take a long long time.
    • Staying at character lvl 32 for a bit and getting lots 30-32 lvl unbound equipment, is the quickest way to get lots of Essence.


With so many effects, many of them scaling from Level 1-34, plus the recipes for those, and each going into different slots (prefix, suffix, & "extra") depending on the item... well, here are some links to tables to better see, at a glance, exactly what's going on...

Costs for ML shards and expendables[edit]


Effects and recipes[edit]

Note: Any effect is either "scaling" or "non-scaling" - there are no effects which can be both.
  1. Scaling effects vary their values when placed in lower or higher Minimum Level shard items, increasing with higher ML. Examples are Fortification, False Life, and any Skill or Ability bonus.
  2. Non-scaling effects do not change with Minimum Level. Examples are Water Breathing, Deathblock, Keen/Impact, and any "Efficient Metamagic" effects (like Empower or Extend) that reduce the cost of using that Metamagic Effect on spells by a fixed amount.


  • As of Update 32, most, if not all, randomly-generated loot can be dissolved for Cannith Essences. Some older randomly-generated loot may not be dissolvable, but can still be disjuncted (old term "deconstructed") to be used as blanks.
  • Unlike original Cannith Crafting, you don't need to craft an Enhancement Bonus shard for Weapons, Shields, or Armors (including Robes, Outfit, and Docents). A scaled Enhancement Bonus is applied automatically when you apply a Minimum Level shard.
    • A Weapon dice multiplier is automatically applied to a weapon.
    • A Spellcasting Implement bonus is added when a spell-related shard is applied to a weapon or shield. This bonus is equal to the item's minimum level.
      • Prior to this value, the implement bonus used to be equal to triple the enhancement bonus. It is no longer possible to obtain new items of this type, but a few examples may occasionally be found on the Auction House.
  • Removing a high minimum level augment from a lower minimum level Cannith crafted item does not immediately reset item's minimum level. Putting the item into shared bank and retrieving it again (or relogging) resets the minimum level properly. DDO Forums
  • When crafting on an item with an augment slot, after disjuncting the item, it will be listed as having a minimum level, but it appears that a lower level shard can be applied. This may be a holdover from the old crafting system when crafting on a slotted item increased the overall level of the item.
    • For reference, these listed minimum levels are:
      • Colorless: ML 1
      • Red/Blue: ML 2
      • Yellow: ML 3
      • Green: ML 5
      • Purple/Orange: ML 8 (only seems to show on weapons alongside a Red Augment slot)
  • Dissolving an item with an augment inserted will destroy the augment as well as the item.
  • Keen effect might disappear after adding to weapons with Red Augment slots (especially if put into the shared bank).

See also[edit]

External links[edit]