Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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Inns, aka Taverns, are public areas that are (usually) separate from the general city enclaves, often in a separate building. Inns offer a variety of services and benefits.
Healing and regeneration[edit]
At inns you regenerate both your hit points and spell points over time. The base rate is the same slow rate as in the rest of the city (2 HP + 5 SP per 6 seconds, or 4 HP + 10 SP if you have the Blessing of the Silver Flame permanent favor reward effect), but you also have the option of buying food (for hp) and drink (for sp) from the Bartender (see Rations). Food and drink can greatly increase your recovery rate for a minute or more (depending on the item consumed), or until you leave the inn.
(To consume an item, first, you must have room in your pack to buy it. Then simply open your inventory, click on the item, and wait the (very) short time to use it - done.)
Inns also recharge all your "# charges per day" items and abilities as if you had rested. This happens once per full minute for as long as you remain inside the inn.
Changing spells[edit]
Inns allow Alchemists, Artificers, Clerics, Paladins, Rangers and Wizards to change which spells they have prepared. There is no charge for this, and they may choose from any available to them (which, in case of Alchemists, Artificers and Wizards, is limited to the spells that they have collected in their spell book).
Each inn has a Spirit Binder you can talk to set that inn as your bind point, free of charge. You will respawn at that inn upon dying and releasing your spirit until you change your bind point again. The command "/resloc" will show where your current bind point is.
Selling and repair[edit]
Bartenders will give you cash for any unwanted items that have value, including gems. They will not pay as much as pawn brokers, but are less picky and often more convenient.
Bartenders also will repair your worn or broken items, although with a very low chance of permanent damage to those items.
Player vs. player[edit]
Several inns have an area set aside where players can fight players, for fun, to test their builds, or for whatever reasons. "Dying" in these areas does not have any negative effects (except perhaps to your pride).
See PvP for more info.
There are many quests at inns, so they're a good place to look for them, especially since quest-giving NPCs inside inns are not indicated on the outside map.
Names and locations[edit]
- Korthos Village - Wavecrest Tavern
- The Harbor - The Leaky Dinghy (northeast corner, up stairs at the end of a pier), & The Wayward Lobster (middle of the southern walkway)
- The Marketplace - The Rusty Nail · Phoenix Tavern
- House Deneith - Anvilfire Inn · Hammersmith's Inn
- House Jorasco - Drowning Sorrows Tavern · Open Palm Inn
- House Kundarak - Belly up Tavern · Ever Full Flagon
- House Phiarlan - Bogwater Tavern · Golden Wing Inn
- Gianthold - Morksarn's Mess (in a tent in the southeast corner)
- Ataraxia's Haven - Resort Spa
- Meridia - The Windswept Oasis
- Smuggler's Rest - Rook's Gambit (only available during the Crystal Cove event, unless bound there)
- The Twelve - Adept's Rest
- The Land of Barovia - Blood on the Vine Tavern · Blue Water Inn
- Outdoor Zones
- Amrath - The Refectory
- The Necropolis - One Foot Inn
- Restless Isles - The Foothold
- Ruins of Threnal - Delver's Canteen
- Sorrowdusk Isle - The Eye of Kol Korran (on ship which is entry to Wilderness area)
- Tangleroot Gorge - The One-Eared Bugbear Inn
- Three-Barrel Cove - Salty Wench Tavern
- Zawabi's Refuge - Raff's Watering Hole (open-aired)
- Sharn Sharn - Clifftop Tower District - Drunken Dragon Tavern (on lower level of the district)
- Wynwood Hall Tavern (has no real name of its own)
- Other
- The Portable Hole (entry only via Teleport spell, although it exits to The Marketplace)