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Update 9 Release Notes

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Release Notes For Update 9: Harbinger of Madness[edit]

Welcome to the Release Notes for Update 9. These release notes were posted on Wednesday, April 27th 2011.

News & Notes[edit]

Of Special Note[edit]

Update 9 casts a light on a gruesome and twisted neighborhood of Stormreach! The Harbinger of Madness Adventure Pack, for level 15 players, commands you to gather evidence and uncover the sinister mastermind behind the disappearance of the Saltire District townspeople. Crafting also gets an update, with a new user interface that allows you to customize weapon and equipment effects! Plus, there is a plethora of new features including new attack animations, boosted spells, and more Prestige Enhancement lines!

Harbinger of Madness Adventure Pack[edit]

A baffling disappearance of several Saltire locals has been reported! Your job is to track down who or what is responsible and expose the reason for their madness. Your detective work begins in the Stormreach harbor and will force you to come face-to face with danger in uncharted sewers. Then venture to a hidden laboratory where fleshcrafting is the core experiment, and finally, peruse an art gallery where flesh is on display! The Harbinger of Madness Adventure Pack is available for players level 15 and above. Free for VIPs, and available in the DDO on April 29th!

New Crafting Beta[edit]

Get the new crafting feature, currently in Beta! A new user interface now grants you the ability to fully customize the effects of weapons and other items! You can deconstruct an item to make it craftable, or just keep a powerful component. You’ll also be able to use the construction machines to create gear and earn crafting experience as you collect special ingredients and master your recipes!

General Changes[edit]

Armor Appearance Kits[edit]

  • Corrected several issues related to colors not appearing correctly when some armor appearance kit sets are toggled off and on.
  • The description for armor appearance kit previews has been updated to indicate where the preview kits can be used.
  • Armor appearance kits and cosmetic helmets/hats are maintained after reincarnation.


  • A new effect has been added to characters that applies itself automatically when a player with the Magical Training feat is low on spell points. This effect, called Echoes of Power, regenerates spell points when a player reaches a low threshold of spell points.
    • Echoes of Power appears when a player drops below 12 sp.
    • The ability regenerates spell points at a rate of 4 sp every 6 seconds.
    • The ability removes itself when a player reaches 12 sp or greater.
    • The ability is not removed on death, but the player will not benefit from it while dead.
    • the ability is suppressed by superior regeneration effects, such as regeneration in a public area or tavern.
  • Rangers and paladins will get more spell points at early levels to allow them to begin casting spells earlier.
    • Paladins and rangers now get 20 sp instead of 5 sp as a base at level 4.
    • Paladins and rangers now get 15 sp instead of 5 sp as a base at level 5.
    • Spell point progression resumes as it was originally after level 5.
  • Monk Water Stances no longer apply a penalty to carrying capacity. Monks close to reaching medium encumbrance will no longer immediately be kicked out of their Water Stance for being uncentered when they reach medium encumbrance.
  • The ki costs of higher tiers of monk elemental and void attacks have been reduced to 5 ki each.


  • New animations have been added to a variety of special melee attacks, including Trip, Sap, and Sunder, make it more apparent when those abilities have been used during combat.
  • Ranged Sneak Attacks and Point Blank Shots have had their maximum range increased from 10 meters to a base of 15 meters. The Deepwood Sniper enhancement increases this range to 25 meters.
  • A message is displayed on a successful evasion.
  • Diplomacy and Bluff now provide feedback messages to let players know when they have succeeded in the skill.
  • DR type will now be displayed with DR in the combat log. Attacker messages now contain DR information.
  • Monsters that have been rendered helpless now take 50% additional damage from most harmful sources instead of being automatically critically hit by physical attacks. This affects all harmful damage except for sneak attack damage and glancing blow damage. Damage is increased before resistances and damage reduction is applied.
    • Players that have been rendered helpless also take additional damage from all harmful sources, except for sneak attack damage and glancing blow damage, instead of being automatically critically hit by physical attacks, but the value varies depending on dungeon difficulty:
      • Solo/Casual: +5% damage
      • Normal: +10% damage
      • Hard: +15% damage
      • Elite: +20% damage
      • Epic: +25% damage


  • Recipes have been added to the Device Workstation that allow a rogue to create +1 through +5 thieves' tools out of mechanical parts and a randomly generated +1 through +5 weapon.
  • Siberys and Khyber Dragonshard fragments now stack to 10,000!
  • Selecting an item in a barter UI panel now automatically unequips items necessary to create the new item, and places the unequipped items into your inventory.
  • The Dreamforge now uses the barter UI system for crafting!
    • Recipes have been added to the Dreamforge that will allow players to turn one of each of the three different essences into the fourth essence type.
  • Restoration recipes have been added for Epic Carnival and Epic Red Fens items. If an item was improved for Update 8, players can now use 3 Epic Dungeon tokens in a Stone of Change, along with the item, to upgrade the item to its improved state (or remove its augment slot, if the item has one.)
  • The Master Transmuter Staff recipe now correctly states that the staff has Superior Potency VI.

DDO Store[edit]

  • The descriptions for guild augment gems that boost saves, hit points, and spell points now accurately reflect that they can be slotted in all items except for weapons.


  • The Agents of Argonnessen tier one favor reward list has been expanded to include more Dragonshard variants, fine baked goods, and a Blood of Dragons, which allows bards, favored souls and sorcerers to swap spells for one hour without an associated cost.

Guild Airships[edit]

  • The Windspyre Gryphon airship now has all of its hookpoints.
  • A Planescaller on an airship can now send players directly to Amrath.
  • Airship navigators and planescallers now check minimum level requirements to enter certain areas.
  • Airship vendors no longer claim that the Stormglory Tempest has fewer hookpoints than it actually does.


  • Hirelings with healing abilities will try to heal both their masters and other allies.
  • Hireling contracts purchased in the DDO Store will now auto-gather into auto-gather enabled hireling contract folders.
  • Hireling specific command buttons now show a yellow border when moused-over.
  • Mareth Lorestryn's hireling contract (both in-game and in the DDO Store) now correctly lists Bless as one of his command bar spells.
  • The Level 5 rogue hireling Kelorn Gossinar had neglected to develop his Search skill. He has received training in this area, and will now be capable of locating traps and secret doors that had previously eluded him.


  • New ingredients bags are being introduced along with the new crafting system. To help them fit in better with current ingredients bags, the names of some current ingredient bags have been changed. In addition, some current ingredients bags have had their holding capacities increased.
  • Stacks of items in bags will now display the number of items that are bound to character and bound to account. When removed, bound to character items are removed first, along with a stack of unbound items. If there are no bound to character items, then bound to account items will be removed first, along with a stack of unbound items.
  • Bags which have items that bind to account are now able to be placed in shared banks. They now also say "Bound to Account by contained bound item" in the examination tooltip.
  • Melee death effects on items (and the rogue assassin enhancement) have been redesigned.
    • For targets with more than 1,000 hit points, vorpal no longer kills and instead hits the target for 100 points of bane damage. If a creature has less than 1,000 hit points, the vorpal effect is applied on a confirmed natural 20 as before.
    • Disruption, Banishing, and Smiting weapons have had their hit die caps and saving throws removed. These weapons now do 4d6 damage on a hit, and kill an eligible target on a confirmed vorpal hit (natural 20) if the target is below 1,000 hit points. If the target has more than 1,000 hit points, they will take 100 damage.
      • Weapons with the Greater Disruption effect deal 6d6 additional damage on any hit instead.
      • Greater Disruption Guard will apply its death effect with no saving throw at its previous percentage chance, but will not deal additional damage.
      • Banishing Fists will grant the vorpal banishing effect to unarmed attacks, but will not do an additional 4d6 damage.
  • Shields now use a player's full strength bonus on a shield bash, and also use a player's enhancement bonus to-hit and damage.
  • Adamantine shields now correctly bypass adamantine damage reduction when shield bashing. Mithral shields now bypass both silver and mithral damage reduction.
  • Bards, Favored Souls, and Sorcerers will receive two potions that grant them free spell swaps for one in-game hour each.
  • Epic scroll distribution now appears in party chat, rather than general chat.
  • The description text for blue augment crystals now states that they should only be slotted into items with a maximum dexterity bonus.
  • The effective time for some potions can now be added cumulatively if the same kind of potion is used again. This includes Experience Elixirs, Guild Renown Elixirs, and Jewels of Fortune. Additionally, the timer on these potions will be paused when players consume a similar potion with a higher bonus (for example, if a player activates a +10% XP elixir, then consumes a +20% XP elixer, the timer on the +10% elixir will be paused until the +20% elixir expires.)
  • The description for XP Potions now indicate that the potions are self-only.
  • Using non-harmful potions while stealthed will no longer break stealth.
  • Using non-harmful potions will no longer break toggle-able feats, such as combat stances.
  • A recipe to add Protection +5 and take off a redundant Dexterity +6 property on the Epic Ring of the Buccaneer has been added to the Stone of Change.
  • The Bold Trinket’s +2 Seeker property will now apply to stacking critical damage, in addition to its stacking critical confirmation bonus.
  • The Level 20 Ornamental Dagger is now exclusive. Players who have several of these items in their inventories will find them drained off all charges when equipped (and after resting.) This can be averted if players place the extra daggers into their banks.
  • The Enervation effect on the Dreamspitter and Staff of the Shadow once again occurs on all critical hits.
  • The Greater Poison Guard from the Epic Envenomed Cloak now has the proper DC (28 Fortitude), and deals the proper ability damage on a failed save (2d6 Strength.)
  • The Epic Telekinetic ability on the Epic Sirroco and Epic Whirlwind now takes effect on all critical hits.
  • The Shocking Blow property from the Charged Gauntlets now stacks with the Stone Prison property from the Stonedust Handwraps when fighting unarmed.
  • The Sorcerer Elemental Savant set bonuses from Tower of Despair items now apply their third tier effects, which are accessible if a character has taken the third tier of an Elemental Savant Prestige Enhancement line. The bonuses will increase the caster level of spells from a player's chosen Savant element by an additional +2.
  • The Righteousness weapon enchantment now turns a weapon "Good" for damage reduction purposes.
  • The Twinblade has returned to the treasure table.
  • The Anthem effect for the Stormsinger Cloak has been fixed.
  • The Bloodstone magical item from the Menechtarun desert has been renamed "The Blood Stone", and now has a unique icon.
  • Gust of Wind and Cyclonic Blast scrolls now drop in treasure.
  • Greensteel weapons that had both Icy Burst and Frost abilities, but lost their Frost ability, now possess it again.
  • Small Guild Augment Gems of Reaction will now give a bonus to reflex saves versus evocation spells instead of a bonus to reflex saves versus enchantment spells.
  • The "Unhollowed Scarab" was found to have always been quite solid, not to mention very unholy, so it has been renamed the "Unhallowed Scarab" instead.
  • Eternal wands have been upgraded.


  • Many creatures have had their immunities and resistances lowered or removed on Casual and Normal difficulty modes.
  • Monsters that randomly target players will not lock onto a player who successfully uses their Intimidate skill until the monster's next round of evaluation.
  • Stone golems will now throw rocks at players from time to time.
  • Mariliths, hezrous, and jariliths no longer have energy resistance to acid.
  • Thaarak hounds no longer have resistance to electricity.
  • Golems are now slightly vulnerable to most forms of damaging magic, instead of being immune.
  • Tieflings no longer have resistance to cold.
  • A fire elemental's Aura of Flame should no longer occasionally "stick" to players when they leave a dungeon.


  • Fixed a problem where Lockania would sometimes not progress the Mark of the Dragon quest after dragonmark training.
  • The salesman in the Airship Showroom now correctly opens the DDO Store to Astral Diamonds.
  • The sorceress Misty, who used to handle epic trades, is missing from her perch outside of the Tower of The Twelve. The skilled conjurers of The Twelve have summoned a magma para-elemental named Lahar to assist adventurers until the mystery of Misty's disappearance is solved. Lahar is also now offering the barter UI for easier shopping.

Quest & Adventure Area Changes[edit]

General Quest & Adventure Area Changes[edit]

  • Players are now able to add an effect to their character that gives them a chance to earn additional slayer points when they kill a monster in a Wilderness area.
  • A floaty text now displays when a player gets a bonus slayer kill due to a buff or world bonus.
  • Non-boss monster hit points have been reduced, and saving throws have been increased, in Epic difficulty quests.
  • The quest panel now shows the proper information when re-entering a quest after having a hireling in the party.

Harbinger of Madness[edit]

The Streets of Saltire[edit]
  • The designers recommend playing this quest alone, in the dark, with your headphones on!

Attack on Stormreach: Stormreach Strikes Back[edit]

Blockade Buster[edit]
  • Ladders have been removed from the mine bays of the ships.
  • The optional Xp for "Poisoning the Well" has been lowered.

Devil Assault[edit]

The Chronoscope[edit]
  • After completing the Chronoscope, Nolan Gann now properly references the /quest command as a way to check on the raid timer.
  • Bearded devils now have text dialog.
  • Nelle Gann's name is now spelled correctly in the quest journal.
  • Several typos have been corrected in Nolan Gann's dialogue.

Gianthold Tor[edit]

Reaver's Bane[edit]
  • A text error in Crag's dialogue has been corrected.

Menechtarun Desert[edit]

  • The rainy season has ended.


Desecrated Temple of Vol[edit]
  • Several columns that were occasionally causing monsters to get stuck have been removed.

Phiarlan Carnival[edit]

  • The stage's backdrop has been fixed.

Reaver's Refuge[edit]

Eerie Forest[edit]
  • The explorer quest objective is now completable.
Soami Gardens[edit]
  • The explorer quest objective is now completable.

Relic of a Sovereign Past[edit]

  • Mysteriously, Galrias the Smith was not using adamantine to craft the Nightforge Gorget, Nightforge Armbands, and Nightforge Darkhelm, and was instead using steel. He has been caught red-handed, and will now use the proper material (adamantine) when crafting these items.

Sorrowdusk Isle[edit]

The Sanctum: Church of the Fury[edit]
  • Added audio and visual cues when the puzzle is solved.

The Tower of the Twelve[edit]

  • A stuck spot in the Hall of Planes has been fixed.


  • Corrected an animation error that caused a half-orc's forward run animation speed to not scale with their actual speed.

Skills, Feats, and Abilities[edit]


  • Animations have been added to Diplomacy and Intimidate if you are not in the middle of other animations. These animations do not prevent other actions.
  • All three social skills can be used on any creature that possesses any level of intelligence, rather than being restricted to creatures that speak common. Completely unintelligent monsters such as golems, some undead, and vermin, are still immune to social manipulation.
  • The cooldowns for Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate have been increased to 15 seconds.
  • The shared cooldown for Half-Elven Social Graces has been increased to 60 seconds.
  • Bluff
    • The bluff skill is now faster to activate, and grants a short duration reduction in threat generation. Repeated bluffs now increment the DC by 1 instead of 4.
    • The sneak attack vulnerability applied by a successful bluff attempt is no longer removed on damage, and now renders the target vulnerable to sneak attacks for 4 seconds.
  • Diplomacy
    • The diplomacy skill now reduces a player's threat with affected creatures, in addition to the skill's prior behavior. A greater percentage of threat is removed depending on a player's diplomacy score.
  • Intimidate
    • A successful use of the intimidate skill now sets a player's threat with a monster equal to the highest threat opponent, plus a small buffer based on a player's size-modified intimidate skill. The player gains a +50% threat multiplier to all attacks (melee, ranged, and spells) for a short period after successful intimidation. Intimidate now has a 15 second cooldown, but players will no longer automatically lose the monster's aggro after six seconds.
    • When using a shield, intimidate will get a longer lasting and more effective threat multiplier applied.

Feat Changes[edit]

  • Great Cleave will no longer pause a player's attack cycle. Cleave will also now work with glancing blows from two-handed weapons, and exotic weapons like bastard swords and dwarven axes.
  • Improved Shield Bash now grants a 20% chance to make a secondary shield bash while attacking with a melee weapon.
  • Shield Mastery's feat benefit has been changed to, "You are now skilled with the use of a shield, and your physical damage vulnerability is decreased by 10% when using a buckler or small shield, 15% when using a large shield, or 20% when using a tower shield."
  • Improved Shield Mastery's feat has been changed to, "You are exceptionally skilled with the use of a shield, and your physical damage vulnerability is decreased by an additional 5% when using a shield, for a total of 15% when using a buckler or small shield, 20% when using a large shield, or 25% when using a tower shield."
  • Feats that generate spells will now correctly apply a caster's level to them.
  • Karmic Strike's finisher no longer leaves a monk helpless. The effect has been changed to, "Fire-Dark-Fire Finisher - You have learned to strike at the moment your opponent is the most vulnerable - the same moment your opponent strikes you. This attack is guaranteed to produce critical threat if it hits, but costs 20 hit points to perform."
  • Monks can now take the Stunning Fist feat using normal feat slots (instead of being restricted to "special monk feats"), and it can be respecced freely by Fred.
  • Half-elf Rogue Dilettante can now be used as a prerequisite for the Improved Feint feat.
  • Ranger Favored Enemy Feats are now auto-expanded with the rest of the feats in the character panel.

New Feats[edit]

  • Shuriken Expertise
    • Prereqs: Requires one of: Dexterity 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Shuriken, or Half-Elf Dilettante: Monk
    • Benefit: You are skilled with the use of the shuriken, and have a chance to throw an additional shuriken per throw. The percent chance to throw an additional shuriken is equal to your Dexterity.
    • Special: Automatically granted to Drow characters at level one. Monks may select this feat at levels 1, 2, or 6 as a selected martial arts class feat.

Enhancement Changes[edit]

  • Many class-specific spell modifying enhancements have been removed, and replaced with more generic enhancements.
  • All sorcerer and wizard damage amplification, spell critical chance, and spell critical multiplier enhancements have been removed.
  • Mountain Stance III and IV now also increase the critical multiplier of monk weapons (and unarmed combat) by 1 on rolled of a natural 19 or 20.
  • Shintao Monk and Monk Ninja Spy now have unique icons.
  • Shintao Monk's Jade Strike now shows appropriate particle effects when applied.
  • The Way of the Elegant Crane monk enhancement line now gives a static -2 penalty to Fortitude saves, instead of varying from -1 through -4.
  • Ranger Deepwood Sniper I now extends a player's point blank shot and sneak attack range by 10 meters, bringing the range to a base of 25 meters.
  • Pale Master undead Shrouds now take double damage from light damage effects unless otherwise noted. Additionally, since they are undead, players will crumble to dust if incapacitated rather than "bleed out."
  • The toggles for Pale Master Shrouds no longer appear to be active after being removed by resting.
  • Pale Masters in undead form are now fully immune to death ward and mass death ward.
  • The aura for a Pale Master's undead form has a new look.
  • Shroud of the Wraith has been reduced in cost to 1 AP.
  • Shroud of the Lich's prerequisites have been changed to: Level 18 Wizard, Wizard Pale Master III, Toughness, 66 Action Points spent. Any characters that currently possess Shroud of the Lich will possess Shroud of the Vampire, which replaced it at level 12.
  • Hunter of the Dead III's Radiant Blast effect now functions as expected on undead struck by a "vorpal" attack.
  • Brute Fighting can now be used while raging.
  • The text for a rogue Assassin's successful vorpal attack has been changed to state "Vorpal Death Strike" in the combat log.
  • The Fire Shield Archmage spell-like ability will now allow you to cast both of its versions - fire and cold. The enhancement has sub-enhancements that must be dragged separately to a hotbar to use, much like the Archmage Resist Energy and Protection from Energy spell-like abilities.
  • Archmage's Evocation I Magic Missile spell point cost has been increased to 2 sp.
  • Archmage's Evocation III Chain Missile spell point cost has been increased to 10 sp, and its cooldown increased to 8 seconds.
  • The wizard Archmage II Arcane Bolt spell point cost has been increased to 2 sp.
  • The wizard Archmage IV Arcane Blast spell point cost has been increased to 6 sp, and its cooldown increased to 8 sp.
  • Orcish Fury will now properly apply to a Half-Orc that is raised from the dead.
  • Each tier of Elven Arcanum now gives 20 spell points and +1 spell penetration. The wizard level of requirement for Elven Arcanum III has been corrected, and the wizard level requirement of Elven Arcanum IV has been raised to require eight levels of wizard. The enhancement line is now as follows:
    • Elven Arcanum I
      • Cost: 1 Ap
      • Prereqs: Level 1 Elf, Level 1 Wizard
      • Benefit: Grants elven wizards a 20 point increase to spell points and +1 Spell Penetration. This enhancement requires at least one level of wizard.
    • Elven Arcanum II
      • Cost: 2 AP
      • Prereqs: Level 5 Elf, Level 2 Wizard, Elven Arcanum I
      • Benefit: Grants elven wizards an additional 20 spell points, bringing the total increase to 40, and an additional +1 to Spell Penetration, bringing the total bonus to +2. This enhancement requires at least two levels of wizard.
    • Elven Arcanum III
      • Cost: 3 AP
      • Prereqs: Level 9 Elf, Level 4 Wizard, Elven Arcanum II
      • Benefit: Grants elven wizards an additional 20 spell points, bringing the total increase to 60, and an additional +1 to Spell Penetration, bringing the total bonus to +3. This enhancement requires at least four levels of wizard.
    • Elven Arcanum IV
      • Cost: 4 AP
      • Prereqs: Level 13 Elf, Level 8 Wizard, Elven Arcanum III
      • Benefit: Grants elven wizards an additional 20 spell points, bringing the total increase to 80, and an additional +1 to Spell Penetration, bringing the total bonus to +4. This enhancement requires at least eight levels of wizard.

New Enhancements[edit]

  • Shroud of the Zombie
    • Prerequisites: Wizard Level 6, Wizard Pale Master I
    • Benefit: You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many traits of a zombie. While in this form, you hunger for brains, and gain +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma, and Damage Reduction 5/Slashing. Your unarmed damage is increased by two die steps, but you attack 20% slower than normal. You have +100% critical hit resistance, are healed by negative energy, and are unaffected by positive energy or repair effects, but take double damage from light effects. You are considered undead rather than your original type for the purposes of most effects. This ability costs 25 spell points to activate.
  • Shroud of the Vampire
    • Prerequisites: Wizard Level 12, Wizard Pale Master II, Toughness
    • Benefit: You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many traits of a vampire. While in this form, you gain +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, and using your dominating powers, generate 25% less threat from spells and attacks, and +2 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells. When making unarmed attacks, you deal 1d6 Constitution damage from blood drain on critical hits. Your unarmed and melee attacks heal you for 1 point of negative energy damage. You have +100% critical hit resistance, are healed by negative energy, and are unaffected by positive energy or repair effects, but take quadruple damage from light effects. You are considered undead rather than your original type for the purposes of most effects. This ability costs 100 spell points to activate.
  • Acid Manipulation I
    • Prereqs: Level 1 Sorcerer or Wizard
    • Benefit: Grants a 20% increase to the damage of your acid spells.
  • Acid Manipulation II
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your acid spells, bringing the total increase to 25%.
  • Acid Manipulation III
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation II
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your acid spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
  • Acid Manipulation IV
    • Prereqs: Level 7 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation III
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your acid spells, bringing the total increase to 35%.
  • Acid Manipulation V
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation IV
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your acid spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
  • Acid Manipulation VI
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation V
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your acid spells, bringing the total increase to 45%.
  • Acid Manipulation VII
    • Prereqs: Level 13 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your acid spells, bringing the total increase to 50%.
  • Corrosive Spellcasting I
    • Prereqs: Level 2 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants a 4% chance for acid spells to generate a critical hit. (Base spell critical chance is 0%, and critical damage bonus is +50%)
  • Corrosive Spellcasting II
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation II, Corrosive Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Grants a 5% chance for acid spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Corrosive Spellcasting III
    • Prereqs: Level 8 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation III, Corrosive Spellcasting II
    • Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for acid spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Corrosive Spellcasting IV
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation IV, Corrosive Spellcasting III
    • Benefit: Grants a 7% chance for acid spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Corrosive Spellcasting V
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation V, Corrosive Spellcasting IV
    • Benefit: Grants a 8% chance for acid spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Corrosive Spellcasting VI
    • Prereqs: Level 17 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation VI, Corrosive Spellcasting V
    • Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for acid spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Deadly Acid I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation I, Corrosive Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Your acid spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 25%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +75%.
  • Deadly Acid II
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation II, Deadly Acid I
    • Benefit: Your acid spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +85%.
  • Deadly Acid III
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation III, Deadly Acid II
    • Benefit: Your acid spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +95%.
  • Deadly Acid IV
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation IV, Deadly Acid III
    • Benefit: Your acid spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +105%.
  • Deadly Acid V
    • Prereqs: Level 15 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation V, Deadly Acid IV
    • Benefit: Your acid spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +115%.
  • Deadly Acid VI
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer or Wizard, Acid Manipulation VI, Deadly Acid V
    • Benefit: Your acid spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +125%.
  • Frost Manipulation I
    • Prereqs: Level 1 Sorcerer or Wizard
    • Benefit: Grants a 20% increase to the damage of your cold spells.
  • Frost Manipulation II
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your cold spells, bringing the total increase to 25%.
  • Frost Manipulation III
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation II
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your cold spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
  • Frost Manipulation IV
    • Prereqs: Level 7 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation III
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your cold spells, bringing the total increase to 35%.
  • Frost Manipulation V
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation IV
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your cold spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
  • Frost Manipulation VI
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation V
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your cold spells, bringing the total increase to 45%.
  • Frost Manipulation VII
    • Prereqs: Level 13 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your cold spells, bringing the total increase to 50%.
  • Glacial Spellcasting I
    • Prereqs: Level 2 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants a 4% chance for cold spells to generate a critical hit. (Base spell critical chance is 0%, and critical damage bonus is +50%)
  • Glacial Spellcasting II
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation II, Glacial Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Grants a 5% chance for cold spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Glacial Spellcasting III
    • Prereqs: Level 8 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation III, Glacial Spellcasting II
    • Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for cold spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Glacial Spellcasting IV
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation IV, Glacial Spellcasting III
    • Benefit: Grants a 7% chance for cold spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Glacial Spellcasting V
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation V, Glacial Spellcasting IV
    • Benefit: Grants a 8% chance for cold spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Glacial Spellcasting VI
    • Prereqs: Level 17 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation VI, Glacial Spellcasting V
    • Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for cold spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Deadly Ice I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation I, Glacial Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Your cold spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 25%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +75%.
  • Deadly Ice II
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation II, Deadly Ice I
    • Benefit: Your cold spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +85%.
  • Deadly Ice III
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation III, Deadly Ice II
    • Benefit: Your cold spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +95%.
  • Deadly Ice IV
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation IV, Deadly Ice III
    • Benefit: Your cold spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +105%.
  • Deadly Ice V
    • Prereqs: Level 15 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation V, Deadly Ice IV
    • Benefit: Your cold spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +115%.
  • Deadly Ice VI
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer or Wizard, Frost Manipulation VI, Deadly Ice V
    • Benefit: Your cold spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +125%.
  • Flame Manipulation I
    • Prereqs: Level 1 Sorcerer or Wizard
    • Benefit: Grants a 20% increase to the damage of your fire spells.
  • Flame Manipulation II
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your fire spells, bringing the total increase to 25%.
  • Flame Manipulation III
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation II
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your fire spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
  • Flame Manipulation IV
    • Prereqs: Level 7 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation III
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your fire spells, bringing the total increase to 35%.
  • Flame Manipulation V
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation IV
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your fire spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
  • Flame Manipulation VI
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation V
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your fire spells, bringing the total increase to 45%.
  • Flame Manipulation VII
    • Prereqs: Level 13 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your fire spells, bringing the total increase to 50%.
  • Combustive Spellcasting I
    • Prereqs: Level 2 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants a 4% chance for fire spells to generate a critical hit. (Base spell critical chance is 0% and critical damage bonus is +50%)
  • Combustive Spellcasting II
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation II, Combustive Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Grants a 5% chance for fire spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Combustive Spellcasting III
    • Prereqs: Level 8 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation III, Combustive Spellcasting II
    • Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for fire spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Combustive Spellcasting IV
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation IV, Combustive Spellcasting III
    • Benefit: Grants a 7% chance for fire spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Combustive Spellcasting V
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation V, Combustive Spellcasting IV
    • Benefit: Grants a 8% chance for fire spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Combustive Spellcasting VI
    • Prereqs: Level 17 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation VI, Combustive Spellcasting V
    • Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for fire spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Deadly Flame I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation I, Combustive Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Your fire spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 25%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +75%.
  • Deadly Flame II
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation II, Deadly Flame I
    • Benefit: Your fire spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +85%.
  • Deadly Flame III
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation III, Deadly Flame II
    • Benefit: Your fire spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +95%.
  • Deadly Flame IV
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation IV, Deadly Flame III
    • Benefit: Your fire spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +105%.
  • Deadly Flame V
    • Prereqs: Level 15 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation V, Deadly Flame IV
    • Benefit: Your fire spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +115%.
  • Deadly Flame VI
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer or Wizard, Flame Manipulation VI, Deadly Flame V
    • Benefit: Your fire spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +125%.
  • Storm Manipulation I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard
    • Benefit: Grants a 20% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells.
  • Storm Manipulation II
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells, bringing the total increase to 25%.
  • Storm Manipulation III
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation II
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
  • Storm Manipulation IV
    • Prereqs: Level 7 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation III
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells, bringing the total increase to 35%.
  • Storm Manipulation V
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation IV
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
  • Storm Manipulation VI
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation V
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells, bringing the total increase to 45%.
  • Storm Manipulation VII
    • Prereqs: Level 13 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your electrical and sonic spells, bringing the total increase to 50%.
  • Charged Spellcasting I
    • Prereqs: Level 2 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants a 4% chance for electrical spells to generate a critical and sonic hit. (Base spell critical chance is 0% and critical damage bonus is +50%)
  • Charged Spellcasting II
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation II, Charged Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Grants a 5% chance for electrical and sonic spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Charged Spellcasting III
    • Prereqs: Level 8 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation III, Charged Spellcasting II
    • Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for electrical and sonic spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Charged Spellcasting IV
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation IV, Charged Spellcasting III
    • Benefit: Grants a 7% chance for electrical and sonic spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Charged Spellcasting V
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation V, Charged Spellcasting IV
    • Benefit: Grants a 8% chance for electrical and sonic spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Charged Spellcasting VI
    • Prereqs: Level 17 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation VI, Charged Spellcasting V
    • Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for electrical and sonic spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Deadly Shocks I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation I, Charged Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Your electrical and sonic spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 25%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +75%.
  • Deadly Shocks II
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation II, Deadly Shocks I
    • Benefit: Your electrical and sonic spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +85%.
  • Deadly Shocks III
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation III, Deadly Shocks II
    • Benefit: Your electrical and sonic spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +95%.
  • Deadly Shocks IV
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation IV, Deadly Shocks III
    • Benefit: Your electrical and sonic spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +105%.
  • Deadly Shocks V
    • Prereqs: Level 15 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation V, Deadly Shocks IV
    • Benefit: Your electrical and sonic spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +115%.
  • Deadly Shocks VI
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer or Wizard, Storm Manipulation VI, Deadly Shocks V
    • Benefit: Your electrical and sonic spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +125%.
  • Force Manipulation I
    • Prereqs: Level 2 Sorcerer or Wizard
    • Benefit: Grants a 20% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage.
  • Force Manipulation II
    • Prereqs: Level 4 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage, bringing the total increase to 25%.
  • Force Manipulation III
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation II
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage, bringing the total increase to 30%.
  • Force Manipulation IV
    • Prereqs: Level 8 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation III
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage, bringing the total increase to 35%.
  • Force Manipulation V
    • Prereqs: Level 10 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation IV
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage, bringing the total increase to 40%.
  • Force Manipulation VI
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage, bringing the total increase to 45%.
  • Force Manipulation VII
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage, bringing the total increase to 50%.
  • Kinetic Spellcasting I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants a 4% chance for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage to generate a critical hit. (Base spell critical chance is 0%, and critical damage bonus is +50%)
  • Kinetic Spellcasting II
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation II, Kinetic Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Grants a 5% chance for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage to generate a critical hit.
  • Kinetic Spellcasting III
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation III, Kinetic Spellcasting II
    • Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage to generate a critical hit.
  • Kinetic Spellcasting IV
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation IV, Kinetic Spellcasting III
    • Benefit: Grants a 7% chance for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage to generate a critical hit.
  • Kinetic Spellcasting V
    • Prereqs: Level 15 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation V, Kinetic Spellcasting IV
    • Benefit: Grants a 8% chance for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage to generate a critical hit.
  • Kinetic Spellcasting VI
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation VI, Kinetic Spellcasting V
    • Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage to generate a critical hit.
  • Deadly Kinetics I
    • Prereqs: Level 4 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation I, Kinetic Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Your spell critical multipliers for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage are increased by an additional 25%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +75%.
  • Deadly Kinetics II
    • Prereqs: Level 7 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation II, Deadly Kinetics I
    • Benefit: Your spell critical multipliers for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +85%.
  • Deadly Kinetics III
    • Prereqs: Level 10 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation III, Deadly Kinetics II
    • Benefit: Your spell critical multipliers for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +95%.
  • Deadly Kinetics IV
    • Prereqs: Level 13 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation IV, Deadly Kinetics III
    • Benefit: Your spell critical multipliers for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +105%.
  • Deadly Kinetics V
    • Prereqs: Level 16 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation V, Deadly Kinetics IV
    • Benefit: Your spell critical multipliers for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +115%.
  • Deadly Kinetics VI
    • Prereqs: Level 19 Sorcerer or Wizard, Force Manipulation VI, Deadly Kinetics V
    • Benefit: Your spell critical multipliers for force spells and spells that deal untyped or physical damage are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +125%.
  • Repair Manipulation I
    • Prereqs: Level 1 Sorcerer or Wizard
    • Benefit: Grants a 20% increase to the damage of your repair spells.
  • Repair Manipulation II
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your repair spells, bringing the total increase to 25%.
  • Repair Manipulation III
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation II
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your repair spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
  • Repair Manipulation IV
    • Prereqs: Level 7 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation III
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your repair spells, bringing the total increase to 35%.
  • Repair Manipulation V
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation IV
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your repair spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
  • Repair Manipulation VI
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation V
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your repair spells, bringing the total increase to 45%.
  • Repair Manipulation VII
    • Prereqs: Level 13 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation VI
    • Benefit: Grants an additional 5% increase to the damage of your repair spells, bringing the total increase to 50%.
  • Reconstructive Spellcasting I
    • Prereqs: Level 2 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation I
    • Benefit: Grants a 4% chance for repair spells to generate a critical hit. (Base spell critical chance is 0%, and critical damage bonus is +50%)
  • Reconstructive Spellcasting II
    • Prereqs: Level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation II, Reconstructive Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Grants a 5% chance for repair spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Reconstructive Spellcasting III
    • Prereqs: Level 8 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation III, Reconstructive Spellcasting II
    • Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for repair spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Reconstructive Spellcasting IV
    • Prereqs: Level 11 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation IV, Reconstructive Spellcasting III
    • Benefit: Grants a 7% chance for repair spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Reconstructive Spellcasting V
    • Prereqs: Level 14 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation V, Reconstructive Spellcasting IV
    • Benefit: Grants a 8% chance for repair spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Reconstructive Spellcasting VI
    • Prereqs: Level 17 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation VI, Reconstructive Spellcasting V
    • Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for repair spells to generate a critical hit.
  • Mighty Reconstruction I
    • Prereqs: Level 3 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation I, Reconstructive Spellcasting I
    • Benefit: Your repair spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 25%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +75%.
  • Mighty Reconstruction II
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation II, Mighty Reconstruction I
    • Benefit: Your repair spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +85%.
  • Mighty Reconstruction III
    • Prereqs: Level 9 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation III, Mighty Reconstruction II
    • Benefit: Your repair spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +95%.
  • Mighty Reconstruction IV
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation IV, Mighty Reconstruction III
    • Benefit: Your repair spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +105%.
  • Mighty Reconstruction V
    • Prereqs: Level 15 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation V, Mighty Reconstruction IV
    • Benefit: Your repair spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +115%.
  • Mighty Reconstruction VI
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer or Wizard, Repair Manipulation VI, Mighty Reconstruction V
    • Benefit: Your repair spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 10%, bringing your base critical damage bonus with these spells to +125%.

Prestige Enhancements[edit]

  • Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance I
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Favored Soul, Favored Soul Smiting II, Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II, and any one of the following: Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Heighten Spell, Spell Focus: Conjuration, or Spell Focus: Evocation
    • Cost: 4 AP
    • Benefit: Your faith is unwavering and your vengeance is swift. Enemies that strike you have a chance of suffering divine condemnation, rendering them vulnerable to divine attacks, and you project a 15 meter Aura of Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. You deal 20% additional damage with spells that deal physical or untyped damage, and can name an ally your 'Champion', transferring your Shield of Condemnation to them and damaging opponents that strike them in melee.
      • Shield of Condemnation
      • Benefit: Enemies that strike you have a chance of suffering divine condemnation, increasing their vulnerability to light and alignment-based damage by 20%, and decreasing their fortification by 10%. This debuff stacks up to 5 times, and is dispelled by Bless effects.
      • Name Champion
      • Benefit: You name an ally your Champion, who gains benefits from some of your Angel of Vengeance abilities. You can only have one Champion at a time, and it must be another player or a hireling in your party, or a monster which you have personally summoned.
      • Crown of Retribution
      • Benefit: You transfer your Shield of Condemnation to your Champion as long as they remain within your Aura of Menace. Enemies that strike your Champion while this is active also take 1d8+1 points of light damage from your divine wrath.
  • Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance II
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Favored Soul, Favored Soul Smiting III, Favored Soul Energy of the Scion III, Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance I, and any of: Silver Flame Exorcism, Unyielding Sovereignty, Undying Call, Bladesworn Transformation, or Vulkoor’s Avatar
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: Your wrath against those who stand against you continues to grow. Your Aura of Menace now lowers Spell Resistance by 2. You now deal 30% additional damage with spells that deal fire, physical, or untyped damage. You can summon a small lantern archon that hovers over your shoulder, attacking foes within your Aura of Menace with beams of light.
      • Summon Archon
      • Benefit: A small lantern archon hovers over your shoulder and attacks nearby enemies. This archon is indestructible, deals 1 to 3 + caster level light damage every 2 seconds, and uses your light amplification effects for its light beam attacks. The archon will only attack enemies that have already been damaged, and will not attack fascinated or mesmerized foes, and always attacks the enemy with the fewest hit points in range. All threat generated by the archon is applied to you. (Cost: 20 sp, Duration: 300 seconds)
  • Sorcerer Air Savant I
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Storm Manipulation III, Charged Spellcasting I, Deadly Shocks I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, or Least Dragonmark of Storm.
    • Cost: 4 AP
    • Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over lightning. You gain +2 caster levels when casting electrical and air spells, and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting acid or earth spells. You gain 5 points of electrical resistance and bypass 5 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Shocking Grasp spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
      • Inherant Shocking Grasp
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Shocking Grasp as a spell-like ability (Cost: 2 sp, 4 second cooldown)
  • Sorcerer Air Savant II
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant I, Storm Manipulation V, Charged Spellcasting III, Deadly Shocks III, and any one of Arcane Prodigy, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Focus: Evocation, or Lesser Dragonmark of Storm.
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air and electricity spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid and earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Electric Loop spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to electrical damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill, and have a permanent personal Featherfall toggle.
      • Inherent Electric Loop
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Electric Loop as a spell-like ability (Cost: 5 sp, 6 second cooldown)
      • Personal Featherfall Toggle
      • Benefit: You glide slowly through the air, taking no damage from normal falls. (At-Will)
      • Awaken Elemental Weakness: Electricity
      • Benefit: You are able to increase electrical damage to an enemy by 15%. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 second cooldown, 30 second duration, refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
  • Sorcerer Air Savant III
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant II, Storm Manipulation VII, Charged Spellcasting V, Deadly Shocks V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II, or Greater Dragonmark of Storm
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air or electrical spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid or earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 15 points, and you now bypass 15 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Lightning Bolt spell as a spell-like ability. You are now immune to most knockdown effects (but not slippery surfaces), can leap through the air with incredible grace, and an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
      • Inherent Lightning Bolt
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Lightning Bolt as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 8 sp, 8 second cooldown)
      • Wind Dance
      • Benefit: You leap through the air, propelled by a gust of wind. (Cost: 5 sp, Abundant Step effect, 6 second cooldown)
  • Sorcerer Earth Savant I
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Acid Manipulation III, Corrosive Spellcasting I, Deadly Acid I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell or Maximize Spell.
    • Cost: 4 AP
    • Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over acid. You gain +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells, and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting air or electricity spells. You gain 5 points of acid resistance and bypass 5 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast Acid Spray as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Balance skill.
      • Inherent Acid Spray
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Acid Spray as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 2 sp, 4 sec cooldown)
  • Sorcerer Earth Savant II
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Earth Savant I, Acid Manipulation V, Corrosive Spellcasting III, Deadly Acid III, and any one of Arcane Prodigy, Spell Focus: Conjuration or Spell Focus: Evocation.
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over acid. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your air and electricity spells. Your acid resistance grows to 10 points, and you now bypass 10 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast Melf's Acid Arrow as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to acid damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Balance skill, 10 additional hit points, and +2 stacking Natural Armor.
      • Inherent Melf's Acid Arrow
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Melf's Acid Arrow as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 5 sp, 6 sec cooldown)
      • Awaken Elemental Weakness: Acid
      • Benefit: You are able to increase acid damage to an enemy by 15%. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
  • Sorcerer Earth Savant III
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Earth Savant II, Acid Manipulation VII, Corrosive Spellcasting V, Deadly Acid V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over acid. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your air and electricity spells. Your acid resistance grows to 15 points, and you now bypass 15 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast Acid Blast as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to cause earthen hands to grab your opponent, rendering them helpless and dealing bludgeoning damage, and an additional +2 bonus to the Balance skill.
      • Inherent Acid Blast
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Acid Blast as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 10 sp, 8 second cooldown)
      • Earthgrab
      • Benefit: Earthen hands grasp your foe, rendering them helpless and dealing bludgeoning damage over time on a failed Reflex save (DC: 10 + Constitution modifier + Sorcerer level). (Cost: 15 sp, 15 second cooldown, 12 second duration)
  • Sorcerer Fire Savant I
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Flame Manipulation III, Combustive Spellcasting I, Deadly Flame I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell or Maximize Spell.
    • Cost: 4 AP
    • Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over flame. You gain +2 caster levels when casting fire spells and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting cold or water spells. You gain 5 points of fire resistance and bypass 5 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Burning Hands spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill.
      • Inherent Burning Hands
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Burning Hands as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 2 sp, 4 second cooldown)
  • Sorcerer Fire Savant II
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Fire Savant I, Flame Manipulation V, Combustive Spellcasting III, Deadly Flame III, and any one of Arcane Prodigy, Spell Focus: Conjuration or Spell Focus: Evocation.
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over flame. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting fire spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your cold and water spells. Your fire resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Scorch spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to fire damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill, and a permanent fire guard effect (deals 1d6 fire damage to opponents that strike you in melee).
      • Inherent Scorch
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Scorch as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 5 sp, 6 second cooldown)
      • Awaken Elemental Weakness: Fire
      • Benefit: You are able to increase fire damage to an enemy by 15%. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 second cooldown, 30 second duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
  • Sorcerer Fire Savant III
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Fire Savant II, Flame Manipulation VII, Combustive Spellcasting V, Deadly Flame V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over flame. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting fire spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your cold or water spells. Your fire resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Fireball spell as a spell-like ability. You gain the ability to raise the internal temperature of a living creature to a horrifying degree, and an additional +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill.
      • Inherent Fireball
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Fireball as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 10 sp, 8 second cooldown)
      • Heat Death
      • Benefit: You raise the internal temperature of a living target to lethal levels. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + Constitution Modifier + Sorcerer Level) or take 2000 points of fire damage as its blood (or other internal fluid) boils in a horrific manner. (Cost: 50 sp, 60 second cooldown)
  • Sorcerer Water Savant I
    • Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Frost Manipulation III, Glacial Spellcasting I, Deadly Ice I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell or Maximize Spell.
    • Cost: 4 AP
    • Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over ice. You gain +2 caster levels when casting cold spells, and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting fire spells. You gain 5 points of cold resistance and bypass 5 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Niac's Cold Ray spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Swim skill.
      • Inherent Niac's Cold Ray
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Niac's Cold Ray as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 2 sp, 4 second cooldown)
  • Sorcerer Water Savant II
    • Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Water Savant I, Frost Manipulation V, Glacial Spellcasting III, Deadly Ice III, and any one of Arcane Prodigy, Spell Focus: Conjuration or Spell Focus: Evocation.
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over ice. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting cold and water spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your fire spells. Your cold resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Snowball Swarm spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to cold damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Swim skill, and the ability to breathe water as if it were air.
      • Inherent Snowball Swarm
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Snowball Swarm as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 5 sp, 6 second cooldown)
      • Awaken Elemental Weakness: Cold
      • Benefit: You are able to increase cold damage to an enemy by 15%. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 second cooldown, 30 second duration, refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
  • Sorcerer Water Savant III
    • Prereqs: Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Water Savant II, Frost Manipulation VII, Glacial Spellcasting V, Deadly Ice V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    • Cost: 2 AP
    • Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over ice. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting cold or water spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your fire spells. Your cold resistance grows to 15 points, and you now bypass 15 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Frost Lance spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to attempt to lock an opponent in an Icy Prison, dealing cold damage and possibly freezing them in place, and an additional +2 bonus to the Swim skill.
      • Inherent Frost Lance
      • Benefit: You are able to cast Frost Lance as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 8 second cooldown)
      • Icy Prison
      • Benefit: You deal 500 cold damage to your opponent, with a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + Constitution Modifier + Sorcerer Level) for half damage, and an additional Reflex save or be encased in ice. Ice creatures are immune to this effect, and the target gets occasional saves to attempt to escape. (Cost: 25 sp, 60 second cooldown, 30 second duration)


General Spell Changes[edit]

  • Spells that fail due to a concentration check or arcane spell failure will no longer produce their associated spell effects (projectile, ray, etc.)
  • The visual effects for Death Aura have been replaced with updated effects.
  • New locations have been added to the Teleport spell. Players can now choose to go to the Stormreach Harbor, The Twelve, or the new Crafting Hall.
  • Cloudkill no longer damages creatures on entry.
  • Master's Touch should no longer stay on items placed into the Auction House.
  • The Stoneskin spell no longer caps at caster level 15.
  • Create Undead now allows players to summon one of three monsters; a wight priest, a dread wraith, or a mummy lord.
  • Camouflage's graphical effect on a character will fade after a short amount of time, while the effect of the spell remains for as long as its intended duration.
  • Dismiss Charm now works on Symbol of Persuasion.
  • The appearance of Stoneskin on a character has been changed.

Spell Balance Enhancements[edit]

To make casters more accessible at lower levels, and to balance the cost of spells based on the amount of damage they deliver, spell point costs have been modified, and a many spells have been made more useful!

  • DDO's spells previously had a standardized cost based on their level, but are now changed to match their comparative power.
    • The majority of this pass focuses on spells that do damage. Here are some general guidelines:
      • Single target damage spells have largely had their spell point cost lowered.
      • Lightning Bolt now features a double strike ability.
      • Fireball-type effects which rely on a reflex save have had their spell point cost lowered slightly.
      • Heal has had its spell point cost increased.
      • Trap spells (like Fire Trap, Delayed Blast Fireball, Gylphs, etc.) have had their spell point cost lowered, and their cooldown timers adjusted.
      • Debuff spells have largely had their spell point cost lowered.
      • Cloud-type spells have received some new debuff properties, details below.
      • Some crowd control effects with very short durations have had their spell point cost lowered, and their cooldown timers adjusted.
      • Crowd control effects with long durations have largely had their spell point cost and cooldown timers left unchanged.
      • Fear effects have largely had their spell point cost lowered.
      • Death effects now do more damage on a save.
  • Ray spells should now more reliably hit monsters that are moving laterally to the caster.
  • Ray spells and magic/force missile projectiles have had the speed of their projectiles increased.
  • Ray spells have had their range doubled.
  • Touch spells are now easier to apply to creatures.
  • Some cloud spells have had their casting animation time lowered.
  • Area of effect damage-over-time spells have been separated from single-target damage-over-time spells (for example, players can now cast Melf's Acid Arrow against someone standing in an Acid Fog.)
  • Players can now each have their own version of a single-target damage-over-time spell on a target, but area of effect damage-over-time spells are still shared. For example, two players can each have a copy of Melf's Acid Arrow on a target, and both will cause damage, but if both players cast Acid Fog on a target, only the most powerful of the clouds will take effect.
  • Adjustments have been made to numerous cooldowns:
    • Death effects have had their cooldowns increased. The increased cooldown for single-target death effect spells is not as long as area of effect death effect spells.
    • The various Power Word spells have had their cooldown timers increased, but their upper hit point caps have been removed.
    • Cooldown timers for spells cast by wizards, clerics, and favored souls have been brought closer to the cooldown timers of sorcerers.
    • Symbol spells have been organized into two cooldown groups:
      • Long: 80 seconds for wizards and clerics, 60 seconds for sorcerers. This includes Symbol of Death, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Persuasion, and Symbol of Fear.
      • Short: 40 seconds for wizards and clerics, 30 seconds for sorcerers. This includes Symbol of Flame, Symbol of Weakness, and Symbol of Pain.
  • Death effects have been adjusted to allow for the removal of many death immunities from the game.
    • Death spells now do more damage on a save, typically 2d6 per caster level.
  • Debuff spells which weaken will saves now scale with level.
    • Minor weaken effects start at -2 and increase to -4 by level 10, and last for 8 seconds.
    • Major weaken effects start at -2 and increase to -6 by level 20, and last for 12 seconds.
  • The metamagic Extend no longer applies to offensive spells. Reflective damage buffs like Fire Shield can still be Extended.
  • Clouds and long effect spells (like Acid Fog and Solid Fog) now last for 80 seconds (40+2 seconds every 2 levels.)
  • Cloud-type effects have been placed on a shared cooldown.
  • Durations for persistent object effects have been standardized. Cloud and other long-duration effects now last for 80 seconds (40 seconds + 2 seconds for every 2 levels.) Shorter-duration effects like Web and Wall of Fire now last for 30 seconds. The duration for summoning spells has not been changed.
  • The level 1 paladin spell Resistance now costs 5 sp, has a duration of 60 seconds per level, can be cast on other players, and grants a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th level.)
  • Hold Monster now costs 30 sp for wizards and sorcerers, 25 sp for bards.
  • Rage now costs 20 sp for wizards and sorcerers, 15 sp for bards.
  • Heighten can now be applied to the Contagion spell.
  • Many spells have had their spell point costs standardized for all classes:
    • Blindness now costs 10 sp.
    • Break Enchantment now costs 25 sp.
    • Cure & Inflict Light Wounds has had its cost dropped to 6 sp.
    • Cure & Inflict Light Wounds, Mass has been reduced in cost to 25 sp.
    • Cure & Inflict Moderate Wounds has been reduced to 8 sp.
    • Cure & Inflict Serious Wounds has had its cost reduced to 12 sp.
    • Cure & Inflict Critical Wounds has had its cost reduced to 16 sp.
    • Detect Secret Doors now costs 10 sp.
    • Dispel Magic now costs 15 sp.
    • Greater Dispel Magic now costs 30 sp.
    • Lesser Restoration has had its cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Otto's Resistible Dance now costs 10 sp.
    • Remove Curse now costs 20 sp.
    • Rage now costs 10 sp.
    • Seek Eternal Rest now costs 5 sp.
    • Shadow Walk now costs 30 sp.
    • Slow now costs 10 sp.
    • See Invisibility now costs 15 sp.
    • Hold Person now costs 15 sp.
  • Arcane Spell Adjustments:
  • Level 1
    • Acid Spray: Cost reduced to 4 sp.
    • Burning Hands: Cost reduced to 4 sp.
    • Cause Fear: Cost reduced to 6 SP. The hit dice cap has been removed. Necrotic energy now slightly slows the target's efforts to escape.
    • Chill Touch: Cost reduced to 4 sp.
    • Niac’s Cold Ray: Cost reduced to 4 sp. The range of the spell has been doubled, but can no longer be Enlarged.
    • Magic Missile: Cost reduced to 4 sp.
    • Hyponotism: The duration of the spell has been reduced to 6 seconds, and now lowers a target's will save by -3 for 15 seconds.
    • Repair Light Damage: Cost reduced to 6 sp.
    • Sleep: The hit dice cap has been removed. The DC to apply the spell's effect is now based on a comparison between the caster's level and the level of the target. Duration is now 20 seconds + 2 seconds per caster level.
    • Sonic Blast: Cost reduced to 4 sp. The range of the spell has been doubled, but cannot be Enlarged.
  • Level 2
    • Blindess: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Daze Monster: Cost reduced to 5 sp. The spell's hit dice limit has been removed. The cooldown is now 10 seconds, 8 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Hypnotic Pattern: The spell now applies a brief -3 will penalty to a creature when first entering the pattern.
    • Electric Loop: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Gust of Wind: Cost reduced to 5 sp.
    • Melf’s Acid Arrow: The spell now deals 2d4+1 per 2 caster levels in acid damage every 2 seconds, and lasts for 12 seconds. The range of the spell has been doubled, but can no longer be Enlarged.
    • Repair Moderate Damage: Cost reduced to 8 sp.
    • NEW - Scorch:
      • Evocation (Fire)
      • Components: V, S
      • Saving Throw: Reflex for half
      • Effect: A jet of roaring flame burst from your outstretched hand, dealing 5 to 8 fire damage per two caster levels (up to a maximum of 25 to 40 damage at caster level 10) to targets in its path. A successful reflex save reduces the damage by half. (D&D Dice: Deals 1d4+4 fire damage per two caster levels (max 5d4+20).
    • Scare: The spell's hit dice cap has been removed. Cost reduced to 10 sp. Duration has been reduced to 6d4 seconds. Necrotic energy now slightly slows the target's efforts to escape.
    • Scorching Ray: Cost is now 8 sp.
    • Touch of Idiocy: A target now suffers a -5 penalty to will saves for 15 seconds, in addition to the spell's previous effects. No saving throw applies to the will save penalty.
  • Level 3
    • Acid Ball: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Bestow Curse: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Fireball: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Chain Missile: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Frost Lance: Cost is now 10 sp.
    • Lightning Bolt: Cost reduced to 10 sp. Lightning Bolt now has a 50% chance to double strike every target it hits. A target gets one additional save.
    • Deep Slumber: The spell's hit dice cap has been removed. Duration has been set to 20 seconds + 2 seconds per caster level.
    • Ray of Exhaustion: Cost reduced to 8 sp.
    • Repair Serious Damage: Cost reduced to 12 sp.
    • Sleet storm: Cost is now 10 sp.
    • Suggestion: Duration has been changed to 30 seconds + 2 seconds per level.
  • Level 4
    • Acid Rain: Cost reduced to 15 sp. Damage and duration has been locked to 8 seconds, but the spell’s damage now progresses with level. The first tick of damage now has a reflex save. The description now reads:
      • "You create a storm that sends down a single torrent of caustic rain. Any creatures that are hit with the rain take 1 to 4 per caster level in acid damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 8 seconds. Damage progression caps at level 15 for 15 to 60 damage. D&D Dice: Deals 1d4 per caster level acid damage every 2 seconds, for 8 seconds."
    • Burning Blood: Cost updated to 10 sp. Cooldown is now 10 seconds. The tooltip now reads:
      • "You taint a living creature's blood with a hot, corrosive infusion, dealing acid damage for 2 to 4 + 1 per 2 caster levels and fire damage for 2 to 4 +1 per 2 caster levels every 2 seconds for a duration of 12 seconds."
    • Contagion: Cost reduced to 8 sp. Contagion diseases now do their damage twice as fast as normal diseases. Contagion slimy doom has been changed to 6 to 36 acid damage every 6 seconds.
    • Crushing Despair: Cost reduced to 20 sp, and all targets now suffer a -5 will save for 15 seconds regardless of whether a target makes their saving throw.
    • Fear: Cost reduced to 20 sp. Necrotic energy now slightly slows the target's efforts to escape.
    • Fire Trap: Cost reduced to 8 sp, now has a 30 second cool down (25 for sorcerers.) The spell now deals 4 to 6 damage per caster level, with a cap at level 20 of 80 to 120 damage.
    • Enervation: The range of the spell has been doubled, and can no longer be Enlarged. Negative energy levels reduce attacks, saves, and other affected rolls by -2.
    • Force Missile: Cost reduced to 8 sp.
    • Ice Storm: The spell now deals 1d6 cold damage + 1 per level, up to 10 levels, with an additional 2d6 of blunt damage. Force enhancement lines now work on this spell. The spell uses the highest enhancement line to determine additional damage, and does not allow multiple enhancement lines to affect the spell.
    • Phantasm Killer: Now does 1d3+1 bane damage per caster level to a target on a successful Fortitude save. Cooldown set to 8 seconds, 6 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Shout: Cost reduced to 8 sp. The casting animation is now faster.
    • Solid Fog: The spell now lowers the reflex save of foes inside of the area of effect by 5.
    • Stone Skin: The casting level cap has been removed.
    • Symbol of Fire: Cost reduced to 10 sp. Cooldown changed to 40 seconds, 30 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Wall of Fire: Affected creatures now get a reflex save to take half damage against the first tick of damage when they enter or pass through. The damage now scales up to level 15. If the creature stands in the wall of fire, they will take damage as normal and without a reflex save. The cost is 25 sp. Wall of fire now does 2d6 additional fire damage against undead creatures, instead of double damage.
  • Level 5
    • Ball Lightning: Cost reduced to 20 sp.
    • Cone of Cold: Cost reduced to 20 sp.
    • Dismiss: The target takes 4 to 6 points of damage per caster level on a successful saving throw.
    • Prismatic Ray: Cost is now 25 sp.
    • Waves of Fatigue: Cost is now 20 sp.
    • Symbol of Pain: Cost is now 15 sp.
    • Cyclonic Blast: Cost is now 15 sp. The spell now has a maximum level cap of 20, and can be affected by wizard and sorcerer force line enhancements.
    • NEW - Niac’s Biting Cold: Cost of 20 sp. Spell does 1d6+1 per level in cold damage, and has a duration of 16 seconds. Cooldown is 10 seconds. This damage over time spell can stack up to 3 times on a target, and can be Quickened, Enlarged, Empowered, or Maximized.
    • NEW – Eladar’s Electric Surge: Cost of 20 sp. Does 1d6+1 per level in electric damage, and has a duration of 16 seconds. Cooldown is 10 seconds. This damage over time spell can stack up to 3 times on the target, and can be Quickened, Enlarged, Empowered, or Maximized.
    • Waves of Fatigue: Cost is now 20 sp.
  • Level 6
    • Chain Lightning: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
    • Circle of Death: Now effects all targets regardless of hit dice. Cooldown is 30 seconds for wizards, 25 seconds for sorcerers. The description has been updated as follows:
      • "Rains dark energy into an area. Living Creatures are subject to a death effect; getting a reflex save and then a fortitude save to avoid death. Targets who succeed against the reflex save suffer no ill effect, but creatures who succeed against the fortitude save will still lose 1d4 energy levels."
    • Create Undead: The cooldown is now 12 seconds for sorcerers, 18 seconds for wizards.
    • Disintegrate: Cost reduced to 25 sp. The range of the spell has been doubled. The spell is also now affected by wizard and sorcerer force line enhancements.
    • Otiluke's Freezing Sphere: Cost reduced to 25 sp. The maximum casting level of the spell is now 20. Damage dice now scales up to 20d6 by level 20.
    • Mass Suggestion: The duration has been changed to 30 seconds + 2 seconds per level. Spell resistance now applies.
    • Undeath to Death: The hit dice cap has been removed. Undead in the area of effect must make a will save to negate the effect. The cooldown for wizards,clerics, and favored souls is now 30 seconds, 25 seconds for sorcerers.
  • Level 7
    • Banishment: The spell now does 4 to 6 damage per caster level to a target on a successful save. Cooldown has been increased to 15 seconds, 10 for sorcerers.
    • Delayed Blast Fireball: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
    • Delayed Blast Fireball Trap: Cost reduced to 12 sp. Cooldown has been increased to 15 seconds, 10 for sorcerers.
    • Finger of Death: The spell now deals 8 to 12 negative energy damage per caster level on a successful save. Cooldown is now 8 seconds, 6 for sorcerers.
    • Power Word: Blind: Cost reduced to 10 sp. Upper hit point cap has been removed. The spell now blinds a target for at least 6+6d4 seconds. This effect now lasts on players for 4+1d6 seconds in all situations. Cooldown is now 45 seconds for wizards, 30 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Hold Person, Mass: Spell is now affected by spell resistance.
    • Symbol of Weakness: Cost is now 20 sp.
    • Waves of Exhaustion: Cost is now 40 sp.
  • Level 8
    • Otto’s Irresistible Dance: The spell's duration against players has been reduced to 3d3+3 seconds.
    • Greater Shout: Cost is now 15 sp. The spell is now affected by Maximize and Empower. The casting animation is now faster.
    • Horrid Wilting: Cost reduced to 20 sp. The spell is now affected by wizard and sorcerer force line enhancements.
    • Sunburst: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
    • Incendiary cloud: The spell's damage has been increased to 2d4 + 1 per caster level, and the spell's reflex save to prevent damage has been replaced with a reflex save to prevent the spell's blindness effect, which now has a duration of 4d6 seconds. The cloud's fire damage will not stack with other fire effects like Wall of Fire, or another Incendiary Cloud, but a creature will instead suffer from the most powerful of the effects. Effects that extinguish Wall of Fire can now extinguish Incendiary Cloud. The casting animation has been made faster. The spell's duration is now 30 seconds. Player versions of this spell are now different from monster versions.
    • Power Word: Stun: Cost reduced to 10 sp. The spell's upper hit dice limit has been removed. The spell will now stun any target for at least 8 seconds, with no save. Players will now be stunned by this effect for 2+1d6 seconds. Cooldown is now 40 seconds, 30 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Symbol of Death: The spell's hit point cap has been removed. The spell now does energy drain damage, instead of requiring creatures to make a saving throw versus death. The cooldown is now 80 seconds for wizards, 60 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Polar Ray: Cost is now 20 sp.
  • Level 9
    • Wail of the Banshee: The spell now does 4 to 6 damage per caster level in negative energy damage on successful save. The cooldown is now 30 seconds, 25 seconds for sorcerers.
    • Hold Monster, Mass: The spell is now affected by spell resistance.
    • Energy Drain: The range of the spell has been doubled, but can no longer be Enlarged. The tool tip has been updated to correctly reflect that the penalty to a target is -2 instead of -1 per negative level.
    • Meteor Swarm: The spell is now affected by force enhancement lines. The spell uses the highest enhancement line, rather than stack with other lines.
    • Power Word: Kill: The upper hit point cap has been removed. In PvP, players will get a Fortitude save, and only face death if under 100 hit points. The cooldown is now 210 seconds for wizards, 180 seconds for sorcerers.
  • Divine Spell Adjustments
  • Level 1
    • Bane: Cost reduced to 4 sp.
    • Cause Fear: Cost reduced to 6 sp. The spell now also applies a snare effect.
    • Command: Cost is now 6 sp.
    • Cure Light Wounds: Cost reduced to 6 sp.
    • Divine Favor: The casting animation speed has been doubled.
    • Doom: Cost is now 4 sp.
    • Nimbus of Light: Cost reduced to 4 sp.
  • Level 2
    • Close Wounds: Cost is now 8 sp.
    • Cure Moderate Wounds: Cost is now 12 sp.
    • Deific Vengeance: Cost reduced to 6 sp.
  • Level 3
    • Bestow Curse: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Blindess: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Cure Serious Wounds: Cost is now 16 sp.
    • Glyph of Warding: Cost reduced to 6 sp. The cooldown has been increased to 15 seconds.
    • Searing Light: Cost reduced to 8 sp.
    • Contagion: Cost reduced to 8 sp.
      • Contagion diseases now do their damage twice as fast as normal diseases.
      • Contagion slimy doom has been changed to 6 to 36 acid damage every 6 seconds.
  • Level 4
    • Chaos Hammer: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Cure Critical Wounds: Cost is now 20 sp.
    • Dismiss: The spell now does 4 to 6 points of damage per caster level, even on a successful saving throw.
    • Holy Smite: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Order's Wrath: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Poison: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Divine Power: The casting animation speed has been doubled. Cost is 25 sp.
    • Symbol of Flame: Cost reduced to 10 sp.
    • Unholy Blight: Cost is now 15 sp.
    • Zeal: The spell's casting animation speed has been doubled for paladins.
  • Level 5
    • NEW - Divine Punishment: Cost is 25 sp. The spell deals 1d6 + 1 per caster level of light damage to a single target for 16 seconds. The cooldown is 10 seconds. This damage over time spell can be stacked up to three times on a target, doubling and then tripling damage.
    • Flame Strike: Cost reduced to 20 sp.
    • Slay Living: The spell now does 4 to 6 points of negative energy damage per caster level against a target on a successful will save. Cooldown is now 8 seconds.
    • Symbol of Pain: Cost reduced to 15 sp.
    • Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
    • Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
  • Level 6
    • Banishment: The spell now does 4 to 6 damage per caster level to a target on a successful save. Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.
    • Blade Barrier: The spell now has a faster casting animation.
    • Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
    • Heal: Cost increased to 40 sp.
    • Greater Glyph of Warding: Cost reduced to 12 sp. Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.
  • Level 7
    • Destruction: The spell now does more damage on a successful save. Cooldown is now 8 seconds. The tool tip now states:
      • "Raw destructive power is channeled to utterly annihilate an enemy, dealing 4 to 6 per caster level damage. Target is also subject to a death effect and will die without a successful Fortitude save. (D&D Dice: Kills one enemy or deals 4 to 6 per caster level damage on a successful save.)
  • Level 8
    • Firestorm: Cost reduced to 25 sp.
    • Symbol of Death: The spell no longer has a hit point cap limit, but now does energy drain damage instead of causing death. The cooldown is now 80 seconds.
  • Level 9
    • Implosion: A target now takes 4 to 6 per caster level in damage on a successful save.

UI Improvements[edit]

  • An item will now be displayed in whatever tab is open in the chat panel when a player hits Control+Right Click on the item.
  • "Requires one of" type requirements will now be consistently red when not met.
  • Effect icons are now displayed upon examination of players, monsters, NPCs and hirelings, rather than a list of effect descriptions. The examination tooltip now updates dynamically when effects are added or removed from a target, and timers will update in real-time as well. (Note that players can lock an examination window if they wish to keep an eye on something without it being a player's current target via the lock icon in the top left of the examination UI.)
  • Incorrect UI elements some players experienced with the Cauldron of Sora Katra are now fixed.
  • DM text will not show up again once a player has finished a dungeon, until that dungeon is restarted.
  • Search fields have been added to collectible, ingredient, and gem bags.
  • A search field has been added to the Adventures tab of the Adventure Compendium.
  • A search field has been added to the Cookie Jar.
  • The focus orbs for the five abishai cookies have been corrected.
  • A "buy now" button has been added to a personal bank if you have not purchased both bank slots.
  • Visbane's Folly and the Dreamforge now use the "barter" UI which premiered in the Mabar festival reward list.
  • When a bound stack meets an unbound stack in a bag (for example, an item looted from the game, and an item purchased from the DDO Store), the stacks combine to form a bound stack.

Other changes[edit]

  • When clearing a key from your keymap, if you do not remap that key (for example, remove R from autorun and do not assign any other key to R) the key no longer gets re-mapped to its default behavior the next time you log in.
  • The "alias" chat window command should now work as specified in the help text.
  • Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause a map to be rotated when displayed.
  • When a player teleports and is underwater the breath timer will reset. This will help players with slow load times not die when loading into underwater areas.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U9.0.0 release notes on

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