Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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In development

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Here we list all references to upcoming changes, some are specific to particular updates, others are general.

  • When adding content always remember to link to the thread ({{Forums}}) or the quoted text ({{Quote}}) in order to verify the findings.
  • Brief information is placed in the Annual Quarterly Release Schedule (Green box).
  • Quotes are placed in the Next Release Information.
  • Next release is updated after each update becomes public.

Release schedule and calendar

  • Each year contains four quarterly periods: Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter.
    • Each quarterly period usually contains one or two updates.
Calendar of releases (edit)
YEAR Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 Update 66 Update 67 Update 68
2023 Update 58 Update 59 Update 60 U61 (VU) (R) Update 62 Update 63
Update 64 (R)
Update 65
2022 Update 53(R) Update 54 Update 55 (IoD) (R) Update 56 Update 57
2021 (R) Update 49 Update 50 (SSoSM) Update 51 Update 52
2020 Update 45 Update 46 Update 47 (R)(R)(R) U48 (FotF)
2019 U42 (MoS) (R) (R) Update 43 Update 44
2018 Update 38 Update 39 Update 40
Update 41
2017 Update 34 Update 35
Update 36 U37 (MoR) (R)(R)
2016 Update 30 Update 31 Update 32 Update 33 (SSG)
2015 Update 25 Update 26 Update 27
Update 28 Update 29
2014 Update 21
Update 22 Update 23
Update 24
2013 Update 17
Update 18 U19 (SC) Update 20
2012 Update 13 U14 (MotU)
Update 15 Update 16
  • bold - expansions
  • (R) - raid contents

Speculative info

Tharashk Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Deneith Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Scorpion Wraith enhancements • Kundarak Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Phiarlan Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Orien Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Jorasco Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Warforged Juggernaut enhancements • Cannith Dragonmark Heir enhancements • Dwarven Defender enhancements • Psion (speculation) • Kalashtar • Shavarath Epic Energy Cell • Kobold (speculation) • Dark-Sun • Mystical Band • Box of Many Things • Greater Chest of Many Things • Faded Memories of Past Rewards • Magic of Myth Drannor • Greater VIP Bag of Many Things • Crafting Material Token • Cormanthor Elves

2024 updates

Update 69

Update 69
  • New wilderness adventure area
  • 13 quests, levels 13/35
  • New raid coming in later patch

Update 68

Update 68

Update 67

Update 67
  • New adventure pack: Slice of Life (can be claimed for free until April 24th)

Update 66

Update 66

2023 updates

Update 65

Update 65

Update 64

Update 64
  • Legendary Chronoscope raid + new loot in Heroic version
  • Quality-of-life bug fixes

Update 63

Update 63
  • Illithid Invasion one-time event
  • Four new free Legendary quests

Update 62

Update 62

Update 61

Update 61

Update 60

Update 60
  • New Epic Destiny Tree added - Machrotechnic (Artificer)
  • Vecna Unleashed Pre-order opens

Update 59

Update 59

Update 58

Update 58

2022 updates

Update 57

Update 57

Released November 9th

Update 56

Update 56

Released August 31st

Update 55

Update 55

Released June 22nd

Update 54

Update 54

Released April 27th

Update 53

Update 53

Released February 24th

Developer quotes

  • These should originate from and reference to either the current or previous year for relevance.
    • Developer quotes older than this are then moved to the Development archive - further below.

Development archive

See also