Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Update 53 Hotfix 1 Release Notes

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Here are the release notes for Update 53.0.1, released on Friday, February 25th, 2022.

News and Notes:[edit]


Dexterity is now properly applying to Reflex Saving Throws again.


The Cheap Shot Longbow no longer has a Haggle augment in a legacy augment slot.

Quests and Adventure Areas[edit]

The Anniversary Event

  • +Steelstar now consistently awards a star when defeated.
  • The Anniversary Djinn now responds properly when more than one person tries to talk to him at the same time.

Hunter and Hunted

  • The XP for Update 53's new quests have been updated.

Hunt or Be Hunted

  • The raid now awards its proper End Rewards.
  • The map can now be resized.

One Dame Thing After Another

  • The quest now has its proper rewards in its final chest.


  • Astral Shard turn-ins for 40 and 45 Astral Shards no longer has a misspelling.

Source: Official U53.0.1 release notes on

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