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Archmage enhancements

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Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Wizard Warlock

Falconry     ~     Feydark Illusionist     ~     Harper Agent     ~     Horizon Walker     ~     Inquisitive     ~     Vistani Knife Fighter


: Class/tree can be earned via favor. : Class/tree free to VIP or found in DDO Store. 1: Tree only available to a certain archetype. 2: Tree unavailable to a certain archetype.

Aasimar 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Dragonborn Drow Dwarf Eladrin *Requires any version of Magic of Myth Drannor, or free to VIP Elf / Wood Elf (& AA) Gnome
Half-Elf (& AA) Half-Orc Halfling Human Shifter 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tabaxi 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tiefling Warforged Free by turning in 400 Total favor per server 995 DP995 DDO Points
Bladeforged 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Chaosmancer *Requires ultimate edition of Magic of Myth Drannor Deep Gnome 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Morninglord 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points (& AA) PDK 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Razorclaw 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scoundrel 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scourge 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Shadar-kai 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Trailblazer 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points

Archmage enhancements[edit]

Archmage enhancements tree

For a discussion on which Archmage specializations are most useful, see Archmage specialization effectiveness.

Core abilities[edit]

Icon Enhancement Square Archmage Specialization.png
Archmage Specialization I: Choose a school to specialize in, gaining a Spell Like Ability from that school. In addition, each enhancement point spent in the Archmage tree grants +1 Spell Power to all spells and +2 to your Maximum Spell points.
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Abjuration 1.png Abjuration I: Shield: Spell Like Ability: Shield (Activation Cost: 1 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Conjuration 1.png Conjuration I: Grease: Spell Like Ability: Grease (Activation Cost: 1 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Enchantment 1.png Enchantment I: Hypnotism: Spell Like Ability: Hypnotism (Activation Cost: 1 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Evocation 1.png Evocation I: Magic Missile: Spell Like Ability: Magic Missile (Activation Cost: 2 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Illusion 1.png Illusion I: Invisibility: Spell Like Ability: Invisibility (Activation Cost: 1 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Necromancy 1.png Necromancy I: Chill Touch: Spell Like Ability: Chill Touch (Activation Cost: 2 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
Note: Does not share a cooldown with the Divine Disciple's Chill Touch SLA.
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Transmutation 1.png Transmutation I: Jump: Spell Like Ability: Jump (Activation Cost: 1 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Wizard Level 1
Icon Enhancement Octagonal Archmage Specialization.png
Archmage Specialization II: Gain a more powerful Spell-Like Ability from the school you have specialized in.
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Abjuration 2.png Abjuration II: Resist Energy: Spell Like Ability: Resist Energy (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Conjuration 2.png Conjuration II: Web: Spell Like Ability: Web (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Enchantment 2.png Enchantment II: Otto's Resistible Dance: Spell Like Ability: Otto's Resistible Dance (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Evocation 2.png Evocation II: Gust of Wind: Spell Like Ability: Gust of Wind (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Illusion 2.png Illusion II: Blur: Spell Like Ability: Blur (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Necromancy 2.png Necromancy II: Command Undead: Spell Like Ability: Command Undead (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Transmutation 2.png Transmutation II: Knock: Spell Like Ability: Knock (Activation Cost: 3 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Archmage Specialization I, Wizard Level 3
Icon Enhancement Octagonal Archmage Specialization.png
Archmage Specialization III: Gain a more powerful Spell-Like Ability from the school you have specialized in.
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Abjuration 3.png Abjuration III: Protection from Energy: Spell Like Ability: Protection from Energy (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Conjuration 3.png Conjuration III: Stinking Cloud: Spell Like Ability: Stinking Cloud (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 15 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Enchantment 3.png Enchantment III: Hold Person: Spell Like Ability: Hold Person (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Evocation 3.png Evocation III: Chain Missile: Spell Like Ability: Chain Missile (Activation Cost: 8 SP. Cooldown: 10 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Illusion 3.png Illusion III: Displacement: Spell Like Ability: Displacement (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Necromancy 3.png Necromancy III: Halt Undead: Spell Like Ability: Halt Undead (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Transmutation 3.png Transmutation III: Haste: Spell Like Ability: Haste (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Archmage Specialization II, Wizard Level 6
Icon Enhancement Square Archmage Specialization.png
Archmage Specialization IV: Passive: +1 to caster level and max caster level. Also, gain a more powerful Spell-Like Ability from the school you have specialized in.
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Abjuration 4.png Abjuration IV: Stoneskin: Spell Like Ability: Stoneskin (Activation Cost: 10 SP. Cooldown: 15 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Conjuration 4.png Conjuration IV: Dimension Door: Spell Like Ability: Dimension Door (Activation Cost: 10 SP. Cooldown: 15 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Enchantment 4.png Enchantment IV: Charm Monster: Spell Like Ability: Charm Monster (Activation Cost: 10 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Evocation 4.png Evocation IV: Fire Shield: Spell Like Ability: Fire Shield (Activation Cost: 6 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Illusion 4.png Illusion IV: Phantasmal Killer: Spell Like Ability: Phantasmal Killer (Activation Cost: 10 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Necromancy 4.png Necromancy IV: Enervation: Spell Like Ability: Enervation (Activation Cost: 10 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Transmutation 4.png Transmutation IV: Stone to Flesh: Spell Like Ability: Stone to Flesh (Activation Cost: 10 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Archmage Specialization III, Wizard Level 12
Icon Enhancement Square Archmage Specialization.png
Archmage Specialization V: Passive: +1 to caster level and max caster level. Also, gain a more powerful Spell-Like Ability from the school you have specialized in.
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Abjuration 5.png Abjuration V: Dismissal: Spell Like Ability: Dismissal (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Conjuration 5.png Conjuration V: Cloudkill: Spell Like Ability: Cloudkill (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 15 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Enchantment 5.png Enchantment V: Hold Monster: Spell Like Ability: Hold Monster (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Evocation 5.png Evocation V: Cyclonic Blast: Spell Like Ability: Cyclonic Blast (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 8 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Illusion 5.png Illusion V: Shadow Walk: Spell Like Ability: Shadow Walk (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Necromancy 5.png Necromancy V: Waves of Fatigue: Spell Like Ability: Waves of Fatigue (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
  • Icon Enhancement Archmange Transmutation 5.png Transmutation V: Flesh to Stone: Spell Like Ability: Flesh to Stone (Activation Cost: 15 SP. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Archmage Specialization IV, Wizard Level 18
Icon Enhancement Master of Magic.png
Master of Magic: Through extensive training and countless hours of study, you have mastered the application of metamagic feats to your spells. You gain +4 Intelligence, +20 Universal Spell Power, +5 Spellcraft, and all metamagic feats cost 1 fewer spell point to use. (Heighten Spell costs 1 fewer spell point per level of heightening.)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Archmage Specialization V, Wizard Level 20

Summary of Core SLAs:

Core / School Abjuration Conjuration Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy Transmutation
Specialization I Shield Grease Hypnotism Magic Missile Invisibility Chill Touch Jump
Specialization II Resist Energy Web Otto's Resistible Dance Gust of Wind Blur Command Undead Knock
Specialization III Protection from Energy Stinking Cloud Hold Person Chain Missile Displacement Halt Undead Haste
Specialization IV Stoneskin Dimension Door Charm Monster Fire Shield Phantasmal Killer Enervation Stone to Flesh
Specialization V Dismissal Cloudkill Hold Monster Cyclonic Blast Shadow Walk Waves of Fatigue Flesh to Stone

Tier One[edit]

Requires Archmage Specialization I, Wizard level 1

Icon Enhancement Subtle Spellcasting.png
Subtle Spellcasting: Your damaging spells generate 10%/20%/30% less hate than they normally would, making enemies less likely to attack you.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Spell Points.png
Energy of the Scholar: Your studies have increased your maximum Spell Points by an additional 30/60/100.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Traditionalist Caster.png
Traditionalist Caster: +3/+6/+10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or Staff.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Wizard Spell Critical.png
Spell Critical:Elemental and Force I: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Force and Untyped damage spells have an additional 1% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Wand Heightening.png
Wand and Scroll Mastery: +25%/+50%/+75% effectiveness from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +1/+3/+6 to the save DC of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires Wizard Level 2, 5 APs spent on tree

Icon Enhancement Efficient Metamagic.png
Efficient Metamagic: Choose another Metamagic feat. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2), The Metamagic Feat you are improving
Icon Enhancement Efficient Metamagic.png
Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Empower.png Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Enlarge.png Efficient Enlarge: Using the Enlarge Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Maximize.png Efficient Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Quicken.png Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: The Metamagic Feat you are improving
Icon Enhancement Efficient Metamagic.png
Efficient Metamagic: Choose another Metamagic feat. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2), The Metamagic Feat you are improving
Icon Enhancement Wizard Spell Critical.png
Spell Critical: Elemental and Force II: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Force and Untyped damage spells have an additional 1% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force I

Tier Three[edit]

Requires Wizard Level 3, 10 APs spent on tree

Icon Enhancement Arcane Bolt.png
Arcane Bolt: Spell Like Ability: Arcane Bolt (Activation Cost: 8/6/4 Spell Points. Cooldown: 15/10/5 seconds)
Scale with 100% Spell Power.
Allowed metamagic: Maximize, Empower, Quicken, and Heighten.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Feat Spell Penetration.png
Spell Penetration: You add +1 to your Caster Level check to overcome an enemy's Spell Resistance.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Wizard Spell Critical.png
Spell Critical: Elemental and Force III: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Force and Untyped damage spells have an additional 2% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force II
Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires Wizard Level 4, 20 APs spent on tree

Icon Enhancement Efficient Heighten.png
Efficient Heighten: Using the Heighten Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2 fewer Spell Points per heightened level.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 2 Progression: 20 Requires: Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2), Heighten Spell
Icon Enhancement School Mastery.png
School Mastery: You have attained mastery in the school of magic that you specialize in. The DC of spells you cast from that school are increased by 1.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Abjuration Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Abjuration: You have trained extensively in Abjuration magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Conjuration Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Conjuration: You have trained extensively in Conjuration magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Enchantment Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Enchantment: You have trained extensively in Enchantment magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Evocation Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Evocation: You have trained extensively in Evocation magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Illusion Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Illusion: You have trained extensively in Illusion magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Necromancy Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Necromancy: You have trained extensively in Necromancy magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Transmutation Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Transmutation: You have trained extensively in Transmutation magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Archmage Specialization of the spellschool you are improving
Icon Enhancement Wizard Spell Critical.png
Spell Critical: Elemental and Force IV: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Force and Untyped damage spells have an additional 2% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force III
Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Intelligence (Tier 3)

Tier Five[edit]

Requires Wizard Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Arcane Blast.png
Arcane Blast: Spell Like Ability: Arcane Blast. (Activation Cost: 12/8/6 Spell Points. Cooldown: 18/12/6 seconds.)
You fire a ball of raw energy from your hand that explodes on contact with its target, dealing 5 to 11 hit points of force damage per caster level to all within its radius. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. This ability counts as a level 4 Wizard spell. Scale with 100% Spell Power and benefits from the highest of your spell schools.
Allowed metamagic: Maximize, Empower, Quicken, and Heighten.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires: Arcane Bolt
Icon Enhancement Arcane Supremacy.png
Arcane Supremacy: Your offensive spells gain a 10% chance to trigger Arcane Supremacy.
Arcane Supremacy: +25% Spell Critical Chance, +100% Spell Critical Damage. 12 seconds duration. This effect may trigger only once every 90 seconds.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Icon Enhancement School Mastery 2.png
School Mastery II: You have attained new levels of mastery in the school of magic that you specialize in. The DC of spells you cast from that school are increased by an additional 1.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Abjuration Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Abjuration: You have trained extensively in Abjuration magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Conjuration Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Conjuration: You have trained extensively in Conjuration magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Enchantment Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Enchantment: You have trained extensively in Enchantment magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Evocation Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Evocation: You have trained extensively in Evocation magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Illusion Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Illusion: You have trained extensively in Illusion magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Necromancy Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Necromancy: You have trained extensively in Necromancy magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Transmutation Focus.png Primary Spell Focus: Transmutation: You have trained extensively in Transmutation magic, granting an additional +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school (for a total of +2).
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: School Mastery
Icon Enhancement Secondary School Mastery.png
Secondary School Mastery: Select one of the spell schools you are not specialized in. The DC of spells you cast from that school are increased by 1.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Abjuration Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Abjuration: You have trained extensively in Abjuration magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Conjuration Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Conjuration: You have trained extensively in Conjuration magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Enchantment Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Enchantment: You have trained extensively in Enchantment magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Evocation Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Evocation: You have trained extensively in Evocation magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Illusion Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Illusion: You have trained extensively in Illusion magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Necromancy Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Necromancy: You have trained extensively in Necromancy magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
  • Icon Enhancement Primary Transmutation Focus.png Secondary Spell Focus: Transmutation: You have trained extensively in Transmutation magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: School Mastery II

See also[edit]