Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Armor Orbs Cosmetic Weapons
Icon item armor cloth.png
Icon item armor light.png
Icon item armor medium.png
Icon item armor heavy.png
Icon item armor docent.png
Icon item cosmetic armor.png
Cosmetic Armor
Icon item cosmetic glamerdust.png
Icon item cosmetic ddostore.png
DDO Store
Icon item shield orb.png
Icon item cosmetic weapon.png
Cosmetic Weapons
Head Slot Back Slot Shields
Icon item clothing helm.png
Icon item cosmetic helm.png
Cosmetic Helms
Icon item clothing cloak.png
Icon ItemSlot Cosmetic Cloak.png
Cosmetic Cloaks
Icon item shield buckler.png
Icon item shield small.png
Icon item shield large.png
Icon item shield tower.png
Icon item cosmetic shield.png
Cosmetic Shields
One-handed Style
Club Light hammer Light mace Heavy mace Morningstar War hammer Kama
Dagger Rapier Short sword Light pick Heavy pick Bastard sword Khopesh
Kukri Sickle Long sword Scimitar Handaxe Battle axe Dwarven war axe
One-handed Style Throwing weapons
Throwing axe Throwing dagger Throwing hammer Dart Shuriken
Two-handed Style Great axe Style Quarterstaff Style
Great club Maul Falchion Great sword Great Axes Quarterstaffs
Crossbow Style Repeating Crossbow Style Bow Style
Heavy crossbow Light crossbow Great crossbow Repeating heavy crossbow Repeating light crossbow Long bow Short bow


The term "cosmetic" refers to only the appearance, not the function, of any item.

A character can show or hide the appearance of their armor, headware, goggles and cloak they are wearing. Named items have a fixed appearance, while randomly generated items will have an appearance assigned from a fixed pool of appearances (with some limitations).

Cosmetic Items allow one to customize the look of your characters armor, weapons, shields, cloak / back, hair, eyes.

These may be obtained from many sources: Mirror of Glamering, Quest rewards, Event rewards, Gold Daily Dice, purchase from the DDO Store, Ultimate and Collector's editions of expansion packs. or from certain NPCs.

Their are a few cosmetic items which have clicky type enchantments, otherwise all cosmetic items can not have any enchantments added to them. Any enchantments that were added by player or developer should be considered a bug and can be removed at any time with or without notice.

There are also various Mounts and Creature companions that have no effect on game play (except Mounts and there speed bonus) that can accompany your character.


Cosmetics Paper doll and Cosmetic Slots UI.png
(mouse-hover for pop-up)

To turn visibility on/off, open the Inventory screen, and click in the appropriate area - the head to cycle through helmet, goggles, both, or none, the body for armor/robe, and the knees for cloaks.

(Note that randomly generated cloaks that were looted previous to Update 40 (Oct 3, '18) will not have any cosmetic appearance attached to them, so will not be visible.)

There are also many items that are purely cosmetic, that can be placed in a "cosmetic slot" found in Inventory, below the above image, whose appearance will show regardless of what gear you are wearing. The appearance of these items can be turned on/off similarly to the above. These purely cosmetic items are expanded to include weapons.

Cosmetic slots[edit]

Cosmetic inventory slot Equips to: (from cosmetic description) Item type allowed
Cosmetic Headwear Cosmetic Headwear Helmets, Goggles (One or the other but not both at the same time)
Cosmetic Armor Cosmetic Armor Cloth, Light / Medium / Heavy Armor (Warforged Restricted), Docents (Warforged Only)
Cosmetic Cloak Cosmetic Cloak Cloaks
Cosmetic Primary Weapon Cosmetic Main Hand , Cosmetic Off Hand One Handed Weapon, Two Handed Weapon (occupies both weapon slots)
Cosmetic Secondary Weapon Cosmetic Off Hand One Handed Weapon, Two Handed Weapon (occupies both weapon slots), Shield, Orb

Cosmetic feats[edit]

Cosmetic Eyes, Footprints and Wings, such as Eyes of the Reaper and some special event rewards, are coded in game as Feats and accessed via the Feat UI and hotbar activation. These do not use slots on the inventory, but you are only allowed to have one feat of each type active at once.

Cosmetics chat command[edit]

You can use the chat window to type in commands that can effect your cosmetics without using the inventory screen or are exclusive to the chat window.

Command Usage Result
/gogglesup /gogglesup {on | off} Allows you to toggle the position of your Goggles. On puts them on your forehead, Off puts them over your eyes.
/sheathe /sheathe Appear to put weapon(s) and any shield away. (Any weapons/shield are still equipped, just no longer visible
in character's hands) until player attacks or interact with game world.
/showcloak /showcloak {on | off} Allows you to toggle the visibility of equipped Cloaks. On shows them, Off does not.
/showgoggles /showgoggles {on | off} Toggle your goggles graphic on and off.
/showhelmet /showhelmet {on | off} Toggle your helmet graphic on and off.


Character cosmetics[edit]

There is no separate storage system for cosmetic gear .

Cosmetic items can be stored in following locations: Character bank, Shared Bank, Character backpack.

Mount stable[edit]

Mounts are stored and selected through the Mount tab, appears the an horseshoe tab (forth tab) in all your characters inventory after the first mount is added.

  • Double-click the Mount Certificate to add them to your mount stable. (Bear this in mind before using a Mount Certificate on Hardcore - if you add the mount to your stable, it will be deleted at the end of the season.)
  • The stable is server-wide, available for all your characters on the server. The mount stable does NOT carry over with a character transfer, but unused Mount Certificates can be carried over on the transferring character.

Companion stable[edit]

Creature companions are stored and selected through the Companion Stable, appears the an Paw tab (third tab) in all your characters inventory.

  • Double-click the Creature companion to add them to your mount stable. (Bear this in mind before using a Creature companion Certificate on Hardcore - if you add the mount to your stable, it will be deleted at the end of the season.)
  • The stable is server-wide, available for all your characters on the server. The Creature companion stable does NOT carry over with a character transfer, but unused Creature companion Certificates can be carried over on the transferring character.
Features Mirror of Glamering • Glamered Weapon Aura • Hair dyes • Hair style tonics‎
Outfitters Aelonwy Maelodic • Cosmetic armor • Cosmetic armor (Glamerdust) • Cosmetic armor (DDO Store)‎
Cosmetic Feats Cosmetic Eyes • Eyes of the Reaper • Cosmetic Wings • Cosmetic Foot Prints
Browse Creature companions • Cosmetic shields‎ • Cosmetic weapons • Cosmetic armor kits • Glamered Armor • Glamered weapon auras • Mounts • Patron's Coffers • Variety of Robes