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Draconic incarnation.png
Draconic Incarnation
Magus of the Eclipse
Divine Crusader
Exalted angel.png
Exalted Angel
Unyielding sentinel.png
Unyielding Sentinel
Grandmaster of flowers.png
Grandmaster of Flowers
Legendary dreadnought.png
Legendary Dreadnought
Fury of the wild.png
Fury of the Wild
Primal avatar.png
Primal Avatar
Shiradi champion.png
Shiradi Champion


U61 Machrotechnic.png


The Machrotechnic wields the devastating power of both the lightning strike and the destructive sonic boom that follows. With mastery over arcane and mechanical devices, the Machrotechnic can wield a variety of devices to enhance themselves and their allies against harm or interfere with their foes.

Overview: Machrotechnic is an arcane Epic Destiny introduced with Update 60. Unlike other Epic Destinies it is not free - it can be purchased as part of any edition of the Vecna Unleashed expansion. Alternatively, it is now found in the DDO Store for 995 DP.

Lamannia preview: DDO Forums

Core abilities[edit]

Icon Armored Augmentation1.png
Maker's Touch: You gain the Magical Training feat.

Each core ability in this tree, including this one grants the following:

  • +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs
  • +15 Hit Points
  • +25 Spell Points
  • +5 Melee Power
  • +5 ranged Power
  • +5 Electric, Sonic, Rust, Repair and Universal Spell Power
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: None
Icon Armored Augmentation2.png
Metamagic Capacitors: +15% Fortification and +3 to each healing Amp. Your Rune Arms now benefit from the Maximize Spell, Empower Spell and Intensify Spell metamagics if you own those feats. This does not cost Spell Points, and you do not need the Feats toggled on to gain their effects on Rune Arms.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Armored Augmentation, Level 23
Icon Armored Augmentation3.png
Warding Inscriptions: +15% Fortification and +3 to each Healing Amp. Your Ablative Armor spell now blocks 20 points of damage per caster level with no cap.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Armored Augmentation, Level 26
Icon Armored Augmentation4.png
Armored Augmentation: +15% Fortification and +3 to each Healing Amp. +15% Exceptional Bonus to Armor Class. Your caster level with Runearm shots now factors in bonuses from your Epic Knowledge and Legendary Knowledge feats.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Third core, Level 32

Tier One (requires level 20)[edit]

Icon Sprockets.png
Sprockets: +[5/10/15] Repair Amplification. Rank 3: If you have the Construct Exemplar feat you gain +10 Physical Resistance Rating.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Solid Footing.png
Solid Footing: +[2/4/6] Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Tinker Tailoring.png
Tinker Tailoring: +[1/2/3] Spellcraft and Use Magic Device. Your Runearms charge [5/10/15]% faster.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Machrotechnic Epic Strike.png
Epic Strike: Multiselector:
  • Icon Machrotechnic Epic Strike.png Galvanic Blast: Epic Strike: A storm of fearsome Electricity explodes from within you, dealing 1d6+6 Electric damage per caster level to all enemies nearby. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
  • Icon Mending Burst.pngMending Burst: Epic Strike: A field of magical energy explodes from within you, repairing all allies nearby for 3d6+6 Repair healing +1 per caster level.
  • Icon Sonic Blast.pngSonic Blast: Epic Strike: A wave of concussive sound explodes from within you, dealing 1d6+6 Sonic damage per caster level to all enemies nearby. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Blast Shields.png
Blast Shields: +[2/4/6] Reflex Saving Throws. Rank 3: You no longer automatically fail Reflex saving throws on a natural 1.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 Requires: Armored Augmentation

Tier Two (requires level 20)[edit]

Icon Fludility.png
Fludility: Your Armor and/or Body type no longer contributes to Arcane Spell Failure.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Radiant Prison.png
Radiant Prison: Target non-boss foe is sealed away from 8 seconds in an Unbreakable Forcefield with no save. In this Forcefield they cannot act, but take 95% less damage and healing from all sources (except Untyped).
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Rune Arm Use.png
Rune Arm Use: You gain the Rune Arm Use feat. Your Caster level with Rune Arms is now based on the higher of half of your Character Level versus your Artificer Level and you use the highest of INT/WIS/CHA to calculate its DCs. If you already had the Rune Arm Use feat, +1 Stable Charge Tier.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Hammer Time.png
Hammer Time!: Multiselector:
  • Icon Hammer Time.png Tonquin's Lightning Hammer: Form a hammer of pure lightning to strike foes in an area, dealing 1d6+6 Electric damage per caster level. 12 SP. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
  • Icon Thunder Hammer.png Tonquin's Thunder Hammer: Form a hammer of pure thunder to strike foes in an area, dealing 1d6+6 Sonic damage per caster level. 12 SP. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Forcefield Generator.png
Forcefield Generator: Machrotechnic Destiny Mantle: You create a small animated object that floats with you. While active, you gain +15 Repair Amplification, and you absorb 10% of all Force, Piercing, Bludgeoning, Slashing, Electric, Sonic, and Rust damage you take. This is increased to 15% if you are wearing a Rune Arm.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Armored Augmentation

Tier Three (requires level 23)[edit]

Icon Spell Focus.png
Spell Focus: Multiselector:
  • Icon Spell Focus.png +[1/2/3] Abjuration Spell DCs
  • Icon Spell Focus Conjuration.png +[1/2/3] Conjuration Spell DCs
  • Icon Spell Focus Evocation.png +[1/2/3] Evocation Spell DCs
  • Icon Spell Focus Transmutation.png +[1/2/3] Transmutation Spell DCs
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Technique Drive.png
Technique Drive: Multiselector:
  • Icon Technique Drive.png Efficiency Drive: +[3/6/10]% Spell Cost Reduction
  • Icon Flash Drive.png Flash Drive: You generate +[150/300/450]% more threat with all damage types.
  • Icon Speed Drive.png Speed Drive: +[2/4/6]% Doublestrike and Doubleshot
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Storm Core.png
Storm Core: +[1/2/3] Rune Arm DCs. Rank 3: +5 Sonic, Electric, Repair, Rust and Universal Spell Power.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Arcane Imbuement.png
Arcane Imbuement: +[1/2/3] bonus Imbue dice
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Improved Aegis.png
Improved Aegis: While using your Machrotechnic Destiny Mantle, you gain +5 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating. If you are wearing a Rune Arm, gain +10 instead.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Forcefield Generator

Tier Four (requires level 26)[edit]

Icon Galvanic Attunement.png
Galvanic Attunement: +10 Sonic, Electric, Repair, Rust and Universal Spell Power.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Strike Drive.png
Strike Drive: Install a Drive to enhance your Epic Strike.

Passive: Sonic and Lightning strikes now deal 1d6+8 damage per caster level.


  • Icon Strike Drive.png Blast Drive: Your Epic Strike now Stuns enemies struck for 3 seconds, assuming they fail their save. If you are using the Electric Epic Strike, this also Supercharges you. Supercharge: +30% Action boost bonus to Movement Speed. Duration 5 seconds. (DC 20 + Highest of INT/WIS/CHA mod + Evocation DCs + bonus Rune Arm DCs)
  • Icon Dissonance Drive.png Dissonance Drive: Your Epic Strike now Confuses enemies struck for 6 seconds, assuming they fail their save. If you are using the Sonic Epic Strike, they also take 3 stacks of Vulnerability and 3 stacks of Armor Destruction. (DC 20 + Highest of INT/WIS/CHA mod + Evocation DCs + bonus Rune Arm DCs)
  • Icon Ruin Drive.png Ruin Drive: Your Epic Strike now disassembles enemy constructs dealing bonus Rust damage. If you are using the Repair Epic Strike, this also Supercharges you. Supercharge: -1 to each of your Metamagic costs. Duration: 5 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Boost Drive.png
Boost Drive: Install a drive to enhance your Rune Arm blasts. Multiselector:
  • Icon Echo Drive.png Echo Drive: Once per second, an enemy hit by your Rune Arm spells take an additional 1d4 bonus Sonic damage per caster level, scaling with Spell Power.
  • Icon Boost Drive.png Spark Drive: Once per second, an enemy hit by your Rune Arm spells take an additional 1d4 bonus Electric damage per caster level, scaling with Spell Power.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Enhancement Efficient Metamagic.png
Epic Improved Metamagic: Multiselector: Empower, Intensify or Maximize
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Empower.png Epic Improved Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Intensify.png Epic Improved Intensify: Using the Intensify Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
  • Icon Enhancement Efficient Maximize2.png Epic Improved Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Magical Recoil.png
Magical Recoil: +5 Electric, Sonic, Rust, Repair, and Universal Spell Power. While using your Machrotechnic Destiny Mantle firing a Runearm grants you spell resistance equal to your character level for 10 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Armored Augmentation

Tier Five[edit]

  • After 30 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Icon Machrotechnic Spell DCs.png
Machrotechnic Spell DCs: +[1/2/3] to all Spell DCs.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Critical Connection.png
Critical Connection: +1 Critical Multiplier on a roll of 19-20 with weapons while wearing a Rune Arm.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Armor of Legends.png
Armor of Legends: The Epic Mage Armor feat's bonus is now untyped and grants you +1 AC per character level. Furthermore, based on your installed Drives, you (and allies you cast it on) gain the following bonuses:
  • Speed Drive: +5 Action boost bonus to Attack Speed
  • Efficiency Drive: +5% Action boost bonus to Movement Speed
  • Flash Drive: +10 Action boost bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating
  • Ruin Drive: +10 Action boost bonus to Spellpower
  • Blast Drive: +10 Action boost bonus to Saves
  • Dissonance Drive: +3 Action boost bonus to Tactics DCs
  • Spark Drive: +10 Action boost bonus to Energy Resistance
  • Echo Drive: +1 Action boost bonus to bonus Imbue Dice
Note: These bonuses are only applied while Epic Mage Armor is active upon your character
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Maximum Overdrive.png
Maximum Overdrive (Epic Moment): Shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. This grants you a 100% boost to Rune Arm Charge Speed and Cooldown Speed, a 50% reduction in Spell Cooldowns, a 30% Action Boost bonus to Attack Speed, and a 50% Action Boost to Movement Speed for 30 seconds. cooldown 5 minutes.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Armored Augmentation
Icon Forcefield Generator2.png
Forcefield Generator: While using your Machrotechnic Destiny Mantle, you gain a +10% Insight bonus to Maximum HP. While you have a Runearm equipped, increase this bonus to 20%.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Forcefield Generator