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Item:Hireling Contracts Folder
Hireling Contracts Folder also known as Hireling Folders allow you to hold many of the same type of Hireling Contracts without cluttering up your inventory space.
Hireling Contracts Folders can only be purchased from the DDO Store. The folders hold multiple Hireling contracts in a single inventory slot. Contracts have to be removed from the Folder before they can be used. Hireling Folders function similar to Ingredients Bags. The size of the folder determines how many contracts it can hold. There are five different sizes of folders.
All Hireling Folders are Bound to Character, even though the Hireling Contracts held inside are Bound to Account.
(The exception to both of these rules is the Dimensional Hireling Contracts Folder, which can presently only be obtained from ordering Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh or Magic of Myth Drannor and is Bound to Account.)
Only Hireling Contracts without a countdown timer can be stored inside of a Hireling Folder: Hireling Contracts which have been used once - starting the 1-hour countdown timer - cannot be stored inside of a Hireling Folder (but can be stored in the Character Bank or Account Shared Bank if you want to keep the timer paused while going on other adventures.) The countdown timer pauses in public areas and when stored inside a bank.
Also note that hirelings that have been locked will not go into the folder. Unlock them then place them in the folder, then you can lock the entire folder.