Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Epic Past Life Feats

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Icon Class feats.png
Icon General feats.png
Icon Favor feats.png
Inherent Feats icon.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Racial feats.png
Icon Deity feats.png
Epic Past Life
Icon Epic feats.png
Icon Epic Destiny feats.png
Icon Legendary feats.png
Icon Past Life feats.png
Icon Racial Past Life feats.png
Icon Epic Life feats.png
Icon Iconic Past Life feats.png

Any Level 30 character, Heroic or Iconic, can choose to undergo Epic Reincarnation for an Epic Past Life.

Epic Past Life Feats[edit]

Unlike Heroic Past Life Feats, there is only one kind of Epic Past Life Feat, but every Epic Past Life Feat has both an Active and a Passive component.

  • "<ED Sphere> Past Life Stance:" is toggled on or off, with only 1 active stance allowed per Epic Destiny Sphere.
  • "Passive Bonus:" is active continuously, and stacks up to 3 times with itself
    • The Passive Bonus stacks with similar or same bonuses from other sources, including other Past Life Feats
    • With 3 stacks of each past life and 4 past lives per sphere, there is a maximum of 12 stacks of the Passive Bonus from that sphere, with the current exception of the Arcane and Martial Spheres, which currently have 5 past lives and 15 maximum stacks.

During the Epic Reincarnation process you choose one Epic Past Life feat. Your choice is not restricted based on your class nor which Destinies you are using.

If you Epic Reincarnate a second, third, etc. time, you keep your old Past Life feat(s) from your previous incarnation(s), and add another from your chosen sphere from this life. Each feat can be stacked up to three times.

Arcane sphere[edit]

Icon Feat Type Description Prerequisites
Ancient Knowledge icon.png Ancient Knowledge (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Arcane Past Life Stance: +3 MRR per stack of this past life.
  • Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage.
Epic Reincarnation from Arcane Sphere
Arcane Alacrity icon.png Arcane Alacrity (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Arcane Past Life Stance: Cooldowns on your spells are reduced by 3%. Additional stacks of Arcane Alacrity past life increases this to 6% and then 10%.
  • Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage.
Epic Reincarnation from Arcane Sphere
Eclipse Power icon.png Eclipse Power (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Arcane Past Life Stance: +1 Spell Penetration per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage.
Epic Reincarnation from Arcane Sphere
Enchant Weapon icon.png Enchant Weapon (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Arcane Past Life Stance: Your mainhand equipped weapon gains +1 enhancement bonus per Enchant Weapon past life feat.
  • Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage.
Epic Reincarnation from Arcane Sphere
Energy Criticals icon.png Energy Criticals (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Arcane Past Life Stance: 3% Critical Chance with Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonic Spells per stack of this past life.
  • Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage.
Epic Reincarnation from Arcane Sphere
  • While possessing all 15 Arcane Epic Past Life Feats, you gain a total 15% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage. You can also choose to activate one of the following bonuses: 9% Crit chance with Acid/Cold/Electric/Fire/Sonic spells, +3 Main hand weapon enhancement, 10% spell cooldown reduction, +9 MRR, or +3 Spell Penetration

Divine sphere[edit]

Icon Feat Type Description Prerequisites
Ancient Blessings icon.png Ancient Blessings (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Divine Past Life Stance: +5 Positive, Negative, and Repair Healing Amplification per stack of this past life. (This does not allow you to benefit from Negative/Repair healing if you do not normally do so.)
  • Passive Bonus: +3 PRR per stack of this Past Life.
Epic Reincarnation from Divine Sphere
Block Energy icon.png Block Energy (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Divine Past Life Stance: While blocking, +10% damage absorption against Acid, Cold, Electric and Fire damage, per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 PRR per stack of this Past Life.
Epic Reincarnation from Divine Sphere
Brace icon.png Brace (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Divine Past Life Stance: +1 to all Saving Throws per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 PRR per stack of this Past Life.
Epic Reincarnation from Divine Sphere
Power Over Life and Death icon.png Power Over Life and Death (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Divine Past Life Stance: +10 Positive and +10 Negative Energy Spell Power per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 PRR per stack of this Past Life.
Epic Reincarnation from Divine Sphere
  • While possessing all 12 Divine Epic Past Life Feats, you gain a total of 36 PRR. You can also choose to activate one of the following bonuses: +30 Positive and Negative Spell Power, +3 to all Saving Throws, +30% absorption to Acid/Cold/Electric/Fire damage while blocking, or +15 Positive/Negative/Repair Healing Amplification.

Martial sphere[edit]

Icon Feat Type Description Prerequisites
Ancient Tactics icon.png Ancient Tactics (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Martial Martial Past Life Stance: +2 to Tactics DCs and +1 to Assassinate DCs per stack of this past life.
  • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels.character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Martial Sphere
Doublestrike icon.png Doublestrike (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Martial Past Life Stance: +3% Doublestrike per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Martial Sphere
Fortification icon.png Fortification (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Martial Martial Past Life Stance: +10% Fortification per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels.character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Martial Sphere
Skill Mastery icon.png Skill Mastery (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Martial Past Life Stance: +1 to all skills per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Martial Sphere
Trap Damage Absorption.png Trap Damage Absorption (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Martial Martial Past Life Stance: +3% Trap Damage Absorption per stack of this Past Life feat.
  • Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels.character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Martial Sphere
  • While possessing all 15 Martial Epic Past Life Feats, you gain a total 30 AC at level 1, increased to 45 at level 10, 60 at level 20, and 75 at level 30. . You can also choose to activate one of the following bonuses: +9% Doublestrike, +3 to all skills, +30% Fortification, +6 to Tactics DCs and +3 to Assassinate DCs, or +9% Trap Damage Absorption.

Primal sphere[edit]

Icon Feat Type Description Prerequisites
Ancient Power icon.png Ancient Power (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Primal Past Life Stance: +2 to Attack per stack of this past life. If you are fighting in Two Handed Fighting style, you also gain +2 Damage per stack of this past life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 maximum HP and +4 per ten character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Primal Sphere
Colors of the Queen icon.png Colors of the Queen (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Primal Past Life Stance: Your unarmed, melee, and ranged attacks and spells have a 7% chance to produce a random effect. This triggers at most once every 30 seconds. Additional stacks of this past life reduce the triggered effect cooldown to 20 seconds and then 10 seconds. (Most of the random effects are extra damage or debuffs on the enemy you hit.)
  • Passive Bonus: +3 maximum HP and +4 per ten character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Primal Sphere
Doubleshot icon.png Doubleshot (epic past life feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Primal Past Life Stance: +3% Doubleshot per stack of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 maximum HP and +4 per ten character levels.

Bug: Epic Primal Past Life: Doubleshot is currently granting a +3% Critical Chance with Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonic spells per stack of this past life. This does not stack with Energy Criticals. Reported as fixed in U36 release notes and DDO Forums.

Epic Reincarnation from Primal Sphere
Fast Healing icon.png Fast Healing (Epic Past Life Feat) Active

This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Primal Past Life Stance: Each minute you heal with positive energy, 5 HP + 5 HP per every 5 character levels. Healing is doubled and tripled (the amount, not the frequency) with two or three stacks of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 maximum HP and +4 per ten character levels.
Epic Reincarnation from Primal Sphere
  • While possessing all 12 Primal Epic Past Life Feats, you gain a total of 36 maximum HP at level 1, increased to 84 at level 10, 132 at level 20, and 180 at level 30. Y. You can also choose to activate one of the following bonuses: +9% Doubleshot, 5HP +5HP/level healing 3 times a minute, a 7% chance for random effects from attacks and spells at most once every 10 seconds, +6 to Attack and +6 Damage in Two Handed Fighting Style

Epic Completionist[edit]

Icon Feat Type Description Prerequisites
Icon Feat Epic Completionist.png Epic Completionist Passive

You gain 1 Epic Destiny Action Point.

12 Epic Past Lives
  • If maxed, you can earn up to 4 Destiny Points.