Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Update 55 Patch 1 Release Notes

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Here are the release notes for Update 55.1, released on Wednesday, June 29th, 2022.

News and Notes:[edit]

Bug Fixes:[edit]

  • Isle of Dread
    • Wilderness Area
      • The following rare encounters now have their proper chest rewards:
      • A water weird was improperly spawning, and has now been replaced with a Water Elemental.
      • Corrected issues where multiple copies of certain explorer journals were appearing.
      • Several stuck spots have been corrected.
      • We have made a temporary fix to isolate an audio issue that may be responsible for player reports of random client crashes. If you experienced crashing before, try turning sound back once the Patch is live and let us know if you continue to encounter an issue.
    • Items
      • Attuned Bone Handwraps now have their proper set bonus.
      • The Dinosaur Bones found within Isle of Dread are now properly unbound.
      • The Shimmering Stone's general vendor window now opens properly.
      • Some Isle of Dread Augment text has been corrected.
      • Fixed an issue with Isle of Dread thrown weapons not throwing properly.
    • Quests
      • Chests in the quest "Whispers of Return" now give their correct treasure.
      • Foxpaw is now somewhat less chatty.
      • The Stone Crypt Chronicle - Players will no longer get locked out of returning to the mummy room when they use Dimension Door to leave the room prior to killing the mummy.
      • The raptors in the quest "All Hail the King" now properly appear and attack.
    • Miscellaneous
      • A mailbox has been added to the Village of Tanaroa.
      • The bartender Barnoa in Tanaroa now has a map note.
      • Cleaned up some text with the Isle of Dread questgiver in the Harbor.
      • Corrected an issue with the Heroic Isle of Dread Saga where completing "All Hail the King" on Heroic Elite would not properly count as having been completed on Elite.
      • A map note has been added for Wulth Sulfork, the NPC who takes places to the Isle of Dread.
  • Cannith Crafting
    • Level 31 and 32 random loot can now be properly dissolved for Cannith Crafting.
    • Corrected a bug that caused level 25 and higher random loot to generate less than intended amounts of Cannith Essences when dissolved.
    • Crafting level 31 and 32 items now correctly makes them level 31 and 32.
  • Enemies are no longer using an overpowered version of Cometfall.
  • Kopru Mind Seekers now inflict Chaos damage, which is impacted by Magic Resistance.
  • Corrected an AI bug where Kopru were using their Mind Seeker on close range targets.
  • Additional visual effects have been added to the Mind Seker attack.
  • Sabertooth Tigers now properly sound like cats.
  • Quests that are Base CR 30 are now properly considered Legendary rather than Epic.
  • The quest "Black and Blue" has reopened and a lever issue that caused its close has been corrected.
  • An issue with Destiny Points not properly bestowing during Legendary advancement has been fixed.
  • Some dungeon text in the Feywild quest "Wake Me Up Inside" has been corrected.
  • Players can once again consume Reaper Wings and Eyes potions.
  • Lunar Power in Magus of the Eclipse now persists through zone transitions.
  • Magus' Nullmagic Aura now functions correctly.
  • Fatesinger's Core 4 now provides its Epic DCs.
  • Primal Avatar's 4th Core now grants its listed Epic DCs.
  • Monk's Air Stance no longer does a full screen overlay.
  • Several effects in Swashbuckler no longer drop on death.
  • Some level 32 Yellow Augments are no longer the wrong minimum level.
  • Players can once again examine Sentient Gems, Unslotters, and Sparks.
  • Temporary Hit Points is once again visible in the Party UI.

Source: Official U55.1.0 release notes on

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