Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Two Handed Fighting

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Icon Feat Two Handed Fighting.png
Two Handed Fighting


While Two-Handed Fighting: +60% Strikethrough Chance and a +2 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power.

These bonuses also apply while wielding a Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or Nothing in your off-hand. You are not considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while in Druid Animal Forms or using handwraps.

Strikethrough grants a chance for your melee attacks to attack a second target. Strikethrough begins at 20% while Two-Handed Fighting, and if Strikethrough is over 100%, you will always attack a second target with a chance to attack a third.
If it is over 200%, you will always attack a third target with a chance to attack a fourth.
If it is over 300%, you will always attack a fourth target with a chance to attack a fifth.
If it is 500% or higher, you will always attack five target.

In addition, While using a Two Handed Weapon (not including Bastard Sword, Dwarven Waraxe, or Druid Animal Forms), your Ability Score Modifier bonus to damage improves by 25% (This adds to the existing 50% for using a Two Handed Weapon).

Improves the Hit Point bonus of Heroic Durability.


Feat Requirements Strikethrough (Cumulative) Combat Style Bonus Other Benefits





  • 1.5x ability modifier damage scaling with two handed weapons.
  • 1.1x ability modifier damage scaling with dwarven axes and bastard swords.
15 Strength



  • 1.75x ability modifier damage scaling with two handed weapons.
  • 1.1x ability modifier damage scaling with dwarven axes and bastard swords.

6 BAB,
17 Strength



  • 2x ability modifier damage scaling with two handed weapons.
  • 1.35x ability modifier damage scaling with dwarven axes and bastard swords.

11 BAB,
17 Strength



  • 2.25x ability modifier damage scaling with two handed weapons.
  • 1.6x ability modifier damage scaling with dwarven axes and bastard swords.
  • Increases the Hit Point bonus of Heroic Durability.

Level 22, Epic Destiny Feat



  • +25% increase to ability modifier damage scaling with two handed weapons.
  • 1.6x ability modifier damage scaling with dwarven axes and bastard swords.
  • Increases the Hit Point bonus of Heroic Durability.

Historical notes[edit]