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Monster Manual

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Monster Manual UI

Monster Manual Volume 1 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 2 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 3 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 4 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 5 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 6 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 7 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 8 icon.pngMonster Manual Volume 9 icon.png
The Monster Manuals are a series of in-game catalogs of certain monsters you have slain. Each provides rewards for certain benchmarks - how many different types you have killed, or how many killed by a specific character, or by their party, or by your account all combined. They are organized into Volumes, and each volume provides access to several specific monster types.

All Volumes are free to VIP. Premium and Free to Play players must purchase additional volumes individually, although both have free access to the Prologue, and Volume 1 is free to Premium accounts. It is no longer necessary to purchase the volumes in order. After purchase, it may be necessary to log out and log in again for full access to the manual.

Bug: Monster Manual 1 will still appear for sale in the DDO Store if you have a Premium account. Do not buy it - it will grant no extra bonuses.


Each monster type has Character Deeds, Account Deeds, and Mastery Rewards associated with it. Once you have killed your first monster of that type, you are able to view all of the potential rewards for that Monster.

Volume Introduced Availability Rewards
Prologue Update 15 Free 1 creature companion: Spider
I Update 15 Free to VIP and Premium,
595 DP
2 creature companions: Fruit Bat, Rust Monster
15+35 DP + Moderate Treasure Hunter's Elixir for each type
II Update 15 Free to VIP,
595 DP
2 creature companions: Earth Elemental, Wraith
15+35 DP + Moderate Treasure Hunter's Elixir for each type
III Update 17 Free to VIP,
595 DP
2 creature companions: Beholder, Fire Elemental
1+3 Astral Shards for each type
IV Update 25 Free to VIP,
595 DP
1 creature companion: Air Elemental
1+3 Astral Shards for each type
V Update 27 Free to VIP,
595 DP
1 creature companion: Water Elemental
250+750 Mysterious Remnants for each type
VI Update 28 Free to VIP,
595 DP
1 creature companion: Hell Hound
250+750 Mysterious Remnants for each type
VII Update 31.2 Free to VIP,
595 DP
1 creature companion: Blonde Bear
250+750 Mysterious Remnants for each type
VIII Update 50 Free to VIP,
595 DP,
or free with Saltmarsh
base edition
1 Creature Companion: Micrometeor Swarm
250+750 Mysterious Remnants for each type
IX Update 60 Free to VIP,
595 DP,
or free with Vecna Unleashed
base edition
1 Creature Companion: Hyena
250+750 Mysterious Remnants for each type

Character Deeds[edit]

Character Deeds must be accomplished by that character.

  • Character deeds are currently all a progressively increasing XP reward.
  • Some rewards are based on kills, much like a slayer for an individual monster. Others, known as "hunter" rewards, are based on finding new unique monster sub types.
  • Much like wilderness slayers, the totals are for individual and party.
    • The total counts towards your reward, but the Manual lists both if you are interested.

Account Deeds[edit]

Account Deeds are a total for all your characters on that server.

  • Earning account deeds are based on alternating slayer and hunter accomplishments.
    • Volume 3 and onwards dropped account hunter accomplishments, so only slayer objectives appear for accounts in these volumes.
  • Rewards start with unlocking lore text and 3.5/4.0 PnP art. Higher-end rewards depend on the volume and can include DDO Points, Astral Shards, or Mysterious Remnants. (See table above.)
    • An issue with the highest DP reward not showing was fixed U15.1.

Mastery Rewards[edit]

Monster HP display

Mastery Rewards are earned by a combination of total Character and Account Deeds.

  • There are currently two types of rewards for mastery, which are earned by completing a certain number of account deeds.
    • All monsters have the reward of being able to view the current and total HP for all sub types of that monster.
    • Certain monsters in the manuals can reward a creature companion of that monster, for example the prologue spider entry will reward a spider companion. You must earn all account deeds to unlock the companion. See this page for a complete list of rewarded companions.

Guides to Completing Objectives[edit]

  • Information for completing Hunter objectives is available on the wiki! The links in the table below lead to lists of all known entries for a particular type of monster.
  • There exist several guides on the forums and around DDO's other fansites for good locations to complete Slayer objectives. A few can be found in the External Links section below.

Monsters by Type and Volume[edit]

The following entries in the table that have a pastel blue background are based on research done on Lamannia and have not been verified yet on the live servers. Please remove the background color if you update and verify. Thank you.

Entries with a pink background to the Maximum Individual "Hunter" Reward column presently don't have enough entries recorded to obtain the final hunter reward.

Type Monster Volume Maximum individual "hunter" reward Maximum account "hunter" reward Maximum individual "slayer" reward Maximum account "slayer" reward
Animal Rat Prologue 8 12 (45) 1,750 1,000
Player Races Human Prologue 125 100 (565) 6,250 3,500
Undead Skeleton Prologue 75 60 (170) 6,250 3,500
Monstrous Humanoid Sahuagin Prologue 24 36 (69) 3,500 2,000
Vermin Spider  Prologue 60 80 (127) 6,250 12,000
Aberration Rust Monster * Volume 1 14 20 (34) 1,750 3,500
Animal Bat * Volume 1 7 10 (20) 1,750 3,500
Giant Troll Volume 1 42 62 (90) 3,500 7,000
Humanoid Bugbear Volume 1 20 30 (53) 3,500 7,000
Humanoid Hobgoblin Volume 1 50 65 (89) 3,500 7,000
Humanoid Kobold Volume 1 54 72 (133) 6,250 12,000
Humanoid Troglodyte Volume 1 45 60 (79) 3,500 7,000
Player Races Halfling Volume 1 15 20 (63) 1,750 3,500
Undead Zombie Volume 1 39 52 (91) 6,250 12,000
Vermin Scorpion Volume 1 30 45 (61) 3,500 7,000
Animal Wolf Volume 2 20 30 (50) 1,750 3,500
Elemental Earth Elemental * Volume 2 16 24 (49) 3,500 7,000
Elemental Mephit Volume 2 30 45 (75) 3,500 7,000
Misc Ooze Volume 2 14 20 (56) 3,500 7,000
Monstrous Humanoid Gargoyle Volume 2 8 12 (30) 3,500 7,000
Monstrous Humanoid Minotaur Volume 2 25 35 (52) 3,500 7,000
Player Races Elf Volume 2 30 40 (82) 1,750 3,500
Player Races Warforged Volume 2 35 45 (72) 3,500 7,000
Undead Ghoul Volume 2 3 4 (12) 1,750 3,500
Undead Wraith * Volume 2 15 25 (46) 3,500 7,000
Aberration Beholder * Volume 3 18 - (50) 1,200 1,600
Construct Flesh Golem Volume 3 4 - (16) 600 800
Elemental Fire Elemental * Volume 3 16 - (42) 1,200 1,600
Giant Hill Giant Volume 3 15 - (30) 1,200 1,600
Magical Beast Fiendish Lion Volume 3 10 - (13) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Hezrou Volume 3 5 - (14) 600 800
Outsider Orthon Volume 3 19 - (34) 1,800 2,400
Outsider Rakshasa Volume 3 15 - (21) 1,800 2,400
Player Races Dwarf Volume 3 60 - (106) 1,200 1,600
Undead Ghast Volume 3 4 - (13) 1,200 1,600
Aberration Mind Flayer Volume 4 24 - (32) 1,200 1,600
Animal Lion Volume 4 10 - (17) 600 800
Construct Clay Golem Volume 4 5 - (6) 600 800
Construct Stone Golem Volume 4 5 - (13) 600 800
Elemental Air Elemental * Volume 4 15 - (29) 1,200 1,600
Humanoid Orc Volume 4 50 - (99) 3,500 7,000
Outsider Abishai Volume 4 10 - (23) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Efreet Volume 4 10 - (19) 600 800
Outsider Horned Devil Volume 4 12 - (12) 1,200 1,600
Undead Mummy Volume 4 40 - (44) 1,200 1,600
Aberration Scorrow Volume 5 40 - (51) 1,200 1,600
Construct Iron Golem Volume 5 15 - (27) 1,200 1,600
Construct Warforged Titan Volume 5 4 - (8) 600 800
Elemental Water Elemental * Volume 5 12 - (32) 1,200 1,600
Giant Ogre Volume 5 90 - (124) 3,500 7,000
Humanoid Gnoll Volume 5 80 - (102) 3,500 7,000
Outsider Hellcat Volume 5 5 - (6) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Ice Flenser Volume 5 9 - (16) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Succubus Volume 5 6 - (11) 1,200 1,600
Undead Lich Volume 5 12 - (16) 1,200 1,600
Construct Iron Defender Volume 6 24 - (38) 3,500 7,000
Dragon Dragon Volume 6 24 - (43) 240 320
Elemental Mudman Volume 6 6 - (10) 1,200 1,600
Humanoid Tiefling Volume 6 60 - (73) 3,500 7,000
Magical Beast Hell Hound * Volume 6 24 - (44) 3,500 7,000
Outsider Bearded Devil Volume 6 24 - (31) 3,500 7,000
Outsider Flesh Render Volume 6 15 - (22) 3,500 7,000
Outsider Quori Volume 6 16 - (20) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Yugoloth Volume 6 6 - (8) 1,200 1,600
Undead Shadow Volume 6 30 - (43) 1,200 1,600
Monstrous Humanoid Yuan-ti Volume 7 12 - (18) 1,200 1,600
Monstrous Humanoid Werewolf Volume 7 12 - (25) 1,800 2,400
Player Races Drow Volume 7 180 - (215) 6,250 12,000
Animal Bear * Volume 7 6 - (12) 1,200 1,600
Aberration Drider Volume 7 15 - (18) 1,800 2,400
Outsider Dretch Volume 7 6 - (15) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Draegloth Volume 7 6 - (8) 1,200 1,600
Outsider Glabrezu Volume 7 5 - (13) 1,200 1,600
Plant Monstrous Plant Volume 7 15 - (64) 1,200 1,600
Magical Beast Purple Worm Volume 7 5 - (8) 120 160
Animal Griffon Volume 8 9 - (10) 600 800
Fey Satyr Volume 8 12 - (14) 1,200 1,600
Humanoid Goblin Volume 8 15 - (28) 1,800 2,400
Misc Animated Object Volume 8 30 - (45) 3,500 7,000
Misc Living Spell * Volume 8 12 - (14) 1,200 1,600
Player Races Gnome Volume 8 12 - (12) 1,200 1,600
Monstrous Humanoid Harpy Volume 8 9 - (18) 600 800
Outsider Marilith Volume 8 6 - (8) 240 320
Undead Forgewraith Volume 8 6 - (10) 240 320
Undead Wight Volume 8 30 - (53) 3,500 7,000
Aberration Mimic Volume 9 9 - (13) 600 800
Animal Hyena * Volume 9 9 - (14) 600 800
Animal Owlbear Volume 9 9 - (11) 600 800
Animal Raven Volume 9 5 - (8) 600 800
Construct Magefire Cannon Volume 9 9 - (11) 600 800
Giant Fire Giant Volume 9 15 - (25) 1,800 2,400
Humanoid Eladrin Volume 9 9 - (12) 600 800
Outsider Fire Reaver Volume 9 15 - (21) 1,800 2,400
Undead Quell Volume 9 6 - (10) 240 320
Undead Wheep Volume 9 9 - (12) 600 800

* Can award a creature companion
(##) is the number currently listed on wiki -- Help us finish filling in all the types!

External links[edit]