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Update 40 Patch 2 Release Notes

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Here are the Release Notes for Update 40 Patch 2, released on Tuesday, October 30th.

News and Notes:[edit]


  • Wood Elf's Arcane Archer toggles now work properly without levels in Ranger.
  • Assassinate now displays immunity particles if the character hits an immune target.
  • Assassinate's death effect no longer requires landing a "sneak attack" to apply, a normal hit will do. However you still must be stealthed to use the skill.
  • Assassinate can now be used on Oozes, Elementals, Constructs, and Undead creatures. The description no longer references "living target" and now just references "target".


  • Falconry no longer needs Killer Instinct I as a pre-req to take Killer Instinct 2.
  • The long pause has been removed in the attack chain when using a Falconry attack.
  • Fixed an issue where Death from Above would hit the player if the player had no target.
  • Falconry's level 20 Capstone now properly applies its Freedom of Movement effect.
  • Several animation issues have been corrected.
  • Death from Above can now be used on Oozes, Elementals, Constructs, and Undead creatures. The description no longer references "living target" and now just references "target".

Epic Destinies[edit]

  • Shadowdancers Executioner's Strike/Shot can now be used on Oozes, Elementals, Constructs, and Undead creatures. The description no longer references "living target" and now just references "target".


  • Fixed an issue where some hirelings were posing strangely.


  • Fixed an issue where handwrap users who received extra dice through any means were .5[W] lower in total than they should have been.
  • Sigils are now fully gone from the Sentinels of Stormreach end rewards.
  • The Ghostly benefit now mentions ranged and melee in its tooltip.
  • Time Runes from the raid Killing Time can no longer erroneously be passed to other players in the chest before being looted.

Quests and Adventure Areas[edit]


  • Halfling female sword and shield attacks now have their proper animations.
  • Dragonborn female cloaks now behave normally when opening chests.
  • Half-orcs no longer pop to the left when using the /laugh emote.
  • NPC dwarf males now cross their arms properly.
  • Several animation tweaks have been made related to certain races and item combinations and cloaks.

Source: Official U40.2.0 release notes on

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