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The Hobgoblin Horde

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The Hobgoblin Horde is the 7th quest in The Keep on the Borderlands story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
These quests can be completed in any order.
Watch Your Step • The Bugbear Bandits • Violent Delights • Treasure Hunt • Obstructing the Orcs • Caged Beast • The Hobgoblin Horde • Total Chaos

The disciplined Hobgoblins are the cult's most loyal followers. In turn, the martial creatures act as unforgiving taskmasters for their smaller Goblin cousins.

Keep on the Borderlands adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Keep on the Borderlands
The Hobgoblin Horde
Heroic level: 1
Epic level: 21
Duration: Medium
Heroic XP:  ♣396Solo/Casual ♦660Normal ♥716Hard ♠772Elite
Epic XP:  ♣5,625Solo/Casual ♦9,690Normal ♥10,003Hard ♠10,317Elite
Takes place in: Hobgoblin Caves
Bestowed by: Ranbolt Satherwild
NPC contact: Ranbolt Satherwild
Quest acquired in: The Keep on the Borderlands
Patron: The Gatekeepers
Base favor: 3
Purchase: Keep on the Borderlands or VIP
Extreme Challenge: No
M The Hobgoblin Horde.png
Loading screen


Enter the Goblin Caves in the Caves of Chaos and reduce the ranks of the Hobgoblins.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Slay Hobgoblin Chieftain
  • Find the Iron Key
  • Find the Guardroom Door Key
  • Open the Iron-barred Door
  • (Optional) Figure out where the levers lead. — Bonus (1%): Heroic( ♣4 ♦7 ♥7 ♠8 ) Epic( ♣56 ♦97 ♥100 ♠103 )
  • (Optional) Slay Engorged Umber Hulk — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣40 ♦66 ♥72 ♠77 ) Epic( ♣563 ♦969 ♥1,000 ♠1,032 )
  • (Optional) Slay Mok-Gar the Smasher — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣40 ♦66 ♥72 ♠77 ) Epic( ♣563 ♦969 ♥1,000 ♠1,032 )

What to Expect

  • Demons (Dretches and Hezrou) may spawn when a bugbear is killed.
  • Related to the other Borderland quests this is somewhat more challenging

Known Traps

  • Vertical blade traps (passage running south from southern tunnels) operated via a lever, no control panel.

Tips and Misc

You enter the quest in a small alcove in the northern half of the eastern loop of tunnels.

  • Go west first.
  • In the dead-end tunnel leading west from the second large area, kill the "new chief" and grab the iron key.
  • Optional: In the shrine room, pull the lever to an orange crystal.
  • In the passage leading back between the second and first areas, an alcove has now opened with a red-crystal lever – pull that.
  • Back in the first area, the "goblins' common area", a passage has now opened leading north to an ogre mini-boss and a chest.
  • There is a red crystal on the ground – this is the "Find out where the levers lead" optional.
  • Go back east and use the iron key to open that door, and loop around to the southern passages.
  • Puzzle: Pull the lever below the rune panel once to start the test. All the runes will light (ignore that), then several will light in sequence – remember that sequence. After they have lit, repeat that sequence to light the first gem; the puzzle will then automatically progress to the next sequence. Repeat 3, then 4, then 5 runes to light all 3 gems, and the puzzle is solved.
  • After a sequence is shown to you, there may appear one rune that is high-lighted – ignore that (unless it's part of the sequence).
  • If you make a mistake, you must pull the lever again to start over from 3 runes.
  • Continue west.
  • Optional: Take the windy side-passage south to an umber hulk and chest.
  • At the 4-way intersection, south leads to a shrine (but there is another just ahead).
  • The vertical blade traps are visible to all and can be easily timed.
  • Pull the lever at the T-intersection at the end of the passage to stop the traps.
  • West is a fight for more kills, east is the shrine.
  • In the third-from-last room, the lever to continue is behind some crates in the south-east corner.
  • The chieftain, and a chest, will be found in the second-to-last room.
  • The last room is locked (Lock DCs); the chest there is also locked. Lock DCs: Heroic and Epic

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 22 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣40 ♦66 ♥72 ♠77 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 44 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣59 ♦99 ♥107 ♠116 )
  • Conquest bonus: 66 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣99 ♦165 ♥179 ♠193 )
  • Mischief bonus: 13 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣32 ♦53 ♥57 ♠62 )
  • Vandal bonus: 17 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣40 ♦66 ♥72 ♠77 )
  • Ransack bonus: 21 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣59 ♦99 ♥107 ♠116 )
Notes: Kill bonus limits will raise with the number of demons spawning


  • Chests: 4
    • Chest for killing Mok-Gar the Smasher
    • Chest for killing Engorged Umber Hulk
    • Locked chest behind a locked door at the very end
    • End chest
  • Collectables: 3
    • Fungus — in the north west room near orange leverIcon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossSlime MoldBlister BeetleSweet WhitecapSwaying Mushroom ClusterZygomycota FungusDeadly FeverblanchPale CreeperRuddy FungusSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusSwaying Mushroom Spore PodGlowmoss Clump
    • Fungus — in the north west room near orange leverIcon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossSlime MoldBlister BeetleSweet WhitecapSwaying Mushroom ClusterZygomycota FungusDeadly FeverblanchPale CreeperRuddy FungusSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusSwaying Mushroom Spore PodGlowmoss Clump
    • Rubble — west of the first key locked doorIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberSweet WhitecapDeadly FeverblanchPale CreeperBlessed CandleRuddy FungusChipped Bone TalismanSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseTear of VulkoorIvory Scorpion IconSilver BowlRitual AthameCryptic MessageSwaying Mushroom ClusterSwaying Mushroom Spore PodPolished OreVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering Ember

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 44.0.1
  • 5 years, 2 months, and 9 days
  • Sion
Goggles of Unbroken Sight
Goggles of Unbroken Sight.png
Goggles  1 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, End chest
  • Update 49
  • 3 years, 7 months, and 9 days
  • Corgrind
Ring  1 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, End Chest
Faded Leathers
Faded Leathers.png
Light Armor  1 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, End Chest
Magnifying Lens
Magnifying Lens.png
Goggles  21 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, end chest
Furyform Gauntlets
Furyform Gauntlets.png
Gloves  21 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, End chest
Ring of Brutal Force
Ring of Brutal Force.png
Ring  21 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, End chest
Hector's Bracer
Hector's Bracer.png
Buckler shield  21 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, end chest
  • Update 68
  • 7 months and 21 days
  • BugTime
The Dreadward
The Dreadward.jpg
Belt  21 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Hobgoblin Horde, end chest
⇑   ⇑   Back to top   ⇑   ⇑

Based on [[Category:The Hobgoblin Horde loot]] ( t • e • h )


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Cave Rat( view
Cave Rat.png
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥3Hard ♠6Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Animal Rat
Dretch Spawn( view
Dretch Spawn.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Engorged Umber Hulk( view
Engorged Umber Hulk.png
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal ♥3Hard ♠4Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Aberration Umber Hulk
Goblin Hunter( view
Goblin Hunter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥3Hard ♠6Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Goblinoid Goblin
Goblin Raider( view
Goblin Raider.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥3Hard ♠6Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Goblinoid Goblin
Goblin Shaman( view
Goblin Shaman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥3Hard ♠6Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Goblinoid Goblin
Goblin Sneak( view
Goblin Sneak.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥3Hard ♠6Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Goblinoid Goblin
Hezrou Chaos Spawn( view
Hezrou Chaos Spawn.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦22Epic Normal ♥26Epic Hard ♠31Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Hobgoblin Bowman( view
Hobgoblin Bowman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥2Hard ♠3Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Hobgoblin Chanter( view
Hobgoblin Chanter.png
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥2Hard ♠4Elite ♦22Epic Normal ♥26Epic Hard ♠31Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Hobgoblin Chieftain( view
Hobgoblin Chieftain.png
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal ♥3Hard ♠5Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Hobgoblin Pikeman( view
Hobgoblin Pikeman.png
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥2Hard ♠3Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Mok-Gar the Smasher( view
Mok-Gar the Smasher.png
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal ♥3Hard ♠4Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Giant Ogre